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How To Use Garnet In A Sentence

  • This granulite consists of garnet, biotite, muscovite, quartz, plagioclase and cordierite.
  • The garnet and blue clad hoopsters competed in four exhibition contests that season, winning each by a comfortable margin.
  • The use of "demantoid" alone, if a noun may be made from the adjective, would avoid both the confusion with the mineral olivine, and the cheapening effect of the word garnet, and would at the same time suggest some of the most striking properties of the material. A Text-Book of Precious Stones for Jewelers and the Gem-Loving Public
  • The mineral assemblage comprises quartz, K-feldspar, albitic plagioclase, white mica, apatite, tourmaline and garnet.
  • In the metamorphosed Thunderhead Sandstone it was found that at the staurolite isograd, the boundary between the garnet and staurolite zones, the mineral chlorite disappears from the rocks and muscovite decreases sharply, whereas staurolite appears and biotite becomes more abundant. Ken Miller in Cleveland: WEBCAST ARCHIVE URLS - The Panda's Thumb
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  • Bohemia is known for its unusual crystal objects and deep red garnet stones.
  • Stephen Garnett, editor of This England magazine, said: "We're incredibly disappointed that English people are afraid of displaying the St George's Cross on our patron saint's day.
  • Stephen Garnett, editor of This England magazine, said: "We're incredibly disappointed that English people are afraid of displaying the St George's Cross on our patron saint's day.
  • In the metamorphosed Thunderhead Sandstone it was found that at the staurolite isograd, the boundary between the garnet and staurolite zones, the mineral chlorite disappears from the rocks and muscovite decreases sharply, whereas staurolite appears and biotite becomes more abundant. Ken Miller in Cleveland: WEBCAST ARCHIVE URLS - The Panda's Thumb
  • The main uses of garnets are for abrasives and grinding materials; they also provide semi-precious gemstones such as rhodolite, demantoid, and grossular.
  • Stone-faced, Garnett went through his warmups as if it were any other game in any other venue, with that trademark intensity smoldering from the moment he stepped on the court.
  • The presence of cyanite, rutile-titanite, and garnets, and the absence of Lydian stone, and all fragmentary or arenaceous rocks, seem to characterise the formation we describe as primitive. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • They recognized kyanite-staurolite assemblages in pelites to the north of the Annagh Gneiss Complex exposures, but only garnet and oligoclase to the south.
  • Similarly the pyrope garnet of the diamond mines of South Africa is incorrectly called "Cape ruby. A Text-Book of Precious Stones for Jewelers and the Gem-Loving Public
  • Some of the characteristic minerals found in kimberlite are olivine, pyrope garnet, enstatite, diopside, ilmenite, phlogopite, perovskite, magnetite, and spinel.
  • Another garnet, a mixture of pyrope and spessartine, is called malaya garnet in the gem trade.
  • He said if exploited in the right way Zambia's great variety of gemstones that includes emeralds, amethyst, aquamarines, tourmalines and garnets offered great potential for poverty reduction.
  • Twitter Updates we're in historic Alkmaar now, taking it easy before the record fair tomorrow 6 hours ago oooh my garnet mimms album has sold for 100 euros in the past, it's not going anywhere though 10 hours ago it's wet wet wet (the type of weather rather than marti pellow) in Den Haag, first record of the weekend bought for me, Garnet Mimms 10 hours ago Links for 2009-06-12 « Using technology in the voluntary and community sector
  • What's stunning about Flower and Garnet is how minimally all these complex emotions are communicated and how Behrman skillfully negotiates the volatile path of his story without lapsing into melodrama or sentiment.
  • Plagioclase, microcline and quartz are the predominating minerals, while biotite, titanite, epidote, apatite, zircon and garnet are present in smaller quantities. The Long Labrador Trail
  • From her ears now hung two earrings with stylized garnet hearts at the bottom of them.
  • Garnet is typically recrystallized and is wrapped around by biotite.
  • The sample is strongly foliated and consists of garnet, biotite, quartz, plagioclase and cordierite.
  • Emblematical of the season are gold and silver, prayer-book markers, and rosaries with beads of precious metals or garnets.
