How To Use Garner In A Sentence

  • The group's annual compilations garner the best that has been thought and cooked from the Test Kitchen's many venues over the past year. Gastronomy
  • Through an intricate series of hand gestures and melodic whistles, she quickly garnered its trust and shepherded it into our gated, side yard.
  • The story goes that downtrodden Sophie works in a hat shop and one day meets the glamorous wizard Howl, a charming ladykiller who has garnered the reputation of eating girls' hearts, despite looking more like a ladyboy.
  • Between them they garnered some favourable reviews.
  • Garnering international attention, that episode further fostered the group's violent reputation resulting from a well-documented incident involving the spearing deaths of five North American Summer Institute of Linguistics SIL missionaries in 1956. Suzan Crane: Finding my Soul and Losing my Heart in the Equadorian Amazon: A Spiritual Journey With the Remote Huaorani Tribe
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  • In addition, Fanning is a skilled grantsman, garnering 11 fellowships and research awards in 10 years.
  • Sports would be a far more amusing place if it relaxed, exhaled and learned a lesson from this lo-fi World Series between Texas and San Francisco, which the Giants now lead three games to one after a brilliant 4-0 shutout win propelled by rookie pitcher Madison Bumgarner. If Only the Entire Sports World Were as Wacky
  • When will the seakale be fit to cut, and when will the crocuses come up? will the violets be sweeter than ever? and the geranium cuttings, are they thriving? we have dug, and manured, and sown, and we look forward to the reaping, and to see our garners full. Castle Richmond
  • This South African coin garnered 51 bids on Rhode Island's eBay auction. Free shipping! Rhode Island's eBay play
  • And Wendell Davison of Garner grow from a 150-sow, farrow-to-finish operation to 11,000 finishing spaces, over his neighbors 'objections. From Farm to Fork...and Discarded Carcasses in the Stream
  • With Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce in crisis -- yes, Roger really did do nothing about the impending loss of Lucky Strike and the ever odious Lee Garner Jr. really did let word seep out sooner than his promised 30 days -- Peggy performs well by giving her previously scheduled pitch on a campaign for one of Playtex's female products. William Bradley: Mad Men : Breach One "Chinese Wall" and You Just Want To Breach Another One An Hour Later
  • What is uncertain is whether he can garner sufficient support in rural areas. Times, Sunday Times
  • Linney delivers a dynamic performance, which garnered her a recent Golden Globe nomination.
  • The bank rate, which garners much attention as an indicator of the health and direction of the economy, is a compound interest rate.
  • Pro-democracy politician Alan Leong was third with 45%, whereas Executive Council convenor Leung Chun-ying could only garner 37%. China's Power Shuffle Clouds HK's Future
  • It has already garnered some great reviews, with only a few critics not joining in the fun. The Sun
  • For his villain-in-chief, however, Garner repurposes a name filched from the Norse pantheon - originally, Nastrond signified the underworld Shore of Corpses, but in Garner's Alderley he is the unseen Great Spirit of Darkness, moving against the child protagonists by means of minions like the "svart alfar". Blogposts |
  • As for the book, it features short, numerous chapters with a slowish pace, garnering it, barely, 3 out of 5. Level 26: Dark Origins « The BookBanter Blog
  • Today this collection has garnered international standing for her museum.
  • The Tottenham fans' attempt to re-claim the word complicates the issue, but I don't think the argument of the Chelsea fan mentioned in the article would garner much sympathy if his friends were shouting racist abuse at a rapper who was using the 'same word' in his performance. The Guardian World News
  • The teachers must be glowing with pride from the praise they've garnered.
  • The 20-year-old has justifiably garnered headlines for his cool kicking exploits in Rome but has not been a presence elsewhere. Times, Sunday Times
  • Consequently, it is able to garner information that is still fresh in a respondent's mind.
  • The report, released on Friday, indicates that touchless mobile technology focused on payment methods will not catch on or garner mainstream use on its own.
  • She worked to improve the finances of the magazine with new fundraising projects, found ways to reduce expenses, and garnered grants to assist in building the magazine's subscriber base.
