How To Use Gator In A Sentence
The diverse problems of succession and authority which face the brothers, the audience, and the poet reflect upon one other throughout, and this self-awareness renders nugatory the traditional criticism of Statius as derivative.
He let the best sailors sail the boat, and the best navigator do the navigation.
Times, Sunday Times
Secondly, irritating, defamatory and derogatory comments left at this site by visitors will be deleted.
a purse of simulated alligator hide
For each of these components of primary education the investigator is concerned to improve the quality of initial training.
Two independent investigators have reached virtually the same conclusions.
One of only two remaining alligator species in the world, this reptile has the dubious distinction of being the planet's most endangered species.
There have also been six recorded fights between snakes and alligators.
Times, Sunday Times
British air accident investigators were being sent to help with the inquiry.
Times, Sunday Times
The alligators build their nests out of grass near the water's edge.
The investigators have recommended the removal of dual control joysticks for all non-training flights.
For example, synchrotrons, cyclotrons, linear accelerators and interplanetary spacecraft all cost too much for single investigators.
Along the way you'll encounter bath plugs, rubber ducks and get the obligatory soaking from intermittent showers.
There should be little doubt that these men personally believed much of the racist arguments they delivered, but it may be overstating the case somewhat to suggest that all other concerns were nugatory.
Sparing us all the obligatory arguments about Ford “defining the American West” with his sweeping, desolate camera shots and Wayne’s anabashedly American Americanness, there’s just no denying that Ford and Wayne — tag team partners on more than 20 films — are simply one of the most prolific duos in celluloid history.
Top 10 Actor / Director Tandems In Movie History | Best Week Ever
The discipline of the guards is not very good. Sentry duty wearies them, for they must also serve as torturers, interrogators and perform the duties of kidnappers.
The good news for Gators fans is that the team is blessed at line-backer, with stalwarts such as Byron Hardmon, Mike Nattiel and Matt Farrior.
Gator, my cousin is a veterinarian and is the same. the only thing that grosses her out is drool.
A federal investigator was on campus within 48 hours after news broke about the scandal.
At school, like my peers, I was indoctrinated in the mysteries of original and venal sin, virgin birth, the respective criteria for entry to limbo, purgatory, and heaven.
But our investigators were able to buy a large batch of the unlicensed synthetic chemical within minutes.
The Sun
No statistically significant difference existed in knowledge by task assignment of driver versus navigator.
These consequences have yet to be understood by most physicians, not to mention the public, the media or arguably even the promulgators of this impending disaster.
The early European navigators arriving in South America, believed they had reached the Earthly Paradise.
Total Capital Expenditures for 2009 are less than historical and current estimates for Maintenance and Obligatory Capital Expenditures which we define as the estimated amount of investment in capital projects and obligatory spending on existing facilities and operations needed to hold production approximately constant for the period.
The Earth Times Online Newspaper
Or if I want to see a police officer in a time frame where the person concerned might be caught, I report a couple having a domestic, who called me a derogatory name ref my Race, Religion, or sexual preference (underline the relevant option) and just out of interest they broke the wing mirror on my car.
Norfolk Constabulary. Pants On Fire. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
The divisions found in and between the diwan, sarishtadar, and mirza categories were often created and perpetuated by the individuals and alliances operating in the political realm, i.e., among the officials and office-holders who were both the instigators and targets of the audits.
Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
Investigators believe that the suspected group of agents is controlled from within the Munich consulate by a consul who has been observed conducting conspirative meetings with the alleged agents.
Free Internet Press
Russo said "interrogatories" have been filed by both sides, and that the case boils down to whether the trust is a "pool trust.
Times Leader News
When he died in June from cancer, investigators from Liquidators Cork Gulley were called in and soon smelt a rat.
The alligator garpike cannot really be recommended as an aquarium fish because of its size.
It's also much more expensive to clean up and much more damaging to the proprietor seen as they usually cannot use a room I've just vacated - not until the fumigators have finished anyway.
According to the letter rogatory from the Indian government to the government of Singapore on criminal case no.
The Full Feed from
Keill acted as a propagator of Newton's philosophy and argued against Whiston and others.
Today, I found out that my overprotective parents hired a private investigator a month ago, who since then has been watching my perfectly normal boyfriend, in case he "tries to rape or kill" me.
Thai press reports say government investigators have reached an initial finding that pilot error was to blame.
Times, Sunday Times
Investigators will be checking passenger manifests of outgoing flights from the east coast early on Tuesday morning.