  • Most people cannot tell the difference between a ruby and a garnet, which is worth considerably less carat for carat.
  • The jambins are a kind of elongated eel-pot in which they catch more, especially lobsters and red garnet. The Fête At Coqueville 1907
  • Attractive gemstone paintings, which use garnet, turquoise, yellow agate and red jasper, from Agra catch the attention of visitors.
  • These are all silicates, the almandite garnets being silicates of iron and aluminum; the pyrope garnets are silicates of magnesium and aluminum; the hessonite garnets, silicates of calcium and aluminum, and the andradite garnets, silicates of calcium and iron. A Text-Book of Precious Stones for Jewelers and the Gem-Loving Public
  • 'Constance Garnett translated 73 volumes of Russian literature, which included Tolstoy, Turgenev, Dostoevsky, Gogol, Herzen and many others, but translating Chekhov gave her more pleasure than any other work' Constance Garnett by Edna O'Brien
  • Emeralds, rubies, diamonds, blue sapphire, pearls, yellow sapphire, cat's eye, garnets, amethyst, jade, etc., are just some of the stones which are said to have healing properties.
  • The microgranite has a felsitic groundmass containing microphenocrysts of albite and orthoclase along with phenocrysts of corroded quartz and sporadic dihedral garnet.
  • That sinking feeling was back … and every University of South Carolina fan clad in garnet-and-black at Williams-Brice Stadium on Saturday afternoon could feel it. “The Drive”
  • I want basketball players to stop angrily screaming "muthafucka" and looking like they could kill someone whenever they block a shot or dunk the ball (are you listening, Kevin Garnett et al?). Andy Ostroy: Cavs' Gilbert Was Right to Blast James. In Fact, He Didn't Go Far Enough
  • The main uses of garnets are for abrasives and grinding materials; they also provide semi-precious gemstones such as rhodolite, demantoid, and grossular.
  • We are ignorant of the extent of the cavities which subterranean fires and volcanic agitations may have produced in the bowels of the earth in those primitive rocks, which, containing considerable quantities of amphibole, mica, garnet, magnetic iron-stone, and red schorl (titanite), appear to be anterior to granite. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • Although pearls, of varying colours, are the main material Tuck uses, she also includes quartzes and some precious stones such as garnet and amethyst.
  • Some of the characteristic minerals found in kimberlite are olivine, pyrope garnet, enstatite, diopside, ilmenite, phlogopite, perovskite, magnetite, and spinel.
  • The direction and inclination of the stratum remain the same, and the thonschiefer, which takes the look of a transition-rock, is but a modification of the primitive mica-slate of Maniquarez, containing garnets, cyanite, and rutile titanite. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • She took from her jewel casket all her finest brooches and pins, and chose again the silver one covered with garnets, as it was largest and most beautiful.
  • Coexisting MI phases in these rocks include garnet, plagioclase, quartz, tourmaline and fluorite.
  • Grossular Garnet group grossularite is or calcium aluminum minerals calcium, molecular species 3 Al 2 (silica 4) 3 Although calcium may part is made of iron and iron of ferric iron instead of aluminium.
  • To the north, a garnet-bearing mica schist, sample SZ - 261, was collected for geochronometry.
  • It grades into a manganese-rich ilmenite that ultimately replaces the spinel phase near the transition to the garnet amphibolite.
  • A blend of 80% merlot, 15% cabernet franc, 3% malbec and 2% petit verdot, this medium-dark garnet is very old world on the nose. New York Cork Club
  • From her ears now hung two earrings with stylized garnet hearts at the bottom of them.
  • Tacks and sheets are shackled, and the clew-garnets are lashed to the clews; when ready, man the reef-tackles, leechlines, and buntlines, and clew-garnets, and walk all the gear up together.
  • Although biotite is capable of this, other minerals such as muscovite, garnet and cordierite are more efficient and preferentially occur in strongly peraluminous rocks.
