How To Use Gathered In A Sentence

  • Their feud dates back almost two centuries with a level of enmity that has only gathered strength over the passing years.
  • Somehow, they gathered themselves to beat Limerick in the first round of the qualifiers but the core discontent hadn't been addressed.
  • My grandfather was eighty when he died and was gathered to his fathers.
  • The kings of the heartogram didn't fail to impress, with a diverse crowd gathered, including everyone from young punks to soccer moms and even a haggard old bat dancing around in lingerie.
  • A white blouse with gathered cuffs and lace at the throat where a red jewel lies. SEA MUSIC
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  • In the Mhow area of India, where it is common practice to feed goats on the leaves of trees gathered in the forest, an experiment was conducted with uncastrated male goats aged about 14 months and weighing some 25 kg. Chapter 6
  • Others, before the introduction of maize, lived mostly on millet, sorghum, and bananas with such greenstuffs as could be gathered.
  • Despite the lateness of the hour Annabel gathered her skirts and prepared to take a solitary ramble in the garden.
  • In an attempt to break the strike, management used megaphones to instruct the afternoon shift, who were gathered in a car park, to return to work or face immediate dismissal.
  • All information contained herein is gathered from sources we believe to be reliable.
  • Pollen is dust gathered by bees from stamens and collected from the hives as tiny pellets.
  • The evidence she’d gathered at the beach had already arrived, delivered by a young tech who’d sheepishly entered the den of the legendary Lincoln Rhyme without a word and scurried about to deposit the bags and stacks of pictures as the criminalist gruffly directed. The Stone Monkey
  • He gathered himself up with as much dignity as he could muster before glaring at me.
  • As the train stopped for its human freight at each station it slowly gathered a cargo of trammies and bussies making for their depots.
  • Fans who gathered there to watch the Raiders play on Sunday repeatedly used the term "love-hate relationship" when describing Davis. NYT > Home Page
  • Soldiers were positioned at strategic points in the city and at election rallies where huge crowds gathered.
  • Old deliberate contemplations, perceptions after long regard ingathered from abundant nature, theories leisurely compacted in sunshine or storm, to stand in the fields of memory, crowned with beauty by the indulgent years. Apologia Diffidentis
  • Hence, data collation in the IAEA reviews focused only on those marine species that constitute food species for humans, normally using information gathered about their edible body parts.
  • The team notes that microquake data prior to 2004 either weren't gathered or aren't available to the public. Christian Science Monitor | Top Stories
  • For the Schlachtfest, Stralsunders gathered in hundreds, the women in their dirndls and men in old-fashioned suits, gobbling pig knuckle, leberwurst, knockwurst, dozens of waxy, greasy boiled potatoes, and of course, blutwurst. Blood Lite II: Overbite
  • She gathered her courage and tapped at the frame of the screen door.
  • The dressmaker gathered the cloth to the narrowest part of the waist.
  • A hard core of supporters, mostly teenage girls, gathered at the airport to see the star arrive.
  • Can't quite imagine yourself with your hair gathered loosely at the crown with tousled waves flowing down your neck… but like the idea?
  • Our congregations as a gathered priesthood meet for the purpose of being equipped for mission in the world.
  • She pulled her sling out of her pack and gathered three or four appropriately sized stones and set out to find her dinner.
  • Which had followed with depressing inevitability, as he'd gathered from her Christmas cards and occasional e-mails. THE LAST TEMPTATION
  • The dinghy gathered speed as the wind filled her sails.
  • they gathered a harvest of examples
  • The bicycle gathered speed as it went down the hill.
  • He got to a sepulcher where four Satanists were gathered.
  • Animal protection supporters gathered to protest against hunting.
  • A small crowd had gathered outside the church.
  • Budding archaeologists from across the county gathered in Swindon to learn about treasures from the past.
  • More than 200 people gathered outside his home on the outskirts of Bolton as a steam-powered cavalcade flanked by police motorcycle outriders escorted him on his final journey.
  • On the night of June 11-12, a group of party elders gathered in "a smoke-filled room" in the Blackstone Hotel and made the deal that brought Harding the nomination on the tenth ballot.
