How To Use Gearing In A Sentence
With the Senate gearing up for an all-consuming battle over judicial nominations, Congress has no time to waste.
Torque transfer is a function of the internal gearing, which generates frictional resistance to differentiation through the axial and radial thrust forces of the gears in the differential.
Smart EV While BMW is wrapping up its Mini E consumer field test and getting ready to start leasing the BMW 1 ActiveE next summer, rival Daimler is just gearing up its electric-car program spearheaded by the Smart.
Behind the wheel: Chevrolet Equinox AMP, Ford Transit Connect EV, Smart EV
It would also have turned an already peaky engine into a serious screamer and would have undoubtedly have required shorter gearing to make it work.
It will also increase its equity base and consequently improve its gearing and its ability to borrow further.

Colchester police are gearing up to use a new weapon in their armoury.
I have yet to discover that having been born when Cal Coolidge was gearing up to run for re-election confers any eminence upon this dodderer.
After that mess of a movie, followed closely by further filmed nonsense about the Revolution, Hollywood is gearing up to release another re-edit of history.
Most City firms are gearing up now for a big awareness campaign, with conferences, newsletters, and direct one-to-one programmes.
The company's gearing up for the big export drive.
ATO had a seminar last year and they confirmed with me that I can't get gearing benefit from my owner-occupied property, even a larger portion of the property is for leasing than for owner occupation.
Gearing up for the Rotary Park Restoration Walk next Saturday are bush regenerators Graham Read, Rosemary Joseph and Dennis Sellars with Cr Frank Swientek.
Minority shareholders in the beermaker are gearing up for a court battle in their continued em>offensive against the majority owner.
With gearing at year-end of 63 per cent, its acquisitions in 2004 are likely to be bolt-on in nature.
But the banks which have done well are those with a gearing towards the fixed income [or bonds] market.
Gearing up for the season ending play-offs, the trip gave enough reassurance of the strength in depth at the Club with both newcomers acquitting themselves with distinction.
We're gearing up forour third yearof Operation Fresh Air and looking for new trouble to get into.
February 2009 - SpouseBUZZ
The organization is gearing up for a convention in May.
Local protest groups are now gearing up for another fight.
Times, Sunday Times
CIA missile strike misses Taliban commander, kills his brother in latest blow to insurgents Gearing up for likely 2012 bid, Pawlenty outlines conservative vision, faith to conservatives Democratic Rep. Brad Ellsworth says he's running for Evan Bayh's Indiana Senate seat NJ's Lautenberg, nation's 2nd-oldest US senator, has 'curable' lymphoma of stomach
Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
What was proposed was a toxic combination of financial and operational gearing.
Times, Sunday Times
It has announced its intention not to borrow and therefore will not expose investors to levels of high gearing.
The company is gearing up for production of its first fuel cell boilers towards the end of the year.
Times, Sunday Times
And that discussion sometimes do result in gearing the children in finding other books that actually do speak to them than the initial query.
There's a few absent smiles and drumming of fingers on shopping trolleys, we're all gearing up for the big chorus.
The shell raising and lowering mechanism was overhauled and a new electric motor fitted with modern gearing and cable adjusting devices.
The modest gearing of the trust has also compounded losses.
Times, Sunday Times
Wow, that's some return - and all thanks to the gearing (the magnifying effect) of borrowing money to buy an asset!
The military understands that and is gearing up for asymmetric warfare.
Times, Sunday Times
The waterwheel shaft and main gearing are well below the first floor of the mill.
Local protest groups are now gearing up for another fight.
Times, Sunday Times
He made improvements in the gearing of mills and in the scoop wheel that lifted the water; these improvements were supported by reference to his hydrostatical theories.
It has announced its intention not to borrow and therefore will not expose investors to levels of high gearing.
Reportedly, the outfit is gearing up to reveal the PRS-350 and PRS-650, each of which will boast E Ink displays and be thinner/more longevous compared to the existing PRS-600 and PRS-300.
