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How To Use Gaseous In A Sentence

  • All chromatographic methods rely on differences in the affinities of the various members of a group of dissolved or gaseous chemicals for a certain adsorbent.
  • This finding is of great concern inasmuch as the protection principle and measures of gaseous arsine are different from the airborne arsenic particulate.
  • Vaporizers convert the liquid nitrogen to its gaseous state.
  • The fuel inlet connector and the armature are adapted to permit a first flow path of gaseous fuel between the armature and the magnetic coil as part of a path leading to said fuel valve.
  • I suffer frequently from indigestion, incomplete evacuation, passing hard, foul-smelling stools and gaseous distension.
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  • Water has the same chemical composition, be it in solid, liquid or gaseous state.
  • It is adaptable to vacuum plating. Gaseous drying of kerosene vacuum impregnation, vacuum drying. Dehydration, vacuum metallurgy and so on.
  • You can see there, at the top, the so-called beanie cap, the gaseous oxygen vent hood is being removed right now. CNN Transcript Oct 23, 2007
  • An expansion valve would then advance to transform the liquid refrigerant into a cold, gaseous form, so as to once again absorb the warm air inside your automobile.
  • This has walls thick with blood capillaries which absorb gaseous oxygen.
  • There†™ s even an avian from a gaseous tiny-giant. 365 tomorrows » 2008 » January : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • Some of the cars will use extremely cold liquid hydrogen; others will use hydrogen in a compressed, gaseous form.
  • Fallout from these, particularly decay products of the gaseous thoron, were what the cleanup crews detected - not a nuclear reaction involving neutrons. Archive 2003-09-01
  • The tetrafluoride is then fed into a fluidized bed reactor with gaseous fluorine to produce UF6. Uranium enrichment
  • Everything is molten tetrafluoride, but U is separated from Th by bubbling F gas and that makes it gaseous UF6 reduce to UF4 again for use. Rabett Run
  • The solutions were first deaerated by purging with gaseous NZ directly in the EPR cell for 10 min, then a small quantity of oxygen was added to the solution by injecting measured 1 mL of air into the purging line after the NZ was turned off.
  • This method is also appropriate for introducing the activity of solution components and the fugacity of a real gas in gaseous mixtures.
  • A spark flew, igniting the gaseous oxygen in the tank.
  • Uranium for the first atomic bomb and for nuclear reactors was enriched in the 235 isotope, as compared to the more abundant 238 isotope, by gaseous diffusion.
  • How do we interdict energy supply lines when the main fuel is not petroleum-based but gaseous, producible in the field, and not under the control of relatively few governments?
  • No one has yet examined the question, What is the condition as regards average distribution of kinetic energy, which is ultimately fulfilled by two portions of gaseous matter, separated by a thin elastic septum which absolutely prevents interdiffusion of matter, while it allows interchange of kinetic energy by collisions against itself? Scientific American Supplement, No. 460, October 25, 1884
  • It was shown that gaseous ethylene inhibits both growth and geotropism in plants, and ethylene is endogenously produced by fruits.
  • The chemical composition of water remains constant whether it is in solid, liquid or gaseous state.
  • NGC 2818 is a beautiful planetary nebula, the gaseous shroud of a dying sun - like star.
  • Industrial fixation of nitrogen for fertilizer and other human activities has more than doubled the rates of terrestrial fixation of gaseous nitrogen into biologically available forms.
  • Quantitative measurements show that in methanogenic subjects the majority of gaseous hydrogen produced from fermentation is consumed by methanogenic bacteria.
  • The air becomes jaundiced and clotted, and hangs in gaseous clouds over the rooms. LEARNING TO TALK: SHORT STORIES
  • It also detects corona discharge, bearing wear, steam traps, valve noise, and some gaseous and water leaks.
  • Beyond the port, the monstrous gaseous globe of Goldin XI precessed in stately, indifferent silence. Flinx's Folly
  • For example, when you boil water, it takes the gaseous form of steam, but this gas doesn't react with oxygen in the air.
  • The ash and gaseous products of the combustion are spread across our school grounds and the surrounding neighbourhoods.
  • And second, in a section called The Fate of all Hydorcarbons, a study done in late September concluded that "most of the initial biodegradation in the plumes involved gaseous hydrocarbons (propane and ethane), rather than oil. Philip Radford: White House hid truth on spill: The truth and the oil is still out there.
