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How To Use Gateway In A Sentence

  • Network operations and management will provide the monitoring and control of gateway terminals, teleports and communications payloads that are working as network resources.
  • Trevelez is, perhaps, Spain's highest village, the gateway to the Upper Sierra Nevada and the winter ski-slopes, and was as high as I drove.
  • This was the genesis of the famous gopurams, or entrance gateways of the temple cities of the south.
  • It introduces its structure, proposes network protocol stack model, the composing of a home gateway and the application design of remote control. Finally, it points out the next step work.
  • From Gateway Of India to Mandwa jetty is about an hour by boat. At Mandwa Jetty « bollywoods most wanted photographerno1
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  • Above the centre gateway, between the noble wings of the propyla which flank it, is a representative emblem of Osiris, in the shape of a splendid shield of the sun, a half-sphere of gold, from which extend wings for many yards, each feather glittering with precious stones. The pillar of fire, or, Israel in bondage
  • The way Gateway has it setup is so that without a valid in-warranty serial, there is no way to get a hold of tech support! Is The Patriot Act Stopping Gateway From Fixing Your Laptop? - The Consumerist
  • Derek Jarman's Caravaggio presents itself as a loose, poeticized biography of the famed Baroque painter Michelangelo de Caravaggio, but in fact Jarman appears to be using his subject as a gateway into ruminations on art, love, violence and religion. Caravaggio
  • The gateway had what is called a portcullis; that is, a heavy iron gate suspended by chains, so as to rise and fall. Rollo in Scotland
  • In Bradley, the work will also identify ways of redeveloping the Riverside Mill site, how to improve housing and the general environment, including the gateways to the town in Scotland Road and Leeds Road.
  • Rastas, numbering only in the hundreds of thousands, recognize Haile Selassie I as God incarnate, and believe that marijuana is a gateway to spiritual enlightenment. Frank Fredericks: Protecting Pastafarians: When Does Religious Freedom Become Ridiculous?
  • At the same time, French ports, the gateway to the world under the Ancien Régime, were steadily undermined.
  • He was otherwise extremely reticent about the place, as all who have passed through its towered gateway are.
  • So there's a thought - you could use the visualised image as a gateway back into memory or just a gateway into a centred, balanced or evocative mental space.
  • You can search through Bible Gateway's content by entering a keyword or a specific passage reference.
  • Implementing security at the internet gateway can block phishing email and sites.
  • Entrance from the precincts of the palace is by the great ornamental iron gateway known as the Grille Royale, from which an alleyed row of lindens leads to the heart of the forest. Royal Palaces and Parks of France
  • Mac put his foot down and the truck moved through the gateway picking up speed as it motored down the dirt road.
  • Prices for the enhanced gateways begin at £1,750, but there is no word yet on upgrade prices for existing users.
  • The building is surrounded by walls and the visitor enters through the great bell tower gateway.
  • New gateways and private entrances have yet to be created and farmers are still waiting for essential fencing work to be done.
  • In 2008 PC Management selected Interop to provide a hosted CSC Gateway for Immix Wireless (www., one of its operating companies. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • I may say that in the physical aspect of tics we have a specific somatic manifestation which, if explained, should, in a way, be the gateway toward the understanding of the many somatic symptoms which we find in the psychoneuroses and psychoses. The Journal of Abnormal Psychology
  • More symbols were scrawled into the stone of the arch, crimson slashes carved in the rock as though they were weeping wounds in the gateway.
  • Not only are such outlets the necessary gateways into the riches of world cinema and film history, they also balance the multiplexes and boutique art-house cinemas that so dominate the film landscape in any country.
  • This straw-dry, stone-strewn river plain is perfect for grapes, planted in long straight rows protected by tidy fences with impressive gateways and fancy names for the wines they produce.