Just as he's an expert guide through the between-spaces of the city, so he's a practised navigator through different psychic spaces.
Investigators have yet to establish a motive, but a failed robbery attempt is a likely reason, Moen said.
Investigators believe hackers stole sensitive U.S. information and passwords and implanted backdoors in unclassified government computers to allow them to return at will, said U.S. officials familiar with the hacking.
Boing Boing: July 9, 2006 - July 15, 2006 Archives
This morning somebody shouted out 'caiman' and alligators along the banks slithered into the water.
Peeg and Brie (opening of a teen novel)
Private investigators have traditionally been perceived as shadowy and devious.
Ada made a'Gator hate her, so the'Gator ate her.
Why the f**k should I spend 8 years getting a PhD in biochem or engineering when I have to compete with a bunch of Chinese and Indian immigrants who are happy to make $30,000 for the next ten years of postdoc purgatory?
Matthew Yglesias » Visas for Grads
It's not just about texture though: not only does meat cooked on the bone tend to be more flavourful, but, in marked contrast to much modern pork, that around the ribs is marbled with fat, which means it's always succulent – even more so with spare ribs, the larger, meatier kind most familiar to us as the obligatory meat element of Mixed Starter number 2.
How to cook perfect barbecue ribs
Investigators are still studying the home's wreckage to find the cause of a gas leak which ignited when central heating was turned on.
The Sun
It was charted and well known to all navigators, lying on the line of 16o west longitude, right at its intersection by the tenth parallel north latitude, and only a few miles away from Diana Shoal.
Onions coincidentally contain a lot of potassium metaphosphate (KPO3), which, when combined with all the water soaked up from the Gatorade, is used to produce even more KH2PO4!
No more sweets, fried foods or sugary drinks, including Gatorade.
And it seems the obligatory pungent cigarette, clamped firmly in the corner of the mouth, is a necessary aid to concentration.
A teacher pranced before the class in a red cloak, but it was her big-mouthed gator pursuer that …
Literacy News – 76th Edition « News « Literacy News
Investigators Thursday evening found a dish containing what appeared to be antifreeze, which is poisonous to animals, on the property of a woman some neighbors say has threatened to poison cats and other animals that come into her yard.
Cincinnati.Com - All Local News
Peruvians' notion of an afterlife very much follows Catholic notions of heaven, purgatory, and hell.
It consists of tequila, cointreau, sour mix, fresh lime and crushed ice, and comes in the obligatory salted glass.
Police Were Instigators in Montebello – Report Holds
Police Were Instigators in Montebello – Report Holds : Law is Cool
The investigator then pressed his face against the weathered boarding, his eye even with the hole.
Stevie is obvious in his affections for his fellow investigators; Moore is much more circumspect.
12. The Alienist by Caleb Carr
They had been down to the Balesuna making an alligator trap, and, instead of trousers, were clad in lava-lavas that flapped gracefully about their stalwart limbs.
Chapter 8
Do you like to be deeply involved in all the daily detail, or are you a willing delegator?
IMS Problem Investigator makes IMS log analysis quicker and easier than ever before.
He would deny the allegation, and, as the politician said, "defy the allegator.
History of the University of North Carolina. Volume I: From its Beginning to the Death of President Swain, 1789-1868
The silence was broken only by the splash of an alligator leaping on some prey far below, and the mournful pipe of some jungle bird across the rivers.
There are no official figures on the number of exotic pets in the UK but the type of animals on sale from pet shops include birds, snakes and other reptiles, terrapins and even small alligators.
Launched the GuideLiner ™ catheter, D-Stat Rad-Band ™ topical hemostat, Gator ™ ClipSeal plug, Drainer ™ centesis catheter and Guardian® II hemostasis valve in the U.S.
Evidence of her home-grown methods can be found in the alligatored texture of some of her pieces, where she may have layered enamel paint before the undercoat dried.
The daughters of an insurance investigator, they lived in a smart area close to the cathedral.
A pair of slipshod feet shuffled, hastily, across the bare floor of the room, as this interrogatory was put; and there issued, from a door on the right hand; first, a feeble candle: and next, the form of the same individual who has been heretofore described as labouring under the infirmity of speaking through his nose, and officiating as waiter at the public – house on Saffron Hill.
Oliver Twist
He went on to say that the fugitives had been pursued and captured and brought back to bondage; and upon Borrow's admitting that he had been the instigator of the adventure, he was sentenced to be flogged, and that it was on the back of this very Martineau that he had been "horsed" to undergo the punishment!
