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How To Use Gaud In A Sentence

  • _Attico genere dicendi se gaudere dicunt; atqui utinam imitarentur nec ossa solum, sed etiam et sanguinem. A Dialogue Concerning Oratory, Or The Causes Of Corrupt Eloquence The Works Of Cornelius Tacitus, Volume 8 (of 8); With An Essay On His Life And Genius, Notes, Supplements
  • Per hoc enim quod intelligimus vel gaudemus, ad aliquod obiectum aliqualiter nos habere oportet: amor vero aliquid alicui vult; hoc enim amare dicimur cui aliquod bonum volumus, secundum modum praedictum. Quitting Smoking
  • At night it is gaudy with Japanese lanterns and Mexican music.
  • No wonder, as Mr. Hamilton drily notes, that on the wall of the Leipzig Gewandhaus (where Mendelssohn played and conducted) was Seneca's apothegm: "Res severa est verum gaudium. What Music Has Lost
  • And pachinko is a national obsession, the parlours offering gaudy arrays of noisy pinball machines where many Japanese contentedly gamble the hours away.
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  • It was a strip of gaudy landscaping in front of a strip mall in glaring bright daylight.
  • Bruttia Sicanium circumspicit ora Pelorum? quid primum mediumue canam, quo fine quiescam? auratasne trabis an Mauros undique postis35 an picturata lucentia marmora uena mirer, an emissas per cuncta cubilia nymphas? huc oculis, huc mente trahor. uenerabile dicam lucorum senium? te, quae uada fluminis infra cernis, an ad siluas quae respicis, aula, tacentis, 40 qua tibi tuta quies offensaque turbine nullo nox silet et pigros inuitant murmura somnos? an quae graminea suscepta crepidine fumant balnea et impositum riuis algentibus ignem? quaque uaporiferis iunctus fornacibus amnis45 ridet anhelantis uicino flumine nymphas? uidi artis ueterumque manus uariisque metalla uiua modis. labor est auri memorare figuras aut ebur aut dignas digitis contingere gemmas; quicquid et argento primum uel in aere minori50 lusit et enormis manus est experta colossos. dum uagor aspectu uisusque per omnia duco, calcabam necopinus opes. nam splendor ab alto defluus et nitidum referentes aera testae monstrauere solum; uarias ubi picta per artis55 gaudet humus superatque nouis asarota figuris: expauere gradus. A Villa at Tibur
  • They all are fans of the hybridized glads, confused by the pretty pictures shown in catalogs and on bag tags of masses of gaudy colorful clown like flowers. Monday Report « Fairegarden
  • FLYFISHING King salmon (chinooks) require stout fly tackle — 9 - to 10-weight rods with sinking-tip lines, heavy leaders, and large, gaudy flies. How to Plan A Fishing Trip to Alaska
  • Like SHE in her lonely alien gaud waiting her Egyptian lover so I wait -- bereft of 2,000 years and the bath of life. April 2007
  • O longum memoranda dies! quae mente reporto gaudia, quam lassos per tot miracula uisus! ingenium quam mite solo! quae forma beatis15 ante manus artemque locis! non largius usquam indulsit natura sibi. nemora alta citatis incubuere uadis; fallax responsat imago frondibus, et longas eadem fugit umbra per undas. ipse Anien (miranda fides) infraque superque20 spumeus hic tumidam rabiem saxosaque ponit murmura, ceu placidi ueritus turbare Vopisci A Villa at Tibur
  • Food stalls and shops, the buildings made of the same porcelainlike material as the farmhouse, in gaudy primary colors. Spin
  • There were days when one was wearing heavy, gaudy clothing, which was invariably a pain to be endured considering the gathering one would be amongst.
  • The gaudy decorations are out, the over sized Yuletide props have been forklifted into position by underpaid migrant workers, and the same CD played at this time every year since 1989 can be heard tinkling through the mall.
  • Gaudiness and its companion brilliance, are your birthright as a bicyclist!
  • Halloween, for me, is the gaudiest example of the infantilization of American culture.
  • Once, indeed, he guides her hand to transcribe in a book the words of her exaltation, the Ave, and the Magnificat, and the Gaude Maria, and the young angels, glad to rouse her for a moment from her dejection, are eager to hold the inkhorn and to support the book. English literary criticism
  • On the water, handfuls of gaudy drakes, cloaked in vivid breeding plumage, jockey for position near sought-after hens.
  • Two captains ride before them on shaggy ponies, the taller in armor, stained and rusted with many a storm and fray, the other in brilliant inlaid cuirass and helmet, gaudy sash and plume, and sword hilt glittering with gold, a quaint contrast enough to the meager garron which carries him and his finery. Westward Ho!
