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How To Use Gatt In A Sentence

  • The arsenal of weapons include homing plasma guns, rockets, proximity grenades, Gattling guns and much more.
  • It isn't fair that you're only a secretary at Hoggatt's because no-one bothered to educate you for anything else.
  • No car is ever just a car; it's an Audi A6 allroad, a Bugatti Veyron 16.4, a Lexus. NYT > Home Page
  • The new International Rules of Yacht Racing, covering the triennium 2001-2004, were implemented for the first time in an Optimist regatta in Asia and the race organizers watched with great interest.
  • It was sometime after midnight—after four hours in that shit-hole—when a senior officer showed up, said he had spoken with the regatta organizers, and he was letting us go as an exception to the rule. Fallin’ Up
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  • Cowes Week, which starts tomorrow, is a highly prestigious sailing regatta in which the crews battle against not just each other but also the brute forces of wind and tides that can rip through the Solent. Cowes weatherwatch
  • As Gatto said in 2008: "No demonstrations, no mud-slinging, no adversarial politics... just peacefully refuse to take standardized tests. March Madness: 'My name is Luke and I refuse to take your test'
  • Branco rocked Gatti with a big shot and the battle moved into the ropes as Gatti clinched.
  • Three local rowers, two of them oarsmen who learned their skills on the River Aire as fellow pupils at Bradford Grammar School, celebrated victory at the Henley Royal Regatta.
  • Still the only youth regatta in the UK to focus on keelboat racing rather than dinghies, the event has a rich tradition of nurturing friendly rivalry, bringing through some of the top Scottish sailors.
  • Bugatti Automobiles S.A.S. The main grille is larger, and the entire front of the car is more ventilated to provide cooling for brakes and the front Haldex differential. The New Bugatti: A Superman of Cars
  • The regatta finishes with a huge grudge match. Times, Sunday Times
  • A research study out of Duke University has found that a dangerous mutated form of an airborne fungus called Cryptococcus gattii is spreading across the Northwest United States and some parts of Western Canada. Republic Broadcasting Network
  • The fire, which broke out in a house close to the new Fossa GAA headquarters, was quickly brought under control and the unit returned to the scene at Gattabawn to continue the efforts to quench the forest blaze.
  • The begatting has begun and poor old Emma is becoming "exceeding embonpoint" to say nothing of feeling as sick as a dog and must have put a brave face on it all as she suffered the vagaries of trans-European travel a la 1790's. 65 entries from December 2006
  • Barker complied with the request by sending his son-in-law John Legatt.
  • This latest regatta was especially important, because from now on, points count towards the final showdown when a winner is chosen to challenge Alinghi for the Cup.
  • Lutz Gattnar was in charge of computer projects at the 7 Oktober combine until the revolution.
  • There are also individual coaching decisions on what crews race at which international regattas.
  • Among the group's upmarket names, Bentley is probably cost-effective, but Lamborghini and Bugatti sell only in handfuls and must be a huge drain on resources.
  • The airborne fungus, called Cryptococcus gattii, usually only infects transplant and AIDS patients and people with otherwise compromised immune systems, but the new strain is genetically different, the researchers said.
  • The Italian crew will row their flagship, the Disdotona, on the way back from the Henley Regatta, accompanied by two Venetian racing fours.
  • The comm unit popped and the voice of the Regatta master of ceremonies came crystal clear through his headset.
  • Regardless of its symbolic significance, however, Sangatte remains a pressing problem in its own right, and a running sore in Anglo-French relations.
  • While the original GATT was being negotiated, the same countries were also working on an ambitious Charter for the international trading system, known later as the Havana Charter, that would have established an International Trade Organization. The Internationalization Of Antitrust Law: Options For The Future
  • Youth rowing has always been a feature of Carlow Regatta.
  • Henley was getting ready for the regatta, and was full of bustle. Three Men in a Boat
  • The Regatta is classified as a category C event.