  • Alternatively, the thick mucus lining the airways could result in poor diffusion into the gaseous phase.
  • A vapor is the gaseous phase of a substance that, under ordinary conditions, exists as a liquid or solid.
  • I think not; and the conclusion implied by our authors seems to me eminently probable, that in the so-called ether we have simply a state of matter more primitive than what we know as the gaseous state. The Unseen World, and Other Essays
  • In addition to producing lactic acid, lactobacilli also have the ability to produce hydrogen peroxide through oxidation of reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) by flavin nucleotide, which reacts rapidly with gaseous oxygen. 1 Upgrading Traditional Biotechnological Processes
  • The researchers established that hassium forms a gaseous oxide similar to that of osmium, confirming that hassium, like osmium, is a member of group 8 of the periodic table and should be placed directly under it.
  • When our receptacles are in this condition, why do we add more material for the generation of poisons of the ptomain and leucomain classes, and morbid gaseous elements? Intestinal Ills Chronic Constipation, Indigestion, Autogenetic Poisons, Diarrhea, Piles, Etc. Also Auto-Infection, Auto-Intoxication, Anemia, Emaciation, Etc. Due to Proctitis and Colitis
  • Specifically the H5N1 (SAa2,3Gal) receptors were found “on non-ciliated cuboidal cells at the junction between the respiratory bronchiole and alveolus” and on “a substantial number of cells lining the alveolar wall. ” (This describes the substance of the lung tissue involved in gaseous exchange.) Think Progress » An Inconvenient Truth and An Intolerable Summer
  • Air whether in the gaseous or liquid state is a fluid.
  • New generation highly ruggedised and impact resistant air-to-air refuelling drogues have been fitted with gaseous tritium lights with no wires or moving parts.
  • The exhibition's earliest and biggest, "L'homme Descend du Signe" 1975, measures about 14 by 27 feet and pictures his familiar repertory of cartoonish, antically animated, biomorphic and geometric forms impulsively outlined in black and hovering in gaseous, purple-tinted space. NYT > Home Page
  • The walls of these are thick with blood vessels which absorb gaseous oxygen.
  • The nanofiller also creates a tortuous path for the penetration of gaseous vapors and liquids into the polymer.
  • Table 3. 2 provides individual estimate for gaseous coal seams with the geometric mean used wherever a wide spread is given.
  • Specifically the H5N1 (SAa2,3Gal) receptors were found “on non-ciliated cuboidal cells at the junction between the respiratory bronchiole and alveolus” and on “a substantial number of cells lining the alveolar wall. ” (This describes the substance of the lung tissue involved in gaseous exchange.) Think Progress » An Inconvenient Truth and An Intolerable Summer
  • I'État dilué (Chemical equilibria in gaseous systems or strongly diluted solutions), which dealt with this theory of dilute solutions. Jacobus H. van 't Hoff - Biography
  • Types of air pollution include particulate and gaseous emissions and odour pollution.
  • Steam is water in its gaseous form.
  • To transport gaseous substances such as propane or acetylene economically, they must be compressed greatly to fit into containers of a reasonable size.
  • This accretion of the gaseous layers is often referred to as the ‘runaway’ stage in the planet's formation, since theory says it is much more rapid than the formation of the core.
  • Tusnad, north of Brasov, by a calm and picturesque lake, is important for bicarbonated and gaseous mineral waters and mofettes for treating cardio-vascular diseases.
  • Although evasion from the water surface arises from dissolved gaseous mercury in the water column, incubation studies on sediment and lacunal gas data both suggested that the source of Hg flux from vegetation was in the sediment.
  • chemisorption of gaseous nitrogen on iron catalysts
  • It still leaves the field open for gaseous and liquid carbon dioxide under the surface of Mars.
  • The gaseous metal is cooled and condenses into liquid zinc.
  • But they have discovered what we would call gaseous oil, and have learned to put it to work, so that it is the main force employed in hoisting and all other purposes where power is required. Life in a Thousand Worlds
  • In the burning process most carbon, nitrogen and sulphur are lost in gaseous form, whereas phosphorus, potassium and calcium are retained in the ash.
  • Once it arrives at a regasification terminal in special tankers, it is returned to a gaseous state and fed into pipelines.