PC Mike Wendland's Tech Blog
Gearing up for competition meant eating clean and lean.
With St Patrick's Day almost upon us, the town and community at large is gearing up for a spectacular, action-packed day.
Variable gearing changes aileron and elevator forces with airspeed Yaw damper is standard item but not flight limitation without.
Moto XT701 - aka 'Sholes' - Surfaces in China - Motorola appears to be gearing up to release its Android-powered Sholes handset in China, kicking into high gear the many rumors that have been circulating in the U.S. about the device.
Megite Technology News: What's Happening Right Now
frictional gearing
So gearing increases your risks but, if you have reason to believe that your investment will generally give you a higher return than the cost of your borrowing, then it can work very well.
Variable gearing changes aileron and elevator forces with airspeed Yaw damper is standard item but not flight limitation without.
After more than 50 years in the motor trade Geoff Catlow is gearing up to enjoy his retirement.
Friends of a young mother who died suddenly are gearing up to raise cash for her son.
Hundreds of gritters were heading out on the roads last night as Britain began gearing up for the big freeze, which will begin to sweep across the country today - a day later than expected.
Scottish businesses are gearing up to cash in on the pink pound at the country's first ever gay-only wedding exhibition.
Its debt will stand at $315 million at year-end, a comfortable gearing of 26 per cent for a company that throws off $200 million in cash each year.
As the US prepares to send NASA’s humanoid Robonaut2 up to the International Space Station in September, Japan’s private SOHLA (Space Oriented Higashiosaka Leading Association) is gearing up to send its own two-legged robot to the moon by 2015.
Japan To Send Humanoid Robot To The Moon By 2015 | Impact Lab
Company gearing, the level of borrowing relative to equity, currently stands at a stretched 120 per cent.
Franklyn Cheston was there with his 6-year-old daughter, a rapper named Cheyenne, who was gearing up to try out.
The Apollo Auditions for the Future
Residents from the center of the country to the mid-Atlantic are gearing up for a "megastorm" that could affect 100 million people by the time it's done.
'Megastorm' storm to affect 100 million Americans
Parents are gearing up for a showdown with education chiefs tonight over the future of a well-loved primary school.
As the semiconductor industry looks to the future, stepper manufacturers are gearing up for extreme ultraviolet lithography.
The left nosewheel actuating cylinder had cracked through, leaking lubricant until the gearing inside created enough friction to move the casing apart.
The all-mechanical system transfers torque via the friction developed within the internal gearing, and does not require wheel slip to function.
Ms. Kremer is paid for her work at Tea Party Express, too, and the organization is gearing up for two years of trench campaigning up to 2012.
Rebel Movement Takes Center Stage
On the Lancashire loom, these simple weaves can be made by installing a separate tappet shaft on which tappets of appropriate shape can be mounted and driven at the required speed by change-gearing from the bottom shaft.
Chapter 6
The engine plant also produces the gearbox and highly complicated gearing components.
The operational settings include the suspension, the gearing, the brakes, and the stabilizers.
Smith, gearing up for labor talks with the league, asked Dungy to serve in a new position as liason to the NFL.
Reaching out, lifting up: Prison ministry now Dungy's priority
Its gearing ratio has dropped to 30 per cent, from 52.1 per cent at the end of last year.
They drove a jackshaft, which took the power through gearing to the cogwheel, which engaged in the usual way with the rack rail.
At the moment the company owes £30b, giving it a gearing of 100%.
That involvement is demonstrated by several surviving sets of Jefferson's calculations concerning the gearing of the machine and by its conversion to a portable machine.
The sharp buzz of the miter saw filled the backyard soon after, its noise gearing up to a tearing crescendo before tapering off to a low whine and then starting up again.
O' Bending Light
Through an arrangement of gearing, this drives a wheel - which could, in principle, be used to generate electricity.
