How To Use Gaussian In A Sentence
'gaussian' blur and set the 'gaussian radius' to its max which is 15. Content
In this way, a large number of very thin slabs would lead to a large number of parameters needing simultaneous refinement; moreover if the slabs were very thin they would be entirely smeared out after convolution with the Gaussian.
The disorientation of the filaments around fiber axes is also treated as a convolution with a Gaussian function.
There is a countervailing trend to smear the left side of the density curve to the left, re-establishing a gaussian distribution.
Atlas Left a Big Tip, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Surfaces of constant mean curvature or constant Gaussian curvature are now called the Weingarten surfaces.
If the distribution is normal, 1 1/2 times the interquartile range will approximate a 90% confidence interval, though I have no reason to believe that the data would be Gaussian.
A Second Look at USHCN Classification #2 « Climate Audit
Options markets have a volatility 'smile': the implied volatilities of the extremum strike prices are much higher than implied by gaussian distributions.
Non-normal Distributions, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Super Gaussian sliding - frequency filters can be implemented with holographic fiber gratings.
By ensemble average method, the concentration distribution and error threshold of quasispecies on single peak Gaussian distributed fitness landscapes were evaluated.
Contrary to earlier claims, we find that the amount of power concentrated in planar modes for $\ell = 2,3$ is not inconsistent with isotropy and Gaussianity.
Science Press Release Synopses
From the propagation theory of partially coherent light, spectral anomalies and spectral switches of Gaussian Schell-model beams focused by an astigmatic aperture lens are studied.
The self-reported height was skewed somewhere between one and two inches taller, but most dramatic was the 5'11 bin, which was about 25% smaller than what even the skewed gaussian would suggest.
Strange and unusual
This paper deals with the development of probability density functions applicable for peaks, troughs and peak-to-trough excursions of a non-Gaussian random process where the response of a non-linear system is represented in the form of Volterra's second-order functional series.
The resolution of fluorescence emission spectra into Gaussian components is shown in Figs.3-6.
I believe that I was sufficiently clear in my last post on why heredity causes a gaussian distribution in the expression of complex heritable characters.
What a Bunch of Apes! « L.E. Modesitt, Jr. – The Official Website
The result will be a new gaussian income density curve, broader and flatter, but just as efficient.
Atlas Left a Big Tip, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Long-term diffusion model of atmospheric pollutant (ISCLT3) called regulatory model is a kind of Gaussian model recommended by U. S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Utilizing a new truncated gaussian beam , maximum smoothness and minimal thermal effect are the goals.
If, among a population chosen at random, a degree of non-gaussian (i.e. non-bell-curve) nature is found in the distribution of IQ, it is evidence that you are dealing with not one race, but two or more.
What a Bunch of Apes! « L.E. Modesitt, Jr. – The Official Website
Equations between tensors have the property that they remain valid under the general transformations between Gaussian coordinate systems in curved space-time.
In this paper, we propose to use a novel adaptive noise canceller with master slave structure (MS ANC) to cancel those harmonic interference and Gaussian noise appeared in the electrified railway.
To remove high frequency noise, the topographies were processed by a Gaussian spatial filter (Ï = 1.5, 21 × 21 matrix).
As a non-linear filter, the morphological filter outperforms the linear filter(eg. Gaussian filter) in precise edge localization, and better represents the detailed spatial information of images.
Both distributions are unimodal and resemble Gaussian distributions.
This is the Normal or Gaussian curve and represents the distribution of events due to chance.
With the grade inflation documented at any of the bond rating agencies, we might as well plot gaussian noise.
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The crest of the undulation on the inside of the wall coincides with the trough of the Gaussian vault.
“Expert Opinion”, in the shape of Merton,Scholes et al., chose to ignore these calculational inconveniences and instead promoted models based on mild randomness – Gaussian.
There goes the neighborhood | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
Commonly used waveforms that are pre-programmed into the software include sin (x)/x, exponential rise-and-fall, logarithmic rise-and-fall, Gaussian, Lorentz, haversine and cardiac waveforms.
Electronicstalk - electronics industry news
I have done my forecast using a combination of truncated gaussian, autoregressive, and trailing moving averages.
Bill Gray Presentation « Climate Audit
Classical saliency-based visual attention models are adapted for embedding real-time systems with less time and space costs based on approximate Gaussian pyramids of the input image.