  • Albion Quayside, London, is 5.5 hectares of flood-resilient quayside, park, marina and 850 houses in the Thames Gateway – the U.K.'s biggest regeneration area stretching 40 miles downstream from London along the Thames Estuary. Fighting Back the Waves
  • Many investors and companies view Ireland as the gateway to the market of 370 million people, which comprises the membership of the European Union.
  • Bergen, a charming port city, is the gateway to the country's most impressive fjords.
  • Most other people would be pretty well-advised to stay away, unless you're desperately seeking an indie-approved gateway into the world of lite FM.
  • With the interlink once again in hand, my artificial transwarp program should work- I only await a temporal polestar that will allow me to reopen the gateway that brought me here.
  • The arch and gateway with the oriel are the oldest parts of the front, and on each side of the arch is a sculptured head, one representing Edward III and the other his queen, Philippa of Hainault. Vanishing England
  • The gateway arch was dark - evidently it isn't lit during the wee hours of the morning.
  • Stick your head through and hey presto, it looks to have been impaled on a pikestaff above York's royal gateway.
  • The gateway holds the hardware interfaces and software protocol stacks to get all the various technologies talking nicely to one another.
  • They were halted again at a gloomy gateway where an officer came out to look them over; by his leave they left the gharry and followed him under the arch until their heels rang on stone paving in a big ill-lighted courtyard surrounded by high walls. In The Time Of Light
  • Luke, from Harper's, wore a beatific smile as the room trembled from the gateway's power.
  • The building is surrounded by walls and the visitor enters through the great bell tower gateway.
  • New buildings line the west edge of West Street; a new public square on West Street marks the gateway to the financial district.
  • Licensure of practitioners of various pseudosciences is often treated as endorsement and as a gateway to greater privileges.
  • Cairns - an important tourism gateway - has only one fulltime airport and employs 11 casuals and 8 part-time workers.
  • But it was like a gateway, and when you opened the door, not only good things came through, but so do bad things.
  • The Millfield roundabout on York's ring road has become the gateway to a number of potential snack spots.
  • The company also offers packaged Internet devices and Ethernet gateways.
  • The gateway was equipped with a portcullis, but it was raised and the entry was protected only by a light, almost ornamental iron lattice.
  • In the days prior to GPS-led apparati that were brought to market in the ancient, early '90s, astro-purists with an interest in locating various objects from within the observable astronomical inventory would have to understand basic algebra as a gateway to leverage a coordinate system (celestrial, equatorial, ecliptical, galactic, etc.). Cool Tools
  • She recognized the deep windows, the faded tapestries of Abraham cutting Isaac's throat with a butcher's knife, and Jonah being shot into the very gateway of a castle where his family awaited him, from the mouth of a gigantic carp with goggle eyes, for the simple artist had found his whale's model in a stewpond. The Lady of Blossholme
  • Rochdale Railway Station could become the gateway to the town under new plans disclosed this week.
  • Neon for UI stuff is simply a reference to neon signs being brightly coloured and attracting the attention of people to tell them stuff, and Fluorine for gatewaying to the outside world because Fluorine has a very electronegative ion that binds aggressively to other atoms. Snell-Pym » Designing a general data model
  • The khan has been a strong edifice, but the stones of the massive gateway, especially the great keystone, are split across, as if from the effects of gunpowder. Byeways in Palestine
  • This polarity is reflected in cinema as well, with the substance most commonly depicted as either a hilarious holy grail or a gateway to harder, darker substances. Abe Schwartz: A "Bad Batch" of Pot Brownies in Los Angeles
  • Its red-orange buildings float on their reflections in the tidal water, as the festooned fishing boats arrive thorough the giant torii gateway framing the entrance of the bay for the annual blessing of the fishing fleet.
  • The word ‘barbican’ describes a fortified outpost of gateway, and it is a good fit for the angular, sharp architecture of this London development.
  • The peacoats, polos, Frisbee sports, and Arrested Development DVDs might seem like trivial favorites of the white elite, but they represent certain gateways that minorities have to navigate. Letters
  • He also takes Bury Gateway Club members away on adventure weekends every year.