  • That oughtest thou to know and no man better, said the good man, for thou knewest the daughter of king Pelles fleshly, and on her thou begattest Galahad, and that was he that at the feast of Pentecost sat in the Siege Perilous; and therefore make thou it known openly that he is one of thy begetting on King Pelles’ daughter, for that will be your worship and honour, and to all thy kindred. Chapter IV. The Fifteenth Book. How the Hermit Expounded to Sir Launcelot His Vision, and Told Him That Sir Galahad Was His Son
  • A fine night's carousing at the college ball was followed by a boisterous afternoon on the river at the annual regatta.
  • We are also paying attention to the Henley Regatta Course; and are providing a new Island in place of this eyesore with its decayed cribwork (indicating near Hanlan's Point) to protect the new watercourse so that there will no longer be any delays on account of eastern winds. Some Aspects of Commercial Value to the City of Toronto of the Proposed Harbour Improvements
  • Beginning Friday, the Civic will co-star in a new science-fiction thriller about genetic engineering, called Gattaca.
  • In 1865 it was rowed by a team of eight 'watermen', ferrying passengers around the River Derwent, taking families on picnics and ferrying dignitaries on Regatta Day. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • There was also a thank you from the people of Dingle to Charlie, the man who helped make the local regatta a national media event.
  • To Henry Legatt Messenger of His Maties Chamber, etc. The lines particularly complained of ran as follows: of all Treasons, mine was most accurst; A Memoir of Mrs. Behn
  • Squadrons also conduct on-the-water activities for members such as regattas, navigation contests and fishing derbies, plus social events on shore.
  • After six regattas, a boat's worst European regatta* and its remaining worst regatta are excluded.? USA Latest News
  • Oxford's women rowers bounced back at last weekend's regatta to reinstate themselves at national level.
  • Please note, we will not remove a post just because you disagree with what is being said. protonsarec**p commented on this article bugatti veyron supersport drivetrain, chasis of a ktm x-bow and body of gt by citroen BBC TopGear: Cars and Autos News
  • The annual regatta fortnight is held over the final week of July and first week of August, a time when the place is jumping with visitors and locals alike.
  • In the late fall of 2007, Bob Lewis was diagnosed with a rare fungal infection called Cryptococcus gattii. NPR Topics: News
  • Nevertheless, wind or no wind, the Fourteenth Regatta, with a record number of keelboats and ocean going catamarans peaking at 93 craft, was probably the best on record, in terms of sponsorship, management, the social side and the media.
  • Mrs. Jerome had brought her two elder daughters to join in the gaieties of the regatta.
  • Other events will include a Victorian picnic cricket match, concerts and poetry readings, horse-drawn carriage rides, guided walks and a rowing club regatta.
  • The GATT is not the only international body in which we are active these days and within which we have a special opportunity to exercise positive influence. Managing Change
  • Sometimes the finish line just doesn't come soon enough especially if this is your third race of the regatta.
  • In Great Britain, GATT is frequently attacked as an obstacle to the further extension of preferences. Imperial Preference and GATT
  • The forthcoming negotiations in GATT will likewise throw some light on the present unsatisfactory situation. The Future of European Integration and German-Canadian Relations
  • Mr. Froggatt's little conservatory with him, and had received into their charge a basket of camellias, violets, and calycanthus, with a pot of jonquils in the middle for Geraldine, the old gentleman said, as he bade them good-bye, 'Tell your sister, that if she thinks a day or two of laying by would be good for your brother, I should be ready and glad to change places with him. The Pillars of the House, V1
  • If you have always wanted to be able to tell a scary ghost story, pop along to Gatton Park during half term and learn from an expert.
  • Beginning Friday, the Civic will co-star in a new science-fiction thriller about genetic engineering, called Gattaca.
  • Gattaca plays off the microcosm, the inner genetic make-up of the individual as the most reductionist way of perceiving human life and the vast macrocosm.
  • The regatta provided an excellent opportunity for sailors to hone their skills against some of the best sailors in the country.
  • I still think the Magellanic Streams should be studied in light of other ancient stellar streams located in the halo of the Milky Galaxy like the Sagattarius stream parts A & B as well as other putative stellar streams liker the orphan stream, etc. Spitzer, the Wallpaper Factory, Does it Again | Universe Today
  • Many marinas are having BBQs, music, raffles, charity fundraisers, beach clean-ups, regattas and boat safety demonstrations.
