How To Use Garland In A Sentence

  • GURWITCH: So you know, I interviewed people that I work with like Tim Allen and Jeff Garland and Ann Miro (ph) and comedians Harry sheerer and Fred Willard. CNN Transcript Jan 26, 2007
  • Garland pocketed the knife and headed back to show everyone the spot.
  • He loves Anne Garland, but has a rival in his brother Bob, a cheerful, light-hearted sailor.
  • Then members of the mandirs or businesses sponsoring the floats personalized them with balloons and garlands.
  • A few well-garlanded madams of the society crowd passed by, gossiping, their rich black minks set for the chill in the Springtime air, their heels clopping gently on the sidewalk.
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  • For days before, public drapers were to be seen clinging cross-legged to obelisk and peristyle; moving in spread-eagle fashion, hung in a jacket of sail-cloth attached to cables, across the fronts of buildings, looping garlands, besticking banners and spreading tapestries. The Yoke A Romance of the Days when the Lord Redeemed the Children of Israel from the Bondage of Egypt
  • Look at those hollyhocks, like pyramids of roses; those garlands of the convolvulus major of all colours, hanging around that tall pole, like the wreathy hop-bine; those magnificent dusky cloves, breathing of the Spice Islands; those flaunting double dahlias; those splendid scarlet geraniums, and those fierce and warlike flowers the tiger-lilies. Our Village
  • The term garland was also technically used to signify a crown of precious metal, often adorned with gems, made for the arrangement of natural or artificial flowers before the altar or sacred image at festival times. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • Sometimes parents even decorate the couple with a garland made of paper money.
  • These yield an unearthly effect, especially since the artist has draped his monogram, suspended from a garland, across the top of the picture.
  • He insists that, even though he wears the garlands of victory, he must leave the city of Argos in disgrace and return to the oracle of Apollo in the city of Pytho, also called Delphi.
  • Thou too, O Pylades, trusty squire, whose training shows thy father's sterling worth, receive a garland from my hand, for thou no less than he hast a share in this emprise; and so I pray, good luck be thine for ever! Electra
  • Tracing the growth of the border is a pleasant pastime, a game of history in which amorini, grotesques and nymphs are the personages, and garlands of flowers their perpetual accessories, but first comes the time when there were no borders, the Middle Ages. The Tapestry Book
  • It was a tangle of orange and lemon trees, looped with garlands of roses and flowering creepers, carpeted with a thousand fragrant, old-fashioned flowers, and arboured with grapevines, whose last year's leaves, though sparse, were still russet and gold: altogether a mere bright ribbon of beauty pinned like a lover's knot on a high shoulder of jutting rock. The Guests Of Hercules
  • The architectural ornament is of that easy and delectable kind which mimics nature: the acanthus leaves of Corinthian capitals, garlands and trophies in the manner of Wren and Grinling Gibbons.
  • His portrait and chair have been garlanded with marigolds and strewn with crimson rose petals.
  • Some allergies are triggered by terpene, which is found in the oil or sap of live evergreen trees, wreaths and garlands. Undefined
  • The music I heard in my house was my parents' music, which was swing music, jazz, very mainstream jazz nothing esoteric - the usual people like Ella Fitzgerald, [and] Judy Garland.
  • From no point of view could the West look so lovely as from that lattice with the garland of jessamine round it, whose white stars and green leaves seemed now but grey pencil outlines - graceful in form, but colourless in tint - against the gold incarnadined of a summer evening - against the fire-tinged blue of an August sky, at eight o'clock p.m. Shirley, by Charlotte Bronte
  • Although the external decoration varied from garland to garland, similarities did exist consisting of ‘printed paper rosettes, cockades, and silk hangings’.
  • Confused, I examined the garland behind the couch—and caught Jeremy red-handed.
  • Farm work was broadly defined to include planting, cultivating, harvesting or packing and shipping agricultural produce on a farm or nursery, or making Christmas wreaths or garlands.