The real challenge for the BJP is gearing up its organisational machinery.
They think that gearing a campaign towards maximum effective coverage is demeaning.
She must have sensed me gearing up to patronise her.
The gearing of this machine is unusual.
Investment trust managers have another weapon in their armoury that unit trust managers don't have - the ability to borrow money to buy shares this is known as gearing. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
The declining support is causing consternation in the ruling party, which is gearing up for the presidential election later this year.
It seems from the appearance of ace reporter and secular saint Martin Bell on Radio 4 over the weekend, that the BBC is gearing up for the altenative but in reality the same old but this time more media-based political class to claim its stake to power.
Cycle organizations are gearing up for National Bike Week.
The so called gearing effect has also meant that any council that spends above SSA faces huge increases in council tax.
Opportunism and Hypocrisy
Add a little debt to the balance sheet—my editor used the quaint English jargon "gearing" instead of the now-famous "leverage"—and any dowdy financial firm can transform itself into a high-octane profit machine.
'Lazy' Banks Make Sense
The organization is gearing up for a convention in May.
According to the theory of gearing, equation of the meshing line can be deduced from the tooth profile of basic rack.
The Department is gearing up for increased intake of students.
However, thanks to their gearing (which means that they magnify the gains or losses of the underlying security), warrants are particularly risky little beasts.
The revolution against Christianity has been under way for a few years," writes Gibson, "and now the counterrevolution is gearing up.
November 2005
The City of Windhoek is gearing itself to effect a major shift in its marketing strategy.
By comparison with conventional ballscrew or linear motion systems, the Compact EHA is free from problems of backlash and does not require any form of gearing, so it is unaffected by wear and the loss of positional accuracy.
Manufacturingtalk - manufacturing industry news
The Amazing Spider-Man finally hits theaters this week, and we've been gearing up for the Spidey reboot for what feels like forever.
Since the speed of the wheels at a given RPM changes proportional to the gearing, it cancels out the change in torque = same power.
Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Conflict of Interest?
He published the first theoretical treatise on mills, and patented improvements to their gearing and scoop wheels.
The increase is being driven by public sector organisations, which are gearing up for the most draconian spending cuts of modern times.
Times, Sunday Times
For the person in the rear, there is a vacuum effect that lets you momentarily go faster than your gearing allows, making it possible to slingshot past the person in front.
Politicians are already gearing up for the election.
Produced and directed by Hank Bedford, this short followed the extremely energetic (and possibly Ritalin deficient) road warrior gearing up for another summer of peddling educational books.
Competitive Shorts Showcased at the Backlot Film Festival
The hotels and bars in the area are gearing up for what promises to be three days and three nights of quare craic.
They think that gearing a campaign towards maximum effective coverage is demeaning.
One topic of discussion was how the network obtained maraging steel, an alloy that is on restricted export lists worldwide, for use in the P-2 rotors the factory was gearing up to produce for Libya.
The biggest problem was that in gearing up to fight the good fight for the public option, etc., many people started to believe the nonsense that the current bill is actually worse than the status quo.
Matthew Yglesias » History’s Greatest Monster
The risk comes from the gearing effect.
Times, Sunday Times
Firms are gearing up for a bumper festive period and hiring record numbers of seasonal staff.
The Sun
Lake District National Park Authority staff are gearing up to count splatted insects on their car number plates this month, as part of the RSPB's Big Bug Count.
`... and the three-speed gearing took a bit of getting used to,' Flynn was grinning.
Japan's leading maker of continuously variable transmissions is gearing up for a big increase in sales over the next five years.
BRIANNA KEILAR, CNN CORRESPONDENT, SILVER SPRING, MARYLAND (voice-over): Bob Rodweller of Maryland is gearing up for the ride of his life.
CNN Transcript May 26, 2007
The first mode, or input-split is used only at launch and low speeds, so the initial gearing in the transmission can be smaller.
