How To Use Gas jet In A Sentence
The thirteen marble fireplaces all remained, as did the gas jets over the parlor mantels and near the windows.
I went into my dark little room and turned on the gas jet.
As he turned out the gas jet he whistled to himself.
I was led down the dark hallway to a room in which a gas jet was burning.
When the canvass was over, Edison knew exactly how many gas jets there were in every building in the entire district, the average hours of burning, and the cost of light; also every consumer of power, and the quantity used; every hoistway to which an electric motor could be applied; and other details too numerous to mention, such as related to the gas itself, the satisfaction of the customers, and the limitations of day and night demand.
Edison, His Life and Inventions, vol. 1
Nonlinar acoustics is applied on impulsive noise in firing - gas jet field of rocket.
I think the gas jet must be blocked, because the oven won't light.
The intense heat of being held over a gas jet will cause immediate and permanent discolouring.
Put a match to the gas jet to light the gas.
Magnesium powder is also produced by gas jet or centrifugal disintegration of molten metal.
Beck was also a proficient hypnotist, prestidigitator, chemist and roboticist, wearing a fishbowl, one-way plexiglass helmet, with gas jets mounted in his gloves and boots capable of emitting hallucinogenic, 'web' dissolving gases.
Archive 2006-07-01
I think the gas jet must be blocked, because the oven won't light.
I had turned out the gas jet and did not have a match with which to relight it.
I was led down the dark hallway to a room in which a gas jet was burning.