How To Use Gateway drug In A Sentence
Does this mean we can expect to hear the argument that a Big Mac is, in fact, a ‘gateway drug’ leading unwitting consumers on to mainline, say, half a pound of marge?
Diet Coke's path to glory was paved by the long-forgotten Tab, whose bitter, saccharine flavor first hit the market in 1963, and can be considered the gateway drug to diet colas.
The Heritage Memorandum repeats the claim that cannabis is a "gateway drug" that can lead users "to more dangerous drugs.
Tim Lynch: Pot Shots at Prop 19 Fall Flat
I think that fanfic is modern the gateway drug to writing – it certainly was in my case.
Summer Workshops 2009 « BAHAY TALINHAGA
one college athlete recently called beer a gateway drug for young people

Jewcy editor Izzy Grinspan has a meditation on Counting Crows leadman Adam Duritz that hit a little close to home for this formerly moody high school student when she wrote, the Counting Crows became a sort of gateway drug — the last mainstream band they ever liked.
Shabbat Surfing: Big Weekend For Jewish Films « The Blog at 16th and Q
I decided I wasn't buying any more of the bunk Catholic school was feeding me when it came to boys, hussies, snowballs or kissing as gateway drug.
Josey Vogels: Snowballs, Hussies and the Evils of Kissing