Gearing down for corners, junctions and roundabouts starts off as a novel experience with the Sentronic, and quickly becomes efficient second nature.
According to the theory of gearing, equation of the meshing line can be deduced from the tooth profile of basic rack.
What actually happens is they ‘gear up’ the transmission by not only changing the final gearing in the transmission, but by also changing the size of the rear wheels.
Meanwhile, the company—a hotel operator and franchiser that owns only a handful of the 4,520 hotels that bear any of its seven brands across the globe—is gearing up to launch an eighth hotel brand in the U.S., as well as an upscale line of hotels in China.
Hotelier Gets Face-Lift to Draw Young Travelers
Torque is differentiated through the frictional forces developed by the internal gearing.
The district administration is gearing up for a flood situation in Lakhtar taluka of Surendranagar district.
Heavy rain in Saurashtra, 3000 evacuated
'Freaking out' over Midwest megastorm Updated 46 minutes ago 2/1/2011 4:53:46 AM +00:00 A monster winter storm had the central U.S. gearing up its defenses on Monday against a potentially deadly mix of sleet, snow and ice that could affect 100 million people. Top headlines
It said a number of split capital trusts - marketed as a safe way to save for school fees or retirement - had suffered problems after gearing themselves up with bank borrowings and then incestuously investing in each other's funds.
Following the most recent harvest, an analyst said it may possibly survive at a gearing of 50%.
The remaining £445m will go to paying off debts, thus reducing gearing to a healthier 33%.
Gearing ratio represents the ratio of consolidated net borrowings to total equity.
And it seems to me that as it relates to what we call your gearing ratio, or your quarter one, are now less than three to one structure. The Ad-Free Personal Finance Blogs Aggregator
The first is a spur gearing, connecting the motor to a countershaft placed under the motor.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 1157, March 5, 1898
Handwheels have finger grips cast on bottom of rim and are fastened with a cap screw and lock washer . Worm-type gearing is completely enclosed in a housing.
Currently he is gearing up for a trek through the Panama Canal.
Impact, which is gearing up for strike action at the end of January, said it regretted that handicapped people would be sent home but insisted that members had little choice except to embark on a strike.
It couldn't have come at a worse time for the city's traders, who are gearing up for Christmas, but York's gridlocked roads are having an impact far beyond the city itself.
The modest gearing of the trust has also compounded losses.
Times, Sunday Times
Word reached my shell-like ears just as the quartet were gearing up to play their July 21 show.
Well, the ExoFly aerobot is based on that camera-equipped DelFly design, only this time it's gearing up for a trip to Mars -- maybe even Titan or Venus.
We Blog A Lot
Their gearing becomes more efficient, materials get lighter and stronger and ergonomics improve.
The cycloid - shaped gears are used widely in mini - gearing, which reduces gearing and increases its transmission ratio.
Thanksgiving had come and gone and the stores were gearing up for Christmas.
Up to 50,000 racegoers are expected to attend each day of Royal Ascot in York next year and the city's tourism and hospitality industry is gearing up.
The countershaft is then connected to the two axles of the trolley by chain gearing.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 1157, March 5, 1898
It could be argued that if the Greeks knew the principle of gearing, they should have had no difficulty in constructing mechanisms as complex as epicyclic gears.
Archive 2005-10-01
Still vibing off of their CBC Big Break win, Montreal hip hop group Offsides are gearing up for another party at the Vatican this Sunday, July 21.
Based on the current warrant and share price, the warrant gives gearing of 1.8 times.
Oil companies are gearing up to frack oil deposits in the Monterey Shale, a geological formation that lies beneath some of the state's most productive farmland.
However, the gearing of some 47% at this company is a little off-putting.
It has announced its intention not to borrow and therefore will not expose investors to levels of high gearing.
The gearing ratio of the company was 11.8 per cent, compared with the restated 17.1 per cent a year earlier.