  • Some palm readers might go through a client's purse or have an accomplice do so, in order to garner information about the client.
  • My knowledge is largely second-hand, garnered as it was from my view above my grandmother's shop.
  • The television show Survivor has garnered millions of fans who devotedly watch every week to see which of their favorite contestants will make it through another round of competition. Ethan Zohn: World Cancer Day: How YOU Can Take A Stand
  • That is why they garner so many points against the rest and so few against the best. Times, Sunday Times
  • Indeed, a petition against the boycott idea has garnered thousands of signatures from intellectual luminaries here.
  • He was happy to accept their offer of a lucrative consultancy role to help garner votes. Times, Sunday Times
  • While bilaterality is a defining characteristic of triploblastic animals, several assemblages have managed to break this symmetry in order to exploit the adaptive peaks garnered through the lateralization of behaviour or morphology. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • But I found myself asking, as I often do when my opinions garner the kind of spittle-flecked crazy talk that my end-of-year 'Worst' list did, what is it specifically about the internet that makes people jerks? James Rocchi: The Moviegoer: Manufactured Perspectives
  • Why, look ye," said the latter, as the coin jingled in his bag, "I was ever held in good repute as a guide, and can make my way blindfold over the bogs and mosses hereabout; and I would pilot thee to the place yonder, if my fealty to the prior -- that is -- if -- I mean -- though I was never a groat the richer for his bounty; yet he may not like strangers to pry into his garners and store-houses, especially in these evil times, when every cur begins to yelp at the heels of our bountiful mother; and every beast to bray out its reproaches at her great wealth and possessions. Traditions of Lancashire, Volume 1 (of 2)
  • Morales garnered 21 percent of the ballot to place a surprise second in the presidential race.
  • Eager to save money on supplies, hospitals got an idea: rather than buy tongue depressors and such directly from the manufacturers, why not band together with other hospitals, take advantage of discounts garnered by buying in bulk and divvy up the order afterward, two cases going to First Memorial Hospital, another six dropped off at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, etc. The Most Important Health Care Story You've Never Heard
  • Nor did he recieved huges lump sums of money garner from the misery of those who WERE defrauded! Obama's VP vetter steps aside
  • According to Kenya’s Interim Independent Electoral Commission,  a majority of Kenyans approved the new law in  the 4th August referendum, with the 'Yes' team garnering 6,092,593 votes, which is 66.9 percent, while the  'No' team was only able to manage about 2,795,059 votes or (30.1 percent) of the total vote cast. New Constitution Will Signal Country’s ‘Rebirth’, Says Kenyan Justice Minister
  • In May, Beijing told foreigners not to sow unrest in its vast northern region of Inner Mongolia, after rare protests by ethnic Mongolians, sparked by the hit-and-run death of a herder, garnered international attention. China closes Tibet to foreigners ahead of party anniversary
  • Moby, the electro musician, has a cunning plan to garner good reviews. Times, Sunday Times
  • You're not Jennifer Garner, and you don't have an arsenal of people to help you.
  • About ten or so years ago the pair of them garnered immortality among guitar toting purveyors of extreme music.
  • Due in part to the stock not being readily saleable and in part to a downturn in the stock market, the stock from Reader's Digest did not garner as much money as the college had hoped it would.
  • Let us continue to pray for the nation but let us also make concrete plans that are informed by the physical and natural experiences we have garnered over time.
  • Deservedly, the DS has garnered a legion of admirers from every generation of drivers born since.
  • She merely glanced at the garnered wheat and thought what a brief time the arrish geese, stuffing themselves in the stubble, had yet to live. Lying Prophets
  • This film garnered nominations and awards for its humanizing portrait of what some might consider an inhuman criminal.
  • A Broadway musical has garnered rave reviews. Times, Sunday Times
  • He gradually garnered a reputation as a financial expert.
  • They learned the ways of the fish and the shell-fish, and they invented hooks and lines, nets and fish-traps, and all the diverse cunning ways by which swimming meat can be garnered from the shifting, unstable sea. CHAPTER X
  • Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) also complained that the effort to garner key votes had allowed a handful of senators to "hijack" the process over a few parochial issues. House-Senate panel works to move financial regulation bill to Obama
  • And they succeeded as Garner's final save thwarted Lee Canoville in the closing seconds.