Hawthorne and His Circle
She would recount how it was possible to buy anything - from meat, chocolate, cigarettes and the obligatory ‘nylons’ - from the spivs and black market racketeers.
Like the rancher, the irrigator was a conservative and despised any intervention from government.
Michael Endo I approach my subjects as an investigator.
Investigators found cigarettes, a box of disposable lighters and an empty bottle of whisky in her flat, but no evidence of any electrical or gas faults.
Litigator London: are you asserting a blockading power can only stop a vessel in territorial waters; and that vessel being stopped has to be flagged by the blockaded entity?
The Volokh Conspiracy » Israeli Version of Ship Incident
He's principal investigator of the Large Area Telescope on NASA's Fermi gamma-ray Space Telescope.
My neighbors, as my compurgators, could aver this fact, as seeing my occupations and my attachment to them.
A similar story can be told for several other species of toads, frogs, salamanders, alligators, and turtles around the world.
No redub, edit or censor could change the fact that she asked an ignorant question with a derogatory, skeptical tone.
Dallas Blog, Daily News, Dallas Politics, Opinion, and Commentary FrontBurner Blog D Magazine » Blog Archive » Kevin McCarthy on Rebecca Aguilar
It has been accused of sitting on a list of 102 names of firms that may have hired rogue investigators.
Times, Sunday Times
This paper at tentatively studies the theory of traveling bubble cavitation noise emitted from high-speed underwater self-navigator of Schiebe body.
But maybe it was a flub to wear the polo shirt with the alligator again.
The plot, about police investigator Stewart trying to nab a criminal while being unlawfully pursued with daffy poetess Colbert in tow, is too lightweight — and the characters spend too much time pointlessly arguing — for me to care.
Weekly Mishmash: April 18-24 :
Professor Ruse's interrogatory title probably reflects a vital question for important sectors of American society.
Enterprise 2.0 is often derided as a buzzword enveloped in ivory-tower abstractions that obfuscate as much as enlighten.www. today launched a new blog from the trenches of Enterprise 2.0 - yes, there are trenches - called "Everyday Enterprise 2.0," authored by Christy Schoon, the company's director of Enterprise 2.0 consulting.
They abound in matters of interest to the investigator of masonic symbolism and philosophy, but should be read with a careful view of the preconceived theory of the learned author, who refers everything in the ancient religions to the influences of the Noachic cataclysm, and the arkite worship which he supposes to have resulted from it.
The Symbolism of Freemasonry
Investigators seemed baffled by the theft, as guards patrol the premises at night and there is tight security inside, including infrared systems and cameras.
The reptile, which looks like an alligator, will be kept at the Dangerous Wild Animal Rescue Facility in Great Wakering where more than 400 exotic animals are homed.
Investigators said they suspected shotguns and semi-automatic pistols were used in the attack.
So the new form of testification should be put forward at first, and then investigator can testify in the court.
The problem comes when these aggregators don't have enough granularity.
The surprise was that the Gators' top-five ranking through early March was due in part to the upperclass play of freshmen Matt Walsh and Anthony Roberson.
Jules Galdea explained to us that these revolving fan-like wheels on top of the cars destroyed atmospheric pressure, or what is generally understood by the term gravitation, and with this force thus destroyed or rendered nugatory the car is as safe from falling to one side or the other from the single rail track as if it were in a vacuum; the fly wheels in their rapid revolutions destroying effectually the so-called power of gravitation, or the force of atmospheric pressure or whatever potent influence it may be that causes all unsupported things to fall downward to the earth's surface or to the nearest point of resistance.
The Smoky God, or: A Voyage to the Inner World
The cars are die-cast models; the buildings are built by Smith, constructed out of Gator board, plastics such as styrene and Sintra, and found objects (and it looks like the old model makers standby of lichen for shrubs).
Many investigators have been mostly concerned with causes of depression and anxiety - the antecedents to depression.
The investigators still cite the "cancer of corruption" denounced by James Wolfensohn, an ex-president of the World Bank, in 1996.
Police in West Yorkshire are taking on more than 20 financial investigators to make sure that criminals' ill-gotten gains get put back into the community.
The couple were arrested Wednesday after two of the boys finally told investigators of the alleged abuse, police said.
Then we saw the alligator swell up.
Air accident investigators combed the scene of the crash yesterday.
The Sun
It looks like a nugatory technical tweak.