The invention of variable gearing enabled bicyclists and cars alike to change the speed of peak efficiency.
This paper accounts for the method of the optimum design of the main gearing system for universal machine tools, taking the radial drill for example.
Becky was a little stretched out on the bike, and the gearing is more race-oriented than she needs, but it worked fine as a campus commuter.
The Makings of a Perfect Seattle Commuter Bike « PubliCola
The engine plant also produces the gearbox and highly complicated gearing components.
In that single moment Susan transformed into a professional gearing up to draw and hold the attention of thousands of viewers.
Given the extraordinary queues outside Angels fancy dress store last night, many of you are gearing up for several days of pumpkins, fake blood, unusual outfits and spookery.
New Delhi gearing up for the Commonwealth Games, a man working at a paddy field, Mamata Banerjee in Darjeeling and more.
India in Pictures
The modest gearing of the trust has also compounded losses.
Times, Sunday Times
Treachery from a party gearing up below White Slab - only to sneak on to Great/Bow ahead of the queue.
Creating a concert with four other people is the emotional equivalent of being in a pregame locker room gearing up for the Super Bowl.
Likewise, you might find that the gearing on your 4WD is simply too high and in second gear it's just too fast, or you're stalling all the time.
The key metric to look for is operational gearing.
Times, Sunday Times
The wood of D. melanoxylon is used in carving, turnery and marquetry to produce sculptures, musical instruments, ornaments, inlays, chess pieces. walking sticks, gearings and many other products.
Chapter 23
I loved the first one but the sequel is gearing up to be just as good.
The Sun
And pubs, clubs and other licensed premises were gearing up for the new era of drinking, with the launch of the new, more flexible licensing laws.
Bradford is gearing up to paint the town red in celebration of Comic Relief.
They are also gearing themselves up for a showdown with the board of directors as soon as the affair becomes public.
The invention of variable gearing enabled bicyclists and cars alike to change the speed of peak efficiency.
The region's average wage is about double that of Italy for a whole, and some 45% of its GDP comes from cooperatively owned enterprises.8 The salient points of this analysis concern distributed and flexible manufacturing, the use of small-scale, general-purpose machinery, the gearing of production to demand “demand-pull” rather than “supply-push”, local supply chains, and widespread worker ownership.
Archive 2009-03-01
As we drew closer the gearing of the engine changed, manoeuvring with more urgency.
Then I was gearing up to leave dead on 5.30 pm when the boss points out a problem.
The average gearing ratio for the last 20 years is 46 per cent.
The use of a two-speed transmission, special gearing, and belt drive enables the hand to easily open and close.
The gearing is so low, the truck's speed would be little affected whether it was carrying a five-ton load or was running totally unladen - at least on flat terrain.
The water mill, here nestled in a deep valley, is driven by a large, undershot, vertical waterwheel and right-angle gearing.
Whether the slow pick-up from a standing start is down to this, or gearing or carburation problems, it's just not right.
However the company could do with shedding a few extra pounds of debt, as its gearing is a hefty 310%.
Firms are gearing up for a bumper festive period and hiring record numbers of seasonal staff.
The Sun
The risk comes from the gearing effect.
Times, Sunday Times
He says cheap borrowing and the regular revenues from rental has helped keep debt gearing well within limits.
“You know,” he said to Eeyore, gearing up to his lecture in genial conversational tones.
Always a hot topic! « Magic Lantern Arts
At June 30, the company had cash of about HK $550 million, with a liquidity ratio of 3.4 times and a gearing ratio of 22.8 per cent.
The machine in this system is one of the important parts, which comprises V-shape clamp, screw gearing and stylet lifter.
And every racetrack requires a little different gearing, so we have to go through the transmissions and change the gearing.
Transmissions commonly use spur gears, while hypoid gear designs are usually employed as the main gearing in differentials.
Only two years after they successfully fought off plans for three transmitters, the residents are now gearing up for a battle with two telecoms companies over the exchange in Lower Prospect.