  • Behind all the hysterical and gaudy obloquy is the suspicion that each could have been everything he ever promised he would be - and, in the common imagination, still can be.
  • The gaudy tanagers, that cannot be tamed -- the noisy lories, the resplendent trogons, the toucans with their huge clumsy bills, and the tiny bee-birds (the _trochili_ and _colibri_) -- all glance through the sunny vistas. The Rifle Rangers
  • Most prominent among them were a tall man with a whorled sea-shell of a helmet and a four hundred pound enormity in gaudy ceremonial armor. Virginity
  • Gaudichaud [918] exhibited before the French Institute, bearing on the same branch two distinct kinds of apples, one a _reinette rouge_, and the other like a _reinette canada jaunâtre_: this double-bearing variety can be propagated by grafts, and continues to produce both kinds; its origin is unknown. The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication, Vol. I.
  • Regarding the Gaud gold, the market has wide divided opinions.
  • For age, which naturally and unavoidably is but one remove from death, and consequently should have nothing about it but what looks like a decent preparation for it, scarce ever appears of late days but in the high mode, the flaunting garb, and utmost gaudery of youth; with clothes as ridiculously, and as much in the fashion, as the person that wears them is usually grown out of it. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. II.
  • crossbill" with its deep crimson colour; and many others, equally bright and beautiful, enlivened the woods, either with their voice or their gaudy plumage. Popular Adventure Tales
  • The worn but spit-shined sanctuary is silent this weekday morning and the life-size statues of La Virgen de Guadalupe and St. Jude, aglow in shadowy candlelight, gaze benevolently out of their gaudy, flower-bedecked encasements. American Grace
  • After a few moments of this, the crowd parted to allow a gaudily dressed fellow with golden eyeglasses looped around his neck to approach me.
  • More on Ascot Tina Gaudoin on Style: A Flashy, Positively Ghastly Spectacle A Week at the Races This devotion to the Platonic ideal of the horse's head, rather than to representations of, for example, individual racehorses, readily distinguishes his sculptures from the rather pedestrian, often slightly kitsch, bronzes so often found decorating the houses of "horsey" people. A Magnificent Obsession
  • Norwagiam, post Scoticam barbariem non sine mortis pauore transcursam, peruenit Northumbriam, & ad castellum se contulit de Tinnemutha velut assylum antiquitus notum sibi: vbi per aliquot dies recreatus iter assumpsit versus manerium suum de Plashy, magnum apportans gaudium toti regno, tam de eius euasione, qu鄊 de aduentu suo. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • They are very strong but not gaudy, colours like terracotta, green and yellow.
  • Ferre non possunt ut illorum Messias communis servator sit, nostrum gaudium, &c. Messias vel decem decies crucifixuri essent, ipsumque Deum si id fieri posset, una cum angelis et creaturis omnibus, nec absterretur ab hoc facto et si mille interna subeunda forent. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Gaudi captures that peculiar living response which cuts across a square campus lawn and traces a graceful curving shortcut.
  • E. L. Godkin, the editor of the Nation, might have been speaking for all of them when he lamented the “gaudy stream of bespangled, belaced and beruffled barbarians” flooding New York. The Five of Hearts
  • You nod and smile with every paragraph, and wish the story would unroll into a novel, breaking the boundaries of the book, streaming in gaudy tapestries, out through the door and into the blue wide yonder - to the place where awards are distributed and happy critics fall over themselves to lavish praise (this story did not win any awards, by the way) Why am I so excited about this? "Constellations", ed. by Peter Crowther
  • And the ice-cream gaudery of his paints simply enhances the fact that you actually want to put these almost - touchable bodies in your mouth ... Undefined
  • When seen plain, they seem far too gaudy for birds of an English garden. Times, Sunday Times
  • The result brings to mind support structures for vaulted arches (for instance Gaudi's Sagrada Familia).
  • While there are trained artists--perhaps inspired by Gaudí's early 20th-century mosaics or Marcel Duchamp's readymades--who sculpt and construct large-scale artworks made from repurposed cast offs, many more are dreamers with ordinary day jobs who abhor waste, have a penchant for collecting, and seize upon an unstoppable urge to create something beautiful from the flotsam and jetsam modern life. Trash Art: California's Artistic Recycling Revolution
  • I embellished the tale with a baroque gaudery of exaggerated facts and fantastic detail.
  • It's gaudy, it's ostentatious, and it's exactly what one would expect from a rock star that thinks he's God.
  • This is also the debut of the 'new' art team as Kano & Gaudiano switch duties; it works well: Kano provides clean layouts, good figurework and strong storytelling while Gaudiano's inks give it all a gritty edge. Best of July
  • It wouldn't surprise me to find that he's wearing mismatched, gaudy socks.
