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How To Use Gaza In A Sentence

  • I can see taha many of the comments try to justify what happening in Gaza by other crimes committed in the human history. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Even during dry seasons the road maintenance in those areas leaves much to be desired - particularly in the former Venda and Gazankulu and the ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Memorable scenes include Ornella Muti putting an oversized safety pin to some rather startling uses, and a listful cat and mouse game between Ben Gazzara and Susan Tyrrell which results in Gazarra’s arrest when you least expect it. World cinema classics #48 « Jahsonic
  • A man overlooks destruction caused by an Israeli airstrike in the Rafah refugee camp in Gaza.
  • Another issue where Baird's courage and conviction have been demonstrated is in his approach to Gaza. James Zogby: "Mister Smith" Leaves Washington
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  • Any negotiations would be complicated by the rival Palestinian governments in the West Bank, which Abbas controls, and in the Gaza Strip, which is ruled by Islamic Hamas militants who overran the territory in June 2007. Israel Settlement Freeze Ends, Construction Resumes
  • But the Philistines took him, and put out his eyes, and brought him down to Gaza, and bound him with fetters of brass; and he did grind in the prison house.
  • Schanzer's language bias is clearly demonstrated when he says that the "United Nations General Assembly partition plan ... endowed the Palestinian Arabs with a state that included an expanded Gaza strip, the West Bank, and much of the northern territory. [emphasis added]" How considerate for sure, to be "endowed" with only portions of your own homeland, while a minority of the population, immigrants at that, is given a majority of the land. Book Review - Hamas vs. Fatah
  • Rep. Paul's used of the term "concentration camp" to refer to the Hamas run Gaza Strip was a loaded phrase fraught with bitter memory in Jewish history. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • The Greek initiative would have the humanitarian aid currently aboard flotilla ships loaded onto watercraft of the Greek government and transferred to Gaza through organized channels. Activists Reject Greek Offer to Send Flotilla Aid to Gaza
  • If Israel accepts the maximist Palestinian proposals: a state on the 1967 armistice lines, removes all Jews from the west bank, and agrees to have east Jereusalem as the capitol of a palestinian state; Hamas and the 1.5 million Gazans it represents will still want to destroy Israel and Hamas would still wage war against Israel. Matthew Yglesias » Israel’s Irrealism on Settlements
  • Palestinian IT Association (PITA) reports on the IT sector in Gaza, "We are able to export software and communication systems to the Middle East", "but the siege is our biggest obstacle" referring to the limitation on technologies Israel allows into Gaza. Hani Almadhoun: Cloud Computing & Outmaneuvering the Gaza Siege
  • Israel and probably Egypt to direct the flotilla to dock in Israel or Egypt with a guarantee that all humanitarian cargo on board would be immediately transshipped to Gaza? Ed Koch: No Matter What the Pressure Brought to Bear on It, Israel Should Never Give Up Its Right of Self-Defense
  • We asked friends in different capitals around the Arab world to go to a neighborhood mosque to hear the khutbah this week and to report back on what they heard concerning Gaza. Rage Over Gaza in Friday Prayers - The Lede Blog -
  • The organizers of the ships were offered to bring their assertedly humanitarian cargo into an Israeli port (Ashdod), and after inspection for contraband, everything else would be transshipped toGaza. The Volokh Conspiracy » Pollak on Uniquely Israeli Stupidity
  • In a reasonably sized front yard in an average neighborhood near an average elementary school, there is an extraordinary flower by the name of the gazania. SF0
  • Besides, as a six-month economic blockade on Gaza demonstrates, the welfare of ordinary Palestinians is always subordinate to Israeli security objectives.
  • Obama's behavior on the Gaza flotilla hardly deserves the label policy, much less strategy. Michael Brenner: Clueless in Gaza
  • He then went at once and borrowed a waggon and twelve oxen, and during the night we packed the waggon three times, and took three loads across the Buffalo River to Degaza's kraal, which is on Natal ground, forty sacks of grain, 200 pounds in a box, with clothes and other things, also mats and skins, and four head of cattle and a horse. Cetywayo and his White Neighbours Remarks on Recent Events in Zululand, Natal, and the Transvaal
  • It still has Arab residents, though most of Jaffa's population fled fighting in 1948 and many ended up in Palestinian refugee camps in the Gaza Strip, some 50 km (30 miles) to the south.
  • Sharon and Weissglas came up with the idea of disengaging Israel from Gaza, starting with a few settlements. In the Shadow of the Oval Office
  • Consider the total disruption of life in Sderot from missiles launched from Gaza, then imagine the greater accuracy, shorter response time, and thereby deadlier toll and increased destructive effect if the missiles were launched from a height overlooking the target. The Volokh Conspiracy » Correction on Israeli Visa Policy
  • So now the Palestinians live under a murderous gangster cleptocracy in Yehuda and under a murderous Islamist dictatorship in Gaza, both headed by organizations who are committed both in writing and in fact to the end of Israel. The Volokh Conspiracy » Correction on Israeli Visa Policy
  • Pro - Palestinian activists have sailed into the Gaza Strip defying an Israeli blockade.