  • The gaseous weapon residues are then vented through the hollow central portion of the water column.
  • The planets are speculated to be gaseous or mixtures of ice and rock, but may in fact be barren rock worlds like mercury.
  • The contaminated soil is heated to 650 degrees centigrade to make the contaminants gaseous instead of liquid.
  • Essentially, it is an area source with a third (height) dimension (for example, the fugitive gaseous emissions from piping flanges, valves and other equipment at various heights within industrial facilities such as petrochemical plants). Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • This will enable astronomers to probe the gaseous component of the early Universe to study the first stars, galaxies, and quasars.
  • So with the long list of hydrocarbons -- gaseous, liquid, and solid -- called paraffins, that are obtained from petroleum and that are all composed of hydrogen and carbon, but with a different number of atoms of each, like a different number of a's or b's or c's in a word. The Breath of Life
  • His first problem involved the study, by flow techniques, of free radicals produced in gaseous photochemical reactions. George Porter - Biography
  • The concentration of dissolved CO2 and the fugacity of gaseous CO2, fCO2, then obey the equation [CO2] = K0 × fCO2. Marine carbonate chemistry
  • A plasma is typically a gaseous discharge containing electrons and positively charged ions.
  • The condensate trapped in the dry ice-cooled traps was slowly warmed to room temperature to boil off the gaseous materials and then combined with the distillate in the ice-cooled receiver.
  • In the end, the phenomena of gaseous shells around stars are produced as a consequence of dynamics and kinematic effects of the expanding shock waves. Hot Crescent Rolls… A Bubble? | Universe Today
  • However, halons were found to harm the ozone layer and, under the Montreal Protocol of 1987 (which the United States signed on to), developed countries were required to phase out production of those gaseous agents by 1994.
  • Air whether in the gaseous or liquid state is a fluid.
  • The Double Helix Nebula is a gaseous nebula near the center of our galaxy.
  • The gaseous metal is cooled and condenses into liquid zinc.
  • In the case of diatomic molecules, the dissociation energy refers to the energy required to break the gaseous molecules into their constituent atoms.
  • It also shows large isotope effects, since condenses to liquid at 4.2 K, while the more rare isotope remains in gaseous form down to 3.2 K. Helium was first liquefied by Heike Kamerlingh-Onnes in 1909. The Nobel Prizes in Physics 1901-2000
  • The pulse, apparently full, was easily compressible, and was what might be called a gaseous pulse, and a resort to the lancet A History of Caroline County, Virginia
  • He was a materialist, and described himself as one: he disbelieved in what he called the soap-bubble theory, that somewhere in us there is something like a bubble, which controls everything, and is everything, and escapes invisible and gaseous to some other place after death. Catharine Furze
  • The concept "Qi" in TCM and gaseous signaling molecule are correlated in respects of their source and mesomeric function.
  • Radiation from nuclear bombs and gaseous particles from nitrogen mustard and acridine orange have been used destructively in war.
  • Oxygen is absorbed into the water by surface movement, where a gaseous exchange takes place releasing carbon dioxide and absorbing oxygen.
  • The air becomes jaundiced and clotted, and hangs in gaseous clouds over the rooms. LEARNING TO TALK: SHORT STORIES
  • This would give each atom a larger sphere of freedom in which to move, and that state would then be called a gaseous and not a liquid one. Aether and Gravitation
  • The fluoric acid, disengaged in the gaseous state, combines with the water that diluted the sulphuric acid, and forms liquid fluoric acid, by which the glass is corroded. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 284, November 24, 1827
  • The ionization energy is the energy needed to remove an electron from a gaseous atom.
  • If the air parcel is cooled, the gaseous water molecules slow down and take a liquid form, so condensation dominates.
  • The primary gaseous agents used were chlorine, phosgene, a combination of the two, and mustard gas.
  • Recent discoveries of "deep life" in cracks in the Earth's crust indicate that some bacteria and many Archaea can live in cracks in hot rocks in which there is effectively no gaseous atmosphere at all, and in which liquid water is only intermittently available. Ancient Predator Revealed!
  • The nanofiller also creates a tortuous path for the penetration of gaseous vapors and liquids into the polymer.
  • Using a low energy nitrogen laser, Tanaka showed that he could make gaseous clouds of matrix ions carrying macromolecular ions with them.
  • That process produces very toxic chemical and gaseous waste and should be avoided.