  • The priest's sermon, recalling his youthful days as a missionary, doesn't garner much attention as the kids use stubby pencils to play hangman on the backs of their programs.
  • For the gentleman in question, this passion seems to be his ‘one thing,’ yet it too garnered unsuspected consequences; his wife had an affair out of sheer boredom.
  • Defeating both of these strongmen garnered Sandow a contract to perform in London at the prestigious Alhambra Music Hall.
  • Harris faces a tough opener against fast improving Surrey youngster Tim Garner at noon on the opening day.
  • He opened with a summary of the available facts about Chinese and Japanese lacquerware garnered from the reference books in his library.
  • But there were suggestions last night that some minority shareholders were garnering support for an action group. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their identity is known, but the public has been urged to come forward and help the authorities garner enough evidence to persuade local magistrates to impose tough anti-social behaviour orders upon them.
  • He soon diluted his rousing speeches to become more pragmatic, a move that garnered a broader support platform that enabled him to take 61 per cent of the vote in last October's presidential elections.
  • He said considerations about revenue and taxation, like those garnered from the alcohol and tobacco industries, may influence decisions about which substances to regulate or outlaw. Alcohol More Lethal Than Heroin Or Cocaine, Study Finds
  • The film was a smash hit, garnering nine Academy Award nominations, including one for Best Picture.
  • Despite having garnered numerous accolades on the festival circuit, including five films in competition for the Palme d'Or, a best-screenplay award and two Grand Prix du Jury at Cannes—as well as the Golden Bear at Berlin and two Special Jury prizes at Venice—Mr. Skolimowski has failed to win the widespread recognition enjoyed by other Eastern European filmmakers such as Miloš Forman, Roman Polanski or Andrej Wajda. Two Paths, Little Glory For This Polish Director
  • Initiatives like these garnered accolades from the analyst who praised Federated's management and merchandising earlier this year.
  • Emily Bazelon and I researched false rape allegations for Slate in 2009, when a Hofstra student garnered headlines for recanting after claiming that she was gang-raped by five men in a bathroom.
  • Today, as a result of a settlement, inmates with the most serious mental illnesses are banned from the supermax and are cared for at Garner.
  • Any woman scientist who garners the slightest approval from the field or the public wins my respect and admiration, if only because I know how hard it is.
  • They frequently published pirated serialisations of Dickens's novels, garnering extra sales for their papers without paying him a cent.
  • The Nigerian film industry has garnered much attention over the past few years.
  • The reality is we have a major election for our president in November and Qatar has hired entertainment to garner votes. Times, Sunday Times
  • A Broadway musical has garnered rave reviews. Times, Sunday Times
  • The pitch then did garner its proper share of attention.
  • It has been garnering rave reviews and climbing the charts for months.
  • Garner, always the character, once described the office of the vice presidency as being "not worth a bucket of warm piss" at the time reported with the bowdlerization "spit" and that his decision to take it in the first place was "the worst damn fool mistake I ever made. Your Right Hand Thief
  • Video production editing, unstudious the payback overpoweringly, biquadratic, the deep rosmarinus, garner, interviewer, i hurricane profoundly artificially journalese your sustentation, i domestic britten all your buy gonadotropic skateboarder operator. Rational Review
  • Not a version of the truth the audience is sure to like, or the one everyone is running with, or one that doesn't harm the company, or a socko headline that garners attention. Mark Heisler: Confessions of a Dead Tribune
  • Though the film was not a smash hit during its theatrical run, I believe it will garner a vast and appreciative audience on DVD.
  • Moby, the electro musician, has a cunning plan to garner good reviews. Times, Sunday Times
  • His work is well researched and abounds with material garnered from primary sources.
  • To be sure, it's a lot easier to garner favorable press reports than it is to get people to actually schlep to an often brutally cold, sparsely populated state.
  • It also serves to mobilise despairing layers of society for a right-wing programme and garner support for the government with populist demagogy.
  • In addition to a long list of professional associations, meetings have been held with the Minnesota Department of Health and the Mayo Clinic to share information and garner support.
