
[ UK /ɡˈi‍əʃɪft/ ]
  1. a mechanical device for engaging and disengaging gears
    in Britain they call a gearshift a gear lever
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How To Use gearshift In A Sentence

  • My usual driving posture included one arm stretched almost lazily out to the wheel, the other resting on the gearshift.
  • The steering is pin sharp and the delicate gearshift absolutely superb, swapping the cogs with a velvet action.
  • So I depress the very heavy clutch, apply much effort to the he-man gearshift and off we rumble.
  • He tugged the gearshift, double-declutching, and the engine roared. Northlight
  • Since the F1 world championship began in 1950, the introduction of disc brakes and the gearshift mounted on the steering wheel on some exotic sports cars are about the only two technology transfers from F1 to road cars.
  • The steering is pin sharp and the delicate gearshift absolutely superb, swapping the cogs with a velvet action.
  • Most automatic transmission cars will have an overdrive button right on the gearshift.
  • For the car to start, you must place your foot on the clutch and, naturally, have your hand brake engaged and the gearshift in neutral.
  • In front of the center-mounted gearshift are three optional circular gauges showing voltage, transmission temperature and hourly fuel consumption.
  • As usual, I pulled the van in front of the aircraft, shifted the gearshift to park, engaged the parking brake, grabbed my tools, and exited the van.
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