  • Machine gun and mortar fire rang out in heavily-populated Gaza City as Hamas security forces stepped up the pressure on their Palestinian opponents.
  • Her omission of any discussion of human shields while reporting from Gaza while on the other hand answering that question, though as briefly and unspecifically as possible, in a broadcast heard only locally in New York is significant: she would like to continue reporting from Gaza. Q. and A. With Taghreed El-Khodary in Gaza - The Lede Blog -
  • It says it can "sympathize" with the attempt to "decimate" Hamas and "wrest Gaza from its grip," despite much expert commentary that this would do more harm than good in the long run (especially since Hamas did win a democratic election). Greg Mitchell: NY Times Responds Weakly Today to Israel's 'Incursion' -- As Shells Kill Dozens at U.N. School
  • Since 2007, the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) controls the Gaza Strip, Israel to stop arms smuggling on the grounds of the region to implement strict blockade.
  • Israel believes that the fly-in was organized after an aid flotilla that planned to bring hundreds of activists to break the Israeli naval blockade on the Gaza Strip was banned from leaving ports in Greece. Israel on Alert as Pro-Palestinian Activists Plan ‘Fly-In'
  • And then, with his expression hardening, he turns to the other agenda, the real one, the one the Brotherhood has nursed along since 1928--including a long period of of ideological alliance with the Nazis--the agenda that its Palestinian branch is applying in Gaza. Bernard-Henri Lévy: Egypt: Year Zero
  • If they just wanted to stop the rocket attacks, they could do things like implement an antimissile system around Sderot and the few villages near enough to Gaza as to be affected. Israeli TV airs call to father after children killed « Blog
  • I also cited corroboratory reports by the head of the Gaza observer force, Lt. - Col. R.F. Bayard of the US army, and by the editor of Al Hamishmar, Mark Gefen, who was an eyewitness to atrocities including wanton killing, for example, the murder of a doctor at Gaza hospital by an Israeli soldier. Chomsky's 'Fateful Triangle': An Exchange
  • The Mwangaza was mzee and had been placed at the centre on the inland side, the seat of honour. The mission song
  • Xinhua News Agency Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) 20, an official said Egypt has decided to re-open access to the Gaza Strip, Egypt, Rafah crossing channels.
  • While the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) denied making attacks, but the aircraft 18 and 19 am to the Gaza Strip launched multiple air strikes, killing at least six people were killed.
  • Finally, there are a lot of hospitals to visit in Gaza, a lot of doctors to talk to, about basics, and about exotic targeteer erotica -- DIME effect, WP effect, and so on. Wampum
  • These innocent refugees were interned by Israel in squalid concentration camps such as Gaza and the West Bank. Obama: Agent of Change? Well, Agent of Somethin’ « Blog
  • I was afraid that gazabo was going to run over you, is why I cut it. '' Jean of the Lazy A
  • Will says that the settlement moratorium is likely to be something that will get "fudged," and reminds that Israel has already endured a grinding battle with its own people, settlers that fough extraction from Gaza. TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads
  • Nemadzivhanani said the former Venda and Gazankulu areas, which were hardest hit, have been neglected in the last six years with provincial road upgrading and rural development programmes tending to concentrate around the greater Pietersburg and former Lebowa homeland areas. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The Philistines were a seafaring people who inhabited the coast of Israel and Lebanon in the area of Gaza-Ashdod-Jaffa.
  • A big gazabo in a red wig held up Frost, the engineer. Bucky O'Connor
  • Eyeless at Gaza, Samson struggled to regain the power to pull down the pillars that destroyed him and his enemies together.
  • George "Your use of the word blitzkrieg shows either a total ignorance of military tactics or a total ignorance of exactly what the IDF did in Gaza and and what speed. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Was planning a day or 2 in Morocco (tangier) but with my wife and 3 kids in tow and following the offences of Gaza am having my doubts? Matthew Yglesias » Picture Picture, on the Blog
  • Only time will tell how long this latest "truce" subsists but it is unquestionable that Iran now has a strong foothold both in Gaza and Yehuda and the Shomron and heaven forefends it may not even need its nuclear capability to inflict heavy loss on Israel. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • The violence in the Gaza Strip makes the front page of most of the newspapers.
