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How To Use Gawp In A Sentence

  • You couldn't be more vulnerable if you were stripped naked and wheeled out on a trestle table for the waiting room to gawp at.
  • It commemorates a trek more gruelling than the tourists who gawp at it can imagine.
  • I also loved the Grewal clan, British Indians from west London, bickering and eating bhajis while we sat at home and gawped. Strictly Kosher: Grace Dent's TV OD
  • This goal leaves me laughing and gawping with amazement and awe. Times, Sunday Times
  • As the old roisterer was being carted off to hospital on a stretcher he looked up at a gawping gaggle of tourists in the hotel lobby and gasped: ‘It was the food!’
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  • Or take a leisurely open-air gondola to float over the greenery and gawp at the views. The Sun
  • This goal leaves me laughing and gawping with amazement and awe. Times, Sunday Times
  • Or are we just gawping at a naked emperor? Times, Sunday Times
  • He stuffs another calorific mouthful into his ever-gawping bucket bake.
  • I don't want those ghouls from the council gawping at his wounds and gloating over a victory they did nothing to achieve. THE ANCIENT AND SOLITARY REIGN
  • At the zoo, people flock to gawp at the chimps, gorillas and orang-utans.
  • During the hiking craze of the 1930s, hungry cottagers would throw stones at the knapsacked townies who came to gawp.
  • We have so many tourist attractions that we had to put some underground to keep them secret, but still they flock to gawp at Gaping Gill.
  • The dive blokes shuffled their feet with embarrassment, trying to pretend that it wasn't happening, but unable to stop gawping.
  • She was frightened, frightened of these strange children being brought to gawp and stare at her. Raw « Write Anything
  • We found ourselves all but alone in the cavernous space, gawping at the caged beast. Times, Sunday Times
  • A Titan Triggerfish chomps at some hard coral, as other fish gawp at us curiously or dart away.
  • When I sit down, I am surrounded by dozens of people, staring and gawping.
  • In the park below, walkers gazed up at us and gawped.
  • The shopfront attracted gawpers, eager to discuss this technological phenomenon. Times, Sunday Times
  • People do not just gawp and stare at it. Times, Sunday Times
  • We all queued up to go and gawp at him; he looked like the Elephant Man. Pam Ayres: My family values
  • Shut your bake Mark, and quit gawping!
  • There were lots of people in the shops and bars gawping at what was going on.
  • It seems to me that people would rather traipse round shops, gawping at potential purchases than they would educate themselves by looking at a book or work of art.
  • It is more than possible to breast-feed discreetly anyway, so anyone who finds it such an unpleasant sight should simply stop gawping.
  • I was carried out on a stretcher, with everyone gawping at me.
  • The shopfront attracted gawpers, eager to discuss this technological phenomenon. Times, Sunday Times
  • This goal leaves me laughing and gawping with amazement and awe. Times, Sunday Times
  • He gawped at the microwave and the toaster and the juicer and the cleanliness and order. TICKLED PINK
  • Or take a leisurely open-air gondola to float over the greenery and gawp at the views. The Sun
  • I love that word gawp, not one is usage over here. Picture This-September-Portraits Of Muhly « Fairegarden
  • He tries to rake in as much cash as possible by shipping in tourists to gawp at his bulk. The Sun
  • This goal leaves me laughing and gawping with amazement and awe. Times, Sunday Times
  • But many will probably come just to gawp at the locals and soak up the legend.
  • So when the young hotel receptionist welcomed us and wished us a “pleasant and memorable stay,” I gawped at every precise word that came out of her beautiful mouth. Fallin’ Up
  • He'll be going home after the SRBs are fished out of the ocean and sent back for refurbishment.:: gawp:: Nebula Weekend, days 2-3
  • This, of course, to anyone who has gawped at the pyramids of Giza or wandered slack-jawed around the temple of Karnak, cannot help but feel frustrating. The Rise and Fall of Ancient Egypt by Toby Wilkinson; Myths and Legends of Ancient Egypt by Joyce Tyldesley; and Egyptian Dawn by Robert Temple
  • I found myself glued to the spot, gawping at a specially commissioned video installation.
  • Today the temples are a major tourist attraction, well worth the grinding bus trip from Agra or Gwalior, and the curious arrive in droves from all over the world to gawp and snigger at this unyielding display of raunchiness.
  • The novel ends, seemingly on a high, with Theodora walking out with the emperor Justinian, her new husband, to greet the very crowds who had once cheered and gawped at her floor-shows. Theodora: Actress, Empress, Whore by Stella Duffy
  • We ship him over to Norway and watch as they decorate him with lights and gawp at him for a month or so, then in early January they can chuck him on a fire.
  • Then it went out, and like muppets we went back down, gawping at the damage and the distance the sea had retreated.
  • The house was knocked down years ago, but ghoulish coach tours still pull up in the street to gawp at the spot.
  • This is the flauto dolce indeed but never with that gawping vibrato that too many flautists, having seen the error of their ways and taken up the recorder, are apt to regale us with.