  • The goat butted him over; Guidry's rowan garland tumbled loose.
  • An enormous tree fills the intimate lobby, and the grand staircase is garlanded and accented with teddy bears.
  • He now runs a consulting firm in the Houston suburb of Sugarland, which is in the 22nd Congressional district that he once represented.
  • Farmworkers' wives and other family members often supplement the household income by making wreaths and garlands from the clippings removed in the shearing process.
  • For favorite evergreen shrubs that can be espaliered, Garland Nursery's Karen Hobson lists the following: waxleaf privet (Ligustrum texanum), cotoneaster parneyi, euonymous japonica (many varieties), loropetalum, ceanothus, and photinia. Undefined
  • The symbolism of the pole decorated with ribbons and garlands was deeply offensive to the Puritans and maypoles were forbidden by Oliver Cromwell's parliament from 1644.
  • Labienus also got hold of a bust of Saturninus and set it up on the rostra, garlanded with laurel. CONSPIRATA
  • Stone crosses like these are not unfamiliar to you, nor are these dim garlands of everlasting flowers.
  • Keeping in mind that a garland is a traditional symbol of a young girl's virginity, here are the final lines: True, mother, true. Archive 2006-02-01
  • That's how bad things were, that's how successful Romney was in pleading his case that he was the best thing to hit the gay agenda since Judy Garland and disco. Romney using proxies to convince voters he really IS anti-gay, really
  • Emulously they renew the feast, and, glad at the high omen, array the flagons and engarland the wine. The Aeneid of Virgil
  • The statue of the goddess in the sanctum was small and was heavily garlanded with bells and gold borders - offerings made to the goddess for boons granted.
  • I knew that thou wouldst go abroad to-day, so I made this for thee in the morning; and when I was young I was called the garland-maker. The Well at the World's End: a tale
  • She festoons the table with elegant ephemera - the living room's silver-painted eucalyptus garland is repeated on the dining room's chandelier - and puts out a buffet of festive treats.
  • Garland covered his mouth with his hand and belched discreetly.
  • Perhaps the most arresting part of Get Happy is the section on Garland's late youth and early adulthood.
  • He would have to take it deep into the bowels of the earth, for the glorious Garland Battle was about to begin.
  • All were garlanded with flowers, and the plane soon smelled like a florist's.
  • Politicians and ambassadors placed garlands of flowers in front of it.
  • To this, Rasulullah replied, ‘If you wish to be necklaced with a garland of fire, you may accept it.’
  • Ulysses says, 'do not give all good things to all men, and often a man is made unfair to look upon, but over his ill favour they fling, like a garland, a power of lovely speech, and the people delight to _look_ on him. Short Studies on Great Subjects
  • Portraits of the royal family placed at crossroads were heaped with garlands of flowers and swathed in burning incense. BLOOD AGAINST THE SNOWS: The Tragic Story of Nepal's Royal Dynasty
  • The mansion was surrounded by wide green lawn, decorated with swags and garlands.
  • They should have given him a garland of the speckled leaves and stems of oxtongue, for falsehood. Wildfire
  • To make this dotty garland, stick two round self-adhesive labels back-to-back, sandwiching thin string between them.
  • Red, pink, and yellow plastic flowers garlanded the pillars and the walls. Day of Honey
  • He went through introductions, the names of The Gang and almost a dozen or so individuals who were now a grade or two higher than us who had been friends with Garland in previous years.
  • I cannot praise a fugitive and cloistered virtue, unexercised and unbreathed, that never sallies out and sees her adversary but slinks out of the race, where that immortal garland is to be run for, not without dust and heat. Areopagitica
  • The garland and the flowers that this figure holds are a good indication that it is the goddess Flora who was supposed to be represented.