  • I fancy an inkling of the truth dawned in that Dutchman's soul at last, for he made no further reference to either garnets or mundic. Campaign Pictures of the War in South Africa (1899-1900) Letters from the Front
  • With this account of the stone and a few chances to see the real demantoid garnet beside an emerald no one would be likely to mistake one for the other. A Text-Book of Precious Stones for Jewelers and the Gem-Loving Public
  • Here, for instance, is a good garnet, living with good mica; one rich red, and the other silver white; the mica leaves exactly room enough for the garnet to crystallize comfortably in; and the garnet lives happily in its little white house; fitted to it, like a pholas in its cell. The Ethics of the Dust
  • The intervening host-rock layers are between 2 and 5 cm thick, being composed of biotite, sillimanite, garnet, muscovite, quartz and plagioclase.
  • Numerous other minerals are at times mistaken for tin, the most common of which are tourmaline or schorl, garnet, wolfram (which is a tungstate of iron with manganese), rutile or titanic acid, blackjack or zinc blende, together with magnetic, titanic, and specular iron in fine grains. Getting Gold: a practical treatise for prospectors, miners and students
  • Greenhouse roofs rippled from salmon to garnet with the cold winds of sunset.
  • The square sails themselves are controlled by drawlines called clew-garnets running up from the lower corners, leechlines running in diagonally from the middle of the outside edges, buntlines running up from the foot, and spilling lines, to spill the wind in heavy {107} weather. All Afloat A Chronicle of Craft and Waterways
  • Some other minerals that are occasionally observed in the ore are magnetite, actinolite, rutile, the tourmaline group, chlorite group, mica group, garnet group, and iron-calcium-magnesium carbonates.
  • Something of that scatty, archaic, tender quality creeps into Garnett's book, too.
  • Although biotite is capable of this, other minerals such as muscovite, garnet and cordierite are more efficient and preferentially occur in strongly peraluminous rocks.
  • One is the variety of red garnet known as almandine, and the other is the jargoon. Scientific American Supplement, No. 1082, September 26, 1896
  • The locality has been worked exclusively for garnet and vesuvianite specimens by mineral collectors and mineral dealers.
  • As he passed the mirror he saw that he was covered with royal ermine, and that his head wore a wonderful crown of gold, set with none but red stones: rubies and carbuncles and garnets, and others whose names he could not tell, glowed gloriously around his head, like the salamandrine essence of all the Christmas fires over the world. Cross Purposes and The Shadows
  • Thrashers D Martin Schneider returned after missing eight games because of a shoulder injury, but D Garnet Exelby was scratched after learning he has been playing for two weeks with a hairline fracture in his lower right leg. ...
  • Garnett is going to feel like a grandpappy if hordes of high-schoolers continue to bust past college and into the league.
  • The dragonflies' backs are composed of graduated black opals and the heads are of pink opals with demantoid garnet eyes.
  • It is composed of quartz, oligoclase, and microcline, with minor garnet, biotite, muscovite and iron-oxides.
  • The mineral assemblage comprises quartz, K-feldspar, albitic plagioclase, white mica, apatite, tourmaline and garnet.
  • There are strings of garnets, opal, turquoise and onyx set in silver at the Jaipur stalls, lac bangles from Rajasthan, silver dipped in gold and even wooden Etikoppakka bangles coloured with vegetable dyes.
  • Rare earth element distributions in the zircons and garnets strongly suggest that the zircon overgrowths formed in equilibrium with garnet.
  • Individual garnets were cut from selected samples, crushed in a mortar and pestle and sieved.
  • Magma modelling showed that olivine nephelinite and basanite could form by different degrees of partial melting of the mantle source, with amphibole, garnet, olivine and clinopyroxene in the residuum.
  • November 17th, 2008 at 7: 35 pm jk says: garnett @minesota = team killer because of giant contract. garnett @boston = poor winner becasue of attitude (honestly i did not think he had an attitude until boston - winning has changed him in my opinion). garnett please see your teammate r. allen to see how a professional "champ" carries himself. Dime Magazine ( : Daily NBA News, NBA Trades, NBA Rumors, Basketball Videos, Sneakers
  • He also found particles of gemstones such as corundum, garnet, rutile, and argentite.
  • Small anhedral pyrope garnets and ilmenite can be collected from the shallow pit that remains.
  • Emeralds, rubies, diamonds, blue sapphire, pearls, yellow sapphire, cat's eye, garnets, amethyst, jade, etc., are just some of the stones which are said to have healing properties.
