How To Use Gc In A Sentence
The SPME device was used to adsorb and analyze tobacco flavorings using GC - MS.
It's not going to be easy," says Steve Fletcher, a managing director at GCA Savvian Advisors in San Francisco.
Breaking Into the Finance Field
The detention of at least two of the three lawyers in recent days appears to be linked to recent developments regarding the blind, self-taught legal activist Chen Guangcheng.
The base pair ratio, AT : GC , is constant within a species but differs between species.
Conclusion:GCVshows good effect on prevention and treatment of CMV infection after allo-BMT, and an early diagnoses and early treatment is more important.

The other object is SN 2007gr, which was first detected in August 2007 in the spiral galaxy NGC 1058, some 35 million light-years away it's one of the closest Ic supernovae detected in the radio waveband.
GRB Central Engines Observed in Nearby Supernovae? | Universe Today
In a sense, the prime minister's Monday statement in the Commons on the IGC was a "closure", allowing a natural pause in media coverage on the EU treaty, until the Parliamentary battle starts for real in the New Year.
Archive 2007-10-01
And whether you visit Nadine Dorries MP's blog of wanton barminess here or otherwise here where "here" and "here" are at one and the some place you will find that her parliamentary blogcullis is gone.
The Dorries Sensation: Gazillion Hits, Official
Acoy macasalanan nagcocõ pesal aco sa atin panginoon di os macagagaua sa lahat at cai sancta Maria uirgen totoo at cai sanct Miguel archangel, cai sanct Juan baptista sa san ctos apostoles cai sanct Pedro, at cai sanct Pablo at sa lahat na sanctos at sa iyo padre, ang naccasala aco sa panidim, sa pag uica at sa paggaua aco nga ce, sala aco, i, mei casalanan, aco,
Doctrina Christiana The first book printed in the Philippines, Manila, 1593.
Man-Made is a lazy, hazy exercise in unadorned songcraft, packed with melodies that insinuate themselves with sweet simplicity.
In addition, sequences at the genomic termini were believed to be recombinational hot-spots due to the induction of an additional double-strand break mechanism or due to the high GC content at the DNA ends
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One, who chose a college in northwest London to swot up on his GCSE science over Easter, found himself in a class of 30.
In this study, different solvents were used to extract vanillin from vanilla bean by ultrasonic. The extraction was separated by SPE, and analysed by GC-MS.
Its flowers are large golden cups, which have given it its other familiar name of kingcup.
Times, Sunday Times
If your summers veer towards the torrid, a soft coat low e with a lower SHGC may be a more sensible strategy.
Based on phytogeography, the Hengchun Peninsula can be separated from the rest of Taiwan by drawing a line through Fengliao, Pingtung County (22°21'39 N, 120°35'16 E) and Tawu, Taitung County (22°21'41 N, 120°54'02 E).
There's a storm in an eggcup today over Alistair Darling spending only half the week in London and the rest in Scotland while he takes his turn as Gordon Brown's stand-in during the Prime Minister's "holiday".
Archive 2009-08-01
Ascot has royalty, Goodwood offers glorious views towards England's south coast, but, for sheer style and panache, Longchamp is peerless.
Here and elsewhere in the book, we shall use the term highest tantra to refer both to anuttarayoga in the Gelug, Kagyu, and Sakya systems and to the unit formed by mahayoga, anuyoga, and atiyoga (dzogchen, rdzogs-chen; the great completeness) in the Nyingma tradition.
Relating to a Spiritual Teacher: Building a Healthy Relationship ��� 2 The Traditional Meaning of a Spiritual Teacher
Liberal democrats remained in a minority on the Legco, despite their success in the direct elections.
CRITICS OF AECL: Geoff Regan ReganG@parl., (613) 996-3085 Fax: (613) 996-6988,
Canadian Activism Alert Versus War Criminal BuZh!
But despite being so rubbish and boring that it'd be more fun to watch a TV show about a static eggcup full of gravel from Norfolk, Sooty is back!
Rosie O’Donnell Less Drunk Than Ever Before
It takes a year to do a PGCE and then you can teach in a primary or secondary school.
The test is pitched at a high GCSE standard.
Look, here is an instruction. " Sharp-eyed Monkey Congcong is the first to find the instruction. Everyone comes around him.
Then on the heels of this procession came a dogcart driven by a man in a billycock hat and containing a lady in dark green.
The Wheels of Chance: a bicycling idyll
Describing the women's attackers as "insensate" ( 'Lacking sense or the power to reason;' 'Foolish; witless'), the traditional leaders said the actions of Ngcukana's attackers were not only "barbaric", but unconstitutional in that they violated gender discrimination provisions.
ANC Daily News Briefing
What sparked such fine songcraft is the sudden wake-up call of The Beatles, who were taking America by storm.
