How To Use Gasification In A Sentence
There are different kinds of carbon capture: precombustion usually refers to capturing CO2 from coal gasification (such as polygeneration, coal-toliquids, or IGCC) processes, post-combustion is associated with capturing carbon from the waste gases from conventional combustion (such as supercritical or ultra-super critical power plants), and oxy-fuel combustion is separation post oxygen-rich combustion.
Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs - Latest Publications
The serious degasification in low pressure formation of Tuba Oilfield, which changes component of the fluid, makes the logging data interpretation to be difficult.
They also offer a Biochar Experimenters Kit -- biochar is a natural byproduct of gasification.
Kelpie Wilson: Hacking the Future -- Biochar 10-10-10 Global Work Party at All Power Labs
The hydrogen production, delivery and storage technologies solicitation covers: biomass gasification and pyrolysis; photolytic processes; distributed natural gas reforming technologies; separation and purification technologies; advanced electrolysis systems; high temperature thermochemical water splitting; hydrogen production infrastructure analysis; and advanced hydrogen delivery technologies.
U.S. Department of Energy - Press Releases
Funding for DOE and USDA to continue developing, testing, and demonstrating high-yield, low-cost biomass feedstocks; cofiring biomass with coal to produce electricity; advanced technologies for biomass gasification using paper industry by-products; and continued work on producing alternative fuels, such as ethanol, from biomass.
Fact Sheet On Executive Order For Bio Based Products A
The cause of damage of screw type gasification blower due to vanes' reverse motion is analyzed. A check valve is designed and put at the outlet of the blower. Success is achieved.
The best-known of the methods in this category is IGCC, or Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle, in which gasified coal is used to run a turbine to produce power.
A Clean Coal Confrontation
The work included polymers, organophosphate chemistry, the gasification of coal and of course, cyanoacrylate.
Super Glue inventor dies aged 94
The technique of biomass gasification by partial combustion has a long history.
And what about the residuals of emerging processes like gasification, enzymatic hydrolysis, depolymerization, biodiesel production, etc?
The re-gasification terminals are viewed as large, obstructive and generally displeasing to the eye for local residents and businesses.
The Mr. Fusion of today is called a gasifier, and it allows you to use, yes, gasification to run your car.
Impact Lab
Improve liquid supercooling degree, so not vulnerable to the gasification.
He had always been an enthusiast for technological wheezes, from a doomed scheme for the underground gasification of coal to a death-ray which killed rats.
Resistance by those who seek to secure profits from high-priced petroleum, plus the domination of basic fuel research (until recently) by the Atomic Energy Commission and the military have delayed the development of efficient coal gasification and liquification as well as that of new methods of power production like magnetohydrodynamic systems.
Energy and Society~ Chapter 16~ Energy in a Contracting System
This paper emphasis on analyzing the part of coal gasification and boiler burning, the analysis of process of gas and heat co-product.
The product of gasification is called "syngas" - better known as hydrogen and carbon monoxide.
Autoblog Green
In gasification, crushed coal is reacted with steam and either air or pure oxygen.
coal gas is produced by the gasification of coal
Gas, a master of gasification and material burden.
The products of coal gasification include carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, methane and nitrogen.
Coal utilization for gasification is an important source of trace element emission.
Global Energy, which specializes in gasification plants, is preparing to build a plant in Kentucky that gasifies a mixture of coal and municipal solid waste.
Once it arrives at a regasification terminal in special tankers, it is returned to a gaseous state and fed into pipelines.
The end product contains mainly carbon monoxide and hydrogen from the gasification step plus a little methane from the carbonisation.
The operation parameters of stable combustion in retort pyrolysis gasification incinerator are confirmed.
The LNG Refrigerator Car takes LNG as the power fuel, which is the special purpose vehicle of low temperature transportation and uses cold energy released LNG gasification rewarming to refrigerate.
In hot cleaning of producer gas of biomass gasification, Ammonia, the trace contaminant, is decomposed to nitrogen and hydrogen catalytically.
These projects include promotion of ecovillages both in urban and rural areas; rural energisation, renewable energy technology such as biomass gasification and ethanol production; community based greening and waste recycling, low-tech energy solutions such as thermally efficient and renewable energy solutions in housing, clean transport systems; carbon sequestration and conservation, industrial energy efficiency.
ANC Daily News Briefing
In recent years coal gasification has become increasingly economically viable due to technological developments.
The work included polymers, organophosphate chemistry, gasification of coal and of course, cyanoacrylate.
Harry Coover, Super Glue inventor, dies at 94
The second system, which is newer and has not been tried extensively, is known as pyrolysis or gasification.