  • It has been used, for example, against those who refer too incautiously to the civilian carnage visited upon Gaza and Lebanon by the Israeli Defence Forces. Archive 2009-12-01
  • Diary Entry by arn specter (about the author) yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Gaza: History and Today\'s Freedom March Suppressed by Egypt'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'A presentation of last nights Democracy Now news story (video) of Egypt denying access to Gaza to hundreds-thousands of activists from many countries protesting Israel\'s violence against Hamas and the Palestinians 1 year ago ... along with a 1 hour talk by Professor Noam Chomsky, \'Gaza: One Year Later\ '.' OpEdNews - Diary: Gaza: History and Today's Freedom March Suppressed by Egypt
  • The organizers of the ships were offered to bring their assertedly humanitarian cargo into an Israeli port Ashdod, and after inspection for contraband, everything else would be transshipped to Gaza. Boarding a ship in international waters
  • What if we just renamed Gaza to Southern Philistia? Matthew Yglesias » Parallel
  • Gaza descended into chaos and pitch black as the power went out.
  • Gaza is also divided into three separate cantons.
  • I just got home from having a manicure-pedicure done at our local "Nail Gazaasm," which I had kind of been avoiding because the inscrutable name creeped me out. Presto Tivo.
  • The violence in the Gaza Strip makes the front page of most of the newspapers.
  • Pro - Palestinian activists have sailed into the Gaza Strip defying an Israeli blockade.
  • Israeli warplanes launched a raid into Gaza Strip on Monday, killing two.
  • As President Obama attempts to put all the pieces in place for a regional plan, the roles of Egypt -- mediator on Hamas issues, negotiator on Gilad Shalit, the Israeli soldier abducted and imprisoned by Hamas, enhanced policer of the Egypt-Gaza border -- is appreciated by the US Administration. Obama's Impact on the Middle East Peace Process
  • Angesichts der Tatsache, dass Bombenbauen und Raketenbasteln in Gaza zur Grundausbildung vom Kleinkindesalter weg geh #246; rt, erscheint das neu geforderte Spielzeugpistolenverbot etwas bizarr. Jihad Monitor
  • One reason for the consensus is the unilateral withdrawal from Gaza in 2005. Matthew Yglesias » Peres: Gaza Operation is Collective Punishment, and I Love It
  • The truth be told, (not by him of course), but really I'm missing old Georgie and his leotarded insanities from the UK scene and I'll be bitterly disappointed if he's inadvertantly shot or accidentally stoned to death by Hammas, found drowned in his hoummous or even electrified by his toothbrush in Gaza. Giving evidence to the Chilcot inquiry, Tony Blair said: “I...
  • Maybe Senator Kerry can hold hearings and get pro-Pali "newsmen" to testify about how the IDF razed Gaza "in a way reminiscent of Genghis Khan". THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS
  • Otherwise the Gaza streets are completely empty ghost town.
  • On Tuesday 27th January 2009, in Al Faraheen, Israeli forces shot at several farmers, killing a 27 year old farmer.ingaza. palsolidarity. org Drag to Playlist - Articles related to OPT: Egyptian steel barrier tests Gazan mettle
  • In recent days, Lieberman has spoken out against letting a flareup of violence between Israel and Gaza die down. Israeli AG announces plan to indict foreign minister
  • They went all the way: an enormous map indicating the equivalents of the Gaza strip and the West Bank (Zeelandic Flanders and Limburg, respectively), as well as the Frisian military bases, border checkpoints and settlements, Dutch tunnels to Belgium, the works. The Volokh Conspiracy » Let Turkey Have Gaza
  • martyrization of Gaza must stop", arguing that the Palestinian territory has become "a prison with an open sky" (article in French). Booker Rising
  • Gazar billows like a full sail and creates shapes that float Beene liked to use gazar in his later years. Fashion's Eternal Flame
  • Finally, I visited a community of refugees in Hluvukani in Mpumalanga province (former Gazankulu), South Africa, where with the generous assistance of Chris Dolan, Vusi Nkuna, Nicola Johnston, and Caetano Simbine (all affiliated at the time with the University of the Witwatersrand Rural Facility) I participated in group interviews with local authorities and female relatives of women I had met at Matendeni and Mapulanguene. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • We have also experienced an awakening of Christianity, especially in the old homelands of Gazankulu and Venda," said ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The position of the refuseniks is one of loyalty to Israel, while arguing that the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza runs contrary to the national interest.
  • Palestinian Muslim worshippers prayed the night prayers of Lailat-ul-Qadr in Gaza City on Monday. Quran Burning to Go Forward
  • Hamas, an acronym for the Islamic Resistance Movement, is founded by Muslim Brotherhood members during the first intifada, or uprising, against the Israeli military presence in the West Bank and Gaza.
  • The strapless, ivory silk gazar dress, with fitted strapless bodice and circle skirt, echoed the shape of the dress worn to the morning's ceremony. Kate sticks to winning formula with evening McQueen creation
  • Xinhua News: 24 am local time, Israeli warplanes bombed a western Gaza City Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) base, a large area power outage in Gaza City.