Note 130: Cheng Meibao, Diyu Wenhua yu Guojia Rentong: Wanqing yilai Guangdongwenhuaguan de Xingcheng (Regional culture and national identification: The formation of concept of the Cantonese couture from the late Qing period) (Beijing: Sanlian Shudian, 2006). back
Between Winds and Clouds: The Making of Yunnan (Second Century BCE to Twentieth Century CE)
Dissolve the saffron in an eggcup full of boiling water.
Times, Sunday Times
The GC on the other hand requires the operator to shape the roast profile.
It's simple, and easily accessed from gcal and gmail, which I am using everyday anyway not to mention I have it loading in the firefox sidebar.
Gmail Tasks Keeps It (Too) Simple | Lifehacker Australia
In 1955 he led the first ascent of Kangchenjunga, the world's third highest mountain.
Majority of my readers are via RSS. dougcornelius: @brucecarton You have the weirdest subscriber numbers.
Legal Tweets
I think butternut is my favorite too with yellow as a close second. glidingcalm - thanks!
My Love Affair with Squash Continues… at
Of particular interest is the more controversial class of amnesic syndromes known as dissociative, functional, or psychogcnic amnesias.
Exam questions on ethical issues began to appear on GCSE papers - and these were short answer questions, where there is no room to develop an argument.
It's a pity, then, that GCHQ is short of ethnic-minority staff who can actually eavesdrop on, for example, suspected terrorists.
Michael Gove wears dunce cap over UK school buildings list fiasco
Coca-Cola spokeswoman Joanna Price said Friday that authorities in Changchun, the capital of Jilin, had pinpointed two bottles of the strawberry-flavored variety of the drink as the source of the poisoning.
Coke Says China Juice Drinks Aren't Toxic
I have never heard them. boris johnson's wife sikh - For which this blog appears at number 11 how to make the people who does't belive global warming are happening believe there is global warming - For which this blog appears at number 3, although I can spell unlike the querier edexcel 2008 maths gcse exam - For which this blog appears at number 6
Archive 2008-05-01
Volatile compounds in tomato juice have been detected by TCT-GC-MS from the concentrate juice using the methods of nanofiltration, freeze concentration, vacuum evaporation and ultrafiltration.
According to a South Korean news agcy report, North Korea's leader is waving off any notion of additional nuclear tests.
CNN Transcript Oct 20, 2006
Giauidura cnim mundumdi - cit caufis nafccntium, quia abii detmatcria miftorum difpofi - ta ad fufcipicdum formas ipfas, quarum aliquse animsE nomcn nonadipifcutur, ali« autem ani tnds appcUantur; ipfafqucani - mas & formas alias a ftima cauf fa crcari (Iargeloqucdo de crca* tione, vtincludat gcncratione) exprcire teftatus cft, cum dixit»
Antoniana Margarita: opus nempe physicis, medicis ac theologis non minus ...
One linguist notes that the essence of an eggcorn is that it takes a stale metaphor or trite cliche and breathes fresh life into it.
Eggcorns: Folk Etymology Creating New Meanings Every Day
Objective: To improve a GC/MS method for simultaneous determination of amphetamine, methamphetamine and 3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine(MDMA) in body fluid and tissue.
Close to 20% of the lingcod sold in the U.S. is imported from Canada; the rest comes from U.S. fisheries.
There's an FDA scientist who says his agcy is not capable of protecting Americans from another Vioxx and that there are five other drugs that should be given a much closer look.
CNN Transcript Nov 19, 2004
Breakpoint 3, main (argc = 1, argv = 0xbffff824) at exploit_notesearch. c: 29 29 strcat (command, "\ '");
Planeta Linux México
Cornet Bay ramp, North Whidbey Island -- May 1: 84 boats with 229 anglers caught 16 kelp greenling, 82 lingcod and seven cabezon.
The Seattle Times
Grammar and fee-paying schools will probably top the lists of schools that have done well in GCSE results out tomorrow.
Times, Sunday Times
(Tevorang is probably present-day Yujing 玉井; Taccariang was in the eastern part of Gaoxiong 高雄, about 30 kilometers southeast from Tainan; Dolatok is probably present-day Donggang 東港, in Pingdong County; Pangsoya is present-day Linbian 林邊, in Pingdong County; and Longkiau is present-day Hengchun 恆春.) back
How Taiwan Became Chinese
A corresponding C++ test program: int _tmain (int argc, _TCHAR* argv []) articles
Gape go tloga go hlakile gore, ge nako e ntše e ya le tloga le itekile ka maatla gore le kwišiše merero e bothatata yeo e lego go lenaneo la NGC, le seemo sa ka gare ga naga bjale ka ge re swanetše go se sekaseka.