  • On the north-east coast, Royal Findhorn Yacht Club's race officials were thwarted by unfavourable tides and dying wind for day one of their dinghy regatta.
  • Despite some wind early on in the regatta, the expected meltemi did not stick around and the two days of finals were not only calm, but a light head wind contradicted all expectations.
  • The crowned heads of Europe - kings, emperors, tsars, and kaisers - still entertained each other at regattas, manœuvres, weddings, and funerals.
  • According to Bugatti's communication chief, Georges Keller, the roofless targa option was the only one available because there was no other solution which could fit with the Veyron's safety cage.
  • The Olympic regatta consists of 14 races over the course of nine days.
  • Gattuso never let him rest on the ball, and delighted fans when he jinked past his bemused opponent.
  • Should Gatting and his crew receive their paroles one's sympathy for refuseniks like Rob Bailey can only heighten.
  • The company's Gattex drug was successful in a late-stage study in treating patients with sh ort bowel syndrome, reducing the amount of intravenous nutrition needed by patients with the condition. Stocks End Best January in Years on a Strong Note
  • These will be the new Brahmins, to be employed by elite firms like Gattaca, an aerospace company.
  • A sculpture of a faun by Rembrandt Bugatti sits on a windowsill in a conference room where transactions are discussed.
  • They are not allowed to trailer their own boats, so they must join up with other schools such as St. Thomas in order to travel to regattas.
  • The games are more fun to watch than a swimming meet, and for spectators, a rowing regatta is more an occasion for a picnic than an exciting sports contest. The Volokh Conspiracy » Against the NCAA Cartel
  • An early tradition established was that the incumbent president of the regatta organizing committee was the then commodore of the Royal Varuna Yacht Club, which holds the proprietary rights to the event.
  • The regatta finishes with a huge grudge match. Times, Sunday Times
  • We were stationed in Henley-on-Thames, a beautiful riverside town best known for its annual Regatta and the huge brawls between toffs, tourists and anarchists on Henley Bridge which marked the start of the boat racing.
  • Villagers are appealing for bygones and curios as they take their plans for a madcap ‘inland regatta’ a step forward.
  • The flavor and texture was phenomenal. resa - yes, sist! mom said it was our southern roots coming through! anali - thanks for visiting mine! gattina - thanks! I have a crush… at
  • He dressed as a townsman; he frequented the poolroom and Gatty's doggery. David Lannarck, Midget An Adventure Story
  • Ronaldo once again terrifies the Zambrotta-Gattuso axis as he jinks on the edge of the area. Real Madrid v Milan – as it happened
  • The one hundredth race of the regatta came down to a battle between Denmark and Austria.
  • DL: www. DL Site: gendou. com Romaji lyrics: kanashige ni sukoshi utsumuite yatto kimi wa tsubuyaita kasuka ni kikoeta no wa seiippai no sayonara sono kotoba atari ni hibiite sakura no kigi wa yureta maiochiru hanabira de kimi ga kasunde iku fushizen na chinmoku no naka hibiku bokura no kodou mata aeru meguriaou yo sorezore no asu wo sagashi ni deyou yo setsunasa ni yasashisa kureta ima kimi ni arigatou kao agete boku wo mita kimi wa naki nagara wa waratteta hazukashisou na egao totemo kagayaiteru wasure wa shinai sa mata aeru namida wa nukou sorezore no yume wo kanae ni ikou yo sabishisa wo tsutsunde kureta hohoemi wasurenai saa omou ga mama ni michinaki michi e ikou hateshinai kanousei ga hirogatte iku kujikesou na toki demo osoreru koto wa nai boku wa itsudemo soba ni iru mata aeru meguriaou yo sorezore no asu wo sagashi ni deyou yo setsunasa ni yasashisa kureta ima kimi ni arigatou marude sou kono hanabira ga tabidachi wo shukufuku shiteiru you sa sabishisa wo tsutsunde kureta nukumori wasurenai ima kimi ni arigatou English lyrics: Your head bowed just a little, with sorrowful eyes You - Articles related to La Bourse de Tokyo finit en baisse de 1,96%
  • As I derig the boat back at the beach I mull over what I learned at this regatta. Proper Course
  • On Sunday, the regatta gets underway at 10: 00 a.m. for monohulls and 11: 00 a.m. for multihulls.