  • A fayre quilte of crymson sattin, vj breadths, iij yardes 3 quarters naile deepe, all lozenged over with silver twiste, in the midst a cinquefoile within a garland of ragged staves, fringed rounde aboute with Kenilworth
  • Entrusting my garland to I started the Workshop with a talk on a functional model of language.
  • The answer to the puzzle hinges on a chess problem Oliver Garland counts on his son to solve, wherein black can checkmate white in two moves or less.
  • But last September she applied to be a backstage helper in a panto and said she wanted to be Miss Garland's dresser.
  • It won the Booker Prize last year, but received no garlands from Pat.
  • These usually consist of large, naturalistic floral garlands or medallions set against an open or sparsely decorated field.
  • The pediment of the town hall had been hung with garlands of ivy; a tent had been erected in a meadow for the banquet; and in the middle of the Place, in front of the church, a kind of bombarde was to announce the arrival of the prefect and the names of the successful farmers who had obtained prizes. Madame Bovary
  • Take a stroll through the spice-scented streets and discover a treasure trove of silverware, brassware, ethnic jewellery, jasmine garlands and silk saris.
  • (Pictured: Marigold flowers and Mango leaves, depicted in yarn, woven into a garland or "toran", a must-have for every festive occasion in Maharashtra) ... Archive 2007-05-01
  • As Lily Garland, Anne Heche suggests a B-movie starlet rather than a peremptory diva.
  • Near the conference centre it is strung with wreaths and garlands of homemade flowers, created from plastic bags, paper plates and wrapping paper.
  • Just that there would be some kind of pressure or process to ensure (1) that there was enough material on Aquinas, Scotus &c, but (2) that the articles on the Garland the computist or Frigidius of Tours (say) were not the size of those covered in (1). Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • The hall was lined with great columns down both sides, and the whole area was festooned with banners and garlands of flowers.
  • Although the body is deteriorated, the garland, which symbolized his glories, remains unwithered.
  • It took a large number of lehua flowers to suffice for a wreath, and to bind them securely to the fillet that made them a garland was a work demanding not only artistic skill hut time and patience. Unwritten Literature of Hawaii The Sacred Songs of the Hula
  • Just tie a few together with raffia or ribbon, and hang on the tree or wire onto garlands and wreaths.
  • The women garlanded them with soft, fragrant flowers.
  • In the West we have used our native holly, ivy and mistletoe rather than any other foliage plant or berried bush, sometimes separately, sometimes in combination in the form of a wreath or garland.
  • Proudly warm and nostalgic for its soundstage-perfect Victorian Era setting, the film features Garland as irresistable as ever and Johnson well-cast as a suitor so straight-laced he seems almost quaint by modern standards. Sick Transit « Screaming Blue Reviews
  • The sacred bamboo rod is bathed in holy water from a golden vessel and wreathed in garlands of fragrant flowers.
  • The beach garland is sunburned, a silt shopworn, hot, as well as full of waste -- no place for upon foot barefoot. Archive 2009-11-01
  • It was not an environment likely to encourage garlands of flowers being offered to an advancing army. BLACK KNIGHTS: On the Bloody Road to Baghdad
  • Garland covered his mouth with his hand and belched discreetly.
  • Chairman Councillor Elaine Byrom told the meeting she received a call from Mr Garland on Friday warning of their non-attendance.
  • Constructed of wire, the garland is spherical, and it is decorated with strips of various materials from seersucker to damask.
  • The wild geranium was already showing its pink stem and scarlet-edged leaves, themselves almost gorgeous enough to pass for flowers; the periwinkle, with its wreaths of shining foliage, was hanging in garlands over the precipitous descent; and the lily of the valley, the fragrant woodroof, and the silvery wild garlick, were just peeping from the earth in the most sheltered nooks. The Ground-Ash
  • Although the nuchibana song lyrics mention cherry blossoms, the flowers used in the garlands actually depict a type of hibiscus plant indigenous to Okinawa.
  • The green-flowered dress and the garland signify the gayness of the fields.