He wanted to use the time to look at the winch's gearing mechanism.
The company has huge debts relative to its size - the most recent available figures show Sock Shop's gearing was 200 percent.
Singapore, gearing up for its mid-90s boom, was a futuristic technopolis of networked transportation flows and identikit malls, with an authoritarian approach to public policing.
Zero History by William Gibson
Glascoed has been steadily gearing up its operations in bigger ways, too.
Intelligent gearing, with sixth proving something of an economy gear, even means the fuel consumption isn't too crippling on a long run.
And he expressed no fear about going up against a Democratic opposition, still smarting from election losses and gearing up to fight him every step of the way.
With Rio gearing up to host the 2014 World Cup final and the 2016 Olympics, authorities have embarked upon a so-called "pacification" scheme, permanently occupying over a dozen slums and evicting the drug traffickers' private armies.
Life and death in Rio's drug wars
The company is gearing up for production of its first fuel cell boilers towards the end of the year.
Times, Sunday Times
Pedaling was accomplished by levers or off-set pedals, and gearing was added, thus compensating for speed loss.
In other words, gearing is like leverage: You may not be able to grab a nut that's tight and twist it off with your bare hand, but the job becomes easy with a socket and a long ratchet.
Variable gearing changes aileron and elevator forces with airspeed Yaw damper is standard item but not flight limitation without.
You enjoy the soundtrack a lot more in the convertible version, and I could often be found in tunnels, gearing down, top down, and enjoying the soundtrack of this engine.
Cycle organizations are gearing up for National Bike Week.
Always factor in the gearing, torque-converter stall speed, vehicle weight, and tire diameter.
It is the least burdened, but its gearing is still 70%!
The Northern Rivers Herb Festival is gearing up to be another huge event for Lismore with a major focus this year on culinary uses of local native herbs.
Torque transfer is a function of the internal gearing, which generates frictional resistance to differentiation through the axial and radial thrust forces of the gears in the differential.
But Suzlon's debt covenants with its lenders say that so-called gearing ratio can be no larger than 1.0.
India's Suzlon Energy Is Buffeted by New Headwinds
According to him, investment mortgages can be raised in Ireland, Britain and elsewhere, depending on the mix of equity and gearing that is required by the individual investor.
We have two performances a year and right now we are smack dab in the middle of our BIG show..two nights long... we had our first performance last night and are gearing up for tonight...
Of Tights and Tutus
When said, if you've got the qualifications, it'll bring the hammer to you as well as gearing up the other lighty/explody/lightning blasty powers.
I can attest to the fact that bicycle gearing shares a non-linear log exponential-type betterness factor with the earthquake Richter Scale: 11 is waaaaaay better than 10, and 10 is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than 9, and so on.
The Irrelevancy of Time: Bicycle Products Don't Spoil
But what really strikes me, as a part-time opera buff, is that this phenomenon makes gearing up for a rock show feel a good deal more like prepping for an opera.
Indie Rock as Opera
It has announced its intention not to borrow and therefore will not expose investors to levels of high gearing.
From its fine cabinet to its friction-free gearing, the clock reveals its maker as a master carpenter.
If you are gearing up to buy the latest premium sports utility vehicle or sedan in the market and feel that you will be the proud owner of a real blue-blooded luxury car, there is news for you.
There are several bloggers right now gearing up for their walkathons to help benefit some great charities.
Firms are gearing up for a bumper festive period and hiring record numbers of seasonal staff.
The Sun
It is an essential part of life that promotes activity and is a way of gearing up both the mind and the body.
And there will also be other jobs to do from time to time, like changing brake pads, fitting a new chain, changing sprockets to alter your gearing.
That, combined with cash released from a wind-down of working capital in the second half, should see year-end gearing substantially lower.
The tooth contact and kinematic precision of the modified worm gearing with manufacturing errors has been investigated by the TCA method.