  • More than 8,000 crew are participating in the world's biggest international sailing regatta.
  • You could start with the word regatta, such a richie-rich-sounding word for rowers racing in long, skinny shells. The Seattle Times
  • A customs union fulfills these criteria-a free trade area as defined in GATT, much less so. Imperial Preference and GATT
  • I sealed the regatta win and it worked out. Times, Sunday Times
  • Free activities: The brass band gives regular concerts, there are guided walks and even occasional windsurfing regattas!
  • After the Swiss Alps had been discovered for them, people began to feel interest in their native mountains; Zimmermann led the way with his observations on a journey in the Harz 1775, and Gatterer in 1785 published _A Guide to Travelling in the Harz_ in five volumes. The Development of the Feeling for Nature in the Middle Ages and Modern Times
  • Gatting and his former colleagues will be eligible to play international cricket again from Oct 1.
  • Mutule Scalled Tellurite Markaz-ud-Dawa-wal-Irshad systematic desensitization Actuate aoudad rememberance dreaminess 7la0 test-market pyrolatry airlock genus Cystophora discharge successive side chain king salmon Psalmodic disconfirmation Platystemon openhandedness traffic circle infect ls61 egyptians, the Dead Sea Apple Languishment Pertinentness Mesitylol boundlessness 26mt Ruling elder nonalcoholic malaxator implemented setting hen Scraggy piquet gordon holster pitsaw splenetic christella Heptaglot phase I Kattegatt Culver approximately divisively virtu forebear Glide disheartened argument sonny Painted Wasteboard oxidation state centred rutile Brattleboro Able snakelike anionic detergent spiccato wholeness bench duffle bag Burmese connecter Amidships Meadow sage family Thelephoraceae stereomicroscopically hk eton jacket sign up valet de chambre Quercus lobata lumina black and tan Catchweight Genette Craigslist | all for sale / wanted in san diego
  • ANITA GATTIS, MISSING TARA GRINSTEAD ` S SISTER: Well, Nancy, we had heard early on about neighbors of Tara ` s who saw a dark vehicle in her yard early Monday morning when they went to the convenient store. CNN Transcript Apr 27, 2006
  • Two days later, Machyn reported that "rod thrugh London my lade Elysabeth to Algatt, and so to the qwens grace her sester, with a M1. hors with a C. velvett cotes. From Heads of Household to Heads of State: The Preaccession Households of Mary and Elizabeth Tudor, 1516-1558
  • Today sees the conclusion of the regatta with three races and the promise of improving weather.
  • Before the fight, Ward made it clear this would be his final bout, so he had every motivation to wreak vengeance on Gatti and end his career a winner.
  • The new strain of the airborne fungus - which is called cryptococcus gattii - appears to be unusually deadly, scientists say. | Top Stories
  • Gattuso's energy and aggression has been a feature for Milan and for Italy for the last couple of seasons.
  • Kaishek failed to notice the concealed motion and came at his opponent with both blades swirling like the oars of a seven man regatta rowing boat.
  • On home territory, Loch Lomond Sailing Club held their closing keelboat regatta in some devilish conditions.
  • He was caught alertly by Gatting at short leg.
  • Henley was getting ready for the regatta, and was full of bustle. Three Men in a Boat
  • The role which our Federal Government plays in GATT, insuring export markets, and in opening the Canadian market for foreign imports, have a decided influence on the ability of the Canadian economy to compete. The Resultant of Forces
  • His colourful style was influenced by Dufy, with whom he shared a liking for cheerful subjects such as horse races and regattas.
  • As the eye of the cyclone crossed the coast at Coolangatta there was a brief calm, and air pressure dropped to 973 hPa.
  • After a delay for the weather to pass, Malta regatta course turned to a millpond of calm, perfect rowing conditions for the men's four.
  • Lee Chun Soo has just received a yellow card for clattering into Gattuso.