  • But three years after the arrival of Rivers, when Boston became a title contender by acquiring Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen, Pierce was a fully formed star who helped win in a variety of ways.
  • All three lithologies have abundant mantle xenoliths (eclogite, garnet lherzolite and garnet harzburgite) up to 20 cm in size and abundant mantle-derived garnets. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • The mica does not everywhere present this coarsely crystalline appearance, but in flexures and lines of union with the quartz and orthoclase is degraded to a mica schist upon whose surfaces appear uranates of lime and copper (autunite and torbernite), and in which are inclosed garnet crystals of considerable size and beauty. Scientific American Supplement No. 822, October 3, 1891
  • Biotite is sometimes pseudomorphed by chlorite and epidote, and garnet is absent.
  • The color scheme is rich yellow and dark red, from plants such as coreopsis, creeping zinnia, ‘Garnet’ penstemon, pineapple sage, rudbeckia, and yarrow.
  • Some of the characteristic minerals found in kimberlite are olivine, pyrope garnet, enstatite, diopside, ilmenite, phlogopite, perovskite, magnetite, and spinel.
  • One is the variety of red garnet known as almandine, and the other is the jargoon. Scientific American Supplement, No. 1082, September 26, 1896
  • All monazite grains are located in the rock matrix, which consists of quartz, muscovite, biotite, epidote, chlorite, plagioclase, potassium feldspar and garnet with a granoblastic texture.
  • Six diamonds in collet settings serve as the ‘prongs’ to hold the hessonite garnet in place.
  • Almandite garnet, the "almandine" of the jeweler is less abundant than pyrope, when of gem quality. A Text-Book of Precious Stones for Jewelers and the Gem-Loving Public
  • The so-called "almandine" garnets (those of purplish-red tint) do not equal the true ruby in brightness of color and when held up to the light show more prismatic colors than the true ruby, owing to the greater dispersion of garnet. A Text-Book of Precious Stones for Jewelers and the Gem-Loving Public
  • The stripe-to-bubble transition subjected to in-plane field is statistically studied for the ordinary hard bubble(OHB) in garnet bubble films at various static bias fields.
  • Traditional settings for red Garnets arrange the stones in tight curved rows, much like the seeds appear inside a pomegranate.
  • Some of the coarse gneisses contain garnets. THE EARTH: An Intimate History
  • The volume was plated with a thin layer of beaten gold, and a row of high-quality garnets traced up its spine.
  • Coexisting MI phases in these rocks include garnet, plagioclase, quartz, tourmaline and fluorite.
  • At Badgley Mischka, beads were everywhere, from pearls to garnet cat's eye crystals to opalescent moonstones.
  • That the Fe-Mg equilibrium between garnet and clinopyroxene records high temperatures, indicates that early elemental compositions were preserved through the lower temperature part of the P-T-t path.
  • During the autumn, the foliage of tricolour sage and ajuga becomes burnished with bronze, plum, and garnet.
  • Out came cut stones, cabochons, obscure gems, common amethyst, odd colors of garnet, sapphire, and jade.
  • The Herbeira websterites contain diopside, enstatite, and pargasite with olivine, garnet, spinel, magnetite and ilmenite as minor phases.
  • Think of semi-precious stones such as garnets, topaz, amethyst, aquamarine as much for their range of hues as for the way they hold the light, infusing it with shimmering color.
  • The temperature dependence of VBL group formation in stripe domain walls of epitaxial garnet bubble films was investigated by means of the method of single-pulse bias field.
  • The film shows the effect of a father's unexpressed grief on his eight-year old son, Garnet, whose mother died giving him birth.
  • Titanite, garnet and zoisite are secondary in origin.
  • Most have some collectible minerals such as beryl, garnet, and schorl, and a few have lithium minerals.
  • However, this assumption is inconsistent with the fairly simultaneous appearance of the second garnet generation and oligoclase.
  • In both these states I could not discover in it either garnets, hornblende, or diallage. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • Other faceted stones include bright emerald-green demantoid garnets, golden citrines and heliodors, and large faceted aquamarines with colors of sky-blue and sea-green.