  • But will the problems involved in solid hydrogen storage be any more tractable and yield to any better solution than the problems with gaseous or liquid storage?
  • The gaseous metal is put in a closed container and cooled so that it condenses into liquid zinc.
  • A cathode emits a stream of electrons that collides with neutral atoms of xenon, a gaseous element, in a chamber.
  • Table 3. 2 provides individual estimate for gaseous coal seams with the geometric mean used wherever a wide spread is given.
  • The rise in alveolar and blood CO2 tensions produces at the kidneys, as shown by the work of Pitts47 and of Gilman48, a retention of bicarbonate, thus further raising blood and tissue CO2 levels, though of course relieving in part the uncompensated gaseous acidosis. Dickinson W. Richards - Nobel Lecture
  • It is produced by the incomplete burning of solid, liquid, and gaseous fuels.
  • This process requires uranium to be in gaseous form and the way this is achieved is to convert it to uranium hexafluoride, which is a gas at relatively low temperatures. Nuclear fuel cycle
  • Oxygen is absorbed into the water by surface movement, where a gaseous exchange takes place releasing carbon dioxide and absorbing oxygen.
  • Among the gaseous emissions, samples we tested for included hydrogen chloride, hydrogen cyanide, hydrogen fluoride, isocyanides, and styrene.
  • The next layer, above the stratosphere is the mesosphere, which is colder than the stratosphere, then we could think that the heat pipe system restarted there; however, the gaseous mass in the mesosphere is lower than the gaseous mass of the stratosphere, so we cannot infer a restoration of the heat pipe system in the mesosphere. Unthreaded #19 « Climate Audit
  • Both were built in the early 1950s based on a method of enriching uranium by gaseous diffusion.
  • Gaseous stunning of broilers produced relatively better quality carcasses and meat than electrical stunning and therefore may have commercial advantages.
  • He drank gaseous beer at zinc counters, under no illusions about the initial pick-up. MOONDROP TO MURDER
  • Oil gas and other gaseous hydrocarbons, crude aluminium, refrigerators, freezers and fertilisers top the list of imports from Romania.
  • A planetary nebula forms when Sun-like stars gently eject their outer gaseous layers to form bright nebulae with amazing twisted shapes.
  • In the burning process most carbon, nitrogen and sulphur are lost in gaseous form, whereas phosphorus, potassium and calcium are retained in the ash.
  • Also at the library’s Theater Division are letters the actor Zero Mostel wrote to his wife, Kate, that catalog his every “gaseous” meal and bodily function.
  • The warm, gaseous refrigerant is sucked from the evaporator into the compressor, where the pressure is raised to the condensation pressure of the refrigerant in order for the phase change to occur.
  • Among the gaseous emissions, samples we tested for included hydrogen chloride, hydrogen cyanide, hydrogen fluoride, isocyanides, and styrene.
  • In recent years, exoplanet scientists have made great strides studying the atmospheres of large, gaseous planets orbiting other stars. Smithsonian
  • The samples were examined uncoated with a gaseous secondary electron detector within a water vaporous environment.
  • Goethite forms only in the presence of water, whether in liquid, ice or gaseous form.
  • Aluminum is derived in a process that produces air pollutants (e.g., particulates and gaseous fluorides, sulfur dioxide, particulate matter).
  • A plasma is typically a gaseous discharge containing electrons and positively charged ions.
  • Latest advances in the gaseous phase catalytic synthesis of difluoromethane and the preparation of catalysts are summarized.
  • With fright in their eyes the soldiers of salvation beheld from the helmeted observatory tower: the heavenly harps; the swaying, titanic nebulae and their chaotic strings of gaseous gold. Harry Martinson - Poetry
  • Until now, molecules with fewer than 60 carbon atoms have only been made in the gaseous phase.
  • Peatland streams potentially represent important conduits for the exchange of gaseous carbon between the terrestrial ecosystem and the atmosphere.
  • No effects of airborne arsenic, gaseous arsine, and arsenic loading on arsenic levels were observed.
  • Jupiter's bands are actually clouds, with the SEB being primarily made up of ammonia ice, sulfur, and phosphorous hovering above the planet's toxic, gaseous surface.