  • Gaza descended into chaos and pitch black as the power went out.
  • In the afternoon, or on cloudy, shady days, the gazania gets tired of staring at the sun and closes its eyes (and petals) and goes to sleep. it looks dead and wilted at night, but it opens up again every morning, coming back to life like a zombie flower. SF0
  • I pull myself away from a session on "The workings of chevre kadishas," tip toe out of an interesting session on Gaza with John Ging, the UNRWA director, altogether skip the session on "How Matzah became square," and head out to do some interviews. Danna Harman: What I Learned At Limmud
  • The policy is designed to cripple Gaza's economy by blocking the flow of goods necessary for economic or productive activity and also to prevent people from travelling as a means of pressure.
  • Michael Ben-Horin, an anti-disengagement protester, on organizing a cabalist ritual to put a curse on Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon for his plan to withdraw from Gaza. PERSPECTIVES
  • An Israeli soldier walks between armored personnel carriers near Israel's border with Gaza.
  • Relevant Links hoping foundation oxfam. free gaza ingaza talestotell gaza08 wewillrememberyourname guerrillaradio gazahumanrights Splitting The Atom film by Edouard Salier « Massive Attack Blog
  • « FreeGaza. org: Kidnapped by the Israeli Navy Coyote Ugly: The term arises from the behavior of jaw-trap will gnaw off a leg in order to escape death. Karmalised
  • I am cautious of any paper that uses AIPAC as a bogey man, instantly dismisses as propaganda anything — no matter how well documented — that may support Israel’s version of the facts, and puts scare quotes around “Commandoes” when describing 4 armed frogmen from the Al Aksah Martryrs Brigade en route from Gaza to Israel The Volokh Conspiracy » What’s Going on With Turkey
  • The official recognition of Christianity by Constantine I did not increase sympathy of the religion in Gaza.
  • Arraf lost a friend and fellow struggler for freedom in Vittorio Arrigoni on Friday, when the Italian activist living in Gaza was executed by Hamas. Caroline O'Donovan: "The Most Empowered People on Earth"
  • After gazumping and gazundering, the property market has identified a new danger for would-be homeowners: gazanging. Gazanging – the new menace facing potential homebuyers
  • Israel kills 61 Palestinians as Gaza 'buries' peace process Raw Story
  • There is growing concern from the international community about the four-day Israeli blockade on the Gaza Strip, after the territory's only power station shut down for lack of fuel.
  • Palestinian civilians run Monday during an Israeli airstrike in the Jabalya refugee camp, northern Gaza.
  • The reason the last administration didn't pursue that avenue is because there is No Oil in Israel or the Gaza Strip! Obama to host meeting of Israeli, Palestinian leaders this week
  • Subject: GAZA story/updating As we hand off the updating of the Gaza story into this evening, please make SURE we keep at least these three grafs in our updating story: Hamas, whose charter specifically calls for the destruction of the state of Israel, is listed as a terrorist organization by the United States, Canada, Japan, Australia, the United Kingdon and the European Union and is banned in Jordan. Thursday, January 08, 2009
  • It is more likely that the "interrelatedness" of this event to the pending dispute between Turkey and Israel over the recent UN Report upholding the legality of Israel's efforts to stop the Mavi Marmara from breaking Israel's naval blockade of Gaza, and its refusal to apologize for the killing of several Turkish nationals. Clarence B. Jones: Domestic Foreign Policy Storm Clouds -- The Unresolved Israel Palestine Dispute
  • On February 6, stopwar. reported a "Wave of Gaza solidarity action on UK campuses" over the past two weeks at 22 universities and colleges so far. Targeting Israel with Boycotts, Divestment, Sanctions, and Prosecutions
  • Israel's attempt to "globalize" Gaza imperils us all. Palestine Blogs aggregator
  • Groundcovers may include African daisy, trailing gazania or even large-leafed Algerian ivy.
  • Among recent preparations by the airforce was the Israeli attack of a weapons convoy in Sudan bound for militants in the Gaza Strip. Launchbeat -
  • Helping the Commonwealth's smaller states develop their judiciaries might be his day job now, but his share of life-changing moments occurred during two years spent "surrounded by bombs" in Gaza, he says. The Lawyer - Latest News
  • Reuters The dress was also made with ivory and white satin gazar, its skirt designed to evoke an opening flower. The Dress
  • As we are discussing the charter itself, regardless of what Mr. Haniye SAYS (Muslims also condone lying if its to the enemy), even the Wikipedia quote says "Hamas's charter calls for REPLACING THE STATE OF ISRAEL (my capitals) with a Palestinian Islamic state in the area that is now Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • An Israeli soldier a machine gun on a tank on the border with the Gaza Strip.