  • The typical establishment, with “the floor filled with peanut shells and spilt beer; the air saturated with tobacco smoke,” was correctly described by moral reformers as a gateway to sexual misbehavior. A Renegade History of the United States
  • The system used in the trial -- the Gateway-Wingspan intracranial angioplasty and stenting system, made by Stryker Corp. -- is the only system approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration FDA for certain high-risk stroke patients. Study: 'Brain stents' for stroke patients do more harm than good
  • Janus was supposedly the god of new beginnings and gateways and was able to look backwards and forwards simultaneously.
  • Timm attempted to block the gateway with his bakkie as the police car transporting the accused tried to leave through the court gate.
  • ALWAYS make sure you read the instructions to understand if the hotfix is a SQL update, installed to the RMS, MS, and / or Gateway, AND / OR applies to agents as well. TechNet Blogs
  • It's 30 minutes before show time and it's dark and surprisingly quiet backstage at the Gateway Theatre.
  • On the Southern gateway elaborate carvings showing the birth of Gautama Buddha took my breath away.
  • Gateway is a charismatic evangelical church with lively worship and a good range of ages in the congregation.
  • Gateway also previewed two products that the company will launch at Comdex, a Serial ATA JBOD device that provides storage up to 2 terabytes, as well as a Serial Attached Storage product.
  • Entry into this inner stockade was by a single, permanently-manned gateway. RIOT
  • The opening of this gateway eventually led to the relative thermal isolation of Antarctica and the creation of the clockwise strong Antarctic circumpolar current.
  • Temple Bar used to be located where the Strand meets Fleet Street, one of the ancient gateways into the City of London, named after the local Inns of Court.
  • With Hong Kong in a dither, Shanghai is quickly gaining prominence as the gateway to China.
  • His sensitivity to surroundings is demonstrated by the Archaeolink Visitor Centre in Aberdeenshire, where a public gateway to the area's historic sites nestles into the landscape.
  • In the longer term, Clane would be the gateway town for north-west Kildare, providing shopping facilities for people in that part of the county.
  • Highlights here include "A Sort of Loving" (where "rapping about dope" becomes a gateway to more insightful conversation), "I Hate You, Silas Marner" (which uses the title tome as a contrast with Joseph Heller's counterculture war hit), and "The Valedictorian" (an attempt to reconfigure recent student uprisings and nonconformity into the half hour TV setting). DVD Verdict
  • To achieve high-quality IP telephony communications, a gateway must send a full duplex stream of small data packets in real time to satisfy the time division multiplexed telephony interface.
  • Through its new www. portal, Ferrari now offers users of all profiles a thrilling virtual gateway to the world of the Prancing Horse. Autoblog
  • Neighborhood patrol: Pakistani troops patrol on tanks during a military operation on Jan. 2 in Jamrud, the gateway to the famed Khyber Pass linking Pakistan and Afghanistan.
  • The first heavy interurban to operate at IRM, car 431, stands at the original 1966 Olson Road loading platform that was the gateway to the Museum.
  • The charity in question is Chicago Gateway Green, which spends most of its energy keeping freeways and medians pleasantly landscaped.
  • The entire surface of the gateways is covered with bas-reliefs representing scenes from the life of Gautama Buddha, stories from the Jatakas, along with decorative elements.
  • My Gateway tablet is pretty much on 16 hrs a day, on a desk, tethered to a monitor (the tablet feature just wasn't that great). Clean Your Laptop To Keep It Running Smooth And Cool | Lifehacker Australia
  • The entrances to the houses and the gateways got high praise and it goes to prove what a little effort can do.
  • These nodes are commonly known as translators or application level gateways.
  • Two hours north by air is Shark Bay airport, the gateway to a World Heritage area and the Monkey Mia Dolphin Resort, which offers so much more than just swish hotels and room service.
