How To Use Gayness In A Sentence
Years ago, apparently before he attended UCI, he had told his "homie" he liked men but his friends had beaten him up as a result, trying, he recalled, to beat the gayness out of him.
UC Student Regent Comes Out In Wake Of Gay Suicides
One night toward the first of January he bounded up the stairs with more than his usual gayness and grabbed me in his arms.
The variegated colours of the different uniforms contributed greatly to the gayness of the scene, and mixed well with the bright hues and delicate tints of the ladies' dresses.
You may think that your gayness is the reason for all the bad things that have happened to you.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Enough with the Ridiculous Hyperbole!
I think it's really important to keep the gayness of the show.
IMO, the most likely cause of gayness is irregular hormonal fluctuations in the womb.
Your Honour, I was trolling in a westerly direction, when I vada'd ...
They are more affected by the pleasure which they receive from the variety and gayness of the colours, than by their admiration for the design of the picture.
She was alone, so far, in her large Louis XVI drawing room, the bronzes and brocades of which had a bright gayness.
I want to integrate my sexuality with all the other weaves of my self: burn any architectural plans that mount my gayness above my race, ethnicity, and age.
It was the ideal photo op for those looking to normalize the general public's perception of gayness.
The most mind-boggling thing about Brüno is although he's founded on the basest gay stereotype possible (the swishy wisp of a man who craves fashion, fame and sex), he gives everyone he encounters reasons to hate him way beyond his gayness.
The smile and her gayness were meant to ease the child out of her distressed mood.
For 25 years he has hosted the nationally syndicated radio show Loveline — toneless voices of teens, some of whom can barely phrase their distress, calling in with misunderstood gayness or drug queries or parent problems or never-ending boners, each issue calmly and compassionately addressed in the Pinsky baritone.
Retching With the Stars
It's as though the film is trying to milk his accomplishments without wanting to acknowledge his gayness.
And this is even when he's incorporating said gayness into his social assault, like when he's thrusting his barely clad crotch in front of a test group meant to represent Middle America, or simulating multiple varieties of oral sex on the ghost of Rob Pilatus in front of a straight-laced psychic, or nagging a dude he's camping with multiple times (sometimes clothed, sometimes not) in the wee hours of the night.
Why is it so important for gays to trumpet their gayness from the hilltops how does this encourage a cohesive military which seeks the highest levels of excellence??
Sound Politics: The Closet Is No Place For A Gay Soldier
Ward†™ s please print this my gayness is so open.
15 links of fame « BuzzMachine
Although much has changed in the past few years as I have accepted my gayness, much remains the same.
Moneyrunner: You may think that your gayness is the reason for all the bad things that have happened to you.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Enough with the Ridiculous Hyperbole!
Conservative Kento was a late bloomer in terms of sexual orientation, not even considering the possibility that he was gay until he met cynical, campy Akira, who probably twigged to his gayness in the womb.
18 « May « 2009 « The Manga Curmudgeon
The green-flowered dress and the garland signify the gayness of the fields.
I want to integrate my sexuality with all the other weaves of my self: burn any architectural plans that mount my gayness above my race, ethnicity, and age.
On the other hand, to the extent that a constructivist position can be transformed into a position that gayness is a "free" choice, it can be the grounds for arguing that the choice ought not to be made (Sedgwick, 41).
Foucault and the Hedgerow History of Sexuality
She smiled back at him, appreciating his understanding and the overdone gayness.
I shouldn't have to defend my gayness in a gay magazine.
Accepting gayness is okay if nothing can be done, but helping them overcome it much better.
Sound Politics: Separated at Birth?
In the Spring all things are happy; gayness and laughing once again descend upon the land and men make merry and dance.
I'll just try Googling the relevant commandment: "Thou shalt helpeth others in their hour of need-except whenceforth a forbidden gayness eminates.
Progressive Bloggers
Andreas was thoroughly happy and thoroughly satisfied; his gayness of spirit as he strutted beside Jason testified to this.
Since the play is never explicit about their gayness, we can only view it as a portrait of early 20th-century repression.
You cannot on one hand tell foks how good gayness is then in the same breath use gayness as an insult andhave any crediblity.
Think Progress » Religious Right Seeks Unprecedented Constitutional Convention To Ban Gay Marriage Without Congress
For some time now, men have been moving away from the old stereotype of gayness.
My mother and I discussed my "gayness" when I was in high school; that didn't go well.
From those early years, I remember no signs by which I could have clearly read my gayness or anyone else's.
For who would not thinke it a ridiculous thing to see a Lady in her milke-house with a veluet gowne, and at a bridall in her cassock of mockado: a Gentleman of the Countrey among the bushes and briers, goe in a pounced dublet and a paire of embrodered hosen, in the Citie to weare a frise Ierkin and a paire of leather breeches? yet some such phantasticals haue I knowen, and one a certaine knight, of all other the most vaine, who commonly would come to the Sessions, and other ordinarie meetings and Commissions in the Countrey, so bedect with buttons and aglets of gold and such costly embroderies, as the poore plaine men of the Countrey called him (for his gaynesse) the golden knight.
The Arte of English Poesie
Polly's bright gayness of spirit once more flagged as she noted the cloud on her father's face.
For the left gayness is ok, even normative, as long as it is * not* closeted and does * not* include selling silence or acquiescing in homophobic rants for money or tax breaks.
Matthew Yglesias » Stay Classy, Conservative Blogosphere
We should ask, "Why do you have a problem with gayness?"
If gayness is a choice and these folks should simply avoid a “behavior,” what happens to marriages in which gay people marry heterosexually?
Think Progress » Huckabee Compares Gays To Drug Users, Says They’re Unfit To Adopt Kids Because ‘Children Are Not Puppies’
Both are among the most beautiful climbing plants for the summer greenhouse, their large clusters of deep yellow flowers giving a gayness to the whole collection.