  • Those little red garnets you see in stores are usually pyrope garnets and green garnets are usually grossularite/grossular.
  • Some of the characteristic minerals found in kimberlite are olivine, pyrope garnet, enstatite, diopside, ilmenite, phlogopite, perovskite, magnetite, and spinel.
  • The skarns also contain hornblende, calcite, pyroxene, tremolite, pyrrhotite, molybdenite, galena, chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite, garnet (probably andradite or grossular), and pyrite.
  • These are all silicates, the almandite garnets being silicates of iron and aluminum; the pyrope garnets are silicates of magnesium and aluminum; the hessonite garnets, silicates of calcium and aluminum, and the andradite garnets, silicates of calcium and iron. A Text-Book of Precious Stones for Jewelers and the Gem-Loving Public
  • I've seen earrings, necklaces, and rings with all sorts of gems including amethyst, citrine, blue topaz, and garnet.
  • Generally, there was a higher demand for yellow and pink tourmaline, as well as medium to deep blue aquamarine followed by amethyst and pinkish garnets.
  • A mineral like garnet, for example, has a number of varieties.
  • In addition to providing a ready means of identifying the diamond, a high degree of dispersion in a stone of pronounced color would lead one to consider sphene, demantoid garnet (if green), and zircon (which might be reddish, yellowish, brown, or of other colors), and if the stone did not agree with these in its other properties one should suspect _glass_. A Text-Book of Precious Stones for Jewelers and the Gem-Loving Public
  • In sample 17, development of the S-C fabric was postdated by growth of late garnet and fibrolite.
  • With a technique called Parchin Kari, inlaid gemstones of lapis lazuli, agate, and garnet were selected for their variations in tone, giving the resulting flowers an illusion of depth.
  • Two and a half years ago, as the primary complement to Garnett in the team's offensive sets, the deadeye shooter was proficient enough to be chosen to the NBA All-Star Team.
  • Laura Bailey, Bay Garnett and Elle Macpherson are fans, and Gwyneth Paltrow commissioned a necklace for herself and a bracelet featuring an apple charm for her daughter.
  • The color scheme is rich yellow and dark red, from plants such as coreopsis, creeping zinnia, ‘Garnet’ penstemon, pineapple sage, rudbeckia, and yarrow.
  • Would you like us to inform you when we add more natural melanite garnet jewelry items in 14k white and and 14k yellow gold on this page?
  • I found in it a few garnets, but no metaloid diallage. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • He labelled the stone as a ‘specimen of aventurine, from a lake three miles to the north-east of Ben Hope, Sutherland, containing, besides the red mica, red zircons, and either colourless garnets or diamonds’.
  • At Azegour, Morocco, uraninite occurs in tactite with molybdenite, chalcopyrite, barite, pyrite, hematite, and garnet.
  • The principal minerals are, plagioclase, biotite and microcline, with smaller quantities of quartz, iron oxide, pyroxene and garnet. The Long Labrador Trail
  • The portion of the skarn where the rainbow garnets are found is essentially a coarse-grained aggregate of pure andradite.
  • At Badgley Mischka, beads were everywhere, from pearls to garnet cat's eye crystals to opalescent moonstones.
  • Generally, there was a higher demand for yellow and pink tourmaline, as well as medium to deep blue aquamarine followed by amethyst and pinkish garnets.
  • Another coiffure ornament from the 1904 display, now vanished but shown in the center of Plate V, consisted of silver filigree, carnelians, garnets, and enamel blackberries and leaves.
  • The so-called almandine garnets of the jeweler are frequently of the almandite class and tend to purplish red. A Text-Book of Precious Stones for Jewelers and the Gem-Loving Public
  • So is the idea of forking over $199 for the consumer-targeted Aceeca PDA32 Garnet, which packs an unnamed ARM CPU, a QVGA screen, and an SD expansion slot into a case that's "taller than a Palm TX and about twice as thick. Random headlines from
  • One of the pendants is a triangular arrangement of colours, using a baguette cut peridot, amethyst and a garnet set in white gold.
  • Diamonds, pyrite and garnet are examples of cubic crystals.
  • A dark brown melanite garnet is restricted in occurrence to nepheline-bearing sövite and ijolite.
