How To Use Gas up In A Sentence
Gas up and take the long way back, along Haleakala's leeward slope.
Items could include central heating, double glazing, security improvements, tidying of garden areas, improving fences and electrical and gas upgrading.
Gas up the car
The safer option, known as the liner-tieback option, would have provided more barriers to prevent the flow of natural gas up the space between the steel tubes and the well wall.
BP made series of 'shortcuts' on oil well, House Democrats say in letter
I want to gas up when we get to the next town.

You've got to gas up the car and put air in the tires.
I want to gas up when we get to the next town.
Make time to pick up food on the way out of town or when you stop to gas up.
I'll have to gas up before we leave.
I'll have to gas up before we leave.
The safer method, known as the liner-tieback option, would have provided more barriers to prevent the flow of natural gas up the space between the steel tubes and the well wall.
Lawmakers accuse BP of 'shortcuts'
The ports are as high on the barrel as possible, to vent gas up rather than sideways.
Stop here to gas up before crossing the desert.
Stop here and gas up before crossing the desert.
I'll have to gas up before we leave.
We stopped by the convenience store to gas up the car and get a soda.
I'll have to gas up before we leave.
With the ordinary pressure of city gas upon this pipe it was found that the air pump must keep an air pressure of 40 pounds, that the air and gas might mix properly at the branch or fork, so we could get the best combustion and most heat from our "blowpipe," for such it was.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 623, December 10, 1887
I mean, who doesn't love watching a film in which incompatibly matched people gas up the car and head out on the road, only to encounter numerous travel-related high jinks?
Friday list: Seven great road trip movies you may have forgotten