  • Inspired by the husband's aunt, Julia Child, they redid the kitchen, installing French tile floors, commercial butcher-block countertops and a Garland stove that is still going strong 31 years later. A Colonial On the Water
  • It has a man being taken in procession down the platform, garland round his neck and a young girl leading him, men running backwards taking photographs.
  • I see so many women with neck pains and headaches and what I usually do is look for their purse and pick it up" said Jane Sadler a family practice physician at Baylor Medical Center in Garland Texas.
  • Here the hedges are best, not trimmed in brutal tidiness but rampant with hip-laden roses and garlanded by vivid bryony berries; and sprouting pithy wands of elder, strong grey spears of ash and angular spikes of black berried sloes.
  • Which doth the earth engarland, shapes its course, Paradise. Canto IX
  • The Justice Department also said Garland "retaliated" against a naturalized U.S. citizen who has limited English skills by rescinding his job offer after he failed to produce a green card, which proves lawful U.S. residency for non-citizens. Policing Illegal Hires Puts Some Employers in a Bind
  • He now runs a consulting firm in the Houston suburb of Sugarland, which is in the 22nd Congressional district that he once represented.
  • Tears rolled down the cheeks of onlookers as Rahul garlanded the statue of his grandmother.
  • Then Ariston, seeing that I made oath of it, perceived that the matter was of the gods; and first the garlands were found to be from the hero-temple which stands by the outer door of the house, which they call the temple of The History of Herodotus
  • And when ye’ll hear the gould hommers of my heart, my floxy loss, bingbanging again the ribs of yer resistance and the tenderbolts of my rivets working to your destraction ye’ll be sheverin wi’ all yer dinful sobs when we’ll go riding acope-acurly, you with yer orange garland and me with my conny cordial, down the greaseways of rollicking into the waters of wetted life. b) Dorhqk. Finnegans Wake
  • We haven't seen each other for a long time. May maple bring my love and sow seeds of spring; Under the same starry sky, let us, the distant two, weave a garland of missing.
  • Prunings from mature hollies make their way into classically shaped urns, while evergreen garlands drape windows and doors.
  • Not for an instant did he bow to fate: all shackled as he was, his legs engarlanded in heavy chains -- which he called his garters -- he tempered his merriment with the meditation of escape. A Book of Scoundrels
  • Kidney bean and garland chrysanthemum were the most preferred, and cabbage and tomato were the least.
  • A statue to youth and vitality was garlanded with wreaths in memory of residents who had been cut down by the army. Times, Sunday Times
  • The statue of the goddess in the sanctum was small and was heavily garlanded with bells and gold borders - offerings made to the goddess for boons granted.
  • On the ninth day, Aeneas displays the prizes for the competition: tripods, garlands, gold, silver, armor.
  • We haven't seen each other for a long time. May maple bring my love and sow seeds of spring; Under the same starry sky, let us, the distant two, weave a garland of missing.
  • The small spot is a festive clutter of petite piñatas, garlands of chili pepper lights and paper cutouts, big windows decorated with a spinning police light, cacti and a coffin.
  • Certainly, at both sets of stalls the procession would halt, garlands would be draped over the Brahmins and political candidates, and more coconuts cracked over the rath.
  • Aside from the aforementioned toys, nothing is to be found bedecking the tree more interesting than inexpensive twinkle lights, cloth ornaments, and garland. Mike Doyle: Macy's State Street Cost Cuts Christmas
  • Behind them a van draped with garlands crept along, its rear doors open.
  • Round the guard-house a number of negro girls, with broad flat baskets on their heads, were selling fruit and cold water: they had decked their woolly hair, and the edges of their baskets, with garlands of the scarlet althaea; their light blue or white cloaks were thrown gracefully across their dusky shoulders, and white jackets, so that it was such a picture as the early Spaniards might have drawn of their Eldorado. Journal of a Voyage to Brazil And Residence There During Part of the Years 1821, 1822, 1823
  • The bell of the trumpet is decorated with a garland bearing the maker's name and the place where the instrument was made.