  • The tonalite is gneissic, banded on a decimetre scale, and loaded with discrete mafic enclaves, metasedimentary xenoliths and garnet, feldspar and rutile xenocrysts, such that the body has a migmatitic appearance.
  • Garnett translated 73 volumes of Russian literature, which included Tolstoy, Turgenev, Dostoevsky, Gogol, Herzen and many others, but translating Chekhov gave her more pleasure than any other work. Constance Garnett by Edna O'Brien
  • In contrast, garnets from Salida, Colorado, are only superficially altered.
  • As he passed the mirror, he saw that he was covered with royal ermine, and that his head wore a wonderful crown -- of gold set with none but red stones: rubies and carbuncles and garnets, and others whose names he could not tell, glowed gloriously around his head, like the salamandrine essence of all the Christmas fires over the world. Adela Cathcart, Volume 2
  • At the end of this title, interlined by another hand, follow the words "_newly, overseer ... ignorants_;" but these words are also struck through and re-written on the preceding leaf, on which, written by the same hand by which the interlineation was made (Garnet's, as it would seem), the title stands, -- Notes and Queries, Number 41, August 10, 1850
  • The developments and present situation of magneto - optical materials rare earth ( RE ) iron garnets, were reviewed.
  • The six-year-old proved that staying was his game at Wetherby in May when he won a handicap hurdle over almost three miles by a neck from the favourite Garnett.
  • But he stopped grinning before the afternoon wore out, for I set him climbing and clambering for little pieces of mundic and tiny patches of garnets in all the toughest places I could find in that mine, and went into ecstasies over each individual piece, until I had quite Campaign Pictures of the War in South Africa (1899-1900) Letters from the Front
  • On the crescents were rubies and garnets in diamond form and in round forms.
  • The Herbeira websterites contain diopside, enstatite, and pargasite with olivine, garnet, spinel, magnetite and ilmenite as minor phases.
  • Until May 2009, the BNP Paribas suspended his account in Guernsey which held some €36 million, that was opened under Garnet Investment Limited. Global Voices in English » Indonesia: Soeharto’s son aims to be president?
  • Garnet was accused of knowing about the plot beforehand and not reporting it to the authorities. he was accused of Jesuitical equivocation.
  • In 2009, 1,273 KIM samples were collected under a sampling campaign that had two objectives: initial evaluation of portions of Nanuq that had not previously been evaluated by KIM sampling and follow-up sampling related to previously identified KIM and geophysical anomalies. 482 of the 1,273 samples contained kimberlitic indicator minerals including at least one p-type garnet, e-type garnet, chrome diopside or ilmenite grain, with 100 of the samples returning over five of these grains. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • The demantoid garnet (sometimes called "olivine" in the trade). A Text-Book of Precious Stones for Jewelers and the Gem-Loving Public
  • Numerous other minerals are at times mistaken for tin, the most common of which are tourmaline or schorl, garnet, wolfram (which is a tungstate of iron with manganese), rutile or titanic acid, blackjack or zinc blende, together with magnetic, titanic, and specular iron in fine grains. Getting Gold: a practical treatise for prospectors, miners and students
  • The temperature dependence of VBL group formation in stripe domain walls of epitaxial garnet bubble films was investigated by means of the method of single-pulse bias field.
  • The gold showings on both the RS and Plateau areas are associated with a deca-metric drag-folded sulfurized "silicate iron formation" / "garnet-rich amphibolite" unit. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • The only thing that bothered me about the book was in vignette 18, describing Garnet Hill, where garnet crystals in rhyolite can still be collected.
  • The petrological evolution of the shear zones indicates that either staurolite grew before garnet (in the case of the Thackaringa-Pinnacles Shear Zone) or, more commonly, garnet growth occurred before staurolite.