  • The sheets would be cut to approximate size, then they would be gathered into groups of three or four, folded in half and trimmed to the correct size.
  • The Reavers sat near the fire pit they had gathered; one lit the kindling, sparking a roaring fire in the middle of the morning.
  • Evergreens, including carex and festuca, just need a little comb-through to clear away dead material and gathered gubbins. Times, Sunday Times
  • When the pack is used up, all the played and discarded cards are gathered and shuffled to form a new pack to deal from.
  • For at least 40,000 years, they gathered shellfish and peacefully slept under the stars.
  • He zipped up the black jumpsuit and gathered up as much ammo as he could carry.
  • Women gathered roots, prairie turnips, bitterroot, and camas bulbs in the early summer.
  • Women wear colorful gathered skirts with aprons and cloth shawls over their shoulders.
  • Data are being gathered from published sources and from interviews with officials, private insurers and commercial bankers.
  • It's been a long time since such a collection of punks, misfits and miscreants gathered together to worship such an influential act.
  • Sissy went out back and gathered feathers where her mama had recently deplumed a hen. Even Cowgirls Get The Blues
  • He quietly gathered a few bolts and washers from the floor and threw them to the other end of a row of crates, causing a loud sound to come from that direction.
  • After the semi-final, more than half a million people gathered in the Champs-Elysées, waving French tricolours alongside Algerian and other African flags.
  • Harold's forces gathered on the crest of a hill and formed a wall of shields.
  • If we could take a look now at those live pictures of St. Peter's Square, to an estimated 70,000 people have gathered to maintain a vigil and to pray for the pope.
  • Ayhia watched incredulously as the Hinsef gathered together in a huddle, apparently to discuss what to do with her, though she couldn't hear them so she couldn't be sure.
  • Feeling utterly stupid I gathered myself up from under the rubble and hobbled inelegantly to find a first aider.
  • Inspired by prohibition in the US, his campaign soon gathered momentum and the Alliance became a political force to be reckoned with.
  • I swallowed the lump that had gathered in my throat and whispered the words back.
  • The situation involved is gathered up betimes, that is in the second chapter of Book The Ambassadors
  • Olives from wild trees (oleasters) were sporadically gathered, in the Near East, by Neolithic peoples about 10,000 years ago.
  • Sheltering behind another wall, he could look out into a clear area where the people of the shanty town were gathered.
  • He gathered up the music manuscript into a tidy pile and put his pencil slant-wise across the top.
  • ACCRA - West African heads of state gathered in Ghana's capital Accra for a fresh push to put Liberia's derailed peace process back on track. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • We gathered round the boat with all the sense of adventure of Drake rounding the Horn.
  • Surrounding their low tents were iron sculptures, gathered in odd shapes, commemorating unseeable events.
  • Many poor people gathered at the gate.
  • As the slope got steeper, the sled gathered momentum.
  • As you may have gathered, fairies are among the most powerful and clever of species.
  • The cameraperson, presumed to be Oiticica, records carefree moments in the lives of the young gay men gathered on the meadows of Central Park.
  • All the fascinating stories about the bones of dinosaurs, chalicotheres, dinotheres, mastodons, giant giraffes, and mammoths are gathered in my book.
  • A white blouse with gathered cuffs and lace at the throat where a red jewel lies. SEA MUSIC
  • There was rich banqueting in his great hall when his harvest was ingathered, and Zeus and all the other gods feasted on the fat burnt-offerings, but no gift was set apart for the virgin child of Museum of Antiquity A Description of Ancient Life
  • The great standard, in the Maiden's wars, was to be used for the rallying of all her host; the pennon was a signal to those who fought around her, as guards of her body; and about the banner afterwards gathered, for prayer and praise, those men, confessed and clean of conscience, whom she had called and chosen. A Monk of Fife
  • Yet all of the various elements which have historically been assigned to Fortune, Fate, and Chance are gathered into a single providential system of which the fortuitous is a part. FORTUNE, FATE, AND CHANCE
  • A group of boys and girls gathered around the campfire to sing songs.
  • They gleaned and gathered fuel, nuts, berries, mushrooms, and acorns.