  • Absentees had just returned from the coast, and the youths were brave in their gaudy bedizenment, their new barsatis, their soharis, and long cloths of bright new kaniki, with which they had adorned themselves behind some bush before they had suddenly appeared dressed in all this finery. How I Found Livingstone
  • Gone are the support suspenders and gaudy steel rings that strangled the tower for much of the last decade.
  • New owners have stylishly revamped the public areas and the previously gaudy themed rooms, and combined the two names. Times, Sunday Times
  • Beauty gains little, and homeliness and deformity lose much, by gaudy attire. 
  • Karina Savarese took deconstruction to new heights as far as Pasarela Gaudí was concerned, though her halter wedding dress was less extreme.
  • Egyptian scarabaei were perched on an Alpine mountain; there a clay amphora, of the shape of the Greeks or Romans, was adorned with gaudy plates cut out of fashion magazines. The Youth's Companion Volume LII, Number 11, Thursday, March 13, 1879
  • In Scotland, the seaside towns tarted up their piers and decked out their main streets good and gaudy.
  • _Adam: _ C'est le premier homme, Dieu en fait un grand nigaud, qui pour complaire a sa femme eut la betise de mordre dans une pomme que ses descendans n'ont point encore pu digerer. Baron D'Holbach : a Study of Eighteenth Century Radicalism in France
  • [4709] Hostius quidam specula fecit, et ita disposuit, ut quum virum ipse pateretur, aversus omnes admissarii motus in speculo videret, ac deinde falsa magnitudine ipsius membri tanquam vera gauderet, simul virum et foeminam passus, quod dictu foedum et abominandum. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • She stared at the patch of old wallpaper: huge pink and red roses, gaudy, sentimental.
  • Slights of this sort propelled the planters to build bigger and gaudier country homes than the English landed aristocracy could normally afford, bedecked with canvases by Velázquez, and Rubens and the occasional Ming vase. Sugar in the Raw
  • These street riders could be easily distinguished by their gaudy Western-style umbrellas, as contrasted to the slender parasols which female students often carried.
  • Abstractions are an assistance to fantasy; reality rains on the gaudiest parade. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gaudily attired tribespeople wander through market places selling hand-made embroidery, while conical-hatted workers labour in the rice paddies clinging to the lush hillsides.
  • Adam: C'est le premier homme, Dieu en fait un grand nigaud, qui pour complaire a sa femme eut la betise de mordre dans une pomme que ses descendans n'ont point encore pu digerer. Baron d'Holbach
  • Mr. Orszag's 18 months on the job is typical for the head of the Office of Management and Budget, though few predecessors have had a gaudier tenure. Orszag Adieu
  • The sets were shoddy, the costumes gaudy and sometimes absurd, and the music inappropriate.
  • Lapidus became notorious in the 1950s, an era that liked its modernism discreet, for flamboyant hotel designs that were often called gaudy, garish, splashy and colossal.
  • Ingleby Gallery, to 14 MayRobert ClarkA centrepiece to this small exhibition is the manuscript of HS Ede's Savage Messiah, a 1929 biographical novel that charts the extraordinary, short career of Henri Gaudier-Brzeska before the sculptor was killed in the trenches in 1915. This week's new exhibitions
  • Antonio Gaudi , a Spanish architect , was the first to understand that.
  • But no sooner did he declare himself in form, than the gaudy wretch, as he was before with her, became a well-dressed gentleman; — the chattering magpie (for he talks and laughs much), quite conversable, and has something agreeable to say upon every subject. Pamela
  • However, I will not stay quiet when a preacher gets on his soapbox and tries to persuade us to buy what clearly amounts to simple gaudery.
  • I have apologized for not attending the Royal Society Club, who have a _gaudeamus_ on this day, and seemed to count much on my being the præses. Sir Walter Scott (English Men of Letters Series)
  • At the conclusion, entering the sanctuary, the choir sang the responsory, "Gaude Maria Virgo" or the prose, "Inviolata" or some other antiphon in honour of the Blessed Virgin. Candlemas, The Feast of the Presentation and Purification
  • So I bought Ganesh, about a foot high, gaudily painted in blue and purple, with gold highlights; and a yellow patterned umbrella, shaped like a pillbox hat.
  • During negotiations over a prisoner exchange, English officials handed over this list to the French intermediary, Rigaud de Vaudreuil.
  • They are gaudy diurnal insects with scaled wings that are large in proportion to body.
  • The beautiful lion fish belongs to this gaudy category and is therefore much easier to avoid.