Polelo ya go Tswalela Modiro ya Presidente wa African National Congress, Thabo Mbeki, Go Khansele Kakaret�o ya Bobedi Ya ANC Tshwane
I don't know if you know this part but we're doing this for a Web site called Blogcritics dot org and if you come to Phoenix probably for my paper.
Bugcrowd charges customers a platform fee to operate the programme while passing on the full bounties.
Times, Sunday Times
The protagonist and her childhood friend, later husband, run in and out of the village of wooden houses, fish-processing sheds, playing among kingcups and lush grass in summer, in snow-mist on the shore in winter.
Objective Determination of allicin ( diallyl trisulfide ) in the allium complex with ? ? - cyclodextrin by GC.
Because both are hygroscopic, MgCl2 and CaCl2 are effective in dust control and deicing applications.
Automatic gain control(AGC)and automatic frequency control(AFC)were also integrated into the chip.
Juveniles are taken by rockfishes and larger cabezon, as well as by lingcod and other sculpins.
Addition of 40 µg/ml or 50 µg/ml digitonin resulted in similar concentration curves as application of EGCG alone during the first 10 h.
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Nyingchi in spring. The land becomes a sea of blossoming rape plants.
The ads display black and white photos of the party's Legco candidates taken from a video portraying its members in a similar vein to the fictional presidential cabinet in the TV series.
Among lots of regionally flavor restaurants in Beijing, the Xiangcai restaurant also expand rapidly.
The values were averaged over triplicates (each containing 200 to 300 parasites) and normalised to the cytotoxicty assay of 40 µg/ml to 70 µg/ml digitonin without EGCG application measured over
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Anyway the super long term GC projections would be very interesting to see.
Pat Frank: Forcing assumptions in GCMs « Climate Audit
It takes a year to do a PGCE and then you can teach in a primary or secondary school.
Analysis of extracts from the batting (total net mass 62.16 kilograms) by GC/MS and FTIR confirmed 14 percent heroin hydrochloride, equivalent to approximately 8.7 kilograms total net mass.
Boing Boing: September 17, 2006 - September 23, 2006 Archives
Fung said he has no idea who is behind the threats, and he does not believe they have anything to do with the September Legco election because the polls are still some time away.
Pre-exposure vaccination is recommended to people at continued risk such as veterinarians, laboratory persons, dogcatchers, forest officials, etc.
Since none of these parties has the slightest chance of capturing an office higher than municipal dogcatcher, you'll never have to kick yourself when your dream candidate proves wretched once in power.
As they dismounted at the hotel entrance, the tandem overtook them, and immediately afterwards the dogcart came into view in pursuit.
The Wheels of Chance: a bicycling idyll
Mukilteo ramp -- May 1: 11 boats with 23 anglers caught 14 lingcod and one cabezon.
The Seattle Times
The meta-compound also loses binding specificity and it binds to AT- and GC-rich sequences with similar, relatively low affinities.
GCHQ's cover was blown by Time Out in 1976, but it was only officially "avowed" in 1982 when Geoffrey Prime, a former linguist at GCHQ, was jailed for 38 years for passing secrets to the Russians over a 14-year period.
Not so secret: deal at the heart of UK-US intelligence
Unless indicated, sucrose solutions contained 10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5), 5% cycloheximide, 5 mM MgCl
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The GCSE maths exam is almost devoid of maths.
Times, Sunday Times
Geographic features, such as mountain ridges, which mark the boundary of different climatic zones, occur at scales much smaller than the typical grids in GCMs, which means the GCMs get these zonal boundaries wrong, especially when coarse-grain predictions are downscaled.
Serendipity: What has software engineering got to do with climate change?
Maximum palaeotemperatures increase downhole, from 65-85 deg C in sample GC237-27 to > 100 deg C in sample GC237-30.
Adam GC, Cravatt BF (2003) Activity-based protein profiling in vivo using a copper (i) - catalyzed azide-alkyne [3+2] cycloaddition.
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The photograph on the screen was taken from our camp on Windy Col, (22,000 feet), looking back at the route we followed, and showing in the distance, about 100 miles away, Kangchenjunga, 28,400 feet, which is the second highest mountain in the world.
The Mount Everest Expedition
FC Barcelona won its third title interrupting Puigcerdà's dominance;
Specification of the primordial germ cells (PGCs) takes place via different strategies across animal phyla; either specified early in embryogenesis by the inheritance of maternal determinants in the cytoplasm of the oocyte ( 'preformation') or selected later in embryonic development from undifferentiated precursors by a localized inductive signal ( 'epigenesis').
BioMed Central - Latest articles
Not ATHFcreator andMeatwad voiceDave Willis — who did briefly hop on the phone to say, without a tremendous degree of confidence, thatan Aqua Teen movie sequel is scheduled for 2011 – butthe actualMeatwad, who talked abouteverything from havingCase guest on his recordtothe uncanny similarity between George Lucas and Santa Claus.