  • While the price charged usually bears a fair relation to the value of the material furnished, it would be better to offer tourmaline, or peridot (the mineral name of which is olivine), or demantoid garnet (sometimes wrongly called "Olivine"), or "emerald doublets," or emerald or A Text-Book of Precious Stones for Jewelers and the Gem-Loving Public
  • A strain to the popliteus tendon, which sits at the back of the knee, has affected Garnett's ability to return. Most Popular
  • The gold-bearing rock is a heavy ledge of brown, ferruginous mica-schist, which is impregnated with iron pyrites in a state of minute subdivision, and abounds in garnets. The Resources of North Carolina: Its Natural Wealth, Condition, and Advantages, as Existing in 1869. Presented to the Capitalists and People of the Central and Northern States
  • The profiles could result from garnet growth parallel to Fe-Mg isopleths.
  • This is the GaN LED chip and Yttrium Aluminum Garnet ( YAG ) package together cause.
  • Particularly in the Saxon pagan period, gold jewellery was often inset with precious or semi-precious stones such as garnet.
  • Diamonds sometimes contain minute inclusions of the minerals garnet, olivine, and pyroxene, which indicate formation in two major mantle rock-types, peridotite and eclogite.
  • Psammitic bands may also contain staurolite and garnet, and pelites contain the assemblage: Qtz + Bt + Grt + St + Ms + Chl.
  • We are number one in tanzanite and we also have minerals that can be developed on a commercial scale such as ruby, garnet, sapphire, copper, cobalt, tin, and so on. Investment Opportunities in Tanzania
  • At Badgley Mischka, beads were everywhere, from pearls to garnet cat's eye crystals to opalescent moonstones.
  • Uvarovite, a sparkling green garnet that often occurs on blocks of chromite, was named in honor of Earl Uvarov, a Russian politician of the nineteenth century.
  • The semi-pelites usually consist of biotite, quartz, plagioclase and untwinncd feldspar, and garnet forms abundant porphyroblasts in some varieties.
  • Particularly in the Saxon pagan period, gold jewellery was often inset with precious or semi-precious stones such as garnet.
  • These aggregates are perched on a matrix of fine-grained garnet densely intergrown with other manganese silicates.
  • Hutchison & Oliver contended that this metamorphic detritus was derived from the Grampian Terrane based upon geochemical characterization of associated Barrovian zone garnets.
  • In my next installment of News from Japan, I will be reporting on them as well as on a visit to Kyushu University to see the Ko collection and field trips to collect sakura ishi and rainbow garnets.
  • We may conclude this review by noticing, among stones of less consequence produced within the Empire, jet, which was so called from being found at the mouth of the river Gagis in Lycia, garnets, which are common in Armenia, and beryl, which is a product of the same country. The Seven Great Monarchies Of The Ancient Eastern World, Vol 5. (of 7): Persia The History, Geography, And Antiquities Of Chaldaea, Assyria, Babylon, Media, Persia, Parthia, And Sassanian or New Persian Empire; With Maps and Illustrations.
  • Grains of other weathering-resistant minerals (such as garnet, rutile, ruby, sapphire, zircon, etc.) are often found in quartz sand as well. Sand and gravel
  • At the B-Q claims, beryl occurs with dark red garnet, smoky quartz, and black tourmaline in miarolitic cavities in a granite pegmatite dykes that cuts across the foliation of a high-grade metamorphic gneiss.
  • The rock was of garnet gneiss, traversed by black dykes of pyroxene granulite. The Home of the Blizzard Being the Story of the Australasian Antarctic Expedition, 1911-1914
  • I've seen earrings, necklaces, and rings with all sorts of gems including amethyst, citrine, blue topaz, and garnet.
  • Plagioclase, microcline and quartz are the predominating minerals, while biotite, titanite, epidote, apatite, zircon and garnet are present in smaller quantities. The Long Labrador Trail
  • The whole was embroidered with hundreds of pearls laced with two agates, twelve chrysolites, twelve garnets, a gold-mounted sapphire and a large pendant pearl.
  • Her life was frugal, her dresses "unambitious", her one seeming luxury a Valor stove with two paraffin wicks, which her adored son, David Garnett, had bought for her. Constance Garnett by Edna O'Brien
  • Garnett has readily accepted the bait - he's a glutton for assuming responsibility - going so far as to deploy his now-infamous war armament analogy in explaining what he'll bring to tonight's contest.
  • These phases predate the main foliation, a well-differentiated crenulation cleavage that wraps around the porphyroblasts of garnet and staurolite.