  • However, whether the title will garner the approval of North American gamers remains to be seen.
  • Due in part to the stock not being readily saleable and in part to a downturn in the stock market, the stock from Reader's Digest did not garner as much money as the college had hoped it would.
  • Even before he formed Navy SEAL Team Six, Marcinko proved himself a combat hero, garnering a Silver Star and four Bronze Stars. Former Navy SEAL Team Six member speaks out
  • They garner increasing financial and diplomatic clout, too. Times, Sunday Times
  • And he has garnered a reputation as one of America's premier chocolatiers, thanks to creations like chipotle chocolates that fetch $65 a pound.
  • Even Angela Merkel, who had garnered rapturous and entirely undeserved plaudits for her diplomatic efforts during the German presidency, was chivied by a large section of the German media for not paying more attention to the problems at home. They do not appear to be happy
  • Garner and Sadler are gifted musicians and talented comedians who have command over physical comedy and character-acting.
  • He has garnered extensive support for his proposals.
  • Mr Garner, who is described as ‘soft-spoken, humble and efficient’, accepted the job with alacrity.
  • While the modern and contemporary art sales will no doubt garner the headlines this week other London auctions are well worth viewing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although the impolite host wound up abruptly canceling the bonfire, there are several lessons one could garner from the barbecue that wasn't. Jorge A. Rey: Lessons From the Barbecue that Wasn't
  • The five gold medals, five silvers and 15 bronzes were the highest number garnered by local innovators at the China International Exhibition of Inventions, held in Shanghai.
  • Now his widely hailed portrayal of Britain's King George VI in Tom Hooper's "The King's Speech" is garnering similar accolades. With Vulnerability and Fortitude
  • Linney delivers a dynamic performance, which garnered her a recent Golden Globe nomination.
  • You can see this new mood at work in the scathing reviews now being garnered by vacuous conceptual artists who were acclaimed in the 1990s. Times, Sunday Times
  • We had a brief ` debrief brunch ' back at Danilo's, where he filled me in on the `key learnings' garnered from his round of investigations. THE CALLIGRAPHER
  • Since then, the business has generated sufficient sales and garnered enough grants for basic research to stay afloat without going into debt.
  • The idea of informers and agents is to garner information to save lives.
  • Reading the recent coverage that Hydrogen has garnered from the mainstream press you would think North American civilization will collapse with out it. Economics of Hydrogen, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • But it should be noted that occupation monitoring organizations such as Peace Now, B'tselem, and Yesh Din garner respect in society and are recognized as important resources for information. Global Voices in English » Israel: A Belief In Coexistence – Interview With Activist Ibn Ezra
  • The next PGR ride in Arizona that I attended I will have in my possession all the facts I've garnered from the various web pages outing this lying piece of human fecal material. Robert Edward Dolan
  • : 58 ARI - COOPER, Hunkie 2 yd run (GARNER, Nelson kick) SJ 7 - ARI 7 Arena Football League - San Jose vs. Arizona
  • He may not garner the headlines that some of his teammates accrue, but Lambert is the heartbeat of the robust team which has been transformed into treble winners under O'Neill.
  • Jammu, (Vijay Kumar) - Central University Andolan samiti on Sundayevening managed to garner support of various social, religious and trade bodies apart from bringing political leaders of different shades onone platform. Central University Andolan samiti Jammu gets support of various bodies
  • Attempts have been made to garner votes with gifts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Linney delivers a dynamic performance, which garnered her a recent Golden Globe nomination.
  • He said information garnered by the expert would be used to help police complete a full facial reconstruction.
  • Typically when the Graham crusade goes into a community, it garners participation from a third of the local churches.
  • I was proud to cosponsor this common sense piece of legislation and will continue to work with Senator Lautenberg to garner support for its passage in Congress. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand: Keeping Our Children Safe
  • She does not talk of the numerous awards and accolades garnered over a long career, but about the social and moral responsibility of a writer of contemporary fiction which in her opinion is considerable.
  • Publicly, she may well claim she aims to smash her final imprint into the record book, equalling the record of 20 Wimbledon titles garnered by Billie Jean King.
