How To Use Gastric vein In A Sentence
When these vessels form in the distal esophagus and stomach, the usually small rudimentary left gastric vein dilates and varices develop.
Objective : To evaluate left gastric vein shunt index ( LGVSI ) for predicting esophageal variceal bleeding.
Left gastric vein in bleeding group was all hepatofugal and shunt index was definitely high.
The Coronary Vein (v. coronaria ventriculi; gastric vein) derives tributaries from both surfaces of the stomach; it runs from right to left along the lesser curvature of the stomach, between the two layers of the lesser omentum, to the esophageal opening of the stomach, where it receives some esophageal veins.
VII. The Veins. 4. The Portal System of Veins
Objective : To evaluate left gastric vein shunt index ( LGVSI ) for predicting esophageal variceal bleeding.