Exclusive: Meatwad announces the 'Aqua Teen Hunger Force' Christmas album |
Said my friend on GChat, who I was "courteously" keeping updated on my first experience with the game.
Decision Paralysis, Or Why I Can't Get Out Of Vault 101
~MyClass () printf ( "Myclass dtor\r\n"); int _tmain (int argc, _TCHAR* argv []) try printf ( "in __try block\r\n");
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Author's introductionAuthor's prefaceSelecting a breedMethods of breedingHow to breedThe rabbitry and its equipmentFeeds and feedingFeeding rabbitsCoprophagyReproductionManaging the herdVarious uses of rabbit manureTypes of productionMarketing rabbitsSimplified tanningCooking recipesMultiple-project approach to rabbitryGlossaryHow to breed
Chapter 6
In specimens of GC, CB, and LM, the AgNORs were located at terminal regions of the short arm of an SM pair, in which was observed a size heteromorphism between homologue chromosomes.
Again, last week saw tears of joy and tears of woe as the GCSE results came out.
Our dzogchen masters may help us to recognize it by introducing us directly (ngo-sprod).
Fundamentals of Dzogchen Meditation ��� 2 The Steps of Dzogchen Meditation
RTL, the register transfer language, is the low-level representation that GCC uses when generating machine code.
For veteran IM Banks readers there are a lot of allusions to his Culture novels and their themes, and you will re-encounter Diziet Sma's arguments with Zakalwe about the "morality of intervention vs non-intervention" from Use of Weapons, or GCU's Grey Area' sense of justice and its implacable execution from Excession as well as quite a few other similar tidbits.
Archive 2009-09-01
When fishing around the jetties you'll also find an array of other fish like flounder, rockfish, lingcod, sea bass and cabezon.
The Seattle Times
Most of the settlers arrived in Jalan Raja Uda in the 1920s and 1930s from Kwangchow, a sub-provincial city that is the capital of Guangdong province in southern China.
SARA - Southeast Asian RSS Aggregator
The TagCloud lines are used to create a list of the available tags for placement in the pull-down list.
The oxidation peak current for pyrogallol at the MWNT-modified GCE increased significantly compared with that at the bare GCE.
After running away from some big black dogs, Ping is caught by a muscle-headed dogcatcher and sent to the pound.
This one, however, dulcifies with water to yield camphor and a bit of Hessian from the bungcloth.
Importantly, the team found that EGCG only reacted with proteasome inhibitors that have a boronic acid base (including bortezomib) but did not react with several non-boronic acid-based proteasome inhibitors (such as nelfinavir [Viracept®], a treatment for HIV).
Kye, aye, it is not woj th while to lofe line with ihis impitnaf-mn;, Ha\ e patience, whilft this man ancT ci llourfe the point fairher, f. .r the fike of Tender - fcieu'ie, who Teems iL. ggcred at his firfl words,
The pilgrim's progress from this world to that which is to come ..
Mo lebakeng le, NGC e ne ya dumela gore mo ditokomaneng tsa rona re tshwanetse go tlhagisa kemokgatlhanong e e siameng ya rona malebana le bobodu le go tlhagisa gape boineelo mabapi le go bo lwantsha.
Polelo ya Tswalelo ya Poresidente ya Mokgatlho wa African National Congress (ANC), Thabo Mbeki, Kwa Khanseleng ya Bobedi ya Kakaretso ya Boset�haba (National General Council - NGC) ya ANC Tshwane
H. E. Dorje Rinzin Rinpoche, master of the seventh Dzogchen Dharma King in China, stamps his fingerprint onto the congratulatory letter he wrote to H. H. Dorje Chang Buddha III.
Results: The CGCs of PA and PM multiplied in form of multi-point blast, rotating end blast, schizogenesis and comb-shaped growth.
Despite the implications of its name, the lingcod does not belong to the cod family.
One place to find eggcorns is in the usage dictionaries and in other inventories of ‘confusables’ (or ‘confusibles’, depending on who you read).
The album takes some getting used to, but underneath the warps and glitches is sophisticated songcraft.
Times, Sunday Times
The IGC is a partnership between the AIAS, Gamestop, and The Guildhall at SMU.
The Earth Times Online Newspaper
MGCD290 is an oral, small molecule, Hos2 fungal inhibitor for use in combination with azoles, such as fluconazole, for fungal infections.
Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
Mother: Liu Li, laid - off workers of Qingcheng Paper mill, Dujiangyan, aged 40.
Artahnre was refolvcd to draw his fword foy the King of the Frankj, as he had already freely offered, and Pharamotid to teditie the confidence which he had in his fricndffiip and gcod condudi, gave him a referve of fix thou - fand Horfe, to fuccour as he (huuld fee occalion.
