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gas range

  1. a range with gas rings and an oven for cooking with gas

How To Use gas range In A Sentence

  • With the removal of the gas range, her temper tantrums quickly subsided. An Alternative Approach to Allergies
  • -- A gas stove for cooking, or _gas range_, as it is frequently called, consists of an oven, a broiler, and several burners over which are plates to hold pans, pots, and kettles in which food is to be cooked. Woman's Institute Library of Cookery Volume 1: Essentials of Cookery; Cereals; Bread; Hot Breads
  • These appliances include space heaters, gas ranges and ovens, furnaces, gas water heaters, gas clothes dryers, wood or coal-burning stoves, and fireplaces.
  • The waitress set down a small gas range on the table, stuck an oiled tray on top, and poured on a mixture of greens and spicy chicken.
  • Executive Chef Kelly Macdonald and his crew of six use propane-fired gas ranges and electric appliances as they prepare all brunches, lunches and dinners for passengers aboard the railroad as it journeys through the Napa Valley.
  • I've heard you can hold a pepper by clasping it in tongs and holding it over the gas flame on the oven range, that is, if you have a gas range. How to Roast Peppers ♥ | A Veggie Venture
  • She cooked her meals on a gas range.
  • Heating with gas appliances and cooking with gas ranges were the cheapest means for heating and cooking during previous times, and older unvented gas heaters are still commonly used as additional space heaters during the winter.
  • He enters the room and puts a pan of water to boil on his state-of-the-art, spanking new, two-burner gas range.
  • The gas range of Bao - 1 block is also predicted by using the seismic pattern recognition.
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