
[ US /ˈɡɑɹnɪʃmənt/ ]
  1. a court order to an employer to withhold all or part of an employee's wages and to send the money to the court or to the person who won a lawsuit against the employee
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How To Use garnishment In A Sentence

  • Change the map into a steaming roast turkey by adding the lines to form the wing, the "drumstick," the garnishment and the plate. Crayon and Character: Truth Made Clear Through Eye and Ear Or, Ten-Minute Talks with Colored Chalks
  • Your garnishment is the end result of a long series of letters, calls, summons and court actions on behalf of the creditor to get either of you to step up and pay what is owed or to negotiate a mutually acceptable, debt is between six months and a year old or older. The Dollar Stretcher Featured Content
  • Garnishment is a powerful inducement for debtors to seek some alternative solution to their difficulties. Principles of Corporate Finance
  • Wage garnishment for taxes just adds insult to the injury incurred from a far too complex tax code. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Entrepreneurs and Government
  • By the time the motion was heard, the arrears of about $2, 000.00 had been paid as a result of a garnishment of his income tax refund.
  • Wage garnishment is a creditor collection tool that a delinquent debtor can escape by filing for bankruptcy.
  • Lewis, with Roetzel & Andress law firm, attempted to seize money from the developer's bank accounts, through a legal tactic known as garnishment, to get the money owed to Lopez, Chaparro and Rodriguez-Storer. The Seattle Times
  • He paid off the diamond debt before any garnishment.
  • The jury trial of a murderer is a unique, unstandardized event, the exact legal opposite of a garnishment or a parking ticket. A History of American Law
  • Can you directly quote Hillary calling it "garnishment"? Elizabeth Edwards: "I Just Have More Confidence" In Hillary On Health Care
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