  • She saw a tangle of hope and desire, love and need, all colliding together like gaseous clouds of light and dark. LOST SUMMER
  • It was incredibly thick, dry, pliable; filled minutely with cells of a liquid-gaseous something which she knew to be a more perfect insulator even than the fibres of the tegument itself. Children of the Lens
  • The gaseous ammonia is then redissolved in water in the generator (B) and the cycle can start over. 5 Fish Processing and Preservation
  • Import of the term oxide as applied to a gaseous body -- carbonic ox. contains half as much oxygen as carbonic acid -- hence may be obtained by abstracting from carbonic acid half its oxygen. Outlines of the Lectures on Chemistry, Mineralogy, & Geology, Delivered at the University of North-Carolina, for the Use of the Students. [1]-44 p.
  • In contrast most other nonmetals tend to form polyatomic molecules in the gaseous state.
  • First alveolar duct bifurcations have been shown to be a primary site of deposition for particulate matter and gaseous pollutants.
  • Air whether in the gaseous or liquid state is a fluid.
  • The window is kept clean by means of inert gas flow at the window flange, which also carries away the gaseous products through an outlet port at the cavity bottom into a quencher for zinc condensation and separation.
  • Water exists in three states: liquid, gaseous, and solid.
  • Water exists in three states: liquid, gaseous, and solid.
  • The particles referred to can be molecules or ions and the fluid can be either gaseous or liquid.
  • Don't spray liquid or gaseous pesticides on windy days, to minimize pesticide drift.
  • Oxygen is absorbed into the water by surface movement, where a gaseous exchange takes place releasing carbon dioxide and absorbing oxygen.
  • Jupiter's bands are actually clouds, with the SEB being primarily made up of ammonia ice, sulfur, and phosphorous hovering above the planet's toxic, gaseous surface.
  • Vitek felt huge and gaseous, could see his skin burning red in the sun. A FEW SHORT NOTES ON TROPICAL BUTTERFLIES
  • It can hardly be unreasonable to suppose that a fluid so rare as this luminiferous ether will readily interflow the particles of all other matter, gaseous, liquid, or solid, and that in such abundance that its vibrations or agitations may be propagated through them. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 02, No. 08, June 1858
  • Air whether in the gaseous or liquid state is a fluid.
  • The reversed currents are, then, arrested during their passage; and, in order to collect them, it becomes necessary to considerably diminish the gaseous pressure of the aeriform conductor interposed in the discharge; to increase its conductivity; or to open to the current a very resistant metallic derivation. Scientific American Supplement, No. 344, August 5, 1882
  • Of course, we don't know if these planets that you have found are solid or gaseous, right?
  • Volatile entrails fume and steam As they're meticulously hacked during discission Evaporating sludge and bubbling pus - A rotten gaseous expiration ... - Articles related to Don't fry in the sun
  • In addition to producing lactic acid, lactobacilli also have the ability to produce hydrogen peroxide through oxidation of reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) by flavin nucleotide, which reacts rapidly with gaseous oxygen. 1 Upgrading Traditional Biotechnological Processes
  • Just £15 will buy you a fill of Perfect Storm - a heady mix of compressed air, nitrous oxide and gaseous caffeine.
  • Gaseous pollutants include wastes or emissions that are gaseous at normal atmospheric temperatures and pressures.
  • Vaporizers convert the liquid oxygen into a gaseous state.
  • Only in the past 5 years have scientists seriously considered that such gaseous oxidants might affect mercury fallout.
  • Freon exists both in liquid and gaseous states.
  • In 1980, the primary methods for medical device sterilization were ethylene oxide, gamma, electron beam (E-beam), moist heat, dry heat, liquid-chemical germicide, and other gaseous methods.
  • In the burning process most carbon, nitrogen and sulphur are lost in gaseous form, whereas phosphorus, potassium and calcium are retained in the ash.
  • Detecting anaerobes and microaerophiles is difficult because these microorganisms must be incubated in a controlled gaseous environment that is either oxygen free or extremely oxygen deficient.
  • Reactions between molecules can occur in the solid, liquid, or gaseous state.
  • Lung tissue is a gossamer net where the blood exchanges gaseous waste for oxygen.
  • He's also dilated on Times Square in a number of brimming, semi-abstracted compositions featuring gaseous streetlamps, geometric signage and emphatic, top-to-bottom cuts of l' heure bleue sky.