  • In the 1802 Preface, this thought is preceded by a return to the 1798 Advertisement: "They who have been accustomed to the gaudiness and inane phraseology of many modern writers ... will, no doubt, [here] frequently have to struggle with feelings of strangeness and aukwardness: they will look round for poetry, and will be induced to inquire by what species of courtesy these attempts can be permitted to assume that title" (596). Wordsworth’s Balladry: Real Men Wanted
  • There were grave Spaniards in long cloaks and feathered beavers; jolly merchants and artisans in short linen jackets, each with his tabatiere, the wives with bits of finery, the children laughing and shouting and dodging in and out between fathers and mothers beaming with quiet pride and contentment; swarthy boat-men with their worsted belts, gaudy negresses chanting in the soft patois, and here and there a blanketed Indian. The Crossing
  • Heck, there could even be a float for narcissists -- I imagine it would be one of the gaudiest of them all! Scott Barry Kaufman, Ph.D.: Why Isn't Everyone As Proud As Gay People?
  • Butterfly in a Box, intending to examine its gaudery with my _Microscope_, Micrographia Some Physiological Descriptions of Minute Bodies Made by Magnifying Glasses with Observations and Inquiries Thereupon
  • Can't Post | oh i forgot since there are in fact a bunch of old farts playing in gaud 3 times a week i will be bringing hockey sticks and my bag full of hockey gear-if they allow noxious dangerous goods across the border. Ok, I have read this thing for over a year..............I'm coming anyway!
  • Gaudio adapted better to courts slowed by rain, which had delayed the start of play for four hours.
  • Above the club's gaudy neon entrance, there were spotlights, which were aimed at the cube. CHAMELEON
  • For years, men have been bombarded with low-cut bumsters, gaudy tracksuits and blinged-up denims.
  • Desponsatio tua, Dei Genitrix Virgo, gaudium annuntiavit universo mundo: ex te enim ortus est Sol iustitiæ, Christus Deus noster: qui solvens maledictionem, dedit benedictionem: et confundens mortem, donavit nobis vitam sempiternam. Well, it's been a quiet week here at The Inn. . . .
  • The dread Phenokrike of the Siberian Shamans caught my eye in its gaudy leatherwork folio. Perquampi
  • They progressed from the gaudy sateen of the Sun King's court to a stunning scene straight from Strauss's old Vienna for the wedding, with everyone dressed in white, off-the-shoulder ball gowns or elegant tie and black tailcoats.
  • The complete account of the botany of the voyage was written by Gaudichaud in 1826.
  • The worn but spit-shined sanctuary is silent this weekday morning and the life-size statues of La Virgen de Guadalupe and St. Jude, aglow in shadowy candlelight, gaze benevolently out of their gaudy, flower-bedecked encasements. American Grace
  • Yes, I suppose those hats are gaudery, but they do look awful fun.
  • In fact, it would seem to be quite the reverse: Gaudy males should be more conspicuous to their enemies.
  • Here the chant alternates between monody and three-part polyphony, following the method of twelfth-century Parisian discantus as it has come down to us in the only extant work of Master Albert of Paris precentor of the Cathedral of Saint-Étienne, preserved in the Codex Calixtinus: the Congaudeant catholici. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Gaudeo tamen vel adspectu solo, ac saepe illum amplexus atque suspirans dico, O magne vir, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Potted hippeastrums (amaryllis) are wonderful gaudy things, but don't overwater them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Though I rather like my visual of gaudily-clad older ladies with horn-rimmed glasses and pink bouffants, who run in circles ‘round each other while screaming.
  • Thus Mr. Sale informs me, the old Arab Tribes would gather in liveliest _gaudeamus_, and sing, and kindle bonfires, and wreathe crowns of honour, and solemnly thank the gods that, in their Tribe too, a Poet had shown himself. Past and Present Thomas Carlyle's Collected Works, Vol. XIII.
  • We will back the machine in which we make our daily peregrination from the top of Oxford-street to the city, against any 'buss' on the road, whether it be for the gaudiness of its exterior, the perfect simplicity of its interior, or the native coolness of its cad. Sketches by Boz, illustrative of everyday life and every-day people
  • In the example of the pill bug, Thierry Rigaud and his collaborators at the University of Poitiers in France have shown that males prefer not to mate with feminized males.
  • It's just a bit too large ( small, plain, gaudy, etc ) for me.
  • A vision not completely incongruous with the streets; a small European-looking boy with worn-out boots, carrying a large hand-woven bag of gaudy colors advertising Cuernavaca. The Calling
  • The gaudy Spanish bluebell is rapidly overtaking the native variety. Times, Sunday Times
  • The wider musical climate was defined by the gaudiness of psychedelia, but the music they put to tape tapped somehow into an America that predated rock by at least a century.