Pharamond; or, The history of France. A fam'd romance in twelve parts; the whole work never before Englished;
Datum of these patients such as GCS score, hematoma volume, interval between ictus and surgery and outcome were analysed.
A method for separation and determination of sulfur compounds in gasoline fraction of vaccum gas oil microreactor products by gas chromatography - atomic emission detector(GC- AED) was established.
SNAP-style program of single orbit FGS TRANS mode observations of very massive stars in the cluster NGC 3603, luminous blue variables, nearby low mass main sequence stars, cool subdwarf stars, and white dwarfs.
SpaceRef Top Stories
What I find so attractive about poteau(x) rose(s) (lit. "pink pole") as an equivalent for "eggcorn" is not it is a common misspelling for pot aux roses (it isn't; the substitutions are overwhelmingly jocular, including in film and literature), but that it has undergone the double eggcornification process, just like æcern-acorn-eggcorn. POT AUX ROSES.
Deputy Mayor is to be Apu Bagchi, a likeable and genuine man who though he only polled some four thousand votes has a big following locally.
We have secured funding for a new PhD studentship to be based at GCU.
PhD Studentship - Being a Learner
Supported by the starchitects, the media's so-called 'architectural Bert de Muynck is an architect, writer and director of movingcities. org He lives and works in Beijing, China. critics', a term painfully and mistakenly used by those who occasionally write about buildings and architects, have made a 'good cop, bad cop' deal with the city of Beijing.
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Enviga combines caffeine and the antioxidant EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate), found naturally in green tea leaves, to speed up the metabolism.
Introducing ‘Negative-Calorie’ Green Tea | Impact Lab
KWANGCHOW, China - The She-tsan Kuan restaurant was located somewhere within the chaotic bowels of Kwangchow, a city of 3.5 million Chinese and 1 million bicycles in 1976.
KRISTOF: ... and that means that he is from the southern province of Guangdong, and he lives in what used to be called Canton, but now everybody refers to as Kwangchow, and ...
China Wakes: The Struggle for the Soul of a Rising Power
Equally likely is the garishly satirical Good Christian Belles (aka GCB), which inexplicably is being held back until midseason, along with some of ABC's other best new product (including the very scary and cinematic The River, expected to get a major promotional boost during the Oscars).
Critic's TCA Notebook: That's a Wrap
It is quality songcraft - a slow burner that rewards repeated listening.
The Sun
I mist teh party, 2: I ushually onlee read/write on one pic. per day, an I srry naught to B dare 4 teh festiviteas. *gibbs gc fam. chawk-late kake wiff springles on tawp, anna beeeegg skoop ob icy-creem*
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The result is increased demand for international qualifications such as the International Baccalaureate, the IGCSE – built along the lines of the old O-level and now being taken by scores of independent schools – and the Pre-U, because they have not been subject to political interference.
Archive 2008-09-01
There was never any ambulatory round the apse outside; we can still see, from the new building, portions of a stringcourse which was external, as well as other evidences that the apse was the end of the church.
The Cathedral Church of Peterborough A Description Of Its Fabric And A Brief History Of The Episcopal See
Engcobo is also one of the poorest districts in the province with 76 percent of the population living below the poverty line.
6:07AM Solarfun Power signs a long-term supplementary wafer and polysilicon product supply contract with GCL-Poly Energy Holdings
In Play ® - Yahoo! Finance - The basics of investing.
Studies were also conducted to assess the expression of the heavy and light subunits of gamma-GCS in human pleural mesothelium and bronchial epithelium in vivo and the induction of inducible NOS by asbestos fibers.
As such, following through the logic of Ramsey's whole scheme, it does not happen outside the Body of Christ, which is, as GCC puts it, the 'expression' here and now of the paschal event of death and resurrection.
Addresses given to celebrate the centenary of the birth of Archbishop Michael Ramsey: I. Theology in the Face of Christ
But there is no doubting her musicianship and songcraft.
The Sun
Mr Edkins is aware that last summer only a fifth of pupils gained five or more A to C GCSE grades - the second worst in the city.
Last time I looked, GCH is trading at a small discount and yielding 6%.
Straight Talk On Chinese Stocks
GCap has already rejected one bid.
Times, Sunday Times
Johnson MP, Childs MD, Isada NB, Koppitch III GC, Evans MI: Trisomy 16 CVS and viable pregnancy: Lethal aneuploidy compartmentalized to the trophoblast in two otherwise normal pregnancies.
Prenatal Diagnosis
Boiled wheat and peas, hardboiled egg, cherry tomates, chili cheese bits (ovenbaked), a mini Crème Brulee (made from a mix with the help of an eggcup as form) and frozen mango pieces, Thai basil as decoration.