  • The BSP leaders in Lucknow pointed out that there was no need for an inquiry, as the garland was a gift from party workers. Hindustan Times News Feeds 'Views'
  • The same colors are repeated in the gilt tazza, the garland of flowers and the pendant, hair ornament, and other jewelry strewn on the table.
  • In two days, however, it would be lit with lanterns, thrust out on jutting poles from the bordering, clifflike house and strung with garlands and flags. Cinnamon Roll
  • We haven't seen each other for a long time. May maple bring my love and sow seeds of spring; Under the same starry sky, let us, the distant two, weave a garland of missing.
  • Pennants flapped from the rigging like welcome garlands and tiny bandsman hugged tight their brass instruments amidst the crush.
  • The former Education Minister, K. Anbazhagan, who is in the habit of chewing betel leaves, used to be honoured with green garlands.
  • A garland of betony worn at night was a specific against phantasma or delusions and a head poultice of crushed teasel a spiky plant with hooked spines would relieve the symptoms of the frenzy.20 Another popular belief was that a rosted Mous, eaten, doth heale Franticke persons.21 Bedlam
  • Hanging in garlands on the sides of the tables, trees, and the fountain were white lilies.
  • She gets a garland from a tribeswoman.
  • O Bharata, there flows in a westward course the sacred river Narmada, graced by _Priyangu_ and mango trees, and engarlanded with thickest of canes. The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa Translated into English Prose Vana Parva, Part 1
  • Up to this point, Garland has written a taut, finely detailed account of his wanderers.
  • I cannot praise a fugitive and cloistered virtue, unexercised and unbreathed, that never sallies out and sees her adversary, but slinks out of the race where that immortal garland is to be run for, not without dust and heat. Archive 2006-01-01
  • First the groom garlanded the bride and then bent a little so that she could reach up to garland him.
  • As When _Dinocrates_ the famous architect, desirous to be knowen to king _Alexander_ the great, and hauing none acquaintance to bring him to the kings speech he came one day to the Court very strangely apparelled in long skarlet robes, his head compast with a garland of Laurell, and his face all to be slicked with sweet oyle, and stoode in the kings chamber, motioning nothing to any man: newes of this stranger came to the king, who caused him to be brought to his presence, and asked his name and the cause of his repaire to the The Arte of English Poesie
  • When his play first took to the London stage in 1991, it was garlanded with awards.
  • A reader sends along a copy of a breathless invitation that he received from Matthew Stadler, a Randy Gragg comrade in pretention and tortured artist-type gay author who puts together "presentations/symposia/bacchanals in Portland, Oregon, replete with food, drink, music, and general boisterousness garlanding the central pleasure of bright intellects voicing their excellent texts, winging it in conversation, and screening or presenting various textual and visual delights. Creep Suzette (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • His reign as director of the National Theatre, recorded in these diaries, was garlanded with praise and exited to a storm of acclaim.
  • These neoclassical boxes are characterized by the division of the decoration into compartments, with a central medallion bordered by garlands of varicolored gold or enamels, swags, or raised beads.
  • Today church bells rang in Norway, as they had done for a lifetime or more in Denmark, yes, above that halidom of the Mother where he and the garland girl had offered flowers ... The Boat of a Million Years
  • Orange-blossom was another favourite, often wired on to garlands of greenbrier (Smilax sp.) and pinned to the wedding dress in tiers.
  • Winners were crowned with wreath garlands of olive leaves.
  • Over each the plane swooped low, so that the photographer might make pictures of the garlanded streets, the bannered steeples, the white marquees and tents in the opens fields, prepared for Jubilee teas. Writer With a Cause
  • Dear Muse, for whom bringest thou this gardenful of song, or who is he that fashioned the garland of poets? Select Epigrams from the Greek Anthology
  • The challenge was too much for her in the end but she left the court a loser garlanded in the unanimous, warm appreciation of the crowd. US Open 2011: Maria Sharapova battles to overcome Heather Watson
  • Twenty years ago, it was scandalous when a baseball pitcher named Wayne Garland signed for $ 200, 000 a year.