Times, Sunday Times
If these compurgators all agreed in a declaration in favour of the accused, this was held to he a complete acquittal.
Speaking fluent French was a real asset in the land of the Cajuns, and most fun was working with the trappers, duck hunters, and alligator harvesters with their leases.
The corrugator muscle between his eyebrows contracts into three deep wrinkles.
The important, yet limited, investigatory role of the police to gather facts and collect evidence is well-established," Lohan attorney Shawn Chapman Holley said in a statement Tuesday.
Back To Jail?
The accounting firm deliberately destroyed documents to thwart government investigators.
It doesn't contain anything terribly offensive, though the premiere does mention the existence of sex between alligators and use the word "horny.
Wired Top Stories
They've hired a firm of solicitors and an investigator to gather evidence.
Investigators and prosecutors must be seen to attack with full force the betrayers of the public trust who are aligned with the gangsters, racketeers and terrorists keeping this country under siege.
Mix in offbeat football (it has a feature on Super Bowl Gatorade-dumping on coaches), get in network plugs (Jay Leno, Conan O'Brien and Tina Fey will pop up) and don't forget the mandatory cooking segment (in this case Tom Colicchio from Top Chef on NBC-owned Bravo).
NBC putting on the peacock for Sunday
Even your humble correspondent succumbed to the spirit of anarchy, but the response my "crudeness" provoked gives me a few suggestions for investigators chasing leads on the recent spate of criminal harassment toward progressive elements.
Archive 2005-10-16
Lunch together was almost always obligatory.
The Sun
A rare albino alligator arrived at the Wild Animal Park yesterday and immediately went into hiding.
Ultimately, this existing delegatory process has allowed the health-care system to function as well as it has with existing doctor/patient ratios. Top Stories
It would be a criss-cross of killings with no apparent motive, and no leads for investigators working on either case.
In some of his paintings it is as if he has been to hell and back, a reporter from the frontier of purgatory.
It is also noteworthy that in these cases a portion of the compurgators were women.
There is ample fact -- and we also have plenty of evidence -- proving that this incident was organized, premeditated, masterminded and incited by the Dalai clique," Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said today, in denouncing the Dalai Lama's supporters as instigators of what he described as violent protests that rocked the region in recent days.
What They Are Saying
I'm far more offended by minstrelizing robots with no plausible connection to hip hop by any imaginative stretch and the use of mudflap a derogatory term involving the assumption of a dirty and uncivilized penis than a series of black monsters set in Africa of all places.
Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen
In fact, there are 23 species of alligators, crocodiles, and their kin, the caiman and gharials, and they are collectively all known as crocodilians.
One of the key instigators of the Microsoft case, Silicon Valley attorney Gary Reback, famously perorated that Microsoft had become a "threat to the underpinnings of a free society.
The Trustbusters' Last Meal Ticket
The investigator, bag man and spiritual adviser.
The high polymorphism of MHC genes in Chinese alligator would be of great benefit to genetic conservation in the captive population of Chinese alligator.
Investigators found two unexploded devices next to the pipe bomb in a roadside bin.
The Sun
The literary masterpiece Barrow draws on to illumine the path of conversion and repentance is Dante's Purgatorio.
German investigators were to begin analysing information from the planes' flight data recorders and cockpit voice recorders yesterday.
People stood on platforms, violently gesticulating and calling each other derogatory names.
Method and apparatus for front end navigator and network architecture for performing functions on distributed files in a computer network
Erit igitur divinarum scripturarum solertissimus indagator, qui primo totas legerit, notasque habuerit, etsi non dum intellectu, jam tamen lectione, duntaxat eas quæ appellantur canonicæ.
The Canon of the Old and New Testaments Ascertained, or The Bible Complete without the Apocrypha and Unwritten Traditions.
Thus, in seven months and four days, the first circumpolar periplus had been accomplished by a navigator of only twenty-two years of age.
The Waif of the "Cynthia"
There was also a sort of faux alligator skin tiling around the basin.
Times, Sunday Times
The man fixed his interrogator with a steady gaze and spoke quietly but firmly.
Times, Sunday Times
The light is of the 4th order dioptric, showing a red arc of 270° to seaward, and a white arc of 90°, visible inside the breakwater and to the southward towards Alligator Creek.
Report on the Department of Ports and Harbours for the Year 1890-91
They took the obligatory 45 minutes to be fashionably late, and boy, did we ever love them for it.
The unnamed woman is also said to have shared police information in texts to pals and a pic of a crime victim with derogatory comments.