  • Constantine shimmied until beads of perspiration gathered on his shiny forehead.
  • Onlookers who had gathered hoping to see the future of postal deliveries were showered with singed letters falling from the sky.
  • The temperature was minus 10 degrees centigrade so we gathered around the campfire inside, talking, singing and getting to know each other.
  • Some local governments are requiring stall-feeding of livestock with forage gathered by hand, hoping that this confinement measure will permit grasslands to recover.
  • There was an almost imperceptible pause as she gathered her breath to speak.
  • If this Cathedral had existed tor five centuries instead of "two decades, would it have gathered a kind of convincingness with the scratches of feet and the erosion of weather? The Quiet American
  • Information they gathered was sent back to platoon headquarters by runner and radioed from the village to Company headquarters.
  • Again royalty gathered in grandeur, with trumpets blaring, to witness the baptism of Henry's daughter, Elizabeth.
  • The data gathered for the exercise clearly reflect the now very considerable research strength and performance that we possess.
  • The road had not been closed and bystanders gathered to watch the events unfold.
  • It is a small, intimate and humble place where a simple congregation once gathered for spiritual sustenance.
  • Lavender, rosemary and thyme gathered in thick clumps under the windows, with poinsettias, passionflower, marigolds, marguerites and hollyhocks growing wild in the borders.
  • In the upper region the Christian dead are gathered in unceasing song and prayer. American Indian Stories
  • In N. America arrowhead has long been gathered from the wild by Indians (for whom it was probably the most valuable of the available root crops) and sometimes by white inhabitants.
  • Gathered here tonight at this annual ceremony we have a whole constellation of film stars.
  • I closed my computer, gathered the last of my belongings, and loaded them into my seabag. A Nightmare’s Prayer
  • They gathered around the horns of their Victrolas, leaning with their ears cocked like Victor's spokesdog, Nipper.
  • Not only could she carry on any kind of conversation, ranging from various topics, but her wittiness and toying sarcasm often brought laughter from the circle of people that were gathered.
  • Counts, knights, barons and marquesses gathered in the guilded ballroom of the hotel to mark the focal event of the aristocratic social calendar.
  • A knot of people gathered in Main Street to watch the waters slowly begin to rise again.
  • The present proprietor keeps the house arranged as it used to be, and has gathered one or two memorials of its famous tenant, including his poor clavecin and his watch. Rousseau
  • Now….under Clinton, intel is gathered to figure out who did it, but before the report is finished, Clinton is out and Bush is in… is thus given to bush….and he did what Paul? Think Progress » Tell Chris Wallace To Ask Rice About The U.S.S. Cole
  • She rose from her seat and made her way to the other three, who had already gathered in a huddle at the front of the class.
  • The authors analyze the data gathered in interviews with district officials, principals, and teachers in the same five largest school districts in the state.
  • Gathered together on wicker furniture are two women and a man, posing a bit as they react to the stormy weather conditions outside with a bit of stiff-necked hauteur.
  • Gathered about the Cross with St. Macarius and St. Helena are bishops, priests, and hymnographers.
  • The truth of all popular traditions as to the healing power of herbs will be tried impartially as soon as men again desire to lead healthy lives; but I shall not in 'Proserpina' retain any of the names of their gathered and dead or distilled substance, but name them always from the characters of their life. Proserpina, Volume 2 Studies Of Wayside Flowers
  • A few hours before the onset of what is supposed to be a "multi-day" and "life-threatening" blizzard, over one hundred Chicagoans gathered to sample Chicago's best seafood chowders at the Columbia Yacht Club. Caroline O'Donovan: At the Chowdah Fest
  • - The singularity is near: all the information gathered in the solar system should be explorable by everyone, that would be real value for the taxpayer. NASA's Web Future - NASA Watch
  • Bright-eyed, Johannes quickly gathered a sackful of colours and brushes, and a large rolled drawing which had been lying in wait. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • I don't know what I was thinking when I gathered up provisions for the gathering; I seem to have assumed everyone would have one bottle of wine apiece then turn to the scotch with thirst unslakable.
  • Many in a strong crowd, who had gathered around the screens, were heard to remark it was all about politics rather than singing and the song.