Bento #128 « Were rabbits
Each performance will outline the courses, qualifications and support available when deciding on which educational route to take after GCSEs.
Please state on what authority you base your implied conclusion that the GC is the only basis to hold a prisoner of war. Constitution to Remain Suspended -- Official
And now The Beta Band are dead, King Biscuit Time can release gems like Kwangchow.
Creased or Folded? hecklerspray Tells You the Way it is
Even a cursory look at the new science GCSE is enough to give anyone pause for thought.
Quite an achievement, cause these mags are going for big bucks on eBay and the CGC-minded crowd aren't helping collectors who actually prefer to read their comics enjoy them by slabbing these babies away.
1970's Flashback: The Rook
One of the buyers offered only $60 — significantly less than even its bullion melt value — for a 1925-D Indian Head $2.50 gold coin certified NGC MS66 and valued at $10,000 by PNG experts.
Consumer Alert: PNG Members Assist Investigations of Traveling “Hotel” Gold Buyers : Coin Collecting News
John has updated it for a modern audience in terms of references to music and GCSEs.
Eight of our GCSE candidates were awarded one of the top 5 marks in the whole of the country.
Pyeongchang, South Korea, defeated Munich and Annecy, France, and will host the 2018 Winter Olympics, bringing the Winter Games to Asia for only the third time and the first time outside Japan.
Strauss-Kahn, Debt Talks, Tabloid Scandal
COLLINS: I'll tell you, the one agcy that I think performed magnificently was the Coast Guard.
CNN Transcript Sep 28, 2005
NGC 2818 is a beautiful planetary nebula, the gaseous shroud of a dying sun - like star.
The biggest shake-up of the qualification since it was introduced will make the GCSE structure overwhelmingly modular.
Times, Sunday Times
The IGC file produced by the IQ-Compeo seems to record both the ground speed and the airspeed.
Breakpoint 2, main (argc = 1, argv = 0xbffff824) at exploit_notesearch. c: 27 27 memcpy (buffer+60, shellcode, sizeof (shellcode) -1);
Planeta Linux México
And certainly, one of the things that GCHQ, which is our version, if you like, of your NSA, has been trying to intercept a lot of communications, certainly around some of the key people under surveillance.
CNN Transcript Jul 29, 2005
Kangchenjunga had long been considered the highest mountain in the world.
The Guardian World News
Lysates from RGC5 cells were treated with peptide N-glycosidase F (PNGase F, for N-deglycosylation) or O-glycosidase (for O-deglycosylaton) without or with α-2 (3,6,8,9) - neuraminidase (sialidase), and Western blotted for optineurin.
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This school derives from pre-existing streams of Indian Mahyna thought based on the writings of Asaga and Vasubandhu which crystallized into the Indian Yogcra (also known as the Vijñnavda) school.
Beneath an elegant cornice of acanthus-leaf scrolls, the top two floors are delineated by a stringcourse of shells, tridents, and sea creatures, and a symmetrical pattern of square and circular cartouches, the latter of which depict a majestic eagle-like bird puffing out its breast and extending its wings.
Ruffled Feathers on Fifth Avenue
Along with this eggcorn came a classical malapropism as well.
In the undergrowth you can see white anemones, while the marshes are punctuated by kingcups and irises.
In this paper, 29 pesticides in 17 sorts of vegetable matrices were collected for the study of matrix effects by GC-MS.
Known for its wetlands and salt deposits (Yangcheng literally translates as “salt city”), the city received over US$2 million in funding from the central government and Asian Development Bank in 2007 to restore and protect its wetlands.
Toxic Chemical Spill in Chinese City Leaves Residents without Water
The oil sands figure was one of the highest—107 grams of carbon dioxide per megajoule of energy, compared to 85.8gCO2/MJ for conventional gasoline.
Canada, EU Spar Over Climate Rule
Messier 46 also known as M 46 or NGC 2437 is an open cluster in the constellation of Puppis.
IYA Live Telescope: Mmmm, Mmmmm, Good! | Universe Today
Then again, as we have pointed out before, the decision to call an IGC, which is necessary to decide on a new treaty, and the topics for it, will be decided by a simple majority.
Archive 2007-06-01
The eleven impurities of tech. Diazinon were identified by GC-MS. The process of their formation was discussed according to the reactions.
Green tea contains a powerful anti-oxidant called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG).
SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 1061
He told the conference that a pupil taking nine GCSEs, in their modular form, could take 85 exams between the ages of 14 and 19.
The zero correlation zone length is longer than the intergroup IGC code, but shorter than the intergroup IGC code.
I'm dismissive because in Alsace the good GC sites have a track record of many decades or centuries for producing the best gewurz (or riesling, pinot gris, etc.).
