How To Use Gassy In A Sentence
Aries fire plus Aquarian air equal yeah, a volatile gassy substance which, wisely focussed, provides an enormous energy source capable of taking you a long way.
Without naming a specific offender he generalizes about bloggers for 1,300 gassy words.
So avoid gassy foods like beans and broccoli before hitting the gym.
The Sun
The prosecution proposed that Mr Gassy had harboured feelings of resentment and anger towards Dr Tobin for her part in his deregistration.
The prosecution proposed that Mr Gassy had harboured feelings of resentment and anger towards Dr Tobin for her part in his deregistration.
All agreed it was a good idea to make a note of what they had eaten if they noticed their baby seemed more gassy or fussy.
If you hate carbon emissions, the Australian Outback may seem like a paradise, unless you re a bit gassy, that is.
Kill Farting Animals By The Millions To Cut Carbon Emissions Says Australian Study
‘This is not a gassy pit and neither is it a watery pit, but in the lifetime of the pit the pumps or the fans have not been switched off for two months, so no-one is really sure,’ he said.
If your baby is more gassy, burping a few times during the feeding may help.
If you hate carbon emissions, the Australian Outback may seem like a paradise, unless you're a bit gassy, that is.
Kill Farting Animals By The Millions To Cut Carbon Emissions Says Australian Study
After two or three strips, even these strains get the heave, expiring with, at best, a gassy sputter.
So all I really got from it was that I have a really gassy baby, which I knew.
The champagne was sweet and too gassy.
This essay is kind of gassy, but it makes a point.
I think I've found the ultimate in anti-Palin gas-baggery.
All the other solar systems that have been found have big, gassy planets circling too close to their stars to allow them to be anything like Earth or its fellow planets, the British and US-based researchers said on Wednesday.
I travelled with them to share the excitement of the popping mud pools, gassy steam vents, bubbling springs and sulphur pits.
And the vague reference is then merely used to quickly segue to talk about environmental issues such as gassy cows.
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They are also less gassy than normal lagers and much cheaper.
Yesterday we even drove all they way up to take the ferry to Mackinac Island, where we took a carriage ride on the world's most gassy horse.
It is not an exercise in cultural studies; instead it is just what it claims to be: a guide to the rocky, gassy, icy spheres of all those classroom wall charts and Nasa photographs.
I imagine this could easily lead to uncomfortable gassy feelings and bloatedness.
The Sun
Most recipes direct you to skim the foam from the pot, but this is mainly for aesthetic reasons; the foam isn't harmful and, contrary to some opinions, won't make you gassy.
To the dismay of the already frazzled travellers, the aircraft was diverted to Gatwick after reports on board of a gassy odour.
Foolishly, I had eaten some particularly gassy food the night before and was suffering the consequences…
The paragraph is remarkable for its gassy banality, but let us just marvel at the folly of that last line.
Ugh! And the gassy effervescence that rises from the thin pipes of the little boys! and the street tunes eructed in a hiccough, like the run of a lamp-chain when you pull it up, mingling with the noisy bellow of the basses!
The Cathedral
However, lots of frequent small breastfeedings are likely to contain more foremilk than hindmilk which apparently can make baby much more gassy.
He was invited to a party the guiding idea of which was to charter a canalboat in Newcastle, Pennsylvania, and glide through Bucks County watching the south end of the mule head north along the towpath (or was it the north end heading south?), lallygagging around under the awning away from the gassy streets of the metropolitan summer.
The Fourth Side of the Triangle
In places, especially when the subject is art or religion, the language can get vague and gassy, but just plow through these patches.
These changes can also lead to indigestion, which can make you feel very full, bloated or gassy.
A greasy, gassy but much happier little fellow has resulted.
Although the causes of the variation remain unclear, the star's interaction with the gassy, dusty environment in which it was born certainly plays a big role.
Symptoms can include feeling tired all the time, gassy and bloated.
Hing is asafoetida, it aids in the digestion of these 'gassy' veggies ...
Broccoli-Methi Curry ( Broccoli-Fenugreek)
It was not until a certain jet-black-haired songbird had the courage to step forward and let the world know she suffered from this debilitating affliction that I knew I too could stand tall, gassy burning throat and all.
These changes can also lead to indigestion, which can make you feel very full, bloated or gassy.
Even people with a heavily traditional diet are demanding external products either as occasional treats, such as gassy drinks or basic commodities such as white sugar and flour.
1 Food and packaging
At the same time, I was getting that gassy feeling again.
One common use is to cook beans with some epazote in order to lower thier 'gassy' side effect.
Cilantro's Health Benefits
He's fussy, gassy, possibly lactose-intolerant, and suffering from what appears to be day-night confusion.
Normally, when I'm worried about something, even about not finishing my homework, I get a loud heartbeat, can't keep food down, and that gassy feeling I told you about appears.
These are the off-flavours that make wines taste sweaty, eggy, gassy or vinegary, the nasties that give you a bad head in the morning, and the carcinogens that get you in the long run.
The North Valley mines were especially "gassy," it appeared.
King Coal : a Novel
When you've been pressed into service as "sergeant-general" of the Malagassy army, or forced to convoy a bog-trotting idiot figged up as Sinbad the Sailor through an enemy army, or dragooned into impersonating a poxed-up Danish prince - why, what's a slave rebellion more or less?
The result is a gassy, weak beer with plenty of critics.
Dull, gassy, chemical-tasting beer was taking a back seat to luscious, vanilla-flavoured, fruity wine that didn't need food to bring out its flavour.
It starts out kind of gassy and repetitive.
And she was devout in a way that indicated that the religion was based in a great many particulars, not some gassy generality about being kind to plants and believing in clean water.
I was gassy when I got home, and actually woke up halfway through the night pretty sick.
The gassy giant, Jupiter, can be seen shining high in the constellation of Leo.
Memory is a treacherous place, a bog that can drag you down into its gassy depths and play tricks on you.
He does that by making fun of ‘the jargon, the mush, the smog, the dull pompous, boneless, gassy language’ that afflicts the world today.
Up to now astronomers have only been able to detect vast gassy planets the size of Jupiter or larger by measuring the way their gravity tugs on their parent stars and makes them ‘wobble’.
If you feel more gassy than normal, don't be alarmed; this is normal.
Wallop was a slang term for beer, and Codd's wallop came to be used by beer drinkers as a derogatory term for weak or gassy beer, or for soft drinks.
Their cider apple flavoured pop was even more dull, heavy, gassy and unpleasant than real cider.
And he was what you call gassy about it: said he had told Henson plump and plain what he was going to do, and that he was not afraid of Henson or any man breathing.
The Crimson Blind
Around 8: 00 or so I felt really bloated and gassy - it felt like my intestines were in knots.
If your baby is more gassy, burping a few times during the feeding may help.
It contains a food enzyme from a natural source that works with your body's digestion to break down the complex sugars in gassy foods making them more digestible.
The British-born chartered accountant spotted a niche in the market for a less gassy premium lager particularly suitable for drinking with Asian food.
If soy or other legumes make you gassy and give you cramps find something else, don't pop digestive aids like candy.
On rocky planets, all the necessary chemicals for life can collect in one place, rather than floating freely through a gassy atmosphere.
So, in other words, another international confluence of hot wind and gassy rhetoric thus comes to pass.
This should be accompanied by a pint of gassy lager.