  • Then (in Roger's vision) he could see the garlanded bibliopole turning to the expectant audience, giving his trailing gown a deft rearward kick as the ladies do on the stage, and uttering, without hesitation or embarrassment, with due interpolation of graceful pleasantry, that learned and unlaboured discourse on the delights of bookishness that he had often dreamed of. The Haunted Bookshop
  • Villagers enjoyed the sight of the girl garlanding the dog the way a Hindu bride does.
  • The garland, or festoon, which is carried through, and sustained, as before stated, by each of the four figures, is composed of every flower indigenous to this part of the land, and introduced emblematically to the time in which they severally bloom. Young Americans Abroad Vacation in Europe: Travels in England, France, Holland, Belgium, Prussia and Switzerland
  • Fisk is a garlanded, dynamic, vivid reporter, one of the best in the world.
  • In response to your invitation to comment on Phil Garland's letter I have the following to say.
  • Her garland is tangled in a string of pearls and her father is aghast as she snaps the string and "amid a shower of pearls," the flowers fall. “Some day, all the fools will be dead....”
  • Then (in Roger's vision) he could see the garlanded bibliopole turning to the expectant audience, giving his trailing gown a deft rearward kick as the ladies do on the stage, and uttering, without hesitation or embarrassment, with due interpolation of graceful pleasantry, that learned and unlaboured discourse on the delights of bookishness that he had often dreamed of. The Haunted Bookshop
  • A blue-winged putto, garlanded with pink and white flowers, gazes forward into the viewer's space.
  • In downtown Saddar, the spire of St. Patrick's Cathedral coruscated from a distance, and every other house seemed to be garlanded with strings of lights, like strings of glowing jasmine. Rocking Karachi
  • Mantuan poet > (Virgil, 70-19 BC, who was born near Maro, in Mantua, northern Italy) incompared > unmatched (SUS) 612 Whose garland now is set in highest place, The Faerie Queene — Volume 01
  • The garlands are all bell-shaped, wooden-framed and covered in paper rosettes sewn into place.
  • Over each the plane swooped low, so that the photographer might make pictures of the garlanded streets, the bannered steeples, the white marquees and tents in the opens fields, prepared for Jubilee teas. Writer With a Cause
  • Tony Calarco Inspired by Mr. Sheeline's aunt, Julia Child, they redid the kitchen, installing French tile floors, commercial butcher-block countertops and a Garland stove that is still going strong 31 years later. A Historic Colonial
  • The artist's repertoire of imagery has remained consistent: arabesques, medallions, garlands, lobed rosettes, various tropical flowers and fruit are assembled in trophylike configurations.
  • With Christmas on its way, the scent of pine needles from garlands and evergreen trees, as well as the spices and gingerbread of the bakeries, filled Jude's nostrils.
  • Decorate a small conifer or other evergreen tree with garlands of unsalted popcorn and cranberries and grapes strung on heavy-duty thread.
  • They're probably too busy flossing, teasing their hair and singing along to Judy Garland records to be bothered.
  • Between the slightly overcrowded urns and statues there were bright dashes of color, here of dahlias in full bloom, there of reddening garlands of ampelopsis or Virginia creeper. The Inner Shrine
  • If they keep paying Mr Garland the above amount things will only get worse before they get better.
  • They also participated in the special prayers conducted for the visitors, who were also honoured with garlands and given ‘prasadam’.
  • Several details are reminiscent of Fuzelier's Les amours déguisés, including the ‘fleet of cupids’ and the lovers enchained with garlands of roses.
  • Every year I make a flower garland for my son to wear at his birthday celebration.