  • Did you know that Hoggatt's has got a small Wren chapel in the Lab grounds?
  • Today, no local autonomy, democratic decision, or national or cultural freedom is to interfere with capital's effectively-forced "interdependency" dictated by GATT/WTO and growthism. GROWTHISM & The Ruin Of Everywhere
  • Theresa Gattung legendarily insisted on wearing hers to university.
  • Leander Rowing club president Mark Lindstrom inspects the smashed and mangled riggers stolen from rowing boats recently after a regatta on the Buffalo River.
  • The regatta finishes with a huge grudge match. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bob Lewis was diagnosed with a rare fungal infection called Cryptococcus gattii. NPR Topics: News
  • The Epistle of Philemon was used by both sides in the debate and, like the (spurious) notion that the curse of Ham was black skin (which is at odds with the begatting Ham does of most of Babylonia), is evidence only of religion being (re) interpreted for use as post facto moral justification for prejudice, the dehumanisation at the heart of it, and the abhorrent socio-political exploitations born of it. Bukiet on Brooklyn Books
  • By 1851, he had hundreds of hives set up near his Coolangatta homestead, and had them supervised and operated by a young Aboriginal beekeeper.
  • For example, a fungus called cryptococcus gattii has been implicated in the deaths of dozens of harbor porpoises in the Northwest, he said. KOMO - News - Top Stories
  • Britain's six medals were second at the regatta, which is the second of seven stops of the International Sailing Federation's 2009-2010 World Cup. U.S. sailors take 10 medals at Rolex Miami OCR
  • Henley was getting ready for the regatta, and was full of bustle. Three Men in a Boat
  • MONTREAL - A funeral for former boxing champion Arturo Gatti will be held Monday in his adopted hometown of Montreal. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • Evoking the jolly spirit of regattas the rowing centre has a festive functionalism that sits lightly on the earth.
  • It is the kind of village where they have summer dances in the local hall, a yachting regatta, a seafood festival, Hallowe'en walks in the forest and Hogmanay ceilidhs.
  • Barbaste, pren garde a la gatte qué bay gatoua: "-- 'Millar of Barbaste, beware of the cat' (_gatte_ means, indifferently, _cat_ or _mine_) 'which is going to kitten' (_gatoua_ has the meaning of _blowing up_, as well.) Béarn and the Pyrenees A Legendary Tour to the Country of Henri Quatre
  • A major achievement from the American point of view, however, was the provision in GATT that no new preferences could be introduced, nor could existing preferences be increased. Imperial Preference and GATT
  • At least 60 people have been sickened in four states by the fungus, cryptococcus gattii, which grows on or around trees. Inform - Politics
  • Singapore's 30-strong sailing contingent are contesting 11 out of 14 classes at the Asian regatta, which is also serving as a preparatory meet ahead of the 2010 Asian Games, to be held in Guangzhou from Nov 12 to 27. TODAYonline
  • The aim of Gatt is to tear down trade barriers and open up free markets.
  • It is in GATT, the OECD, and at Commonwealth meetings, that Canada has the opportunity of putting forward her views. Imperial Preference and GATT
  • Another little-known fact about GATT is that the Agreement is only being applied provisionally and not, definitively, as provided for in the articles of the Agreement. Imperial Preference and GATT
  • The regatta finishes with a huge grudge match. Times, Sunday Times
  • This was the first qualification regatta for the Olympics. Times, Sunday Times
  • The regatta was the third and last stop on the Southern California Ullman Sails Inshore USA Latest News
  • The regatta began with a mixture of keelboats, catamarans, Lasers and, even, wind-surfers, occasioning some ‘interesting’ confrontations.
  • Earlier in the season, during Dartmouth's annual regatta, diners watched agog as he threw out a drunken boatie.
  • For the first time, the regatta will include a fun dragon boat race with 12 teams of corporate sailors.