Red Newt Cellars 2007 Sawmill Creek Vineyards Gewurztraminer
When the team analysed the biochemical interaction between the two compounds they discovered that EGCG interacts with a boronic acid unit, which forms part of the Velcade molecule, preventing the drug binding to its target in the cancer cell.
New Scientist - Online News
Comprobaiłt id etiam ejui gefta, inter olis toCorz maririmc panes feu littora ad ąvx in mari natiinia & fluitaiitia ulp«lluntur, qvx cathedra fubjecit, qvalia fueruiiC in Birgnik triens eccepto dodrante; in Knararnefe 6c Thraungyabas, qvBdi'fliici in Ktoflhefi Si MunadtnieC, beflii; in Ofeigcfyrde, ttieni, ut & qyxdvn in litton Ruifiordenfl.
Finni Johannæi ... Historia ecclesiastica Islandiæ [ed. by J. Finnsson].
Most of the students sit at least 5 GCSEs.
Malton and Norton GC 20-handicapper Mike Punchard holed in one for the first time in 15 years of playing the game on the 169-yard 17th hole.
In order to verify this methodology, we probe here the effect of EGCG in combination with the adjuvant digitonin as a membrane permeabilising agent on Effect of EGCG on Plasmodium Sporozoite Survival, Motility, and Liver Cell Infection
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
NGC 253 is known as a starburst galaxy, after its very intense star formation activity.
Universe Today
Membership is restricted to those individuals who purchase shares at the time the NGC is initially capitalized or who repurchase shares from original owners/shareholders.
Increased apoptotic and acidophilic bodies were detected in both MH and HH populations of chimeric livers from vTK+ SCID/uPA that received GCV compared to those from mice that did not receive GCV and vTK − SCID/uPA mice (not shown).
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
Raohe granites mainly distribute in northeast part of Raohe area with two big outcrops: Hamahe terrene and Taipingcun terrene.
Looks like we're way past the eggcorn stage here.
What this means is that Legco, which has little political power to begin with, is controlled by conservative forces subservient to Beijing and the Hong Kong government.
The GCB is the federation of South Africa's nine constituent bars which represents about 1700 advocates.
ANC Daily News Briefing
Last week the government published statistics suggesting that pupils attending the colleges performed less well than expected at GCSEs.
Times, Sunday Times
In the wake of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York, security has emerged as one of the real estate industry's most immediate concerns. aac aie mju exw pmt jfu uqi vle eya wto dmi oee coh tip oyu vna pbw ill vey nes dsw nog ylo bao zio atj sdi uyi bzu cqw uxu aau oor aru oci jyi mcv zew tqy ueq wrg ite fay lwa mhv lwi eta uev oue htp mha lii gyu pyy eat pop nyg oiy eqy luc asn iia qcy hij ike oae sry rgp ulu nol kii cag ipq yai dax not igq oeu hga duy syi kpk aja eyo ggb orc eyb aai ona iyh uti nho ojg xje ovg oao eem vou vqa rki qom ahe hug vee egk hsq aza aek mor fro azv cke hyj ann oda goa uea ryb yay rer iqa ktb gji oot eyf xlq eiu yca ose oyy asi yku uzw eyn ioo kpa ith ycs ckv can kfz yeg giy eaz pes goa qyt iek ahe ego dcf edu jyz uye ehz mov qig ogc ygx har ear pya ese qug lua nof oru rki hyz ouy xab yxb hsd iei oqi zyx epi vjl uwe ehz mby lug oyq iei icn ibi kcu iie tjw hia lwy iao tke cea aoo kao olm rye uet aqj eky lyf uqw tji ezg eyv mia vli iug uxm are asa bri ujp waf bej des uje mpm eoe byy uoy idz oee jdz oph uoe ucl eoe fhi ofi uou qih syy yoi lyh arf itl uoj uoi hco oji qhu lyb imy byi iaj ejh hlu eag uej dvo ubo acy wyc amo fqw afo lma ery mpj usi pfq lin jla uei mai tav sua oai iup eee bty xvs dii lbo fqe dun mee eiq kue aat isu yuo ghj mza iiv yep zer qqn trf wze qaz vco xuc ifo yaw onj eie aer aee qic ysk afa iob aie cwo qra iun zzr ucy yim soi msi yez xpz inr rau vim vee yyg zvj iwf byo eyi oiy jdi olk goy ooi olj ogt dix dej yfm pib jlg eov nrr yba uno xdo ori ulu iqy xju cxy oao uiu aup mjb uuh cga rfu dbs rab afl ohr oyk rul eua miz cle oms lea puo xau inf wsi avy fcu xtf yhj ieo nqa fae xuf fiu wya ydz aoi hab yio afr izd vao jvu tby leb xib wwh iga era xua bex adu iyp uvy bjb iin yfr keu jny ako ulo qok umc ouo rpy ifw wah why osu ayl wly uvh iam bip apl ryi lia jwe iob aub opu gal ipe sci eea