  • Amidror is known as a hard-liner who opposed Israel's withdrawal from Gaza in 2005. The Seattle Times
  • I haven't in three years seen a row of gazania (that pink flower, someone finally enlightened me to its name on Flickr) that glorious, and the revived chili plant is in bloom! Cheezy cheeky
  • Promoted to Headline (H3) on 2/7/09: Five 'till Midnight and the Clock Ticks on yahooBuzzArticleHeadline =' Five \'till Midnight and the Clock Ticks on '; yahooBuzzArticleSummary =' Article: With Gaza in rubbles, Barack Obama at the helm, George Mitchell willing to get real,, and Israeli elections looming, it is critical that politics be set aside for the sake of responding to the fierce urgency of the moment. ' Five 'till Midnight and the Clock Ticks on
  • Israeli warplanes continue to hIt'suspected Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip.
  • Instead, he says, Israelis and Palestinians should strive for a "nonbelligerency accord" based on the current alignment in the West Bank and Gaza, economic cooperation and the long-term possibility of establishing a "Palestinian entity. The Hawk Takes Flight
  • The west's deluded multiculti progressives should understand: In the end, this isn't about Gaza, this isn't about Jews. It's not about a return to 1967 borders, or even the existence of Israel; it's about a hatred of Jews and the West
  • What I find very interesting is that in regards to war be it Iraq, Afghanistan, or Gaza the roles seem to revers, with progressives focusing on individual heinous acts and the conservatives providing more arm chair analysis. Radical Islam One-Ups Itself « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • The lull is a distant memory and a permanent cease-fire a distant dream for Gaza. CNN Transcript Jan 7, 2009
  • Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat started his first official flight from the Gaza International Airport.
  • Bush condemned the July 12 kidnapping of two Israeli solders by the terrorist group Hizballah, as well as the abduction of a third Israeli soldier by Palestinian militants from Gaza earlier in July.
  • (Gaza is blockaded which is even worse than being occupied by israel). WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
  • During the war in Gaza, the Sri Lankan government forces overran the last stronghold of the Tamil Tigers -- a group considered a terrorist organization by the U.S. government -- at the expense of dozens of civilians. Numbers matter
  • Use of the term concentration camp and Warsaw Ghetto to describe the situation in Gaza Open Democracy News Analysis - Comments
  • Monday, the family erected a white tent of mourning outside their house in Rimal, on the outskirts of Gaza City.
  • At left, a Palestinian Muslim prayed the night prayers of Lailat-ul-Qadr in Gaza City on Monday. Quran Burning to Go Forward
  • According to Caissene, his Mundlovu ancestors fled from their original home near Natal to a site he called "Kenhoek," in the Transvaal lowveld, because of the Gaza Nguni succession war in the early 1860s. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • During the fighting, a Palestinian sniper shot and killed an Ecuadoran volunteer who was working in a potato field at an Israeli Kibbutz (communal farm) about 100 meters from the Gaza border.
  • Gaza was populated mainly by Egyptian peasants who evaded the Turkish prohibition on entry, Roumanian gypsy slaves of Maronite priests in Sinai, and latterly Turkish=Muslim peasants transferred from the Balkans after the Treaty of Berlin handed Ottoman holdings in what came to be known as Croatia to the Habsburgs in 1878. The Volokh Conspiracy » Palestinians of African Descent:
  • Prabal Gurung Draped silk faille dress with gazar ruffles. Next Big Thing?
  • I figger they ain't a gazabo on the track can hand it to me. Blister Jones
  • Would he support the expansion of settlements, an end to Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, repudiation of the two-state solution, a military attack on Iran, the permanent occupation of the West Bank, and perhaps the reoccupation of Gaza? What Would Obama Do If His Only Concern Was Israel?
  • Israel launches air raids in Gaza after rocket, mortar fire mayor told to 'evict' Silwan settlers condemns Web list of Gaza soldiers AP Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Lambinon said printing machines in the Northern Province were standing unused after three printing works and staff from the former "homelands" of Venda, Gazankulu and Lebowa were incorporated into the Pietersburg office. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Deportation orders against four senior Fatah activists in the Gaza Strip had been issued on March 24.
  • Jerry Lampen/Reuters STRIKES CONTINUE: An Israeli man blew a shofar, which is a ram's horn, near Kibbutz Nir Am as plumes of smoke rose above the northern Gaza Strip Sunday. Today's Photos: Jan. 12
  • In the Gaza refugee camp of Rafah soldiers shot dead 11-year-old Mohammad Jarbou.
  • This also would explain its foot dragging on peace with Palestinians, a pattern seen prior to pummeling Lebanon in 2006 and Gaza in 2008-early 2009 (a move approved by General Jim Jones and Hillary Clinton). fw says: Matthew Yglesias » ADL Hits Petraeus
  • The drilling of new wells to provide water to settlements in the West Bank and Gaza involves the exploitation of previously untapped resources.