  • Mum and Dad can just gawp at the passing parade. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are fumaroles to gawp at too — the vents through which rotten egg-smelling gasses hiss. The Sun
  • Why bother campaigning to legalise drugs when you could use your own airline to fly self-absorbed dopehead depressives out to Africa to gawp at poor people? The camera does sometimes lie. Ask a female politician | Barbara Ellen
  • With the arrival of summer I have seen the increasing numbers of people using the Lancaster cycleway, gawping at the Millenium Bridge and strolling along the beautiful quayside.
  • Why bother campaigning to legalise drugs when you could use your own airline to fly self-absorbed dopehead depressives out to Africa to gawp at poor people? The camera does sometimes lie. Ask a female politician | Barbara Ellen
  • Everyone tunes into this series, which returns for a second run tonight, for a bit of a gawp at just how messy some people can be. The Sun
  • Thirty years earlier, as a small boy in unflattering grey flannels, I stood and craned my neck to gawp at a model of the largest creature on earth, suspended from the ceiling of London's Natural History Museum.
  • But instead of making you feel like a gawping addict with its biomechanically engineered gameplay, it makes you smile. The 25 best smartphone games of 2011 (so far) – part one
  • Those who weren't gawping at me were staring at the floor.
  • He would sit in the centre of the grass, gaping and gawping, while the parent birds rushed back and forth to find nourishing grubs and suitable insects to stuff down his throat.
  • “See that,” she said, and of course he did, for he was gawping and blinking at it, the nubble out of the babba’s belly. At Swim, Two Boys
  • I was gawping at the views when I should have been eyeing the road. Times, Sunday Times
  • They'd swim around their tank all day, occasionally gawping open-mouthed through the glass before going off on another circuit of nothingness.
  • The reader gawps, in turns amused and appalled, at an enthralling variety bill of Victorians and Social Gospellers.
  • I'll admit that there's a certain amount of gawp-in-horror entertainment to be had from seeing the scabrous insides of sundry slackers' houses - but the weekly ‘look at the BUGS that were in your carpet!’
  • He is so unexpected that I just gawp. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lesley didn't bat an eyelid, but I gawped, until a lady asked for money, then I shot off. Family life
  • We all watch the same TV shows, gawp at the same handful of celebrities, hanker after the same soft furnishings and hardwood floors.
  • Or are we just gawping at a naked emperor? Times, Sunday Times
  • He is so unexpected that I just gawp. Times, Sunday Times
  • But to my surprise, the futuristic seats don't actually spin round; we end up hunched awkwardly over the flashing armrests, gawping around and discussing the curious venue.
  • Tentatively, I ventured out, then realised that half the neighbourhood was standing around gawping.
  • While another Mumsnet user dropped by with a cake, to "gawp" at their celebrity visitor, the couple's teenage children were less impressed. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • While you chomp sardines and gawp at a view that is surely more impressive than your living room, the kids are right in front of you, feet away on the sand.
  • He would sit in the centre of the grass, gaping and gawping, while the parent birds rushed back and forth to find nourishing grubs and suitable insects to stuff down his throat.
  • He captures each unique expression, from the gaptoothed gawp through the sneering cruelty to the wearied resignation. Times, Sunday Times
  • The six million who gawped at Mr Griffin on Question Time three months ago were looking at the wrong person. A golden age for fascism
  • They just wanted to gawp. The Sun
  • People do not just gawp and stare at it. Times, Sunday Times
  • When I had jaundice, they all came and gawped at me. Pam Ayres: My family values
  • Outside the sun was shining and so I wandered off to Bath Place to gawp at the quaint little shops and to watch people.
  • They just wanted to gawp. The Sun
  • But someone clearly objects to rubberneckers such as me coming to gawp at Hitler's legacy: on dozens of the boarded-up windows, someone has spraypainted "Touris raus! Without tourists, Berlin is stuffed. But try telling that to the angry natives | Helen Pidd
  • At weekends the roads are jammed with holidaymakers coming to gawp at the parade.
  • He tries to rake in as much cash as possible by shipping in tourists to gawp at his bulk. The Sun
  • But many will probably come just to gawp at the locals and soak up the legend.
  • Back at the Chinese border shops sell North Korean memorabilia to the tourists who come to gawp through telescopes at North Korea.
  • Go and gawp at the kaleidoscope of colours on display. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was gawping at the views when I should have been eyeing the road. Times, Sunday Times
  • I remember many years ago, sitting with my mother and brother, in front of a roaring coal fire, gawping at a black and white tube, mesmerised by the likes of Cagney, Bogart, & Hepburn.
  • Don't get your hopes up because you don't get to see much from your free low-level passage, just a few ruminants, some birds and a lot of homo sapiens wandering around gawping at animals you can't see.
  • Everyone tunes into this series, which returns for a second run tonight, for a bit of a gawp at just how messy some people can be. The Sun
  • Mum and Dad can just gawp at the passing parade. Times, Sunday Times
  • When Forbes first started to draw up its power league, the magazine probably imagined that it would induce readers to gasp with fear or gawp with respect. The only power world leaders have is to frustrate each other | Andrew Rawnsley

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