  • It is directed through the left centre gateway towards the inner quadrangle. AT HOME WITH THE QUEEN: The Inside Story of the Royal Household
  • It is appropriate that the one evidence of man in the 46 photographs at Klotz is an off-kilter torii in "Landscape 37" 2010; a torii is a ceremonial Japanese gateway that marks the entrance to a sacred space. Taking Nature's Refuge
  • If hypnosis is not an altered state or gateway to a mystical and occult unconscious mind, then what is it?
  • Above the architrave is a projecting balcony which runs all round the gateway with a railing carried by dragons’ heads. Unbeaten Tracks in Japan
  • After more than six hours of perilous switchbacks and countless near-misses with overburdened Indian Tata trucks we've arrived at the trekking gateway of Pokhara, a thriving and laidback city on the shores of Phewa Lake.
  • Cyberoam UTM delivers the complete range of security features such as stateful inspection firewall, VPN, gateway anti-virus, gateway anti-malware, gateway anti-spam, intrusion prevention system, content filtering in addition to bandwidth management and multiple link management over a single platform. Press Releases
  • A great gateway opens from the park into a kind of courtyard in front of the house, ornamented with a grassplot, shrubs, and flower-beds. The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon
  • The entrance through the outer ramparts was joined to the inner gateway by an ingeniously defended approach.
  • The ships were in the air early that morning, every ship owned by the 30th taxied out to grab a glimpse of the doughboys making a gateway to glory and to death.
  • Israel, though, is shrugging off all the criticisms, saying its forces will stay exactly where they are until they've closed what they call the gateways to terrorism. CNN Transcript May 18, 2004
  • Through the arch of the inner gateway mined buildings are visible, scattered across a grassy plateau with the citadel on higher ground at the far end.
  • The server is a multi-tasking, multi-user computer system that provides a variety of shared resources and managerial functions, including those of Internet gateway, firewall, e-mail, file storage and system backup.
  • So I was led down blind alleys beneath high upturned eaves, through circular gateways and past piles of drying chillies.
  • The result and theoretical analysis reveal that dividing the buffer area into two levels, i. e. , gateway agent area and local agent area which forms dynamically, will decentralize the buffer mission.
  • Under-foot, almost in the very dust of the road, the silverweed opened its yellow petals, and where there was a dry bank, or by the gateways leading into the corn, the pink pimpernel grew. Round About a Great Estate
  • The mausoleum is part of a vast complex with a main gateway, garden, mosque, guesthouse and several other palatial buildings.
  • Bolton has marketed itself as the gateway to the North-west, close to major attractions and just an hour's drive to the Lake District, which itself has not been included in the survey.
  • Screening routers and application gateway firewalls are frequently used in combination when security concerns are very high.
  • Over the low-arched gateway which led into the yard there was a carved stone, exhibiting some attempt at armorial bearings; and above the inner entrance hung, and had hung, for many years, the mouldering hatchment, which announced that umquhile Laurence Dumbie of Dumbiedikes had been gathered to his fathers in Newbattle kirkyard. The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • Netgateway gives the operators at least a month to pre-sell spaces before the site is available on the Internet.
  • It was pointed out that access is the gateway to full participation in society for people with both physical and sensory disabilities.
  • It is almost exactly equidistant from the existing hubs/gateways of Dublin, Waterford, Tullamore and Wexford.
  • We drove on one hill and saw sprawling haciendas, with very high walls enclosing them and enormous gateways.
  • Wi-Fi relies on radio waves and wireless access points or gateways.
  • Two towers were built across the world from each other and were apparently the gateway to another world.
  • Jess abandoned all idea of water and ran out along the path and through the gateway with Salt limping behind.
  • At the end of this year, Mr. Pépy says, the TGV will open a line linking Lyon in central France with Mulhouse near the German border, gateway to the eastward expansion of the European Union. On a fast track to the future
  • Arrogant, selfish motorists think nothing of leaving their vehicles in front of entrances and gateways.