  • Garner also enjoys midmorning and mid-afternoon snacks, which can be yogurt with boysenberries, string cheese and an apple, or celery with almond butter.
  • He is sure to garner widespread support from across all sections of club rugby.
  • I rather think of Ted Kennedy, working phones from his sickbed to garner support for his lifelong cause of healthcare for all Americans, as scorning to rust unburnished. Archive 2009-08-23
  • Michael J Fox does a good turn as the voice of Milo, and James Garner's Rourke is evil enough to be engaging.
  • -- of Michelle Malkin's "In Defense of Internment," which, notwithstanding its ignorance and falsification of both domestic and military history, has garnered (equally ignorant) laurels from the right. IsThatLegal?
  • Close associates of the former strongman allegedly often garnered funds from Bulog for their own businesses.
  • Aldridge went on to tour the European continent, garnering numerous honors, including a knighthood from the Duke of Saxe-Meiningen, and transforming Russian acting technique with his naturalistic style. Introduction
  • Google has garnered tremendous free publicity and mindshare as result of these tactics.
  • Miss Garner said York Elevator Services, based at Stockton-on-the-Forest, had offered to help with parts free of charge, and an elderly woman living nearby offered a stairlift that was no longer being used.
  • It has already garnered some great reviews, with only a few critics not joining in the fun. The Sun
  • Berry garnered wild applause on the self-written "Wow Baby," an impossibly fast, constantly accelerating fiddle tune that featured his signature double-stop technique. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • More than 1,000 companies, garnered from the alumni surveys and schools 'input, were vetted for the corporate survey. How the Rankings Were Compiled
  • He hath ingarnered his grain; he hath barned his fodder and straw; his sheep are in the byres and in the stalls his oxen. The Fifth Queen Crowned
  • But while sending in two reporters dressed as Arab sheikhs might seem underhand to some, the story garnered by these methods was firmly in the public interest.
  • Masta_C Trying to figure out how i get jessica biel to think my penis is an extremely large twinkie ... scrivener Jessica alba, jennifer garner, jessica biel, julia roberts, anne hathaway IN THE SAME MOVIE?! jbnetwork Donate to @ChildrensLA as a xmas gift to Jessica Biel! Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • Money and adulation are rightly due to high achievers but the very worst garner recognition too.
  • However, her spirited condemnation of such archaic chauvinism has garnered her even greater coverage, elevating this hitherto unknown councillor to the front ranks of the media's favourite kind of woman: feminist totty.
  • Those pesky questions involving water, natural landscapes and social structures are somehow more important to the bilingual, binational towns riming the southern edge of the United States than who garners votes to Washington. 2006 October 04 « Eclectics Anonymous
  • We had a brief ` debrief brunch ' back at Danilo's, where he filled me in on the `key learnings' garnered from his round of investigations. THE CALLIGRAPHER
  • It's essential that progressive work at the ward level to garner committeeperson seats that have voting power when endorsements are made. Tues. Elections: Repug Takes Cunningham Cal Seat. But Some Good News
  • Cynics dismissed the collection, which garnered a lot of attention in the literary pages, as a publishing gimmick.
  • The opportunities described appear incomparably greater than those garnered by even the most closely nurtured venture-capital portfolio company.
  • As a play it was garlanded with awards, and the film is expected to garner a ‘best picture’ nomination at the Oscars.
  • His concerts, particularly in the early days, garnered glowing reviews. Times, Sunday Times
  • But obviously those two guys garner the most attention right now. The Sun
  • The objective of such a campaign was to stifle dissent, garner unquestioning support, and rally people around a common symbol.
  • Not all of the looks are so enticing—upgrading Ivy style with a cravat did no favors for James Garner, Robert Wagner or Jason Robards, and Newman's own ascot is the worst of the lot—but this book captures what may have been the last time anyone looked admiringly at the clothes that stars wore. Photo-Op: Film Prep
  • My knowledge is largely second-hand, garnered as it was from my view above my grandmother's shop.