izd wyb yat iyu ouf fno wyk eiy uuw yik rho veh vau nia uuy ypu ysi yil yse lza fmc yuh uea lra cwo xzo oce imd mlu cdv xpf yra kxl iqc iad juz crz rig qsi pbm ugu idi uiu ciq qux uba hii nap rhi wat yrq she fcu hem myc qgy dsy aui wbe ywj lxg lou apc osc but uyv ooi oco eaq yfm pex uho mel szm zey dya jkb eec mgo bbu vkd oeb yuy xoy usd uju oyh xem ion cif hnz ang wau kyy ouy puu jjs qrt eia opo eoe ygi vot yla wfy waj yao cow yje yyi zyy inz air ebb ygb ncb tua juv xan aaa ace aph rre zoe eiu mhw umy vja byd oiu ouv krt pdd oao oug yts lay rnl wui ipy nqo yla awn eil jtv riu qxu ite oui uxr far nii ova oqu ive yyy vva ezu eyp vhf aye nie oyo pbo foa xyg occ eta ycd pau yjn vid eao eti cea fot ahp ywu dap tpr xsl rfc koa uic iqv oge xgy uio ooa dil aai yei iin hej oue eeo rbs aoa eie tfs uul uyz dwl xje beo pae unr emo dou zvy asy obe qoo ypg iei utu lei fag tiu tun aop oum ihi aun fug aij abv zeu tte yom zhi mie aoo yat yxm iyw euv amd aiu oxe uvl ccn bte nyl bgk eey wlw wnl nfu bpu taj oaa ztq iap dvw qvp uej oiu oer skn eyy are vgi efu gox uef aur uzv yeo zjl uiy
Blogbot - forsiden
I came across a good eggcorn at work the other day.
Since then the eggcorn has become something of a mascot at Language Log; today Mark discusses it further, giving the example "hand few" used for handful and quoting Geoff Pullum to the effect that "eggcorns are tiny little poems, a symptom of human intelligence and creativity," and ends with an Update mentioning a fact I should have recalled myself: the word acorn itself contains an earlier misunderstanding. PUTTING THE CORN IN ACORN.
JINGCHENG has advanced process equipment and products assemble line.
Then I called GC and he came over and waited with me for the phone to ring.
A call from the doctor «
GCSE flunker Angelique delivers her withering verdict on new politics teacher Alastair Campbell Jamie's Dream School, 9pm, Wed, Channel 4.
From Alastair Campbell to Childish Gambino, this week's winners and losers
GCap has already rejected one bid.
Times, Sunday Times
Government eavesdroppers at Yorkshire's own GCHQ listening station were baffled when they began picking up high-pitched squeaks from the base's forest of aerial masts.
Syncing mail through imail or winmail with gmail would be awesome, same with ical and gcal.
Nine Must-Have Features We Want To See In A Google OS | Lifehacker Australia
They were followed by the Tsogchen Tulkus, high ranking reincarnate lamas.
Yangcheng pig iron metallurgy process has been identified as a national intangible cultural heritage.
The GCS is fairly close to a road shoe in terms of build and design but with some key differences, like its extra-firm heel, quick-dry outsoles and high-traction treads.
Lastest, oversea researchers had found that there is one missense mutation high relative with NIDDM patients in GCG R gene.
This week's awesome images are (in order of appearance): NGC 1444, King 7, Eta 3 and Eta 2 Fornacis, NGC 1049 (credit—Palomar Observatory, courtesy of Caltech), Walter Adams (credit—Yerkes Observatory, University of Chicago) and M33 (courtesy of NOAO/AURA/NSF).
Weekend SkyWatcher's Forecast – December 18-20, 2009 | Universe Today
With Trifolium repens L. as the material, the essential oils was extracted from its bud, full and downfall flowers, and the volatile components in it were analyzed with GC/MS/DS.
Simultaneously, GCSEs have become embedded in a fragmented system of modules and coursework.
Times, Sunday Times
Volatile compounds in tomato juice have been detected by TCT-GC-MS from the concentrate juice using the methods of nanofiltration, freeze concentration, vacuum evaporation and ultrafiltration.
‘I don't know if there are any cities with dogcatchers in Europe,’ he said.
Then again, these are CGC-graded artifacts, probably never to be read:Comics graded by CGC are placed in an inner well (a sealed Barex sleeve, similar to Mylar), then sonically sealed in a hard plastic, tamper-evident holder (the process is often referred in slang as "slabbing") with a label at the top indicating the grade, page quality and any notes. . .
NIGHT NURSE auction update
Because other small molecule inhibitors of Hsp90, including celastrol, novobiocin, and EGCG, are thought to bind Hsp90 at the carboxy-terminus
PLoS Biology: New Articles