How To Use Gasohol In A Sentence
The energy minister also said gasohol sales had increased seven times from that of January.
An alternative increasingly being used is ethanol, which has an octane rating of 108 or 110; gasoline with 10 percent ethanol is marketed as gasohol .
The government has been trying to promote gasohol as an alternative fuel to reduce the country's reliance on imported fossil fuels.
This may not be decisive, but it certainly could have as big of an impact as other proposals to reduce import dependence, like gasohol (a mixture of motor gasoline and ethanol from corn).
The Natural Gas Revolution
When corn farmers began pushing "gasohol" as a potential new market in the late 1970's and early 1980's, state governments initiated rudimentary support measures, such as using it in some state fleet vehicles when available, or exempting it from state gas taxes.

Ethanol then called "gasohol" first burst onto the charity scene during the 1970s energy crisis when Jimmy Carter and a Democrat-controlled Congress were eager to subsidize anything claimed to be an oil substitute.
Ethanol Subsidy Support Running On Empty
In the United States, the use of alcohol in gasoline-ethanol mixtures, known as "gasohol," is subsidized.
Chapter 3
Herendeen argued that net energy analysis is particularly important for highly touted technologies such as gasohol and the solar power satellite which are subsidized with tax dollars and do appear to be near the energy break-even point.
Net energy analysis
Gasoline additives such as gasohol were developed at a time when cars had carburetors that were often adjusted too rich, resulting in incomplete combustion and pollution.
Ethanol Subsidy Support Running On Empty
Itis a form of alcohol, C2H5OH, found in alcoholic beverages and also used as an additive in gasoline to produce gasohol.
The term biomass is most often encountered in discussions of sources of energy, as biomass can be used to supply energy needs directly (as fuel wood, for example) or indirectly (by being converted to alcohol; see gasohol).
We sent Congress incentives for biomass and gasohol, a plan to streamline the licensing of nuclear power plants, additional incentives for solar power, and, later, a proposal for a synthetic-fuels corporation.
The Good Fight
The Energy Ministry will also be launching a campaign to promote the wider public use of alternative energy sources such as gasohol and bio-diesel.
One of the many industrial uses of ethanol involves blending it with gasoline to make gasohol.
gasohol" and can also be blended to give satisfactory performance in machinery on the farm.
Chapter 9
It is also used as an additive to gasoline to make a compound called gasohol.
In Brazil, ethanol from fermentation of sugarcane is used pure or blended with gasoline to yield gasohol, which contains 24 percent ethanol.