How To Use Gargantuan In A Sentence

  • But such economies will not be sufficient to meet this gargantuan challenge. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the tasks ahead are gargantuan. Times, Sunday Times
  • This time I have captured the gargantuan Turkish meat butty for posterity, here and in the photo's section forever more.
  • And then there was CityTime, the gargantuan $700 million looting of the city treasury by sticky-fingered outside consultants hired to build an automated payroll system. Dan Collins: Mayor Bloomberg's Handling of Stephen Goldsmith Firing Not the Problem
  • Since an imperial harem numbered more than 5,000 wives, concubines, and eunuch guards at the height of the dynasty, the scale of cooking was gargantuan.
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  • She sat at the table in front of us and proceeded to order an enormous earthenware jug of red wine and a gargantuan bowl of spaghetti with clam sauce.
  • The preference is evident in the gargantuan New World Department Store in Shanghai's commercial heart.
  • Ramirez turned the taps, and hot water sluiced into the vast bath as he walked around the gargantuan chamber, pulling various bottles out of the cabinets that lined the upper reaches, sealed against the invasion of water.
  • Rides with ominous names like Raptor, Flight of Fear, and Mean Streak push the G force envelope at three gargantuan amusement parks.
  • The atrocities committed on all sides were horrendous and on a gargantuan scale.
  • If you want to get a bird's eye view of what's going on in the surrounding villages (not much) then a brisk climb up to their summits is suitably rewarding, even if it's only to see Range Rovers not giving way on the narrow lanes to gargantuan John Deere tractors with equally frightening implements sticking out the back. Autumn Ascents
  • In reality, he is doing his damndest to avert a gargantuan cyberattack. Times, Sunday Times
  • No fewer than 50 listed buildings and structures needed repair and new roles, including the gargantuan, 1,135ft-long ropery. Times, Sunday Times
  • Qin standardized the ‘Chinese Writing’ and undertook gargantuan projects. Han Statue | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • With a gargantuan effort, they obey me, sliding a couple of centimetres in turn. Times, Sunday Times
  • Iranaputra didn't know about the others, but he personally found the notion that the gargantuan Drex warship could be "unnerved" highly disturbing. Codgerspace
  • It was a hefty hiner, a colossal caboose, a ginormous jiggler, a gargantuan thong-gobbler, a massive boo-tay. Wilberteets Diary Entry
  • It's better, but it still feels like a fragment of unfinished master plan tacked onto a gargantuan traffic interchange. Times, Sunday Times
  • Why this gargantuan appetite for spice, and how on earth did they get through it? SPICE: The History of a Temptation
  • Yet the biggest obstacle is locating a suitable venue for this gargantuan Christmas dinner.
  • While being scrutinised by a gargantuan grouper and innumerable smaller fish, I became aware of a more thrilling presence.
  • He slapped the topless Mecca for celebrities and high rollers with a lawsuit in Manhattan Supreme Court, claiming hanky-panky - of the financial sort - was behind his gargantuan tab.
  • The gargantuan black clouds were overcast by a dense, opaque fog, ever converging, camouflaged with the caliginous sky that surrounded.
  • As the snow accumulates from that little boreal patch, growing inexorably year after year, gargantuan ice sheets begin to form.
  • Removing him from it is a gargantuan task. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pants aren't in evidence in this production - it's more about gargantuan shoulder pads and crinoline dresses.
  • They're sweet, colorful, lickable and a manageably small snack in an age of gargantuan portions.
  • The scale of the triumphal arch is gargantuan and this is reinforced by its highly simplified architectural detail.
  • That, or its members knowingly turned a blind eye to the gargantuan scale of pilfering going on under their noses.
  • He has logged more than 1, 400 animals, from the miniature (one-ounce song sparrows) to the gargantuan (a 1, 500-pound black Angus bull).
  • You can only imagine what his total might have been if he'd had, say, his appetite for gargantuan scores.
  • If you are downwind when the whales blow, there is no mistaking the content of their gargantuan diet.
  • Falk even persuaded Nike to spend at least $ 1 million marketing Jordan, a gargantuan sum at the time.
  • On the far wall there was a painting of a gargantuan man wearing a black eyepatch.
  • These days the manufacturer bears little resemblance to the gargantuan outfit it once was.
  • But why should they be denied our own gargantuan appetites? Times, Sunday Times
  • There are also gargantuan lamb shanks studded with lotus roots, giant tandoori prawns flown in from Sri Lanka, and leaning towers of tender salmon interspersed with okra and spicy tomato sauce.
  • Seven engaged columns, each painted totem-fashion with two gargantuan faces, punctuate the hallucinogenic scene.
  • It's a gargantuan challenge, but the possibility of continuing with a remote, technocratic Europe died this week.
  • My heart swelled to gargantuan proportions in my chest, and my smile broadened.
  • In the center of the parking lot was a towering white building, casting a shadow like a gargantuan sundial.
  • If one major aspect of Life Studies is this gargantuan appetite for differentiated and subtilised reality - prose again, one might think - it is checked by plot, by theme, by rhythm and, eerily, almost subliminally, by verbal repetitions.
  • His house is a biscuit-free zone and he has replaced such sugary temptations with gargantuan bowls of fruit for him and his family to snack on.