  • For those interested in plunging into authentic regional Mexican cooking, this is a good place to start, because the pared-down yet tasty cuisine of Zacatecas is truly a gateway to the flavors found further south. Zacatecas: Culinary Gateway
  • Several horsemen had just been ushered through the gateway. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • Just then I saw a fierce-looking man come from the gateway, sword in hand; the two bheesties went on with their watering, and I heard him speaking angrily, and he gave force to his abuse by striking each man sharply with the flat of his sword. Gil the Gunner The Youngest Officer in the East
  • Iberia Chief Executive Antonio Vazquez said that Madrid's Barajas airport still had excess capacity and he expected the hub to become one of the main gateways for flights between North America and Europe "in the very near future. BA, Iberia, American Airlines Launch Tie-Up
  • The prestigious title offered a gateway to success in the highly competitive world of modelling.
  • Don't stand there blocking the gateway!
  • They turned through the gateway on the left.
  • We have plans for three ropeways - from Gateway, Nehru Science Centre and Taraporewala Aquarium - criss-crossing the safari at the racecourse.
  • The narrow gateway left me little margin for error as I reversed the car.
  • My point is that an entrepot flagged Gateway could stimulate more rapid development of the Moon along the lines proposed by Dennis Wingo by stimulating a race for national prestige, in a commercial and non-military environment. Dennis Wingo - Why Space? Why Now? - NASA Watch
  • The third part, beyond the southern gateway to the Jilaukhana, was to be the Taj Ganj—a mammoth square complex that housed bazaars and four caravanserais, the incomes from which would fund the care and upkeep of the tomb and the forecourt. Shadow Princess
  • The fog and frost so hung about the black old gateway of the house, that it seemed as if the Genius of the Weather sat in mournful meditation on the threshold. A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, Stave 1 Marley’s Ghost | Solar Flare: Science Fiction News
  • a sanctuary or _sekos_, a hypostyle (columnar) hall, known as the “hall of assembly,” and a forecourt preceded by a double pylon or gateway. A Text-Book of the History of Architecture Seventh Edition, revised
  • Above the gateway were elaborate stone carvings of mythical beasts engaged in combat. THE LAST TEMPTATION
  • But it is not only that sweater; it is the buildings, walls, doors, gateways, gardens, and homes that carry the very same historical and memorial weight.
  • The London Gateway, a £1. 5bn project to build a giant deep-water port and logistic park on the banks of the Thames near Thurrock, Essex, received its latest ministerial delegation last week. How pension funds can plug the investment gap
  • It's 30 minutes before show time and it's dark and surprisingly quiet backstage at the Gateway Theatre.
  • World government data• Search the world's government data with our gateway How proportional representation would have changed the general election 2010 result
  • Uniplex says it will provide application programming interfaces and gateways between onGO and its existing software to insure migration and coexistence.
  • After the gateway, there are two such openings where the wall hits the sand.
  • A Land-Rover track past Swordland Lodge branches left, down a brae and past a cairn, through a gateway into Tarbet.
  • Entry into this inner stockade was by a single, permanently-manned gateway. RIOT
  • Basic training installations and the military service academies are what they call "gateways" -- the places that young and vulnerable military personnel pass through early in their careers. Chris Rodda: Top Ten Ways to Convince the Muslims We're On a Crusade
  • He limped under the gateway into the town, and the croucher by the wall peered at him between the meshes of her dishevelled hair. The Life and Death of Richard Yea-and-Nay
  • Chau Say Tevoda includes a central sanctuary, two libraries and four gopura gateway structures, one for each cardinal point. Chau Say Tevoda - A Key Khmer Devata Temple Reopens | Angkor Wat Apsara & Devata: Khmer Women in Divine Context
  • A gateway and an obstruction, for all the world like a portcullis. THE TARTAN RINGERS
  • Parts of the foundations of this building and a section of the town wall and gateway are visible.