  • Ne - qne mo6 nihil tefiamento reiiquit, fed 3e vo« luit Naficam itfcire nihil fibi lega um; atque ex ejus dolore ac meftitia gaudium fi6i aftVi« tim rifumque dedit So/dum») Seu dotem filis, feo debitam du - dum fummam pecunise iutegram. Quinti Horatii Flacci Opera
  • I have done Gourgaud no wrong: every word imputed to him exists in the papers submitted to me as historical documents [28], and I should have been a shameful coward if I had shunned using them. The Journal of Sir Walter Scott From the Original Manuscript at Abbotsford
  • Long ago ‘elegant’ was turned from a word denoting the essence of refinement and beauty, into gaudy trumpery.
  • She robbed the windows of their lawn and muslin curtains, replacing them with gaudy calico from the trade-store, and made herself several gowns. Chapter 7
  • For instance, the Saint-Gaudens Double Eagle omega counterfeit is notorious for its complexness; and has duped many coin collecting experts. New Blogs and RSS Feeds
  • Gaudi was at the forefront of Spain's art nouveau movement at the turn of the 19th century.
  • Methods Fifty adults(100 sides) skulls were measured by slide gaud, and observed course, situation and structure character of carotid canal in petrosal apex of temporal bone in 63 sides.
  • One of the gaudiest flowers in the countryside just now is common mallow. Times, Sunday Times
  • Quantus Athos, aut quantus Eryx, aut ipse coruscis Quum fremit ilicibus quantus, gaudetque nivali Vertice, se attollens pater The Ethics of the Dust
  • She had plenty to eat, as much tobacco as was good for her, and outer raiment that in gaudiness outrivalled the flame-tree and the yellow hibiscus. The Confessions of a Beachcomber
  • Paint and tattoos adorned bodies sometimes naked, oftener wrapped in a dyed woolen kilt-a sort of primitive himation-or attired in breeches and perhaps a tunic of gaudy hues. The Boat of a Million Years
  • And that's what it's all about, remember: putting the brakes on gaudy consumerism.
  • She robbed the windows of their lawn and muslin curtains, replacing them with gaudy calico from the trade-store, and made herself several gowns. Chapter 7
  • It's organic, it's witty, it's nasty, it's gaudy, it takes a tattered sheet of reality and darns the holes with glittering thread. Namedropper
  • Lavishness lives on among the audience members, whose gaudy fashion sense the evening I attended was in stern defiance of Mr. Zapatero's plan de austeridad. In Madrid, the Party Goes On, Austero Style
  • Leaning against the wall she reached forward to pull the vertical blinds apart, her eyes perusing the gaudy blues, pinks and yellows of the buzzing neon signboards that seemed to reproduce overnight along the strip.
  • We began by trying not to be London style snobs, to keep our metropolitan insouciance zipped, but the sheer volume, the boundless gaudy vulgarity of it, overwhelms you, and you just have to howl with derision.
  • Beauty gains little, and homeliness and deformity lose much, by gaudy attire. 
  • During the tour, the press vilified the rockers as bad-mouthed, loud, gaudy and unkempt.
  • It does seem gaudier here than at Daytona Beach where everyone wore them. DOUBTFUL MOTIVES
  • There is nothing worse than seeing art that wallows in gaudy baubles. Paragraphs On Conceptual Writing : Kenneth Goldsmith : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • A mean window with a dingy cretonne curtain, a single bed still made-up with sheets and blankets but with the counterpane pulled taut over the single lumpy pillow; books lining two walls; a small bedside table with a shoddy lamp; a Bible; a cumber - some and gaudily decorated china ashtray bearing an advertisement for beer. She Closed Her Eyes
  • With a whole new series of wallpapers and floors in leopard-print and fake gold, you can decorate your brothel to give it that gaudy, tawdry look that will have the punters coming back for more.
  • We dare not imagine the private agonies of his Lady, deprived, perhaps forever, of acquiring additional kickshaws and gauds on investors' nickels and dimes. Archive 2007-07-01
  • Beauty gains little, and homeliness and deformity lose much, by gaudy attire. 
  • Re: AMD and Intel preparing to launch six-core processors gaud dammit ... i was anticipating a febuary launch for the EE's and the lower versions march/may .... not like september orsomething for the more "touchable" version.
  • The gaudy tinsel and the 155,000 lights of 2004 have given way to a more natural look of Christmas trees decorated with white lilies and pink roses that are replaced as they wilt.
  • Beauty gains little, and homeliness and deformity lose much, by gaudy attire. 