  • The effort must have taken a lot out of him, but when he had gathered enough breath to speak, he did so with panting breaths.
  • The manna that succored the Israelites in the wilderness was gathered in baskets, which thus formed part of a divine act of national salvation.
  • But what caught her unawares was the horrid thing that by this fact of sudden, unexpected waking she had surprised these other things in the room, beside the very bed, gathered close about him while he slept. The Man Whom the Trees Loved
  • I've also been experimenting with Autumnal incense, using myrrh and dried oak leaves (gathered last Halloween) as a base, and trying out various other ingredients.
  • More than 200 bands from across the planet gathered for the event, which saw a crowd of over 32,000 spectators.
  • The bodies in the cathedral were already being gathered by monks and laid out in state at one end of the nave.
  • Nothing could be gathered from the outside, except remarks on the various properties which philosophers ascribe to matter, -- length, breadth, depth, and weight, The packet was composed of strong thick paper, imperviable by the curious eyes of the gossips, though they stared as if they would burst from their sockets. The Antiquary — Complete
  • However, on Oct. 2 some 200,000 people gathered in New Delhi to demonstrate against recommendation of the Commission's implementation.
  • In the early 1960s, Jacqueline Kennedy refurbished the room and gathered a distinguished committee to determine appropriate holdings for the library.
  • A huge crowd had gathered at the venue and a TV crew, which had also arrived, found it too noisy to shoot.
  • It used to be that if there was a crowd of people gathered together and having a conversation, Jeff tended not to join in.
  • Sources in the Special Anti-Crime Unit said it was intelligence gathered from the blimp airship which informed yesterday's historic seizure.
  • Information is gathered from a multitude of sources including surface observation points, ships, buoys and aircraft.
  • This is the third year we have gathered together a group of friends to meet at Burke's Canoes in Forestville.
  • He gathered his brows into a frown.
  • About 150 mainly student protesters carrying joss sticks and flowers gathered outside the bar in a wealthy neighbourhood of the capital and denounced its decorative use of sacred symbols and statues. Buddhist group protests, symbolically seals Buddha Bar in Indonesia
  • The haik drapes them from head to foot, and is worn over loose pants, which are gathered at the ankle.
  • Once the campaign gathered steam, the Trust had to take an interest in the matter, and found that its first lines of defence were inadequate to it.
  • Before this weary conflict came to a close, nearly every Boer family was gathered in from the perils and privations of the war-wasted veldt; and so, while nearly 30,000 burghers were detained as prisoners of war at various points across the sea, their wives and children, to the number of over 100,000, were tenderly cared for in English laagers all along the line of rails or close to conveniently situated towns. With the Guards' Brigade from Bloemfontein to Koomati Poort and Back
  • Little knots of people had gathered at the entrance.
  • Even then, the number 2 will only be worth the percentage of the excess over the quota divided by the total number of votes the first preference candidate has gathered.
  • He could see the faint glow of white as the moon gathered its energy to rise and illuminate the night. FLASH POINT
  • A wide variety of seating, carrels or workstations, and generous tabletops must be well distributed throughout the library, close to research materials, as well as gathered in larger reading rooms.
  • Other figures in masks and butylene suits were gathered at the base of the structure to inspect isolated material for toxic content. Underworld
  • Presently it opened and disclosed fifty horsemen, gathered together to waylay merchants on the highway, and their captain, by name Kahrdash, was a lion in daring and dash; a furious lion who layeth knights flat as carpets in battle-crash. — The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The guests had gathered to enjoy a rich meal, celebrating the first day of the wedding feast.
  • Here and there came a stream of warm light through an open door, and within, the Mongolians were gathered round the gambling-tables, playing fan-tan, or leaving the seductions of their favourite pastime, to glide soft-footed to the many cook-shops, where enticing-looking fowls and turkeys already cooked were awaiting purchasers. The Mystery of a Hansom Cab
  • Pages printed on one or both sides, gathered into quires or folios, superseded papyrus and parchment rolls in the fourth century CE.
  • McKinnon gathered up sextant and chronometer and accompanied them up to the bridge. SAN ANDREAS
  • Caelyn and Justin gathered their stuff, and chucked on their clothes over their bathers.
