How To Use Gasworks In A Sentence
From multi-million pound villas to rundown council estates, from gasworks to hi-tech offices, from mosques to markets and from antelopes to ducks - all London life is here.
Once in the job he feels somewhat daunted by his responsibility for the commissioning of new retorts at the gasworks without the support of other professional engineers.
The Greenwich Millennium Village's developers must be making an absolute bomb out of the old gasworks.
The normal explanations for the Bonnybridge sightings are the proximity of Edinburgh airport and the gasworks at nearby Grangemouth.
York-based Persimmon Homes wants to build 148 flats and a three-storey office block on the former gasworks site in Heworth Green, and is willing to foot the bill to decontaminate the site.

Before 1964, gas was manufactured at the old gasworks plant in Cottesloe.
It has always been a fantastic location, overlooking an incredibly green stretch of the Thames, but with the old gasworks and industrial sites that were once here, it never used to be anyone's first choice.
Three large mill buildings stand in a U shape around a courtyard which contains the earliest extant gasworks chimney in Scotland.
I evoke those smells again with awesome clarity – gasworks was the usual claim, but easterlies mixed easily with offal from the freezing works and sewage stench that leaked from outfalls at the northern beach.
More In Every Sense (than just a town)
It was later marketed by the authority in conjunction with the gasworks site, currently being developed for housing and a new hotel, but there were no takers.
The original village of Beckton was named after Simon Adams Beck, the man responsible for building the local gasworks in 1870.
Mrs Hill's early childhood was spent opposite the gasworks in North Kensington where local folklore held that the gasworks' fumes had magic healing qualities.
Above the bridge are tanneries, bonemills and gasworks, from which all drains and refuse find their way into the Irk, which receives further the contents of all the neighbouring sewers and privies.
Money from the sale of the former gasworks nearby could be used to finance the estimated £350,000 cost of demolition.
This was otherwise a rotten location, an inaccessible brownfield site heavily contaminated by what had been the largest gasworks in Europe.
Over Monk Bridge, which was widened in the 1900s, we pass the site of the enlarged gasworks, long since demolished.
His love for the old gasworks led to his writing a splendid social history of the plant, ‘Requiem for a Gasworks’, in which his legendary way with words was exposed.
It's built on the same gasworks site as the Millennium Dome was, which needed heavy decontamination works before construction began in 2000, and the first residents moved in about two years ago.
The South Metropolitan Gas Works were built here in 1889, once the largest gasworks in Europe (they closed in 1985 but the giant gasholder still serves south-east London).
A former gasworks in the heart of York is to be developed with more than 20 further flats - after councillors gave the scheme the thumbs-up, despite fears about its ‘high density’.
When he was just 12, his father, a gasworks foreman, suffered an horrific industrial accident and died later in hospital.
Three charged over gasworks bomb Three people have been charged in connection with the bombing of a gasworks in Cheshire last week.
I turned for further enlightenment to the great topographer in his book Nairn's London, and sure enough he was captivated by Beckton as well - or at least by its gasworks.
Officers are recommending the scheme, which is near to the proposed home/office development on the site of a former gasworks, for approval - subject to 36 conditions.
They were both filmed on location at the derelict gasworks where her greatgreat grandfather once worked.
The Sun
Several weeks after the main clean-up operation on a heavily-polluted former gasworks site at Heworth was completed, an oily reek still hangs in the air.
I used to get up early to watch the trams get steam up using coke from the old Christchurch gasworks.
The long-term effects of human exposure to chemicals in the sediments, believed to be a legacy of the gasworks and to include petrochemicals, are unknown.
After his father was horribly killed in a gasworks accident, the 13-year-old David and his mother were left in considerable hardship.
A major section of the crane snapped off at a Dallinger Ltd construction site at the old Gasworks site on the Sunday morning.