  • Models for utilitarian pieces such as doorknobs, backplates, and drawer pulls are stored in separate boxes from the models for garland appliques, plaques, and figural mounts.
  • And I once again regretted the unhappy distrust that severs and disunites us, whereas all our weaknesses interwoven might be garlands of strength and love crowning the life of men. The Choice of Life
  • Eurydice picks flowers for her wedding garland and is fatally bitten by the snake.
  • And everyone knows that Garland is the evil nemesis from the first Final Fantasy. The Volokh Conspiracy » Obama’s Diverse Shortlist
  • Often mists from the Elbe rose mystically to engarland the crenelated castles here and there on the heights. Villa Elsa A Story of German Family Life
  • As a play it was garlanded with awards, and the film is expected to garner a ‘best picture’ nomination at the Oscars.
  • Let us now lift up, so far as we may, one of the folds of this garlanded curtain in the midst of which the swarm is beginning to produce that strange exudation which is almost as white as snow, and is lighter than the down on a bird's breast. A Book of Natural History Young Folks' Library Volume XIV.
  • To-day I consider as if the entire earth engarlanded with cities hath already been conquered, and as if the sons of Dhritarashtra have already been subdued. The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 1 Books 1, 2 and 3
  • His voice died in a hard sob of imploring agony, -- smitten to the very soul by a remorse greater than he could bear, his strength failed him, and he fell senseless, face forward among the flowers of the Prophet's field; .. flowers that, circling snowily around his dark and prostrate form, looked like fairy garlands bordering Ardath
  • Garlands of lamps looped the arcades leading into the Place de la Carrière, peacock-coloured fires flared from the Arch of Fighting France
  • This weekend bonanza got off to a flying start when the guests were welcomed in the royal traditional style, garlanded and saluted by elephants.
  • Whenever festivals were held in honor of these deities they always featured garlands and wreaths created with beautiful, fragrant roses.
  • No more eye shadow, no more hairspray, no more flower garlands. Times, Sunday Times
  • LaVere writes darkly atmospheric, uncliched Americana, plucks the upright bass and looks like Judy Garland would have at 30 if she'd jogged instead of drank. Philadelphia Weekly
  • While the BSP claims the garland of Rs 1,000 notes gifted to the Uttar Pradesh chief minister during the party's 25th founding day celebrations was worth Rs 21 lakh, taxmen say the value could run to Rs 5 crore. India News Digest: Global Hotels Home in on India
  • The pediment of the townhall had been hung with garlands of ivy; a tent had been erected in a meadow for the banquet; and in the middle of the Place, in front of the church, a kind of bombarde was to announce the arrival of the prefect and the names of the successful farmers who had obtained prizes. Madame Bovary A Tale of Provincial Life
  • The cornflower and mayweed on the garland around the mummy were in flower in March and April, which tells us the time of year he was buried," said Nigel Hepper of the Royal Horticultural Society at Kew Gardens. Tutankhamun Died In a Hunting Accident | Impact Lab
  • Behold the maiden on her way, the destroyer of Ilium's town and its Phrygians, with garlands twined about her head, and drops of lustral water on her, soon to besprinkle with her gushing blood the altar of a murderous goddess, what time her shapely neck is severed. Iphigenia at Aulis
  • It was he who had cajoled Garland into doing the film.
  • A statue to youth and vitality was garlanded with wreaths in memory of residents who had been cut down by the army. Times, Sunday Times
  • Two musicals adapted from movies, which have both been garlanded with awards on Broadway find their way to the British stage this month.
  • Even it was decorated, garlanded with floating simulacre of Jastian flowers and plants. Sliding Scales
  • The golden effigy, with its four faces and many arms, sits in the centre of the shrine, surrounded by a metal fence that is covered with hundreds of garlands of colourful flowers.
  • Some are holding beautiful flower garlands and decorations they hope to offer the sadhus as they pass.