A second property is that the local distances are given by a metric equation in the Gaussian coordinate separations.
In prediction and modeling, most the responses were found to be best trained using Gaussian input membership functions with a linear output function.
Thus, model fluorescence data was blurred by convolving it with the triple Gaussian approximation of the PSF of the objective.
From the propagation theory of partially coherent light, spectral anomalies and spectral switches of Gaussian Schell-model beams focused by an astigmatic aperture lens are studied.
By ensemble average method, the concentration distribution and error threshold of quasispecies on single peak Gaussian distributed fitness landscapes were evaluated.
This expression was summed over a Gaussian distribution of dipolar couplings corresponding to a distribution of isolated 13 C- 19 F spin pairs.
They are well separated, show a nice gaussian shape, and deconvolution based on just the chromatographic domain will likely already work.
Archive 2008-06-01
The results consist with the theoretical calculation using the Fresnel - Kirchhoff's formula in considering incident Gaussian beam.
A Monte Carlo simulation example for a Bernoulli - Gaussian input white noise fused smoother shows its effectiveness.
Options markets have a volatility 'smile': the implied volatilities of the extremum strike prices are much higher than implied by gaussian distributions.
Non-normal Distributions, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
There are some different flavors of random, such as gaussian or normally distributed, binomially distributed, Poisson distributed and the like.
Verification r2 Revealed!!! « Climate Audit
It is always possible, even in free fall, to obtain non-vanishing metric connections by choosing Gaussian rather than Cartesian coordinates.
Settlement troughs both over single and twin tunnels (when symmetric) can often be described by a Gaussian curve.
Equations between tensors have the property that they remain valid under the general transformations between Gaussian coordinate systems in curved space-time.
A new optical real-time processing method was proposed to weaken the zeroth -order diffractive spot in the power spectrum using a Gaussian high-pass filter.
Gaussian Mixture Density and Decomposition ( GMDD ) is a hierarchical clustering method based on robust statistical theory.
The geometrical analysis yields the principal curvatures and the Gaussian curvature for each cell on the reconstructed meristem surface.
In this study, we have used the Gaussian network model and a clustering method to analyze the dynamic properties of trypsin and chymotrypsin.
The value assigned for each cell is the value of Gaussian curvature at the cell centroid.
The propagation formula of the cross-spectral density of partially coherent flattened Gaussian Beam(PCFGB) through ABCD optical system was derived using Huygens-Fresnel diffraction integral formula.
In this paper, we propose to use a novel adaptive noise canceller with master slave structure (MS ANC) to cancel those harmonic interference and Gaussian noise appeared in the electrified railway.
The performance of time-hopping pulse position modulation (TH-PPM) UWB system using MHP is studied under additive white Gaussian noise(AWGN)channel.
Perhaps the system will evolve toward a Gaussian distribution, with most people having a middling amount of money, while a few are very poor and a few are rich?
Using intra-scale dependency of wavelet coefficients and generalized Gaussian model, this paper proposes an adaptive neighboring threshold value de-noising method.
The expansion of the upper leaf portion where the Gaussian curvature becomes relatively high is intensive and not strongly anisotropic (for example, the outermost cells of P1 in Fig.3 J, K).
In this paper, we propose to use a novel adaptive noise canceller with master slave structure (MS ANC) to cancel those harmonic interference and Gaussian noise appeared in the electrified railway.
Gauss gave a systematic method for solving such equations which is precisely Gaussian elimination on the coefficient matrix.
Gaussian curvature is positive for surfaces like a hemisphere, which are either concave or convex in all the directions.
Gaussian distribution
The photochemical reaction pathways of the different cycloadditions were explored on the basis of TD-DFT calculations using the Gaussian 98 implementation of the method developed by Scuseria and co-workers.
The proposed scheme adopts the Gaussian probability model to depict the parameters of SVM, and updates the parameters of SVM based on the incremental learning SVM without saving the training data.
A new equivalent mass line method for terrain correction is put forward, which is based on integration knots and integration coefficients in Gaussian integration formula.
To deal with the pedestrians tracking problem in video surveillance, an algorithm based on Gaussian probability is proposed.
However, if it has a large number of Gaussians in GMM, it leads to a large complexity of computation.