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How To Use Gastrulation In A Sentence

  • The next stage, gastrulation, is the subject of a famous bon mot by Lewis Wolpert: ‘It is not birth, marriage, or death, but gastrulation, which is truly the most important time in your life.’ THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH
  • Objective: To investigate twisted gastrulation protein(TSG) in human and mouse testes on mRNA level in different developmental stage.
  • Downs KM (2006) Localization of Brachyury (T) in embryonic and extraembryonic tissues during mouse gastrulation. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • During gastrulation, cells on the outside of the embryo move inwards and, in animals such as the sea urchin, gastrulation even transforms a hollow spherical blastula into a gastrula with a hole through the middle - the gut.
  • [14] In most vertebrated animals this process of gastrulation has been more or less superseded by another, which is called delamination; but it scarcely seems necessary for our present purposes to describe the latter. Darwin, and After Darwin (Vol. 1 and 3, of 3) An Exposition of the Darwinian Theory and a Discussion of Post-Darwinian Questions
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  • The major landmarks before this period are gastrulation, when major tissue layers are established, and neurulation, when the neural tube forms. Jonathan Wells gets everything wrong, again - The Panda's Thumb
  • You can easily see how this invagination could be a useful move in inflating origami, and it does indeed play a major role in both gastrulation and neurulation. THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH
  • Using light microscopy, he concluded that the embryo underwent gastrulation and that the gastrula consisted of three ‘cell elements’ on the outside, and two on the inside.
  • Warga RM, Kimmel CB (1990) Cell movements during epiboly and gastrulation in zebrafish. PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • Below is one of the things that sheets of cells are observed to do during the course of embryonic development, for example during gastrulation. THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH
  • In most vertebrates in which they have been intensively studied - amphibians and birds - gastrulation movements are rather complicated.
  • During gastrulation the front and back, top and bottom become evident, and the basic body plan is laid down.
  • In most animals, alien or earth-type, the critical point in development is not the fertilization of the egg, but rather gastrulation. THE BROKEN GOD
  • In the course of gastrulation the invaginating material is rolled inwards around the upper lip of the blastopore. Hans Spemann - Nobel Lecture
  • Right away, the book stimulated a useful discussion on embryogenesis, haploidy, diploidy, gastrulation, and neurulation. Archive 2006-01-01
  • It has been an old dream of mine to substitute for the presumptive mouth region of a newt the foreign ectoderm which comes from a frog early in gastrulation, since I wanted to find out what kind of Hans Spemann - Nobel Lecture
  • These differences in shape lead to some apparent differences in the next step of development, gastrulation. A bit more on Haeckel - The Panda's Thumb
  • Nevertheless reorganization of the tissues by ingression or delamination to form multilayered larvae does occur during embryogenesis in many sponge groups, and is considered to represent gastrulation.
  • Gastrulation in its broadest sense is the reorganization of the cells of the blastula to form a multilayered embryo, the gastrula.
  • Yet in vertebrates, as the notochord is forming during a developmental process called gastrulation, it first functions to establish the midline of the embryo. Haeckel had a point - The Panda's Thumb
  • As a corollary we suggest that the primitive mode of gastrulation was by ingression or delamination, not invagination.
  • The authors discussion the staging parameters of embryonic development, the forming of gastrulation, "ammon tail fold" and "posterior amnion tube" and the forward movement of the embryo itself.
  • In order to test this, a portion of upper blastopore lip at the beginning of gastrulation (head-organizer) and one from an advanced and mature gastrula (trunk-organizer) were transplanted in the same place in an early gastrula, i.e. at the site where the lower blastopore lip would later develop; this was done also at different sites - in the head and trunk areas. Hans Spemann - Nobel Lecture
  • We can follow gastrulation in the early development of the sea-urchin and actually see the gut forming.
  • In neurulation, as in gastrulation, invagination is much in evidence. THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH
  • Whether the embryo is a ball of cells or a mass on top of a yolk, though, all vertebrates carry out equivalent movements during gastrulation; again, the differences are superficial, depending on whether the cluster of cells is balled up or flattened. A bit more on Haeckel - The Panda's Thumb
  • The processes of cell signaling important in inducing new tissues during gastrulation are similar in all vertebrates, and the same answers are turning up in fish and mice, despite the morphological differences in their layouts. A bit more on Haeckel - The Panda's Thumb
  • The fate maps of the different vertebrates are thus similar when one looks at the relationship between the germ layers and the site of ingression of cells at gastrulation.
  • The gastrulation does not suffer any essential disturbance from this and while it goes on, the blastocoele disappears and the piece we are examining comes to lie directly under the ectoderm and there shows what it is capable of. Hans Spemann - Nobel Lecture
  • In amphibians, there is convergent extension of the future neural plate during gastrulation.
  • Using explanted tissues from embryos of different ages, it has been shown that mesoderm induction is almost complete by the time gastrulation starts.
  • Shortly after gastrulation, lig mRNA was present in the germ band at relatively low levels; expression increased markedly from stage 9, at which neuroblasts delaminate from the ectoderm.
  • At the end of gastrulation, the epidermis only covers the dorsal region and the ventral region is bare.
  • Embryos treated at lower concentrations showed delayed gastrulation and those treated at higher concentrations developed to blastulae having abnormal blastocoels with excess cells.
  • The researchers used a technique called two-photon excited fluorescence imaging to get a glimpse at what goes on during gastrulation in a living embryo.
  • In neurulation, as in gastrulation, invagination is much in evidence. THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH
  • In neurulation, as in gastrulation, invagination is much in evidence. THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH
  • You can easily see how this invagination could be a useful move in inflating origami, and it does indeed play a major role in both gastrulation and neurulation. THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH
  • Gastrulation and neurulation are accomplished early in development and they affect the whole shape of the embryo. THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH
  • It may, however, continue for some time (even after the gastrulation is more or less complete) in the sense that the vegetal cell-nuclei distributed in the deutoplasm slowly increase by cleavage; as each of them is surrounded by a small quantity of protoplasm, it may afterwards appropriate a portion of the food-yelk, and thus form a real "yelk-cell" (merocyte). The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
  • At the beginning of gastrulation, the blastocoel roof is one cell thick, and the dorsal lip of the blastopore forms below the equator of the embryo. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • The gastraea theory shows us how to do this, by representing the embryology of the lowest vertebrate, the skull-less amphioxus, as the original form, and deducing from it, through a series of gradual modifications, the gastrulation and coelomation of the craniota. The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
  • Gastrulation in its broadest sense is the reorganization of the cells of the blastula to form a multilayered embryo, the gastrula.
  • It is equired for the formation of the primitive streak during mouse gastrulation .
  • Of the older dipnoi (Paladipneusta) we have now only one specimen, the remarkable Ceratodus of East Australia; its amphiblastic gastrulation has been recently explained by Richard Semon (cf. Chapter 2.21). The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
  • As this theory, a logical conclusion from the gastraea theory, has been fully substantiated by the comparative study of gastrulation in the last few decades, we must exactly reverse the hitherto prevalent mode of treatment. The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
  • In most animals, alien or earth-type, the critical point in development is not the fertilization of the egg, but rather gastrulation. THE BROKEN GOD
  • In most animals, alien or earth-type, the critical point in development is not the fertilization of the egg, but rather gastrulation. THE BROKEN GOD
  • The critical function of gastrulation is that some cells have to move inward, into the mass of cells. A bit more on Haeckel - The Panda's Thumb
  • As gastrulation proceeds, the region of involution spreads laterally and vegetally so that involution involves the vegetal endoderm and so forms a circle around a plug of yolky cells.

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