  • Garland, wreaths, and pine tree boughs would be hung, red candles lit in the windows, and holly branches attached to the outside of the pews with big red bows.
  • Councillor John Godward said Mr Garland was hiding behind the election.
  • It usually includes a small bouquet of flowers, a garland, or a small wreath that is placed on the inside lid of the casket for open casket services.
  • A man selected garlands of jasmine at the neighbouring pitch. Indian Balm - Travels in the Southern Subcontinent
  • Soon after the May garlands the meadow orchis comes up, which is called 'dead men's hands,' and after that the 'ram's-horn' orchis, which has a twisted petal; and in the evening the bat, which they call flittermouse, appears again. Field and Hedgerow Being the Last Essays of Richard Jefferies
  • The image is framed by a garland of wheat, clover, and flax flowers.
  • A vastly experienced and garlanded veteran. Times, Sunday Times
  • He holds a garland of morning glories, a personal emblem signifying affection and awakening, while leaves and acorns from the scrub oak of the land are a sign of courage and independence.
  • People can learn how to create wonderful swags, welcome door wreaths and mantle garlands.
  • On the top of the garland was the model of a ship, full-rigged, with sails set and colours flying. Peter the Whaler
  • This hugely talented Australian group was formed in the late 1970s, but despite being garlanded with critical praise they have never made it terribly big.
  • The girls were huddled in colored groups on wide couches or garlanded in twos and threes on and in the big koa-wood chairs. CHAPTER XI
  • It was almost enveloped in luxuriant wreaths of yellow jessamine, and garlanded with a magnificent lamarque rose, whose cream-colored buds and flowers contrasted beautifully with the dark, polished green of the finely-cut leaves. Dred; A Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp. Vol. I
  • Fortunately this melancholy saga is interspersed with glimpses of Garland in action singing some of her bestknown songs. End of the Rainbow - review
  • Afterwards, officials and people from all walks of life took turns bestowing garlands and bouquets of flowers before a magnificent picture of Her Majesty Queen Sirikit, honoring and celebrating the occasion.
  • A statue to youth and vitality was garlanded with wreaths in memory of residents who had been cut down by the army. Times, Sunday Times
  • For there are excessive banquetings, and subtle flutes which provoke to lustful movements, and useless and luxurious anointings, and crowning with garlands. A Dark And Hidden God
  • With a laurel wreath woven by no mortal hand shall she at Reims engarland happily the gardener of the Lily, named Charles, son of The Life of Joan of Arc, Vol. 1 and 2
  • The rooms are bedecked with handmade ornaments and shimmery garlands, and stockings are hung by the chimney with care.
  • At the end of some long and dark corridors stood the linga, a rounded phallic symbol periodically garlanded and anointed with oil and ghee. The Apparition
  • The primeval pines up here are of gigantic size, rising from eighty to over a hundred feet, enormous in girth, and garlanded with hoary grey-green moss, the growth of centuries. Untrodden Peaks and Unfrequented Valleys
  • But it boasted green marble dadoes, Corinthian columns of cast iron painted gold, and garlands of gilded fruit on the walls; the pineapples particularly, thought Guy Francon, had stood the test of years very well. The Fountainhead
  • Amidst chanting of vedic hymns, the temple priests garlanded the brides and tied the magalsutras on behalf of the frogs pronouncing the two as wives of the amphibians before the sacred fire at the auspicious hour. January 21st, 2009
  • We arrived at the airport and had garlands of roses thrown around our necks. Times, Sunday Times
  • The cage is a pyramid of Plexiglas, complete with a swinging door, air holes and a gold garland sash.
  • She triumphed in the end, however, with straight talk from her father, and won the last Academy Award ever given for "Outstanding Juvenile Performance" previous recipients were Judy Garland and Shirley Temple. Penelope Andrew: First Choice for Lolita, Hayley Mills, Attends Rare Screening of Whistle Down the Wind in Hollywood, Cult Classic Comes to BAM

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