The Sun
Investigators have suggested that these fossils represent new growth from cycads, deciduous trees, ginkgos and, most commonly, conifer trees.
Mr Jones submits that it was right to look first at the criminal conduct of the investigatory journalists who spent money freely to provide copy for their newspaper.
WASHINGTON (AP) Federal investigators are looking at a farm in Yuma, Ariz., as a possible source of a widespread E. coli outbreak in romaine lettuce, according to the distributor.
FDA investigating E. coli in Arizona after lettuce recall hits 23 states
Today, investigators are combing the crash sites and preparing to analyze flight data and cockpit voice recorders for vital clues.
It also has hybrids of the two, as well as the indigenous false gavial (Tomistoma schlegelii) and five exotic species: South American caiman (Caiman crocodilus), New Guinea freshwater crocodile (Crocodylus novaeguineae), Chinese alligator (Alligator sinensis), broad-spouted caiman
Chapter 7
The man is a sixteenth Spanish navigator.
When an investigator arrives at the scene of an accident there is a single golden rule: secure the wreckage.
The incident occurred at the Shoushan Zoo in Kaohsiung, south Taiwan, when zoo vet Chang Po-yu was giving the alligator three anaesthesia shots, so that he could treat the alligator's illness.
Archive 2007-04-08
In Japan, the term Chosenjin ‘Chosôn person’ (or worse, Senjin) has long been so derogatory that the polite equivalent is now Kankokujin ‘Han country person’, and South Korea is Kankoku (the Japanese equivalent of Hanguk)–but North Korea remains Kita Chosen ‘North Chosôn’.
Koreans of Central Asia « Far Outliers
Loss of habitat, prey, and polluted waters are some of the risks that alligators already face.
He also described ‘a gay sexual encounter in explicit and derogatory terms’ from the pulpit.
He loved everything there, animated or inanimated; the very mud of the riverside; the very alligators, enormous and stolid, basking on it with impertinent unconcern.
An Outcast Of The Islands
This has to be the stupidest blog-slap fight i've ever seen. how can someone reall be THAT offended that they were taken off a blog aggrigator?
So it would take more years of dogged detective work by a handful of investigators to connect the dots.
Investigators said it appeared the pair were tubing on the lake when the man struggled to return to the boat and went under the water.
Obviously, the investigators are there, looking for any kind of casings, any sort of physical evidence that may show commonalities between this shooting and the others.
CNN Transcript Oct 20, 2002
She said that the investigators’ report seemed “omissive” and therefore slanted against Freshwater.
Freshwater April 29 & 30: Exploiting kids - The Panda's Thumb
Investigators are looking into the incident but they are already treating it as suspicious.
Investigators fear their calls may have affected navigation gear as the crew battled to land in heavy fog.
The Sun
A self-administered questionnaire was presented to the class by the senior investigators and was proctored in the classroom by trained data collectors.
Investigators are sifting through evidence teased from computer software seized at the properties.
Times, Sunday Times
You also get the obligatory racing aluminium pedals and the instrument panel is lit with white LEDs.
The Sun
The axolotl is the champion of vertebrate regeneration, with the ability to replace whole limbs and even parts of its central nervous system," says Edward Scott, Ph. D., principal investigator for the grant and director of the McKnight Brain Institute's program in stem cell biology and regenerative medicine.
GEN News Highlights
For this reason, Charles Darwin called the corrugator the muscle which controls this movement “the muscle of difficulty.”
How to Speak Dog
Miss Fan lacked such an interrogator with whom she could whisper intimately.
Budget 2004 was one the government could have done without: an obligatory address in the dog-end of a parliament.
Tongans were fierce warriors and skilled navigators whose outrigger canoes could carry up to two hundred people.
Applications to fly executive jets were rejected and an attempt to become a government air accident investigator failed.
Now Tourre is a triple-exclamation-point "monstruosity" himself -- and, in true Goldman form, he made few apologies as he testified before the Senate investigators on Tuesday.
The senators and their Fab foe
In supermarkets, where space is less limited, self-scanners and store navigators can be attached to shopping trolleys that are then docked at the checkout for payment.
Good and bad, right and wrong, victims and survivors and the obligatory sex and violence - what other moral and visual ingredients do you need to get both ratings and campaigning kudos?
Once discover those who violate an agreement, castigatory measure will increase " compensatory yearly salary 5 times right-and-left amerce " .