  • A nurse's aide gathered his belongings together, threw out a few unimportant scraps of paper, put the rest in a plastic bag.
  • But in France and England, where the centralisation is far less complete, the success of the socialistic party and its achievement of supreme power would mean an almost entire subversal of all established methods of administration, for all the threads would have first to be gathered into a single hand. Mediaeval Socialism
  • Friends and family gathered and the revellers celebrated into the small hours.
  • When Nur al-Din foregathered with his mother and father, they were gladdened in each other with the utmost gladness and care and affliction ceased from them, whilst his parents joyed no less in the Princess Miriam and honoured her with the highmost honour. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • At one point, she called a family meeting to discuss repeated requests for assistance, but before they gathered, she asked God to dictate the words she would use.
  • Yes, five hours had been gathered in by the grim scytheman. Waifs and Strays Part 1
  • Which, when it was full, they drew to shore -- for the separation will not be made till the number of the elect is accomplished. and sat down -- expressing the deliberateness with which the judicial separation will at length be made. and gathered the good into vessels, but cast the bad away -- literally, Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • A suit with gathered fabric across the waistline can create the illusion of an hourglass figure in a woman who would like to look curvier.
  • Her barely there makeup took almost an hour to apply and she’d arranged her hair in an upswept ’do that required forty-five minutes of concentration as she created an off-center part, gathered her hair tightly into place, and then strategically released strands of hair, allowing the tresses to dangle, successfully pulling off the impression of whimsical undoneness that was both capricious and exceedingly sexy. Pure Paradise
  • Hundreds of Inuit at a community festival gathered yesterday as Jean knelt above a pair of seal carcasses and used a traditional ulu blade to slice the meat off the skin. Archive 2009-05-24
  • He got to a sepulcher where four Satanists were gathered.
  • The bicycle gathered speed as it went down the hill.
  • Bluebells and daffodils gathered in huge bunches where there was enough sun for them to flourish.
  • From the shine atop his bald noggin to the curl in his waxed mustache, Perez strikes a remarkable pose when compared to the herds of button-shirted cowboys gathered around him.
  • The seamstress gathered in the cloth.
  • According to these reports, the royal family gathered for an evening meal in the banquet hall of the palace.
  • Obediently he trundled off towards Red Diamond's waist, where the starboard watch was gathered.
  • The doctor, who had gathered the story of the 'bogle' from Catherine, to whom Robert Elsmere
  • A skilled historian is able to entwine his inventory material with evidence gathered from a variety of other sources.
  • And he hath gathered in her the mightiest heroes of all Achaea, and hath come to thy city from wandering far through cities and gulfs of the dread ocean, in the hope that thou wilt grant him the fleece. The Argonautica
  • Then it gathered speed and fell with an enormous crash.
  • Information gathered by them revealed that he was persuaded to cancel his visit today by the state government as it apprehended major controversy.
  • The soggy firewood was gathered, tents put up, and a line strung between trees to hang the wet gear to dry.
  • The wind got stronger as clouds gathered and a tornado began to form.
  • The journal appears to have been abbreviated by Purchas, as he tells us it was _gathered out of his larger journal_. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 09 Arranged in Systematic Order: Forming a Complete History of the Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery, and Commerce, by Sea and Land, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time
  • The wrestling could have been a washout as the rain reached comical proportions and just kept going, with the occasional long brattle of thunder thrown in, but a dense crowd gathered under brollies to watch competitions of the highest quality and intensity.
  • It was certainly true that the globalization consensus seemed firmest in places where the international political and business elite gathered, such as the World Economic Forum in Davos. Zero-Sum Future
  • The track rolled down a steep descent and then gathered itself again in tight knots and ruts which led us through a long, spreading puddle to an estate gate.
  • The honey gathered from the genus erica (termed _heather honey_) and most labiate plants, is wholesome. A Description of the Bar-and-Frame-Hive With an Abstract of Wildman's Complete Guide for the Management of Bees Throughout the Year
  • About forty girls gathered at the station or tram stop wearing our navy box-pleated serge tunics, ties and blazers; we were permitted to remove our Panama hats when out of sight of houses.