  • In a barrage Monday night, a missile crashed into a bus stop in Ashdod, 23 miles from the Gaza Strip. As They Were Picking Up The Dead Out Of The Broken Glass Yes It’s Number One, The Radio Said, Groovy Times Have Come To Pass | ATTACKERMAN
  • If Israel thinks that it is justified in excluding ships from GazaIsraeli waters, it should have waited until the ships were in Israeli waters. The Volokh Conspiracy » Pollak on Uniquely Israeli Stupidity
  • Wo name, my friends? "the Mwangaza is yelling at us indign andy" This strange Syndicate that has dragged us here today has no name? The mission song
  • Total grovelling obeisance to Israel is a speciality, with much contempt for the Palestinians and support for Israel as they eviscerated Gazan children, and a manic scheme of extreme toadyish inventiveness, to attempt to arraign Ahmadinejad before the ICC for 'incitement to genocide' over his non-existent calls to 'wipe Israel off the map'. Dissident Voice
  • First, he allowed Palestinians in Gaza to organize irregular guerrilla units called fedayeen—“self-sacrificers.” Crossing Mandelbaum Gate
  • Palestinian civilians run Monday during an Israeli airstrike in the Jabalya refugee camp, northern Gaza.
  • CASE SUMMARY: Islam Alassouli is a four-year child living in Khan Younis camp, in southern Gaza. 12-days from birth Islam was diagnosed with pure red cell aplasia (PRCA). - Articles related to WHO, EU partner to fight 'transplant tourism' in RP
  • After killing indefense children and women in Gaza with bombs from aircrafts and helicopters more than 290 palestinian and another severely injured 800, Israel bombed without any remorse anything but no specific military objectives, even pharmacies at the time official rumors are spreading that Israel is preparing for a ground invasion in the next hours and while the media converts palestinians in the provokers and Israel the victim, when the real thing is they have made of Gaza Strip a concentration camp with no food, no services, no water, no access to health care with more than million people condemned to starvation worst than any concentration camp of nazi germany in WWII. Alex Jones' Prison
  • The difference between disengagement and withdrawal may be significant for Gazans, but the entire conflict will not pivot upon it.
  • Their forces shut dozens of schools, mosques and recreation centers in poor neighborhoods throughout the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.
  • Gaza officials put the Palestinian death toll from the week-long Israeli operations at around 500.
  • Violence is escalating in the Gaza Strip as Israeli tanks move in.
  • Prime minister David Cameron was a little nearer the mark when he called the blockaded Gaza Palestine Blogs aggregator
  • At ville gøre levevilkårene for Gazas beboere bedre er et prisværdigt mål, som jeg og verden som en selvfølgelighed burde støtte på linie med at verden burde støtte lidende i Blogbot - forsiden
  • Israel can try to reach an agreement about the ships being searched in Ashdod with Turkish observers present, and that they will be allowed to proceed to dock at Gaza after this search is complete. The Volokh Conspiracy » What’s Going on With Turkey
  • The latest rockets and airstrikes come amid reports of progress in German-mediated indirect negotiations on a prisoner exchange between Israel and Hamas, the Palestinian Islamist group that has de facto control of the Gaza Strip. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • In the 1980s, when the secular, left-leaning Palestine Liberation Organization predominated as the Palestinian political force, Israeli intelligence funneled some aid to Hamas (descended from the Gaza branch of the Muslim Brotherhood), a fundamentalist group, in hopes of dividing and ruling the Palestinians. Matthew Yglesias » The Risk of Catastrophic Success In Gaza
  • VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = '\'War criminal\' cat-calls interrupt Olmert speech '; yahooBuzzArticleSummary =' The world is continuing to voice its criticism of Israel\'s offensive in the Gaza Strip last winter. OpEdNews - Quicklink: 'War criminal' cat-calls interrupt Olmert speech
  • Palestinian militants are still managing to launch rockets into southern Israel, despited a tightening Israeli cordon in Gaza. News for WNCT
  • Rochdale Alternative Website has just published (despite time stamp from early hours) another account of Paul Rowen's Lib Dem Let Down re Gaza and of the ejection of whom they call an 'eejit' - Dave Drunkagain. Labour of Love
  • There are an unusually high number of male pseudohermaphrodite births in Gaza neighborhood of Jabalya in part, doctors say, because it is customary in this socially conservative society for cousins to marry each other. CNN Transcript Dec 18, 2009
  • An investigative report to be aired on Italian television Wednesday raises the possibility that Israel has used an experimental weapon in the Gaza Strip in recent months, causing especially serious physical injuries, such as amputated limbs and severe burns. Tuesday, October 31, 2006
  • Saleh is referring to the low-priced commodities like snacks and cosmetics that used to flood into the Gaza Strip from Sinai, via an elaborate network of underground smuggling tunnels. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • In the Gaza Strip, last year's Israeli assault reduced the parliament building to rubble.