Treating terrorism like organised crime, investigators used informants, turncoat terrorists, telephone bugs and confessions to build the case.
Pope Sixtus IV's fund-raising campaign touted indulgences which would free your deceased loved ones suffering in purgatory.
I concluded that what my grandfather had been in Purgatory, though also present on earth in some mystical way, and God allowed him to appeal to his son to pray for his release and purgation from attachment to this dimension.
You are the conqueror of my people, our subjugator.
Dragons of a Fallen Sun
The Twiggs hired a private investigator to find their real daughter.
And he concluded that "strange as it may seem to say so," the most important characteristic of a successful interrogator is not his experience or even his linguistic knowledge; it is "his own temperament" and "his own character.
Truth Extraction
You can from our bethe of carib chromatism ethanediol of a verisimilar illogicality dare moneran with a anthology or you can godwit your own burrow barcarole loire by cyclopedia an evaluator of chigoe arrogator and pyrotechnics deuteromycota.
Rational Review
The solution that is usually put forward is "effective time management", such as only checking emails once a day or becoming an expert delegator.
Stop the clock: time shouldn't be tied to timepieces
purgatorial rites
Here is revealed one of the foremost of the causes which made the belief of the Dark Age in the numerous appearances of ghosts and devils so common and so intense that it gave currency to the notion that the swarming spirits of purgatory were disembogued from dusk till dawn.
The Destiny of the Soul A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life
You need only one or two disgruntled patients to post derogatory comments to damage your reputation and that of your practice.
Times, Sunday Times
But you can sit on a small gator and have your picture taken.
The Sun
For decades this was a provincial city in both the literal and derogatory senses of the term.
Times, Sunday Times
Their extravagant lifestyle finally drew the attention of fraud investigators.
Times, Sunday Times
In some languages, it is obligatory to specify more unusual types of temporal and aspectual relations.
For, O foremost of men, it was thus that subjugator of hostile cities, king Nala, had fallen into distress along with his wife, in consequence, O bull of
The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 1 Books 1, 2 and 3
This is the most natural and the most accurate measure of time for the navigator at sea and the unit of time adopted by the mariner is the apparent solar day.
Lectures in Navigation
The courtroom became a vaudeville theatre, as the MP lampooned his interrogators, accusing them of making ‘schoolboy howler’ mistakes.
As a disseminator of the news, the paper shall observe the decencies that are obligatory upon a private gentleman.
Wonk Room » George Will’s Lies Live On
Air crash investigators said engine failure may have been one of the factors to blame for the tragedy that unfolded near Hemingbrough.
Investigators described her as "inattentive," said she had room to change lanes and was "unprepared" to come to a complete stop.
The Two Malcontents
Monday, October 15, 2007 8: 20: 00 AM CDT little gator said ... that one url was too long for this format. so go to www. htm and click on scottof the antartic under general history
They've hired a firm of solicitors and an investigator to gather evidence.
Investigators said he was smoking marijuana and inhaling paint thinners when a burning candle ignited the fumes.
he made all the obligatory apologies
No, he thought, like an investigator in the dark, surveying his subject through a one-way mirror.
Kyrie, expurgator scelerum et largitor gratitæ; quæsumus propter nostrasoffensas noli nos relinquere, O consolator dolentis animæ, eleyson (ed. Burntisland, 929).
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
There are various techniques available to the forensic investigator in this context.
But this is not endemic to the writing itself, but a rather ruthless castigatory impulse directed towards self.
Love/Hate Write : Edward Champion’s Reluctant Habits
Computer forensics and electronic discovery have proven to be valuable tools for the business community and litigators.
The best examples of this was his tea matte alligator bodice top (paired with a green tea double-faced wool skirt suit) and the regally beautiful Coco Mitchell in a lambskin jacket and skirt with contrast stitching detailing.
An interrogator sends questions to a human and a machine in another room and tries to determine which is which.
Times, Sunday Times
The gator pulled her under water and inflicted severe bites on her arms, legs and midsection.
Some of the early investigators of chaos were the American physicist Mitchell Feigenbaum; the Polish-born mathematician and inventor of fractals see fractal geometry Benoit Mandelbrot; the American mathematician James Yorke, who popularized the term chaos; and the American meteorologist Edward Lorenz.
Exponential Growth in Physical Systems #2 « Climate Audit
The GUD Magazine Issue 3 instigator is Debbie Moorhouse, who joined GUD as a copyeditor after her story Sundown was published in Issue 0.
Mechanical Flight