How To Use Gastroscopy In A Sentence
In association with endocrine cell hyperplasia, gastric carcinoid tumours have been observed in 1-7% of pernicious anaemia patients screened by gastroscopy.
Conclusion Effective cognitive psychological nursing can relieve anxiety and affliction of patients undergoing gastroscopy.
The following day, a gastroscopy and colonoscopy were performed.
Regular gastroscopy, if this could be achieved, would benefit pernicious anaemia patients.
Objective To observe the small dose of fentanyl used in the clinical effect of painless gastroscopy.
Gastroscopy revealed several areas of gastric ulceration and one duodenal ulcer.
In association with endocrine cell hyperplasia, gastric carcinoid tumours have been observed in 1-7% of pernicious anaemia patients screened by gastroscopy.
These should be removed by gastroscopy when such decision is made.
Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
Peptic ulcers may also be diagnosed by a procedure called a gastroscopy (or upper gastro-intestinal endoscopy).
When he was a year old, they found a female doctor in Philadelphia who was a pioneer in pediatric gastroscopy.
In the Fullness of Time
SHA'ATH: Well, we know that he was subjected to a lot of sedation in order to conduct investigations, like colonoscopy and gastroscopy and so on, and these required that he be sedated.
CNN Transcript Nov 7, 2004
Robin Warren, in his professional role as a clinical pathologist, observed spiral-shaped bacteria in tissue specimens from the stomachs of many patients who had undergone gastroscopy.
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2005 - Presentation Speech
Current applications of virtual reality in preoperative diagnostics include gastroscopy, bronchoscopy, and colonoscopy.
I was in hospital this morning for a gastroscopy - nothing too worrying, just one of those camera and light thingies they put down your throat to make sure everything's in one piece.
Archive 2009-03-01
Barium follow-through, gastroscopy, sigmoidoscopy, barium enema, abdominal ultrasound scan, and chest radiograph were all normal.
-- For esophagoscopy and gastroscopy, if general anesthesia is desired, ether may be started by the usual method and continued by dropping upon folded gauze laid over the mouth after the tube is introduced.
Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
Symptoms similar to those of a gastric ulcer, and a gastroscopy discovers an ugly running sore and a suspected tumor, later identified under a microscope.
Red Wolf
So they decided to forego the gastroscopy and open him up to see what was going on.
September 19th, 2008
_Lens-system ballooning gastroscopy_ may possibly afford additional information after all possible data from open-tube gastroscopy has been obtained.
Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
Repeat gastroscopy showed macroscopic features consistent with coeliac disease and duodenal biopsies showed total villous atrophy.
Current applications of virtual reality in preoperative diagnostics include gastroscopy, bronchoscopy, and colonoscopy.
Barium follow-through, gastroscopy, sigmoidoscopy, barium enema, abdominal ultrasound scan, and chest radiograph were all normal.
The results of gastroscopy and duodenal biopsy were normal.
To analyse the association between the primary pyloric insufficiency and gastroduodenal diseases, and to strengthen primary pyloric insufficiency in gastroscopy diagnosis.
To determine the source of gastrointestinal bleeding he underwent gastroscopy, colonoscopy, and barium studies on 26 and 28 March and 1 April, respectively.