How To Use Gavel In A Sentence
The silence was broken by the gavel pounding on the judge's perch.
It brought home to millions the excitement of gavel-to-gavel coverage of the presidential nominating conventions.
The main reason religious arguments are gavelled out of the courtrooms is that the rules of law require logic.
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Partible inheritance was, for example, a distinct feature of Kentish gavelkind tenures, which were classified as free, and also survived amongst customary tenants in parts of northern and eastern England.
His network DID provide gavel-to-gavel coverage - but only via the Internet.

Then, with a final stroke of his gavel, the auctioneer declared that the auction was over.
These golden geese continued to be offered the way they sold best - in real-time sales with glossy printed catalogs and elegant auctioneers wielding polished wooden gavels.
The judge banged his gavel several times to demand silence, but he couldn't be heard above the noise that was increasing by the minute.
Above the rising hubbub came the sudden, sharp hammering of a gavel.
Once again the presiding judge rapped briefly with his gavel.
Even Dow Jones chairman Peter Kann, who appeared on the New York Stock Exchange podium on March 18 hoping to mark the decamillennial Dow only to see the market pull a late el foldo and close at 9997.62, wasn't around to bang the gavel signaling the Dow's first five-digit close.
People Of The Bull
He took up the gavel, but in his nervous state about performing such a gutsy move, he gave the person sitting next to him a mighty blow on the head.
Near the end of the morning, after I'd gaveled down dozens of lots of major artwork for big money from a big crowd that nearly filled our Blue Salon, a tiny, minor Renoir came up.
If viewers weren't tuned to C-SPAN for the gavel-to-gavel coverage, then they missed the excitement and the energy and the brilliant remarks by them.
This professor acts so priggishly -- like a moderator with a gavel!
His face had purpled to roughly the same shade as a ripe eggplant and he banged vigorously on his desk with a gavel.
The judge, having entered the "oyez, oyez" of the crier, announced the opening of the court, and the rattling of the gavel of the bailiff soon brought the immense crowd to silence.
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The warning didn't register with one windbag, and the committee members signaled the emcee to gavel the person off the dais.
To "jilt," to throw or dash water on a person; "gellock" (gavelock), an iron lever or crowbar.
The Proverbs of Scotland
Johannesburg Plan of Implementation is currently being "gavelled" by the Vienna Group.
ANC Daily News Briefing
One of its station groups offers gavel-to-gavel reporting on the South Carolina General Assembly.
I wasn't sure what was happening as the judge banged his gavel on the bench and the court was adjourned.
the chairman called the meeting to order by pounding his gavel
Then he banged a gavel to pronounce them married and they all kissed, to wild applause from the gallery.
The Senate waited on Richard Shelby, the last senator to arrive, before Roland Burris gavelled the vote closed.
The new Senate president banged down the gavel and called the chamber to order with a strong firm voice.
The look of pride on Hiroaki Inoue's face when he gavelled the end of the con was a wonderful thing to behold.
MIND MELD: What Can Worldcon and Comic-Con Learn From Each Other?
President Alycia Bencloski pounded the club gavel, which happens to be a meat tenderizer, to bring the meeting to order.
Cue the Organ Music! Liver Lovers Shiver at the Dish's Decline
With the trial set to begin Monday in D.C. Superior Court, the four friends who run the Web site -- all gay men who happened to live near the crime scene -- are preparing to go gavel-to-gavel with updates and analysis live on the blog and on Twitter, complete with RSS feeds.
Web site grows out of fascination with Robert Wone killing
There was a time when this event prompted gavel-to-gavel TV coverage.
The Irish gavelkind, it will be seen, is quite different from the gavelkind customary in the county of Kent.
The redistribution by gavelkind on each occasion extended to the clan or sept - not beyond.
There's the buzz of bidding against other interested people, the tension of waiting to see if they'll raise their offer, and the joy of being the winner when the auctioneer bangs his gavel.
In fact, it's my understanding that he will gavel the convention to order, sometime late tomorrow afternoon.
It's unedited, gavel-to-gavel coverage of the Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs, Northern Development and Natural Resources.
The judge banged his gavel, dismissing the court for lunch.
In particular, it appeared to the Crown that they were relying on the customs of tanistry and gavelkind.
For example, when the auctioneer hammers the gavel, a binding contract exists immediately.
The judge slams down his gavel and stands up as the audience becomes alive with controversy.
But I don't think on general broadcast news we're going to see a lot of gavel-to-gavel coverage.