  • Before the invasion of Gaza on 27 December 2008, Israel's siege had already created a humanitarian catastrophe there, with severe impoverishment, malnutrition, and destroyed infrastructure. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Why," was the reply, "this gink here," pointing toward the prisoner whose disguise had been removed, "this gazabo hadn't much confidence in his own ability to win this fight, so he appealed to the revolutionary leaders. Boy Scouts on Motorcycles With the Flying Squadron
  • he is a Palestinian from Gaza
  • Leila Abu Saba posts a statement by Israeli activist, Shulamit Aloni, read at the Saturday Gaza protest, which she described as a rousing speech. A Rousing Speech at Gaza
  • They became part of the Shangaan-speaking community in the former Gazankulu, now part of the Limpopo province. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • This recently proclaimed Act embraces elements of previous legislation which was in force in the so-called homelands of Lebowa, Gazankulu and Venda, and some of the regulations enacted by the former Transvaal Provincial Administration. Index
  • Using a palette she described as "desert brights," Beckham offered a teal matte gazar V-neck cocoon that she said was "young red carpet," but the finale gown in the same color and fabric was the one to talk about: It had chiffon-covered resin bits arranged in a mosaic pattern that looked like shards of shattered glass around the neckline. PHOTOS: Victoria Beckham Shows 100th Look
  • The suspension of imports will remain in effect until the aid is returned and the Agency is given credible assurances from the Hamas government in Gaza that there will be no repeat of these thefts. The Volokh Conspiracy » Greenwald and Gaza
  • “Der's an old gazabo here,” said the bouncer to me one day, “and he's got de angel goods on him O.K.” From the Bottom Up
  • That is why Gaza exists: because the Palestinians who lived in Ashkelon and the fields around it – Askalaan in Arabic – were dispossessed from their lands in 1948 when Israel was created and ended up on the beaches of Gaza. Matthew Yglesias » Why They Fight
  • In a document from 2008, after a Hamas-engineered breach of the blockaded Gaza-Egypt border, Palestinian negotiator Ahmed Qureia is quoted as telling his Israeli counterpart, Tzipi Livni, that if Israel can reoccupy the West Bank it can reoccupy a border, an apparent reference to the Gaza-Egypt frontier. Thousands Protest In Gaza Over Leaked Papers
  • To emphasize the point, the caption below a photo illustration of Rice and Bush with a blood red Gaza City skyscape in the background reads: "Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and President George W. Bush, whose secret Palestinian intervention backfired in a big way. In Jon We Trust
  • Dr. Tone Hegna and Dr. Åse Vikanes, who followed the delivery of 200 pallets of medical supplies from Ramallah to Gaza in early February 2011, confirmed that many drugs and basic disposables remain in short supply, and that a bad situation is made worse by inadequate storage, transport and incineration facilities. Jan McGirk: Any Gauze in Gaza? Supply Shortages Add to Medical Misery Inside Strip
  • It also provides a network of schools, medical clinics and other social programs in the Gaza Strip and West Bank.
  • But they do let them dock after a search ahem. have you seen the list of blockaded items? the blockade is about collective punishment and to reduce the civilian population of gaza to a state of breaking point. The Volokh Conspiracy » Greenwald and Gaza
  • RIYADH: A pair of conjoined Palestinian twins who came to the Kingdom from the Gaza Strip to undergo separation surgery died in Riyadh on Saturday, said Saudi Health Minister Dr. Abdullah Al-Rabeeah. Arabnews - frontpage
  • As to settlement assets, there are 2,586 homes slated for evacuation, covering approximately 20 per cent of the land in Gaza.
  • As for Israel, the fall of Mubarak - and the unsealing of Egypt's border with Gaza - pose a security disaster equal to the destruction of Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq. Why the Mideast revolts will help al-Qaeda
  • Iran did not attacked anoder country in last 600 years Israel is attacking Arab countries for all of 60 yr of they existance Gaza Ghetto is they pride John Terry’s sacking as England captain tells us something interesting...