  • Remember its that dull looking door, that unpainted gateway or wall, that can detract from the house and the house can detract from the village.
  • This book - several feet high - is the gateway, literally by way of a hidden passage, to the next section, The Dragon's Hand.
  • Still, as the war approached its final season, Mobile was one of the South's last strongholds, the gateway to an untouched plantation hinterland.
  • The drawing included a lake, parkland, retail outlets, a middle school and housing that would serve as a gateway to upriver trails and bikeways.
  • Gateway helps people with learning difficulties, particularly the mentally handicapped.
  • Conclusion Gateway tried to balance the Performance 800 system well, with a good match between processor, memory and hard drive.
  • Changsha is the gateway to Zhangjiajie, a UNESCO World Heritage site.
  • Around 6km of crenellated walls and arched gateways enclose a tight jumble of streets and cafe-lined squares.
  • Gateway sells through retail outlets, whereas Dell's business relies on the factory direct model.
  • So by definition there are many gateways into the Kingdom of Gods chosen ones; and those gateways are you and me.
  • Twin towers flanked the castle gateway.
  • The Gateway Hotel, another on the Group's big list, has joined hands with children in a big way for its eco programmes.
  • The gateway, entrance and pathway required a bit of concrete work and a lot of gravel hauling.
  • Across the road and the two inevitable ditches was a kind of lych gate, I do not know what other name to give it, a covered gateway and benches, where the family who lived behind the inclosure could take the air, and, incidentally, a bit of gossip, if they had any congenial neighbors. Social life in old New Orleans : being recollections of my girlhood,
  • Any shipping making the transition past the Blizzard Falls had to be routed through the port facilities there, making it the gateway from the upper to lower lakes.
  • Increasingly our role is as a gateway to information.
  • Search the world's government data• Our world government data gateway Academy schools: full list of those who have registered an interest
  • Gateway has untethered a Pentium 4 desktop in the UK.
  • We were told that ‘gateways’ and ‘hubs’ would act as engines for regional growth.
  • Florida's Peak 10 Technology Gateways learned that in May 2002 when a failed lightning arrestor triggered a series of equipment problems that took down the Jacksonville Electric Authority.
  • A good education is the gateway to success.
  • The family cheered as the coach rumbled to the gateway, and Old Niccolo smiled and waved back. THE MAGICIANS OF CAPRONA
  • While I applaud the attempt at a Gateway SF list (I've toyed with doing the same thing here, but Scalzi has done a much better job), I don't think aiming for the adults is the best way to go. Of SF, Kids And Outreach
  • Many readers, whose lives carry them back before the "forties," taking their stand beneath the broad gateway or pebbled court-yard of our old inns -- the Red Lion, the Bull, or the Crown -- would require a very slight effort of memory to recall the exhilarating spectacle of the arrival and departure of the stage coach of fifty or sixty years ago. Fragments of Two Centuries Glimpses of Country Life when George III. was King
  • Many companies, particularly from America, view Ireland as the gateway to the marketplace of the EU.
  • Actually, the very first of these buildings was Aldgate itself, originally a Roman gateway leading into Londinium from the busy road to Camulodunum (Colchester). Best of the London Festival of Architecture
  • The gateway into the courtyard had been closed off by a portcullis, guarded by guards bristling with weapons.
  • The family cheered as the coach rumbled to the gateway, and Old Niccolo smiled and waved back. THE MAGICIANS OF CAPRONA
  • Above the gateway were elaborate stone carvings of mythical beasts engaged in combat. THE LAST TEMPTATION
  • Tables are installed at gateways and usually comprise distinctive paving materials.
  • A bright green ribbon spanned the entrance at the gateway together with a Congratulations ribbon, which was cut.
  • But the Source thinks you'll need Subtle Gateway in order to carry out your bounden duty, so you're obliged to take it. IRONCROWN MOON: PART TWO OF THE BOREAL MOON TALE
  • Stick your head through and hey presto, it looks to have been impaled on a pikestaff above York's royal gateway.