  • Readers accustomed to the gaudiness and inane phraseology of many modern writers, if they persist in reading this book to its conclusion, will perhaps frequently have to struggle with feelings of strangeness and aukwardness: they will look round for poetry, and will be induced to enquire by what species of courtesy these attempts can be permitted to assume that title. Lyrical Ballads 1798
  • The gaudy butterfly is sure that the flowers owe thanks to him.
  • S celebratory corporal gulf coast rentals zalcitabine oxidizer montaigne a stiff locomotion gaudery the ins and outs of thrombocyte steinem in the spoon of campanulales. Rational Review
  • Because Justice Kirby ultimately withdrew his Honour's reasons and concurred in the judgment of Justices Toohey and Gaudron, the ratio of the case is to be found in their Honours' judgment.
  • During the Christmas festival each one is adorned with decorations, but not gaudy lights and tinsel.
  • Gauderman believes chronic inflammation may play a role, with air pollutants irritating small airways on a daily basis.
  • Gaudi captures that peculiar living response which cuts across a square campus lawn and traces a graceful curving shortcut.
  • But above all, that of the triumph, amongst the Romans, was not pageants or gaudery, but one of the wisest and noblest institutions, that ever was. The Essays
  • The wallpaper around them was a textured red with speckles of gold, but a gaudy look was avoided with the neutral silk, cream bedspreads, pillowcases and curtains.
  • The ultra-religionists have now apparently swapped sides in this war, and are now fighting for the celebration of Christmas -- the more public and gaudier the better. Chris Weigant: The Real "War on Christmas"
  • Per hoc enim quod intelligimus vel gaudemus, ad aliquod obiectum aliqualiter nos habere oportet: amor vero aliquid alicui vult; hoc enim amare dicimur cui aliquod bonum volumus, secundum modum praedictum. Quitting Smoking
  • This movie is loud, gaudy, underacted, and completely without a soul.
  • My family members give me gifts of tacky, gaudy trinkets that I have no use for.
  • The women would put on their green Josephs and gaudiest quilted petticoats or their tabinet gowns of Waterloo whose splendour kirk or market poorly revealed for the shawls that must cover them. Gilian The Dreamer His Fancy, His Love and Adventure
  • In her room Enid has a backlit faux stained-glass panorama of waterfalls and woods, gaudy, like something in a bad restaurant.
  • New owners have stylishly revamped the public areas and the previously gaudy themed rooms, and combined the two names. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gaudio finished the match with blood trickling down his right shin from a final-set tumble. - Unseeded Gaudio knocks off Hewitt; 3 Argentineans in semis
  • A short walk of perhaps a hundred yards beneath the grateful shade of wide-spreading mulberry trees covered with fruit and bearing in their branches numberless gaudy-hued, twittering songsters, brought one to the hotel.
  • Was it her simper, or her settled indifference to ideas, or the gaudy ring she wore on her right forefinger and twisted incessantly?
  • Fig. 3. - Amino acid distribution of three dragline silks collected from spiders on Trinidad, Anguilla, and Gaudeloupe.
  • To say Gaudi was the architect of the century, however, reveals my partiality towards artistic and symbolic architecture, values that other critics, such as Ken Frampton, do not necessarily share.
  • Instead of gondolas, there are magenta-coloured barges which transport tourists along a two-mile stretch of river, past the native cypresses and gaudy glass-fronted hotels.
  • A gaudy dresser who at one point favored gold satin shirts, gold velvet ties and a purple doeskin suit, Tynan burst into journalism at a young age and later served as literary manager for Britain's renowned National Theatre. A challenging role for a complex thespian
  • Lola herself has doffed her shabby robe and is wearing a gaudy dress patterned with large flowers.
  • Poems that make us love this gaudy, mother-scented, mud-bedaubed language of ours. Mental multivitamin
  • Where are thy quips and cranks; where thy stately coxcombries and thy regal gauds? Paul Clifford — Complete
  • Where got you that rich gaud for covering, that spangled shell — a tortoise living in the mountains? Hesiod, Homeric Hymns, and Homerica
  • The gem's usual glow and hum was dead, and it looked to be nothing more than a piece of old, tasteless, gaudy jewelry.
  • At closer quarters they are seen to be very gaudy birds. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cocoa-nut trees fringe the river bank for some distance, and there are some large, spreading trees loaded with the largest and showiest crimson blossoms I ever saw, throwing even the gaudy Poinciana regia into the shade; but nothing can look very attractive here, with the swamp in front and the jungle behind, where the rhinoceros is said to roam undisturbed. The Golden Chersonese and the Way Thither
  • At illa gaudio exsultans, "vides," inquit, "Chrysis mea, vides quod aliis leporem excitavi? The Satyricon of Petronius Arbiter
  • This will be the last occasion on which Justice Gaudron will sit as a member of the Court.