  • Women gathered roots, prairie turnips, bitterroot, and camas bulbs in the early summer.
  • A glossary is therefore a collection of words about which observations and notes have been gathered, and a glossarist is one who thus explains or illustrates given texts. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • As the rock rolled down, it gathered momentum.
  • The following Sunday, a million people gathered in Paris to demonstrate in favour of independent schools.
  • The reformer soon gathered a band of followers round him.
  • In her Scurved posture, draperies gathered to one side of her body, we recognize the Gothic ivories and stone portal figures that were her ancestors.
  • The girl took the money off us and Liam gathered up salt sachets and straws as I sat down with the food.
  • It is precisely as the ‘servant-leader’ of the gathered community that the presbyter rightly presides at its Eucharistic celebration.
  • The information will be gathered in 4 city centre retail and catering firms and 3 sixth form colleges in Swansea.
  • The entire neighbourhood had gathered, quite unbelieving of the charge.
  • Like shrieking teenage girls, they gathered around her and clicked away on their mobile phone cameras.
  • For the Schlachtfest, Stralsunders gathered in hundreds, the women in their dirndls and men in old-fashioned suits, gobbling pig knuckle, leberwurst, knockwurst, dozens of waxy, greasy boiled potatoes, and of course, blutwurst. Blood Lite II: Overbite
  • Indeed by this time the whole party were gathered, and in impatient expectation that the dinner would make up to them in some degree for the various disappointments of the morning. Melbourne House
  • Headley also illustrates what could happen if operational intelligence was rapidly gathered and acted upon.
  • With a melee of artists, dancers, musicians and bands, the crowds gathered to enjoy the sunshine and take part in the festivities.
  • We gathered on a dusty patch in front of the playing fields for a game of marlies.
  • Evergreens, including carex and festuca, just need a little comb-through to clear away dead material and gathered gubbins. Times, Sunday Times
  • Making the point, police in London moved against thousands of ravers who had gathered in Hyde Park to protest against the law.
  • Lavender, rosemary and thyme gathered in thick clumps under the windows, with poinsettias, passionflower, marigolds, marguerites and hollyhocks growing wild in the borders.
  • Throughout 1989 and 1990 the organization gathered momentum.
  • A crowd soon gathered, and despite the indignant cries of the master-pavior, who declared he was never more sane, this son of The Palmy Days of Nance Oldfield
  • We gather in cenacles as the apostles gathered with our Lady in the Upper Room in Jerusalem awaiting the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
  • Soldiers were positioned at strategic points in the city and at election rallies where huge crowds gathered.
  • Nine months on, Mussolini himself was shot. His body was hanged upside down from a hook on the Piazzale Loreto in Milan, where crowds gathered to spit at, kick and even shoot him again.
  • Are to be gathered after the new bulb is perfected, and before it has begun to vegetate, which is at the time the leaves decay. General directions for collecting and drying medicinal substances of the vegetable kingdom : list and description of indigenous plants, etc., their medicinal properties, forms of administration, and doses,
  • The cards are not normally shuffled between hands - they are just gathered together, cut and dealt.
  • The young men gathered in the hotel round the constables, and told blood-curdling stories of his dare-devilism in the North-West. The Hunted Outlaw or, Donald Morrison, the Canadian Rob Roy
  • As she slowly gathered her wits, she could feel the familiar burning of wrathful anger building up within her.
  • Students walked to the stage and faced this mock interview under the full glare of those who had gathered at the college auditorium.
  • I gathered the impression that he would have liked to write a Century war article, but could never quite overcome his indisposition to appear in print.
  • Tea Party supporters gathered Thursday on a cold, drizzly day near the Capitol to remind lawmakers of their promises to make big cuts in spending. US Budget Dispute Continues
  • The fabric is gathered at the waist with a belt which is tied at the side.
  • From what regulators have already gathered from Microsoft's latest assuagement, technical support isn't quite what they had in mind. People To Watch: March 27-31The Week Ahead: March 27-31
  • Family and friends gathered around a huge birthday cake singing Happy Birthday.
  • The public airing of information gathered in a police investigation runs the real risk of contaminating that investigation.

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