  • Ellis Island , the historic gateway to America, has also been turned into a museum.
  • As opposed to a typical day at Gateway Mall in Springfield Oregon, this is not scary….or nearly shambly enough. COLOR ME ZOMBORED
  • The gateway generally performs protocol conversion between the Internet backbone and the network, data translation or conversion, and message handling.
  • The entire surface of the gateways is covered with bas-reliefs representing scenes from the life of Gautama Buddha, stories from the Jatakas, along with decorative elements.
  • The books are simply books, entertaining fantasies, not a gateway into the Dionysian worship of the chthonic Great Mother and not a paragon of moral virtue either.
  • Passing through a gateway in the north wall, they dismounted in the bailey. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • The gateway frames part of the curving balustrade, helping to point the way to the front door.
  • Even the gateways leading into old keeps and castles don't escape the over-enthusiasm of some amateur restorers.
  • He longed for more, and the open gateway of the campong was a scarce needed invitation to pass to the wide world beyond. The Monster Men
  • Again, test your gateway by accessing an external site (use ping or your web browser or whatever).
  • The lanes and the gateways in the fields, as they say, are 'slubby' enough in November, and those who try to go through get 'slubbed' up to their knees. Field and Hedgerow Being the Last Essays of Richard Jefferies
  • Tempelhof, the airport made famous during the Berlin airlift and originally intended to function as the gateway to Hitler’s Third Reich capital, “Germania,” is slated to close today, the victim of Berlin’s airport consolidation. Calendar
  • Several horsemen had just been ushered through the gateway. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • It followed Dell into custom manufacturing, but while Dell moved into computers-as-capital-goods (selling servers and business systems), Gateway followed home computing down the consumer electronics rathole.
  • The interior of the tower is now dry and a vast and fully lit undercroft spreads out on both sides of the early river gateway to the fortress.
  • It boasts the conventional prison gateway, the solid-looking, nail-studded door, the low, worn archway which the better deserves the qualification "cyclopean," because the jailer's peephole or _judas_ looks out like a single eye from the front of the building. Lost Illusions
  • The development comes after the government mulled over the idea of decentralising tourist activities at the Gateway of India by moving the entry points to various wharfs in the city. Daily News & Analysis
  • The other arch stands close by - a Cyclopean gateway through a tall and slim sea stack.
  • Fifty-five years later, a group of bakers and confectioners have constructed a replica of the Gateway, using not brick and stone, but 40 bags of sugar weighing as much as four tonnes.
  • On the positive side the airport is developing speedily and we are well positioned as a gateway area.
  • Upon cresting the hill, they drove beneath the gateway into a courtyard where additions and wings moved in every available direction. Earl of Durkness
  • Bags of household rubbish have been dumped into two streams - tributaries of the River Dalgan - while others have been thrown across fences and gateways into private property.
  • Gateway to the Silk Route, the ancient trade path to China through the Karakoram Mountains, the deadliest chain of peaks in the world. Richard Bangs: The Pakistan Osama bin Laden Never Knew
  • To test your IPv6 connection, first try pinging something with the ping6 program on both the gateway and a connected host.
  • The prestigious title offered a gateway to success in the highly competitive world of modelling.
  • In the network cluster, the gateway is responsible for forwarding message.
  • We ask all parents to keep the gateway clear at school times.
  • Its view of itself as strictly an object database engine provider has changed to encompass solutions, migration and gateways.
  • Wireless Gateways translate the wireless protocol request to the standard HTTP protocol.
  • Meanwhile that crown of wives removes all the arms from my dwelling, and slips out the faithful sword from beneath my head: she calls Menelaus into the house and flings wide the gateway: be sure she hoped her lover would magnify the gift, and so she might quench the fame of her ill deeds of old. The Aeneid of Virgil
  • What is life to someone who wishes that death was a gateway to paradise and that life is just a journey of hardships?

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