With members of Congress itching to gavel their lame duck session to a close, the biggest hurdle remains a catch-all spending bill that's now weeks overdue.
Gaveling the hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee to order, the chairman invites the attorney general to make his opening remarks.
A brief murmur rippled through the assembly of firefighters only to be silenced by a gavel banging.
The quickest flashpoint is likely to come even before Boehner officially claims the gavel in January: The expiring Bush-era tax cuts will top of the list of must-do items during a lame-duck session of Congress slated to begin Nov. 15.
Resurgent Republicans take back control of the House
The Chicago Tribune is running "gavel-to-gavel" coverage, and from their handy summation of yesterday's testimony we learned that according to a review of Governor Blagojevich's computer files Rezko raised $1.4 million for Blago, nearly three times what has been publicly acknowledged.
TGIF for Rezko - Real Clear Politics –
The blink of an eye, the wiggle of a thumb, the touch of a lobe, and thousands of pounds move from one account into another, the auctioneer's gavel, like a referee's whistle, the final arbiter.
As the convention was gavelled to a close, you almost expected Tony Soprano to show up as they played "The Journey" song from the Soprano's finale.
CNN Transcript Sep 5, 2008
The network plans gavel-to-gavel coverage from the convention floor, as it has in the past.
Nine years and 1000+ US deaths later, with declining public support, should we not have extensive Congressional hearings on Afghanistan, covered gavel-to-gavel by the media?
Paul Abrams: Afghanistan: At the Very Least, There Should Be Extensive Congressional Hearings
He rose from his chair and lifted his gavel, apparently intending to enforce the Senate rule against public demonstrations.
He has gaveled to rest the rumors that he will retire from the U.S. Supreme Court.
Using the butt of a pistol as a gavel Rayne began the auction.
Hushed whispers erupted within the courtroom and the judge slammed his gavel down to bring order once again.
Web site -- all gay men who happened to live near the crime scene -- are preparing to go gavel-to-gavel with updates and analysis live on the blog and on Twitter, complete with RSS feeds.
Web site grows out of fascination with Robert Wone killing
Their tenures were the gavelkind once prevalent over most of the world.
Thomas Davis, Selections from his Prose and Poetry
Despite the apparent public apathy toward online convention coverage, all of the network TV websites and a dozen or so other political sites and e-zines continued to devour enormous amounts of bandwidth with gavel-to-gavel webcasts.
It's a gavel-to-gavel overview of his career, from his Hank Williams-worshipping 50s material through his redneck 70s stuff, stopping for a long interlude in the 60s, when he was at the peak of his songwriting and singing powers.
It's their turn to provide gavel-to-gavel coverage of a national political convention as Democrats gather in Los Angeles this week.
His fellow lawyers at the American Bar Association awarded him their Silver Gavel award, and the prestigious Journal of Philosophy anoints him ‘America's leading legal philosopher.’
Since no conceivable purpose could have been served by pursuing such an appeal, and since Al Gore himself was the presiding officer who rightly gavelled down the protests as out of order, Al Gore is evil, and not qualified to serve as President.
Archive 2004-06-01
Democrats called in vain for gaveling the vote closed as Republican leaders lobbied their members to switch votes and support the bill.
The Chairman of the magistrates gaveled loudly on the block.
The 140-day session gaveled to order last week is no exception.
He is represented as the Master of his Lodge, wearing his apron, Masters jewel, and standing with a gavel before the Masters chair.
He gaveled the hearing to a close, intimating that enough light had been shed on the issue to allow him to move forward.
Above the rising hubbub came the sudden, sharp hammering of a gavel.
But the political game has changed, the media business is more unforgiving, and the old gavel-to-gavel, backroom-dealing, anything-can-happen convention is a distant memory.
On the contrary: 24-hour, gavel-to-gavel, non-stop coverage of the scandal will pre-empt more or less all other news stories for the indefinite future.
The judge will refrain from any references to his quill, or his gavel, or his pikestaff, and allow the defendant to be released to spread its insidious gospel.
Already the auctioneer was positioned outside on the lawn, a table before him and a wooden gavel in his hand.
Other exceptions to the practice of primogeniture included burghs and the county of Kent, where an alternative system of inheritance existed, known as gavelkind, under which land was divided equally between all sons.
So remove the networks' gavel-to-gavel Watergate-style coverage (those Watergate months were the most warming and wonderful television experience of my life) from the tale.
It's no secret that the TV broadcast networks put the party on a kind of starvation diet, only a slice or two of coverage during prime time, nothing like the gavel-to-gavel banquet of once upon a time.
