How To Use Gasometer In A Sentence
When thoroughly washed, it flows through the pipe, L, into the gasometer, which is of galvanized iron, and is very carefully balanced.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 514, November 7, 1885
Well, I probably wont be tuning in and doing another enraged dance about the remaining episodes….and yet, there is a strange fascination, bit like watching a slomo car crash dummy test, or the demolition of a gasometer or such like.
Primeval: S3 Ep7 – Updated Pondering « INTERSTELLAR TACTICS
Four stout posts, much taller still than the "bandbox" itself, were set at equal distances around it, and their extremities were joined by stout beams which passed across over the top of the gasometer.
Illustrated Science for Boys and Girls
Near the gasometer is the hydraulic machine for supplying with water the tank on the top of the house; all the other services on this line of pipe are screwed off, and thus the water is forced to the top of the building.
Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 443 Volume 17, New Series, June 26, 1852
The expired gas was measured in a wet gasometer.
The shopping mall levels in each gasometer are connected to the others by skybridges.
Gasometers Reimagined as Apartment Community
What could be better than, instead of tearing down its one remaining - and in aesthetic terms, extremely attractive - gasometer, to keep it, and supplement its worth by bringing other fine examples from across the UK to join it?
The fourth side of the square was occupied by a gas-works whose gasometer looked down on its neighbours.
RT @VariousArch @bryanboyer: What will be the 2000s gasometer?
Ballardian » Twitter links, part 2
Each gasometer was divided into several zones for living (apartments in the top), working (offices in the middle floors) and entertainment and shopping (shopping malls in the ground floors).
Gasometers Reimagined as Apartment Community
Yerra, why would he heed that old gasometer with his hooping coppin and his dyinboosycough and all the birds of the southside after her, Minxy Cunningham, their dear divorcee darling, jimmies and jonnies to be her jo?
Finnegans Wake
In 1998 it was roundly condemned for giving a B-listing to the 100-year-old, 300 ft-high Granton gasometer on Edinburgh's seafront.
What with your artfully juxtaposed angles of pub roof and gasometer girders, and your stark relief foliage echoing the passing clouds in the background.
Cricket & All That Gas
In yesterday's windy conditions, the front jib of the crane dangled at the former gasometer site, the damaged part swaying towards buildings.
However, powers superior to me concluded that our very own gasometer did not qualify for preservation and celebration as the best of Britain's gas-holding heritage.
Old Marigold lost her nerve and did a trip over the cruet-thing that holds the gasometers, Thoms helped Roberts, in a way, by a spirited rendering of the jack-in-office.
The Nursing Home Murder
I do like a nice gasometer and yes, Fred, he's done it again hasn't he .... a very nice piece of deconstruction too from your good self, what with all that juxtaposing and echoing going on.
Cricket & All That Gas
The design takes its cue from redundant gasometer and gantry structures adjoining the site.
And the millions who stay at home, how are they to be persuaded that the thrill provoked by a locomotive or a gasometer is the real thing?
The unsightly cast-iron gasometer that gave its name to a hairpin bend is long gone, the train station whose ticket office overlooked another 180-degree corner has been replaced by a luxury hotel, and the famous Tabac is buried during race week under the latticed scaffolding of a temporary grandstand.
Monaco grand prix: The race where heroes are made
The view of Botany Bay was in between two immense gasometers, the garden was pigweed and rusting soup tins.