  • The riotous colors and designs celebrate different fiestas ... white pompoms and streamers for the church, and for birthdays, big earthenware jars dressed in gaudy colors. The Colored Paper Affair
  • Weak sunlight made the globes and minarets glow gingery-gold; the palm trees lining the walkways drooped like broken umbrellas, strings of red flags hanging between them like gaudy washing lines. Skiing in Turkey: a long way from St Anton
  • Beauty gains little, and homeliness and deformity lose much, by gaudy attire. 
  • For women, while they paint, perfume, and adorn themselves with jewels and purple robes, are accounted gaudy and profuse; yet nobody will find fault with them for washing their faces, anointing themselves, or platting their hair. Essays and Miscellanies
  • Bruttia Sicanium circumspicit ora Pelorum? quid primum mediumue canam, quo fine quiescam? auratasne trabis an Mauros undique postis35 an picturata lucentia marmora uena mirer, an emissas per cuncta cubilia nymphas? huc oculis, huc mente trahor. uenerabile dicam lucorum senium? te, quae uada fluminis infra cernis, an ad siluas quae respicis, aula, tacentis, 40 qua tibi tuta quies offensaque turbine nullo nox silet et pigros inuitant murmura somnos? an quae graminea suscepta crepidine fumant balnea et impositum riuis algentibus ignem? quaque uaporiferis iunctus fornacibus amnis45 ridet anhelantis uicino flumine nymphas? uidi artis ueterumque manus uariisque metalla uiua modis. labor est auri memorare figuras aut ebur aut dignas digitis contingere gemmas; quicquid et argento primum uel in aere minori50 lusit et enormis manus est experta colossos. dum uagor aspectu uisusque per omnia duco, calcabam necopinus opes. nam splendor ab alto defluus et nitidum referentes aera testae monstrauere solum; uarias ubi picta per artis55 gaudet humus superatque nouis asarota figuris: expauere gradus. A Villa at Tibur
  • Mrs.X. and you occupy a very light bed, which has a tall canopy of red "percale;" the windows are smartly draped with cheap gaudy calicoes and muslins; there are little mean strips of carpet about the tiled floor of the room, and yet all seems as gay and as comfortable as may be -- the sun shines brighter than you have seen it for a year, the sky is a thousand times bluer, and what a cheery clatter of shrill quick French voices comes up from the court-yard under the windows! The Paris Sketch Book
  • However much she may enjoy their gaudy nights, she is less enamoured of him by day: one of Cattrall's best moments is her look of disgusted horror when the defeated Antony, burying himself in her lap, jeopardises her possible alliance with Caesar by ordering his messenger to be whipped. Antony and Cleopatra - review
  • Like a bloom-outlined vegetable bed, the goldenrod and ironwort, in gaudy border, filled the fence corners of the big fields. Moths of the Limberlost
  • Mi hercle, nam ego nunc tibi sum summus Iuppiter, idem ego sum Salus, Fortuna, Lux, Laetitia, Gaudium. proin tu deum hunc saturitate facias tranquillum tibi. Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • Who knew dated music, predictable gags, audience participation, gaudy costumes and blinding colours could be this much fun?
  • S celebratory corporal gulf coast rentals zalcitabine oxidizer montaigne a stiff locomotion gaudery the ins and outs of thrombocyte steinem in the spoon of campanulales. Rational Review
  • Gaudio baffles Nalbandian, Coria scrambles Henman in semis - Gaudio baffles Nalbandian, Coria scrambles Henman in semis
  • a gaudy costume
  • Perhaps through such long experience, the hotel somehow manages to both reek of exclusivity and wealth while dodging gaudy ostentation.
  • Before she passes the wig on to Ms. Gaudio, Ms. Rowe will have it washed and blow-dried at a salon near her home in Salisbury Mills, N.Y. She plans to encourage Ms. Gaudio by telling her that the three women who 've already worn the wig are now well. How Hope Travels With a Wig
  • Verily this is no common mind; else, crazed or sane, it could not weave so straight and gaudy a tale as this out of the airy nothings wherewith it hath wrought this curious romaunt. The Prince and the Pauper; a tale for young people of all ages
  • Da virtutis meritum, Give reward to virtue, da salutis exitum, give salvation at our passing on, da perenne gaudium, give eternal joy. Archive 2009-05-01
  • She smelled of cheap perfume and wore gaudy clothing and fake costume jewellery.
  • He did occasional odd jobs, puttered with fruitless inventions, commented wryly on the gaudy events of the day, botanized, talked with his father, wrote a few articles, and looked for a job. The Worldly Philosophers
  • These damsels, in gaudy garments of emerald green, bright rose, and flaming yellow, were squatting outside their cabins or lounging unveiled about the thresholds of two or three dismal dens of cafés in the market-place. A Thousand Miles Up the Nile
  • Later it is explained to you that simple designs are more the persons style so you return the ‘gaudy’ ring for the simple solitaire.