The judge banged on the table again, wielding the gavel like Thor's hammer, this time with a note of finality that echoed in the spacious room.
The new Senate president banged down the gavel and called the chamber to order with a strong firm voice.
He then announced that no agreement would be possible and gaveled the session to a close.
Weeping family members of deceased on behalf of the accused also wept in joy as the gavel hit and the judge proclaimed that he would not allow another appeal of the case.
Suddenly everyone was talking at once, and the judge banged his gavel on the desk.
So, why did that 13-year-old girl get to gavel the convention to order earlier this week?
The so-called Vienna Group was ‘gavelling’ each paragraph yesterday afternoon and was to hand the final draft plan to the summit's main committee.
We had this powerful brand initially, which was live coverage, gavel-to-gavel coverage, establishing our crime-and-justice branding.
It began slowly, with the emergence of C-SPAN and gavel-to-gavel House floor coverage in 1979.
Only in Kent and in Wales did the custom of gavelkind produce the partible inheritance which reduced many noble families to penury on the continent.
Ratings for the soaps took their first major hit in 1995, when several cable networks provided gavel-to-gavel coverage of the O.J. Simpson trial.
The Biz: Why ABC Lost Hope for Its Soaps
The nerk tried to gavel but it only irritated everyone still more.
The Vatican Rip
It ended in furore and the mayor had to use her gavel to restore order.
Now, with 400 posts that generated 25,000 comments and nearly 1.5 million page views, we're inside the weave of the investigation and are providing gavel-to-gavel coverage of the month-long trial.
Craig Brownstein: Partners in Crime: The Mainstream Media and the Little Blog that Could
When the auctioneer lowered his gavel, the room erupted in applause.
In Maryland, judges, lawyers, and businesspeople are gaveling out the details of tech court.
Other exceptions to the practice of primogeniture included burghs and the county of Kent, where an alternative system of inheritance existed, known as gavelkind, under which land was divided equally between all sons.
On day one, Democrats had their mike cut, got "quick-gavelled", sang "Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen," and one was warned that her car would be towed if it remained parked at the Capitol Democrats lose parking and other privileges until they pay the $57,000 fines, each, that the Republicans imposed during the boycott.
September 2003 ~ Angry Bear
To "jilt," to throw or dash water on a person; "gellock" (gavelock), an iron lever or crowbar.
The Proverbs of Scotland
He gavelled the hearing adjourned in the middle of it, ordered the microphones turned off, and stalked out, creating a cause celebre the early hour had been intended to prevent.
Norm Ornstein: Bully for you
Then, with a final stroke of his gavel, the auctioneer declared that the auction was over.
Using the butt of a pistol as a gavel Rayne began the auction.
But this isn't a TV drama where the judge bangs down the gavel decisively and victims leap up to the cheers of supporters.
Four days of gavel-to-gavel convention watching have reminded me, a professional speaker, of the difference between bad, mediocre, good, and great speechifying.
It doesn't have the same kind of hard news value that required the networks to give it three hours of gavel-to-gavel coverage.
The big news -- uncontestable -- is Nancy Pelosi will be forced to hand over the gavel of the House of Representatives to John Boehner.
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Maybe that's why the young Scottish playwright talks so fast and loose about his work, chattering like a set of joke teeth, spattering out anecdotes and theories like an auctioneer whose own mindset is under the gavel.
When the auctioneer banged his gavel for the last time, the auction had raised over 100,000 baht.
Let that go out on C-SPAN gavel-to-gavel for a few days.
Matthew Yglesias » The Deal with Judd
This year, both announced that they plan to give full gavel-to-gavel coverage of both conventions on the Internet and selected prime time television coverage.
The judge bangs his gavel and then gets up and exits the courtroom.
this professor acts so priggishly--like a moderator with a gavel!
The chairman refers the matter to committee and gavels the meeting to a close.
Grand Seignior, who, on our first introduction, is Judge Morris; we salute, which we do by applying the palm of our right hand to the lips, then turning the hand to his seigniorship and bringing our left hand across the breast, which salutation being returned by the Grand Seignior, who sits upon a raised platform and wields a gavel, we take seats wherever our sense of cleanliness will permit, and where we hope there may be no traveling minute messengers conveying ideas from one man's head to another.
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The host committee will hold delegation receptions throughout the city on Sunday, Aug.13, the day before the convention is gaveled to order.
Undeniably, however, subdivision of holdings took place on a large scale and continued to do so notwithstanding the formal abolition of gavelkind following the union with England.