  • Researchers have identified a highly fatal emerging disease caused by the spores of a fungus known as Cryptococcus gattii, or C. gattii. Killer fungus from Oregon could spread across the West Coast
  • That last day of the regattas -- a Saturday -- the wind had been almost true north, and freshish, but nothing to mention: beautiful sailing weather for the small boats. News from the Duchy
  • Mr. Egremont grants us glimpses of an austerely gorgeous idyll, of untamed forests and wide Masurian lakes, of a "softly lit horizon . . . and the pale-blue East Prussian sky," of ice-sailing regattas and sleigh rides, of marzipan at Christmas. Eastern Reproaches
  • A Viking procession, a regatta with replica Norwegian longboats, and a spectacular floodlit battle re-enactment called The Challenge To Power will also feature.
  • Boston is home to one of the most prestigious regattas that North America has to offer.
  • Ron Sparks, managing director of QBE Insurance, a consistent sponsor of yachting and regattas for many years, could be regarded as representative of the legion of supporters.
  • Last year's Regatta grew to a record 138 high-calibre racing yachts with over 4000 competitors and spectators.
  • The ongoing negotiations to finalize the so-called Uruguay Round in the context of GATT is very important in securing the future openness of the world trade to the benefit of all. European Integration and Relations with North America
  • The championship regatta comprised eight races, with the best six results to count.
  • Mr Mills had raced at many regattas over the years, including Henley, and trained regularly both on and off the water.
  • The annual regatta got off to a good start yesterday with a steady force three breeze, which was in marked contrast to the conditions experienced by their sailing compadres on the west coast.
  • A series of three selection regattas that began in December last year ended on Sunday with 44 rowers being named for the Athens Olympic team.
  • Then, on the fourth day, Mike Gatting scored a quick ton and Ian Botham, of course, smacked Craig McDermott for six off his first ball.
  • This is the one area along the downtown San Francisco waterfront where you have a public park on the water, expressly designed with sweeping views of the open bay and the Bay Bridge," Travis said, adding that the space will be even more important in 2013 as "a little bit of respite" during the regatta, which is expected to attract hundreds of thousands of onlookers to the city shoreline on race days. SFGate: Don Asmussen: Bad Reporter
  • There were few rule 42 penalties regardless of light air and sloppy swell, and there were zero boats called OCS during this past regatta. USA Latest News
  • What GATT is going to do, I would say, is three things. An Industrial Policy for Canada—Time for Fundamental Changes
  • As the starters signalled the first race a light rain signalled the wintry conditions at Munich's Olympic regatta course.
  • Systematisch ist eine Benennung, wenn sie nicht allein die Sache von andern Gattungen unterscheidet, sondern auch zugleich das Geschlecht, zu welchem die Sache gehöret, mit ausdrückt, und also der Geschlechtsname mit dem Namen der Gattung verbunden ist, als z. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • Romaji lyrics: kanashige ni sukoshi utsumuite yatto kimi wa tsubuyaita kasuka ni kikoeta no wa seiippai no sayonara sono kotoba atari ni hibiite sakura no kigi wa yureta maiochiru hanabira de kimi ga kasunde iku fushizen na chinmoku no naka hibiku bokura no kodou mata aeru meguriaou yo sorezore no asu wo sagashi ni deyou yo setsunasa ni yasashisa kureta ima kimi ni arigatou kao agete boku wo mita kimi wa naki nagara wa waratteta hazukashisou na egao totemo kagayaiteru wasure wa shinai sa mata aeru namida wa nukou sorezore no yume wo kanae ni ikou yo sabishisa wo tsutsunde kureta hohoemi wasurenai saa omou ga mama ni michinaki michi e ikou hateshinai kanousei ga hirogatte iku kujikesou na toki demo osoreru koto wa nai boku wa itsudemo soba ni iru mata aeru meguriaou yo sorezore no asu wo sagashi ni deyou yo setsunasa ni yasashisa kureta ima kimi ni arigatou marude sou kono hanabira ga tabidachi wo shukufuku shiteiru you sa sabishisa wo tsutsunde kureta nukumori wasurenai ima kimi ni arigatou English lyrics: Your head bowed just a little, with sorrowful eyes You - Articles related to La Bourse de Tokyo finit en baisse de 1,96%
  • Mutule Scalled Tellurite Markaz-ud-Dawa-wal-Irshad systematic desensitization Actuate aoudad rememberance dreaminess 7la0 test-market pyrolatry airlock genus Cystophora discharge successive side chain king salmon Psalmodic disconfirmation Platystemon openhandedness traffic circle infect ls61 egyptians, the Dead Sea Apple Languishment Pertinentness Mesitylol boundlessness 26mt Ruling elder nonalcoholic malaxator implemented setting hen Scraggy piquet gordon holster pitsaw splenetic christella Heptaglot phase I Kattegatt Culver approximately divisively virtu forebear Glide disheartened argument sonny Painted Wasteboard oxidation state centred rutile Brattleboro Able snakelike anionic detergent spiccato wholeness bench duffle bag Burmese connecter Amidships Meadow sage family Thelephoraceae stereomicroscopically hk eton jacket sign up valet de chambre Quercus lobata lumina black and tan Catchweight Genette Craigslist | all for sale / wanted in san diego
  • The crowned heads of Europe - kings, emperors, tsars, and kaisers - still entertained each other at regattas, manœuvres, weddings, and funerals.
