How To Use Gasman In A Sentence
The gasman had told us it would blow up and had stuck on a waning sign to remind us.
He was dressed as a gasman, the type of person people tend to forget.
Brown's father was a gasman with a great passion for natural gas.
If this weekend's Anglo-American summit in Crawford, Texas, is anything like the lovefest that most people expect it to be, some credit has got to go to a 49-year-old Scottish rugby player-turned-oil and gasman named Bill Gammell.
'Odd Couple' Alliance
May 28, 2010, 3: 21 pm whit says: gasman: What atheists would thatbe?
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As for those places of Scripture which oppugn it, they will have spoken ad captum vulgi, and if rightly understood, and favourably interpreted, not at all against it; and as Otho Gasman, Astrol. cap.
Anatomy of Melancholy
Probably the trimming of the lamps became his next duty; and then, as time went on, he developed into a "gasman," that most indispensable attendant of the modern theatre.
A Book of the Play Studies and Illustrations of Histrionic Story, Life, and Character
It's already here as it deliciously unfolds by way of singers Sally Mayes (whose 1989 Broadway bow was in Welcome to the Club), Lillias White (who won her Tony in the Coleman-Gasman The Life) and Rachel York (who let off steam heat in City of Angels) as well as Daniel Burnham (who has an undeniable affinity for the coolth flowing through Coleman's work).
David Finkle: First Nighter: Cy Coleman's Best is Yet to Come is Here Now at 59E59 Theaters
DjDiverDan says: gasman, above and beyond the tabloid elements, the Anna Nicole Smith/Marshall case is really only legally interesting on the issue of Bankruptcy Jurisdiction — why Anna Nicole could assert her Texas state-law tort claim (interfering with the expectancy of an inheritance) in her Bankruptcy Case.
The Volokh Conspiracy » San Francisco Program on Anna Nicole Smith Case:
They always fail to mention that she attacked the gasman with a shovel.
The only role for judge (and a judgement) is to determine whether the process due was met, not whether the judge felt like more jurors would be a good thing by itself.gasman(Quote)
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A Bingley gasman has beaten 5,000 others from around the country to scoop the title of British Gas engineer of the year.
But when the gasman came over he was all "yep, boiler's leaking", and made it safe and turned our gas off.
I'm not making a holiday Wishlist.
I don't usually see much of BBC Breakfast, but having the morning off to wait for the gasman, and since Valentine Warner 'What To Eat Now' was on, I decided to have a dekko this morning.
The pit crew practices with the same intensity it shows during races, but it has a new jack man and gasman going over the wall and it still must mesh better during pit stops.
Police are warning residents to be on their guard after a caller posing as a gasman tried to con his way into a woman's home.
He has made sure his equipment is ready and has replaced the rear tire changer, gasman and catch can man on the pit crew.
A council-contracted gasman downed tools and left the house when he found a syringe behind the fireplace he was repairing.
March 10, 2010, 1:13 pm gasman says: ...said the commission would examine closely the possibility of banning outright “purely speculative” trading of theswaps...
The Volokh Conspiracy » Two Views of Credit Default Swaps
With a new jackman and gasman going over the wall, there has been inconsistency in the pits, which hasn't helped Gordon on some restarts.
He plays all sorts of different characters from a manager to a doctor and a gasman - it's great fun.
It was on a Friday morning the gasman came to call.
I'm not making a holiday Wishlist.
Born the son of a Sheffield gasman, his early life has shaped his combative approach to politics.
She will, when ninety-five and expecting the gasman, get horribly nervous in case the boiler blows up.
I don't usually see much of BBC Breakfast, but having the morning off to wait for the gasman, and since Valentine Warner 'What To Eat Now' was on, I decided to have a dekko this morning.
Do you suppose he has given up on publishing the paper? gasman
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