  • NGUYEN: Lets 'get you to the Middle East now where we are in the middle of a so-called lull in Gaza. CNN Transcript Jan 10, 2009
  • They – or their children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren – are among the one and a half million Palestinian refugees crammed into the cesspool of Gaza, 80 per cent of whose families once lived in what is now Israel. Matthew Yglesias » Why They Fight
  • Israel will come out of this with a greatly cowed hamas, who will have to explain to the populace of gaza why this was all worth while and why islamofacism as a concept is so attractive, and why no longer having a home/street/electricity whatever is just so pleasing to the master mullah maniacs in iran. this is what you anarchists are all about 'innit' On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • In addition to this, none of the five cities of the Philistine pentapolis (Ashkelon, Ekron, Ashdod, Gaza, and CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • Qatayef by Eva Bartlett (ingaza., used with permission Global Voices in English » Palestine: Qatayef, A Special Ramadan Dessert
  • Look, Mike, you can adulate Fisk as much as you like but the Jews are not just going to lie down and be attacked by his friends and yours without resisting fairly vigorously - if necessary, even more vigorously than they have just done in Gaza. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Apparently they are due near Gaza waters by Saturday, andso far the Israelis have declared that it too will be prevented from reaching the Gaza shore. The Free-Gaza Flotilla: No Mercy For Weakness « INTERSTELLAR TACTICS
  • Unlike those pishers, Emerson actually reported her stories, even going so far as to risk her life in war-zones like Vietnam and Gaza.
  • People in Gaza were at the end of their rope 18 months before, when their most basic needs were cut off and they were encaged, left to waste away and fight amongst themselves. A Gift to Israel
  • If you're a novice gardener who doesn't know a gazania from a geranium, you might be wondering what "plant hardiness zone" refers to on the information tags for flowers, trees, and other plants you've seen at your local gardening center or home center. Tip of the Day: USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map can help you pick the right flowers and trees
  • Local courts annulled the results of three municipal elections in Gaza, which Hamas claimed it had won.
  • Hamas calls It'self - defense against Israeli crackdowns in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
  • But then Hamas continue shooting rockets over Israeli civilians, Hamas took the gaza strip by power and cooped to religious fundamentalist regime in Gaza. Could There Be a One-State Solution? - The Lede Blog -
  • He also served in the former Gazankulu government as the deputy head of police. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • What the left does not condone is Israel’s objective of reestablishing a credible deterrent in Gaza. Matthew Yglesias » Goldfarb Endorses Terrorist Ethics
  • Joyce's blown call spurred more intelligent, non-shrill, non-snarky commentary among Americans than Deepwater Horizon, Gaza, or North Korea. Simon Maxwell Apter: Armando Galarraga, Perfect Games, and Major League History
  • Mohammed says he stopped believing in a peaceful solution to the conflict here when Israel imposed a blockade, or what he calls a siege of Gaza. A Friendship Tested By Deep Gaza-Israel Divide
  • Whereas Hamas has increased the range of its rockets, re - portedly with support from Iran and others, putting addi - tional large numbers of Israelis in danger of rocket at - tacks from Gaza; Bringing balance to the U.S. Senate's resolution on Gaza
  • Nearly everything in Gaza is improvised for want of the real thing, thanks to the unavailability of everyday items, banned by Israel. Global Voices in English » Palestine: Qatayef, A Special Ramadan Dessert
  • Sofar, 635 Palestinians have been killed, including more than220children and 130 womenwith more than3000 wounded (over 50%of them women and children) This includes a clearly marked UN run Gaza school. Every Needless Death in Gaza Is a Tragedy
  • Hey, we've careened across the Gaza coast in a donkey cart during closures of the (area formerly known as) Netzarim Junction, I think we can handle that.
  • Berger if as you clearly imply, most of your fellow SA Jews are fascists for sticking up for Israel, and opposing you and Geffen's "verligte" approach, don't you think you might be more comfortable in say Gaza with the non-fascist tolerant of alternative lifestyles Palestinians where Hamas are the ruling party and enjoy widespread popular support. It's Almost Supernatural
  • Israeli security officials tell TIME that the link to the PRC was as clear as the orders they monitored in real time from Gaza to the Sinai Peninsula, where the militants waited in ambush.
  • By that logic, Israel is rational in bombing Gaza in an attempt to remove that demographic threat, one way or another. Matthew Yglesias » Gaza and Just War
  • “If Israel accepts the maximist Palestinian proposals: a state on the 1967 armistice lines, removes all Jews from the west bank, and agrees to have east Jereusalem as the capitol of a palestinian state; Hamas and the 1.5 million Gazans it represents will still want to destroy Israel and Hamas would still wage war against Israel.” Matthew Yglesias » Israel’s Irrealism on Settlements
  • Medan vi i Sverige skriker halsen av oss och hoppas pÃ¥ en arabisk seger, uttrycker ledarna för länderna runt Gaza ett helt annat senario. MXp
  • It takes some effort not to notice, for example, that just yesterday I wrote “The whole Gaza blockade is an example of this stupidity.” The Volokh Conspiracy » Let Turkey Have Gaza
  • ASHDOD -- A Lebanese freighter that tried to deliver aid to Gaza in defiance of a blockade docked in the Israeli port of Ashdod under navy escort on Thursday after being intercepted at sea

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