  • The reality is we have a major election for our president in November and Qatar has hired entertainment to garner votes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Obama is stepping into his shoes, after all, and is looking up to him not so much to draw and highlight current parallels (whether superficial or otherwise) with the emancipator and preserver of our Union during very troubled times, but rather to garner spiritual mentorship and demonstrate, through symbols and deeds, his commitment to the Lincoln ideals that saved this nation. Another Lincoln Moment for Obama - The Caucus Blog -
  • His books have garnered international acclaim. Times, Sunday Times
  • An ovoid dripless teacup he designed in 1955 garnered what he claimed was "the first patent that had been issued for a teacup in a hundred years. Career Produced an Elegant Design
  • Garner's team established working relations with senior leaders of the Iraqi army with a view to recalling disbanded units to handle security and to become reconstruction brigades. The Mess
  • To get to the top of this ladder, New York's low-level jesters enter the freestyle circuit with playful puns about guns delivered in predictable monotones, with hopes of one day garnering kingly success.
  • CoflS incufationem Zurlaubenii modo laudatiy » cundum quam Garnerius in hiftoria iua Fr»! cica paullo negligentius de paélo ifto I5i* nend expofuerit, auélor fe defendere oitiV 'ysfuttmlwt itiom ferUptont «£r Georgio d' Am - Bibliotheca historica. A.I.G. Meuselio ita digesta ut pæne novum opus videri possit
  • Long famous for its Chardonnays and Cabernet Sauvignons, Sonoma is now garnering more attention for other varietals, such as Syrah and Merlot.
  • Without wishing to sound like a defeatist, why would we have ever expected to have garnered a result in a fixture in which far better Scotland sides have foundered across the decades?
  • Separating out the various frequencies and rhythms we garner and seek to discern the pattern being created before us from the skein of sounds as warp and weft are woven and unwoven.
  • Manistina, while not a great actress, sang the challenging role admirably with her well-sounding, stable mezzo and garnered much applause.
  • Between them they garnered some favourable reviews.
  • His words garnered a mixed response among seasoned networkers yesterday. Times, Sunday Times
  • A minute later Kendal's new recruit Simon Garner missed his tackle on the left and Craig Hopkins raced to the byline before squaring the ball to Taylor.
  • He garnered almost 5 per cent of the vote in 2000, a sign that prairie populism still flourishes here.
  • If he wasn't, then she knew she'd never be able to garner enough courage to come back for a make-up.
  • His concerts, particularly in the early days, garnered glowing reviews. Times, Sunday Times
  • To enter the ring though, he needed to garner the approval of the country's Constitutional Court in order to begin what will be the battle of all election battles.
  • Fox's Human Target benefited from being in Idol's wake, serving as the bull's-eye for 9.3 million people and increasing 24 percent to a season-high 2.6 demo rating from its Monday show, while a Modern Family rerun garnered 7.9 million. Ratings: American Idol Laps The Field, But Declines
  • Bernardine who trained as a hairdresser at a private college in London's West End, has garnered many years experience in hairstyling, barbering and colouring and has won international awards for salon management.
  • Garner has wrestled with dozens of difficult decisions during this improbable 42-14 run.
  • Regina Ip, whose ill-fated drive to enact sweeping antisubversion legislation (known as Article 23) brought half a million demonstrators onto Hong Kong's streets back in 2003, is poised to garner the endorsement of several pro-Beijing parties in a bellwether Legislative Council by election scheduled for December. The Fall and Rise of Regina Ip
  • He has invested 12 million in promoting her career and she is adept at garnering headlines. Times, Sunday Times
  • Until this spring when he told manager Phil Garner, he offered no alibis, accepted the criticism without complaint, and did the best he could with what he had.
  • British efforts to garner international support for the no-fly zone appeared to be struggling. Times, Sunday Times
  • After all, expectations would be high after garnering all 5 of the big Oscars from his last film.
  • Suspended below this, clad in blue jacket, white waistcoat and nankeen pantaloons, and waving a silk French tricolour, stood Garnerin in a small basket.
  • If they can garner 19 points in the process they will also seal the championship.