  • Other areas showed mixtures of fine-grained garnet, diopside, and other Ca-silicate minerals.
  • All three lithologies have abundant mantle xenoliths (eclogite, garnet lherzolite and garnet harzburgite) up to 20 cm in size and abundant mantle-derived garnets. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • All monazite grains are located in the rock matrix, which consists of quartz, muscovite, biotite, epidote, chlorite, plagioclase, potassium feldspar and garnet with a granoblastic texture.
  • Detailed ground radiometrics completed by the Company has revealed the existence of a radiogenic anomaly approximately 4 x 4 kilometers in size that outlines an alkalic injection sill complex, with associated garnet skarns that are related to the REE concentrations. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • Garnett plays the full floor, which keeps him away from some of the gimmes Duncan snatches up with ease.
  • The Badger Flats area is also well known for clinozoisite, garnet, hematite, scheelite, vesuvianite, wollastonite, and zoisite (variety thulite).
  • Again, it is assumed that readers know aquamarine is beryl, amethyst is quartz, and Iceland spar is calcite but cannot grapple with the complexity of remembering that spessartine and grossular are garnets.
  • Think of semi - precious stones such as garnets, topaz, amethyst, aquamarine as much for their range of hues as for the way they hold the light, infusing it with shimmering color.
  • A further form of lime-iron garnet is the "pyreneite," first found in the Pyrenees Mountains, hence its name. The Chemistry, Properties and Tests of Precious Stones
  • But Garnett's paintings force viewers to contemplate how ugly and destructive its procession can be, and proclaim that physical remove is no excuse for ignoring that reality. Sharon L. Butler: Blast Radius
  • The Herbeira websterites contain diopside, enstatite, and pargasite with olivine, garnet, spinel, magnetite and ilmenite as minor phases.
  • Kunckel had described experiments to calcine gold with aqua regia to make a transparent red color. 7 The affiliation of the best examples of this product with German and Bohemian glassmakers was exploited by Mayer Oppenheim when he applied for patents in Britain to make ruby and garnet colored glass. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • How exquisite she would look in the rope of garnet beads my mother gave me years ago for a birthday present.
  • Kevin Garnett had 19 points and 12 rebounds, helping the Celtics outrebound New Orleans 44-29.
  • The microgranite has a felsitic groundmass containing microphenocrysts of albite and orthoclase along with phenocrysts of corroded quartz and sporadic dihedral garnet; zircon and apatite are conspicuous accessory minerals.
  • Trade your spuds in for Japanese sweet potatoes, Jersey Sweets (also called white sweet potatoes) or red garnets or jewel yams, which provide more nutritional bang for your buck.
  • Most significant is the presence of the Sinharaja Basic Zone, consisting of hornblende, pyriclasts, basic charnokites, pyroxene amphibolites and scapolite-bearing calc-granulites and blended with small amounts of quartzites, garnet-biotite gneisses and intermediate charnokites. Sinharaja Forest Reserve, Sri Lanka
  • Garnett dropped to the parquet and kissed the leprechaun at center court, then found Hall of Famer Bill Russell for a long embrace.
  • Five slightly smaller clusters encircle the center, each with a faceted demantoid green garnet at its center.
  • A fellow that he knows showed us a bucketful of aquamarines and two large garnets and then took us for a short walk to the pegmatites on his farm.
  • Over 150 minerals: mica, feldspar, beryl, amethyst, rose / smokey quartz, garnet, and Uranium minerals (gummite, autunite) prized by collectors / museums. Undefined
  • The name garnet has been used since ancient times. Garnet
  • Also, diamond is well known as host for a wide variety of inclusions such as graphite, magnetite, ilmenite, garnet (usually pyrope), chrome-diopside, chlorite, biotite, phlogopite, and even corundum.
  • In these occurrences the tungsten mineral is almost invariably scheelite, and is associated with calcite, garnet, pyroxene, and other silicates. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • This is an appeal with the permission of the judge against the order of Mr Garnett QC sitting as a Deputy Judge of the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division.
  • He added that he found a third medieval gold ring in September, set with either an amethyst or garnet stone, which is currently in the hands of the British Museum.

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