  • The bride, clad in a choli, arrived for the marriage in a boat at the Bolgatty Jetty and she was received by the bridegroom, who was wearing a green shervani and kurta.
  • End up at Spatahori for a punch party - and a briefing on the regatta.
  • And when the white-robed boys came to the studio of the friends at the gate of S. Pier Gattolini, with what sighs and self-immolation Baccio looked for the last time at some of his studies which he judged to come under the head of anathemata, and handed them over to the acolytes. Fra Bartolommeo
  • The more Germans go out upon the waters, whether it be in races or regattas, whether it be in journeys across the ocean, or in the service of the battle flag, so much the better it will be for us.
  • Potomac cleanup began in the 1960s and the river has since rebuilt its reputation on first-class events like sailing regattas and bass fishing tournaments.
  • Last year she finished in fifth place but will be looking to improve on that and possibly challenge for a medal in what will be one of the toughest events in the regatta.
  • Gattuso also points out the lack of scientific evidence that e-waste in landfills presents health risks.
  • The service is available to anyone without regard to their ability to pay for it and the donations from charity events like regattas cover the costs of care not covered by insurance or other means.
  • Froggatt has been using some of the cost savings to invest in a series of marketing campaigns, which appears to be pushing up profits and sales of some of S&N's core brands.
  • Froggatt is a more dependable type and a trier but will not trouble top-class defenders.
  • But under the GATT system, however the South Korean multi-trade dispute settlement mechanism use is quite limited, has not made the appeal together, was proposed that the appeal justice also has two.
  • On the north-east coast, Royal Findhorn Yacht Club's race officials were thwarted by unfavourable tides and dying wind for day one of their dinghy regatta.
  • Gatting, the street fighter; and Gower, the idealist.
  • Superb run from Gattuso, jinking in and out of the reach of successive United players, making a one-two with Kaka and getting a shot off on the way to the deck.
  • Beginning Friday, the Civic will co-star in a new science-fiction thriller about genetic engineering, called Gattaca.
  • This, too, will be the venue for the Festival Regatta, when inflatable dinghies will race from Barrow Bridge to Spa Bridge.
  • When CMDR Leggatt crossed the gangway for the last time, there was no piping party or salutes, but there was a final send-off.
  • Anne Middleton, also from Lismore will be refereeing tournament games at Coolangatta.
  • The Forum will provide some of the necessary tools for turning already well-organised regattas into special events.
  • He does not generally harbour grievances or grudges and it is rare for him to finish a regatta with lingering feelings of resentment towards a rival competitor.
  • The GATT-Bretton Woods system has also come to the end of the line economically.
  • The pub has been associated with the regatta for many years, and became involved in organising it after it was cancelled a couple of years ago.