  • The first thing to remember, according to Garner, is that the lives of black bears are governed by "energetics," which means they will go to the place where they can get the highest energy food with the least amount of effort. Waynesboro Record Herald Homepage RSS
  • THAT'S one way of garnering some attention. The Sun
  • She added that people must stand up and take the first step in order to garner support from others.
  • She writes extremely logically with fine analytical and synthetical prowess about the subjects she covers in her journalism and exhibits courage and wide experience: some first hand - and some garnered from obviously reliable sources. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Aprill, till the time that new corne was inned: and what prouision soeuer was laid vp in garners, cellers and storehouses, for the kings necessarie vses, he caused the same to be imploied towards the reléefe of religious houses, and poore people. Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (5 of 12) Henrie the Second
  • Manager Phil Garner wants his pitchers, particularly the starters, to be more aggressive.
  • As of late 1992 the group had built about a dozen demo homes to distract reporters and garner investments.
  • Her spirit and contribution to the stage resonates in many of todays performers, such as Diana Ross who deemed to play her life story but was not given the opportunity when Lynn Whitfield played her perfectively in an HBO performance that garnered her many accolades. Woman Making History #54: Josephine Baker (What if No One's Watching?)
  • His books have garnered international acclaim. Times, Sunday Times
  • More recently, Mr. Amendola vowed to attend the preliminary hearing, on Tuesday, to cross-examine alleged victims and garner information he could later use to attack their credibility. Sandusky's Lawyer Defends Himself
  • Finally, the West Indian diaspora is represented by “Zagriyen. fr” which has garnered only 9 votes - on par with Bondamanjak, a socially and politically-oriented Martinican blog, whose vote tally is also 9 at the time of this posting. Global Voices in English » French Caribbean: “Les Scoops d’Or” Competition
  • Garner figures if Taveras gets on, the pitcher can bunt him over, allowing the speedy Taveras to score on a single.
  • One can only expect that as the presidential race continues to garner more attention and headlines in the coming months that spam levels using the election as clickbait will only continue to proliferate. EWeek Security Watch
  • Garner is one of twenty thousand prisoners held in supermax prisons in 22 states, the District of Columbia and at a federal supermax in Colorado.
  • From a certain time in September it suddenly-in fact quite discontinuously- starts to rise, probably remains at a high level for some weeks, and gradually declines, reaching zero towards the end of October, when potatoes have been picked and garnered.
  • Users garner reward points - which are redeemable for cash - by viewing ads.
  • Within a few days, that mailing had garnered several volunteers and endorsers, along with approximately $2,000 in donations.
  • The four golds that India garnered from outside the athletics events came from kabaddi, tennis, snooker and golf.
  • In a highly unusual move, both France and Russia published their own resolution wordings this weekend in an effort to garner support among the other 15 members of the UN Security Council.
  • Charlie Garner caught a long pass near the sideline and was slammed out of bounds by Jerome Woods.
  • We have garnered fruit grandly proportionated to the planting. The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 12, December, 1888
  • Yes, kidults, because while I don't doubt that these books have their appropriately aged readers, the fact is that what's made them such a publishing sensation are their garnering of much older fans as well.
  • Having garnered publicity as spokesman for social and family affairs, he regarded the marine portfolio as a spiteful demotion.
  • It has garnered enormous publicity not just for its naked models but for its often gruesome and controversial antics. Times, Sunday Times
  • The movie does have its moments, and will most likely garner some critical praise just for being what it is.
  • British efforts to garner international support for the no-fly zone appeared to be struggling. Times, Sunday Times
  • Redford's "deconversion" series has received YouTube awards and garnered a large following. stories
  • He probably knows that family/divorce court is highly misandrist, and had to do the media spectacle in order to garner sympathy. The Volokh Conspiracy » Judge Vacates TRO Barring Divorced Father From Exposing Child to Religion Other Than the Mother’s
  • If somehow the metrics here were impersonal, that is, they had some sort of control to make them reasonably objective, that would garner far less opposition, methinks. Matthew Yglesias » Performance Bonuses
  • A sense of modernism's refined treatment of detail is garnered in the handling of the existing staircases, now glass encased and extruded from the main body of the building.
  • People with factitious disorder feign or actually induce illness in themselves, typically to garner the nurturance of others.

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