- surgical creation of an opening through the abdominal wall into the stomach (as for gastrogavage)
How To Use gastrostomy In A Sentence
- Because of oropharyngeal dysphagia, a gastrostomy tube had been placed several years ago.
- The data from the current study suggest that the benefits of gastrostomy feeding significantly outweigh the burdens.
- In recent years, percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy has become the intervention of choice when oral food intake becomes unsafe or inadequate.
- Back in February, one of Margaret’s many doctors, a short, autocratic Jewish Iraqi émigré, had inserted a flexible plastic tube known as a PEG an acronym of the medical term percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy through her skin and into her stomach to drain everything she swallowed into a bag outside her body. A Happy Marriage
- A tube feeding into the stomach is a gastrostomy tube, or G-tube; a tube feeding into the intestines is a gastrojejunostomy tube, or GJ-tube. Percutaneous Gastrostomy Feeding Tube Placement
- A gastrostomy tube can clearly improve nutritional status in a debilitated person with severe dysphagia, and may prolong life.
- Ethical and quality of life issues should be considered before gastrostomy feeding is implemented.
- In order to determine the impact of gastrostomies in 20 children with neurodevelopmental disability, a questionnaire was used to collect caregivers' perceptions both before and after gastrostomy.
- My father, who spoke in occasional incoherent utterances, and was fed through a gastrostomy tube, was intubated and placed on a mechanical respirator a half a dozen times before he passed away.
- Within the stomach, the gastrostomy site should be in the middle to distal third of the corpus.