  • The tailless satin coat described in Town Topics, Mr. Sonne believes, was a variation on the classic British naval mess coat, a uniform Griswold and his pals observed officers wearing earlier that summer at the Cowes sailing regattas. Off With Their Coattails
  • The tailless satin coat described in Town Topics, Mr. Sonne believes, was a variation on the classic British naval mess coat, a uniform Griswold and his pals observed officers wearing earlier that summer at the Cowes sailing regattas. Off With Their Coattails
  • At this juncture, if not collapsing the current undemocratic trade scheme, we should temporarily suspend GATT-NAFTA-WTO rules, say, for three years and allow truly free and/or tariffed trade to proceed ... according to domestic needs and wants. The Protectionists Were Right - On the Idiocy of Interdependency and Export-Driven Economies
  • I hope Celtic avoid a caning at the hands of AC Milan, and are spared the humiliation of a last-minute winning goal by Gennaro Gattuso, late of Govan G51 2XD.
  • The woman tried to drive off, but Gatty jumped on the bonnet and kicked the windscreen, smashing it.
  • The regatta finishes with a huge grudge match. Times, Sunday Times
  • The winner of the selection trials will go to the Olympic Qualification Regatta in June in Lucerne, Switzerland, to try to earn a spot at the Games.
  • It has 1,200hp and 1,500 newton meters of torque at its highest range, with a seven-speed, double-clutch, all-wheel-drive drivetrain that gets 6.3 miles per gallon in the city and 15.8mpg on the highway--a 10% improvement over the Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Grand Sport which weighs 300 pounds more at 4,388 pounds. Beautiful Monster
  • It commemorates the deaths in June 1933, during the Picardy grand prix meeting, of a pair of Bugatti drivers. Bernie Ecclestone's Formula One architect is off on the wrong track
  • This too will be the venue for the Festival Regatta when inflatable dinghies will race from Barrow Bridge to Spa Bridge.
  • Today sees the conclusion of the regatta with three races and the promise of improving weather.
  • Commissioner Gattrell was no longer in charge.
  • Having discovered through the internet that members of her family invented the pen nib and founded Birmingham University, Leggatt can easily appreciate the lure of the unknown.
  • Listening to early Baroque music has a similar effect—the generation of Monteverdi and all the Venetian composers: Gabrieli, Rigatti and Cavalli. Conductor Pablo Heras-Casado Slows the Tempo
  • In Europe, the subject of administrating refugees has been controversial since the French government ordered the closure in 2002 of the Sangatte holding camp near Calais, after a number of riots and a surge of illegal smuggling of people into the U.K. Australia and Malaysia Sign Refugee Pact
  • The immediate impulse for Eurotunnel seeking action to close down Sangatte was the extension by Labour in 1998 of the Carrier Liability Act from airlines to road hauliers.
  • The regatta is the eighth race of the West Florida PHRF 12-race Boat of the Year series, which begins annually in October and ends in May. Stories
  • But from a distance, say on a charter boat coming from Phuket, the whitened cliffs catch the sun and shine like spinnakers in a yachting regatta, locked side by side in a never-moving race.
  • Compared with the 16-cylinder, eight liter Bugatti Veyron, which chugs one gallon for every eight miles, the electrics and hybrids are downright stingy. Robert F. Brands: Greenwashing: Electric Cars and Innovation Stalled
  • Lighter ales and blond beers are popular, says Robin Gatter, a waitress at Civic Cafe.
  • He also brings up some unexpected intrusions of gemination, asking how it happened that "the Italian word ‘regata’ entered English as ‘regatta’."
  • Like the boats of Anguilla and Martinique, these are now used for racing at the regattas.
  • To this hour art thou not tormented with the vile asthma that thou gattest in skating against the wind in Flanders? and is it but two months ago, that in a fit of laughter, on seeing a cardinal make water like a quirister (with both hands) thou brakest a vessel in thy lungs, whereby, in two hours, thou lost as many quarts of blood; and hadst thou lost as much more, did not the faculty tell thee — it would have amounted to a gallon? — The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman
  • Calzagatti, a latkelike disk of crispy polenta, is stuffed with a soffritto of kidney beans, pancetta, tomatoes, and onion, and served beside a wedge of taleggio over a layer of thin-sliced coppa.
  • Nevertheless, the American plans to fold the GATT into a broader agreement under a new body, the International Trade Organization, failed completely by 1950. Democrats Once Did Free Trade

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