  • The window is kept clean by means of inert gas flow at the window flange, which also carries away the gaseous products through an outlet port at the cavity bottom into a quencher for zinc condensation and separation.
  • Metals tarnish when their surface atoms react with gaseous substances in the air.
  • The tetrafluoride is then fed into a fluidized bed reactor with gaseous fluorine to produce UF6. Uranium enrichment
  • A single free electron traveling in a strong, uniform electric field ionizes the gaseous molecules around it, generating more electrons and a chain reaction of ionization.
  • A refrigerant is a compound that can change from a liquid to gaseous state and back without requiring extreme changes in conditions. CFC-11
  • The furnace was closed at the top with fire brick slabs containing two or three holes for the escape of the gaseous products of the reduction, and the entire furnace made air-tight by luting with fire clay. Scientific American Supplement, No. 508, September 26, 1885
  • ‘Biomass can also include biofuels, gaseous fuels for engines and turbine applications,’ says Evald.
  • The gaseous metal is put in a closed container and cooled so that it condenses into liquid zinc.
  • It is absolutely smokeless, that is, its products of combustion are entirely gaseous. Scientific American Supplement, No. 821, September 26, 1891
  • Recent studies indicate that the major chemical form of anthropogenic mercury is gaseous elemental mercury, contributing about 53% of the total emissions, followed by gaseous divalent mercury with 37%. Global anthropogenic emissions of mercury to the atmosphere
  • It also shows large isotope effects, since condenses to liquid at 4.2 K, while the more rare isotope remains in gaseous form down to 3.2 K. Helium was first liquefied by Heike Kamerlingh-Onnes in 1909. The Nobel Prizes in Physics 1901-2000
  • steam is water is the gaseous state
  • Gaseous oxygen measurement with amperometric sensors is the most direct solution for oxidation and explosion protection, according to Mettler - Articles related to Vehicle Tests on Emissions Were Faked
  • But if we consider hydrogen as a gasiform metal, we naturally arrive at the conclusion that _water is the hydroxide of this gasiform metal_, that is _hydrogen hydroxide_, while gaseous hydrochloric and hydrosulphuric acids would be looked upon as respectively the chloride and the sulphide of the metal hydrogen. Scientific American Supplement No. 822, October 3, 1891
  • Gaseous hydrogen and oxygen flow separately around either side of two electrolytic plates serving as anodes and cathodes.
  • I think IR absorption of liquid water (not reflection) might also be an issue and would be different (more “dimery”) than gaseous water. Water vapor: The missing link « Climate Audit
  • Also at the library’s Theater Division are letters the actor Zero Mostel wrote to his wife, Kate, that catalog his every “gaseous” meal and bodily function.
  • Earth and Sky mentions the global cooling that can be caused by ash clouds, even a nutbadg theory about thick ice "corking" volcanoes (LMAO!!) yet leaves out any mention of the gaseous emissions of Volcanoes or how the ash works to offset any warming that might be caused by those emissions. The Jawa Report
  • There are two normal methods: gaseous diffusion and gas centrifuge.
  • An embolism can happen when something solid, semi-solid or gaseous is travelling in your bloodstream and gets stuck.
  • Very careful experiments with chrysalides, eggs and mice showed an extremely slight production of gaseous nitrogen which might be accounted for as being due to excretion of ammonia or, in the case of eggs, as the setting free of physically dissolved nitrogen from the body. August Krogh - Biography
  • The gaseous mixture from which the C 1 chlorocarbon is recovered comprises one or more noncondensible gases.
  • The gaseous oxygen vent hood keeps gaseous oxygen from building up there.
  • A number of processes have been developed by which solid coal can be converted to a liquid or gaseous form for use as a fuel.
  • Most bacteria may be placed into one of three groups based on their response to gaseous oxygen.
  • Air whether in the gaseous or liquid state is a fluid.
  • Satan, witnessed the Creation, and described how the heavenly bodies were brought into existence, he having perceived what we should call the gaseous elements of matter rolled into whorls and vortices which became condensed into suns and systems of worlds. The Astronomy of Milton's 'Paradise Lost'
  • And yet the work of Fabry and Buisson, which has been verified by Professor Frost at the Yerkes Observatory, shows that the nebula is a seething mass of gaseous matter where there is no rest and over whose vast bulk relative motions of several miles a second are constantly, taking place. Photographing the Sky

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