  • There were a number of influences at work in Gaudi's architecture.
  • Also with contentus; as, -- fortūnā amīcī gaudeō, _I rejoice at the fortune of my friend (i.e. on account of it_); victōriā suā glōriantur, _they exult over their victory_; nātūrā locī cōnfīdēbant, _they trusted in the character of their country_ (lit. _were confident on account of the character_).a. fīdō and cōnfīdō always take the Dative of the person (§ 187, II, a); sometimes the Dative of the thing. New Latin Grammar
  • Thus we have a medley of dates, spanning the reigns of Louis XIII to Louis XV, if you include the rococo picture frame on the Rigaud to the right of the chimney.
  • Her dress was often very gaudy, with bright colors, and a sense of fashion that followed too closely behind fads.
  • Costume rental shops report brisk business in trying to keep up with the insatiable demand of name-dropping nincompoops looking for funky fashions and gaudy gowns to wear for the event.
  • Desponsatio tua, Dei Genitrix Virgo, gaudium annuntiavit universo mundo: ex te enim ortus est Sol iustitiæ, Christus Deus noster: qui solvens maledictionem, dedit benedictionem: et confundens mortem, donavit nobis vitam sempiternam. 23 January -- Festa in Desponsatione Beatæ Mariæ Virginis
  • Is this an authentic moment of historic liberation for Europe, or just another imperial imperative dressed up in the gaudy rags of consumerism?
  • Mr. Sale informs me, the old Arab Tribes would gather in liveliest _gaudeamus, _ and sing, and kindle bonfires, and wreathe crowns of honour, and solemnly thank the gods that, in their Past and Present
  • “Your winged and pennated child arrived yesterday by the grace of God and his vicar the Secretary of State,” he wrote Saint-Gaudens. The Five of Hearts
  • Such gaud is characteristic of the spiritual harlot (Re 17: 4). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Bollywood fashions are no longer regarded as gaudy or unstylish, because there's top talent working behind the scenes.
  • It is ironically fitting that he should successfully lure her with promises of enjoying the glitter and gaudery of Naples.
  • A _solatium_ is a Debating Society spree, held in December or January; a _gaudeamus_ is a festival of the same kind, only rather more ambitious, celebrated towards the close of the session. The Scarlet Gown being verses by a St. Andrews Man
  • Their song is not overly musical but has a comforting, undemonstrative British garden nature, not gaudy or showy in any way.
  • And I appreheud that it is this exalting or etherealising attribute of beauty to which all poets, all writers who would poetise the realities of life, have unconsciously rendered homage, in the rank to which they elevate what, stripped of such attribute, would be but a gaudy idol of painted clay. What Will He Do with It? — Volume 07
  • The Praetorian praefect, the praefect of Rome, the quaestor, the master of the offices, with the public and patrimonial treasurers, * whose functions are painted in gaudy colors by the rhetoric of Cassiodorus, still continued to act as the ministers of state. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Catastrophe (cries Slawkenbergius) inasmuch as a tale, with parts rightly disposed, not only rejoiceth (gaudet) in the Catastrophe and Peripeitia of a Drama, but rejoiceth moreover in all the essential and integrant parts of it — it has its Protasis, The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman
  • Interim Romae gaudium ingens ortum cognitis Metelli rebus, ut seque et exercitum more majorum gereret, in adverso loco victor tamen virtute fuisset hostium agro potiretur, Jugurtham magnificum [307] ex Auli socordia spem salutis in solitudine aut fuga coegisset habere. C. Sallusti Crispi De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino
  • Her secrets: old feather fans, tasselled dancecards, powdered with musk, a gaud of amber beads in her locked drawer.
  • The "cardinal grosbeak" (_Pitylus cardinalis_) with his bright scarlet wings; the blue jay, noisy and chattering; the rarer "crossbill" (_Loxia_) with its deep crimson colour; and many others, equally bright and beautiful, enlivened the woods, either with their voice or their gaudy plumage. The Young Voyageurs Boy Hunters in the North
  • The long curved counter glistens under the flare of the gas; the lines of gaudy bottles gleam like vulgar, sham jewelry; the glare, the glitter, the garish refulgence of the place dazzle the eye, and the sharp acrid whiffs of vile odour fall on the senses with a kind of mephitic influence. The Ethics of Drink and Other Social Questions Joints In Our Social Armour
  • There were a few people, however, who had on very gaudy, expensive clothing of bright colors.

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