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gas guzzler

  1. a car with relatively low fuel efficiency

How To Use gas guzzler In A Sentence

  • Emmisions are measured an a weight of polutant per mile basis, and so a gas guzzler is technically cleaner than an economy car on a per gallon basis. Regulatory Pollution, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • When it came to regulating gas guzzlers, Dingell was a cash nuzzler; he protected his contributors 'interests. Fast Company
  • As a result, I noticed a Honda commercial I've never seen before, where a bunch of giant insect gas guzzlers (like a cross between Starship Troopers and a Chevy Tahoe) are thwarted from attacking a Honda Fit by a big bug zapper which is equated to gas mileage of 33 mpg. What Happened To High MPG Ratings?
  • It does 45mpg but is classed as a 'gas guzzler'. Times, Sunday Times
  • We all know about this--the hospitalized friend we did not visit, the gas guzzler we opted not to trade in, the granola bars we hoarded from the homeless man with the cardboard sign at the intersection. Brett C. Hoover: Can Comfort Keep Us From Caring?
  • The gas guzzler is gone - and possibly, by now, even designated illegal. Times, Sunday Times
  • Speaking of driving, I don’t drive a gas guzzler and am saving up for a Hyrbid, even if it doesn’t offset gas costs (more interested in offsetting my carbon footprint). Think Progress » The four stages of global warming denial
  • Should we not deplore rather than admire the production of yet another gas guzzler? Times, Sunday Times
  • Do you oppose luxury taxes, gas guzzler taxes, alcohol and tobacco taxes, car tabs, gas taxes, etc.? How to Solve the Budget Standoff: Soda Tax « PubliCola
  • Only then might motorists begin to question the need to buy a gas guzzler. Times, Sunday Times
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