  • Managing the exchange rate in the face of trade surpluses has resulted in the buildup of gargantuan foreign-exchange reserves—$3.04 trillion that China has little choice but to recycle as cut-price loans to the U.S. Get Ready: Here Comes the Yuan
  • The Indian army has an impressive scheme to try to clean the glacier by building a gargantuan aerial cableway that will cart supplies up and carry waste down.
  • As he moved, his sea-green scales hissed against each other, armor plates the size of dinner dishes protecting the soft flesh of his gargantuan body.
  • He looked at them, one after the other, giant monoliths old and new, gargantuan towers assembled in the sky by human hands.
  • And if the cover art foreshadows the style of this gargantuan cotton-candy novel, the title poised between horse and skyline suggests the allusive, striving nature of the themes to come: Shakespeare's romance of resurrection will be only the most conspicuous swatch in a patchwork of Renaissance fairy tale, Victorian saga, Vonnegutian fable, and dreamy surrealism in the Latin American manner. Small Expectations
  • In Medieval and Tudor times feasts tended to be gargantuan often to celebrate coronations of Kings, religious occasions or end of harvests.
  • It's better, but it still feels like a fragment of unfinished master plan tacked onto a gargantuan traffic interchange. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's a gargantuan iron construction that weighs several hundredweight, and incorporates all sorts of spikes and crenellations.
  • This has increased an already toxic legacy to gargantuan proportions,' he said. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's no loony-haired maniac gurning in a murky tunnel this time around; no prowling cat's eyed gargantuan ripping out raps menacingly.
  • Designed to be an ocean liner, the 150,000-grt vessel is fracturing the mold of simply becoming just another gargantuan cruise ship.
  • Falk even persuaded Nike to spend at least $ 1 million marketing Jordan, a gargantuan sum at the time.
  • Huddled against each other were two gargantuan dragons, so large that a passing breath might have sucked all of my eight feet into the depths of a nostril.
  • The creature's head split in a gargantuan soundless scream, the pieces of her mouth flailing in the cavernous rictus. MINUTES TO BURN
  • The delay may also be down to the gargantuan task and cost of actually visiting the restaurants. Times, Sunday Times
  • While searching for images of Asteromo, I stumbled upon Fabio Feminò's gargantuan futurological collection. Archive 2006-02-01
  • The sprawling flat features eight-foot-wide hallways, gargantuan skylights and impeccable plaster detail, all created for a long-gone shopkeeper downstairs and his ne'er-do-well brother.
  • Way out in the corners of the galaxy, there are objects so massive that they curve light into gargantuan gravitational lenses, distorting and magnifying objects behind them.
  • The day before our raft trip we stood before the immense manitou of the Blue Nile Falls, watching the water spout and bloom like gargantuan brown mushrooms and the mist shape and move like a time-lapse sequence of clouds. Peter Guber: African Water Rights in DeNile
  • It was meant to have curbed her gargantuan appetite. The Sun
  • My gargantuan, pristine machine was good for writing papers and playing solitaire, and that was all.
  • By counting each e-mail sent by a white-collar wrongdoer as a separate case of wire fraud, prosecutors can threaten him with a gargantuan sentence unless he confesses, or informs on his boss.
  • There was enough elbow room in this gargantuan aquarium for all kinds of surprises to emerge.
  • Nicole led me to a corner table displaying two bottles of Louis Roederer Cristal champagne and a gargantuan tin of beluga caviar.
  • There are also gargantuan lamb shanks studded with lotus roots, giant tandoori prawns flown in from Sri Lanka, and leaning towers of tender salmon interspersed with okra and spicy tomato sauce.
  • There is nothing like the instant gratification of jumping in to find, as the bubbles clear, that a gargantuan whale shark is sheltering in the shadow of your boat, or a posse of eagle rays is gliding by.
  • His penchant is for the gargantuan – auto companies, school violence, capitalism, health care. My first encounter with Michael Moore
  • The only exception I make is when I'm going to fry them or want to roast them to a creamy softness, as in moussaka or parmigiana, because salting does seem to deter them from soaking up such a gargantuan amount of oil. Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's aubergine recipes
  • The dozers have plasma cutters which rip into the trees, slashing through their gargantuan bases in a spray of fierce light and burning wood-shrapnel.
  • Then I topped a gargantuan sesame seed bagel with a layer of creamy butter and a thick chunk of Gouda before biting into it.
  • ` ` Hef you any aguaintunce off Mitster Fear? '' he inquired, in return, with no expression decipherable either upon his Gargantuan face or in his heavily enfolded eyes. The Conquest of Canaan
  • The scale of the triumphal arch is gargantuan and this is reinforced by its highly simplified architectural detail.
  • This is a gargantuan pub with a vast forecourt and car park in front, a real restaurant and lots of nooks and crannies to get lost in.
  • Falk even persuaded Nike to spend at least $ 1 million marketing Jordan, a gargantuan sum at the time.
  • As befits a man with a gargantuan appetite, he chose the menu himself.
  • But such economies will not be sufficient to meet this gargantuan challenge. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you are downwind when the whales blow, there is no mistaking the content of their gargantuan diet.
  • The east coast weather gods conspired to roll in the haar off the North Sea in a north to north easterly breeze of force three to four, making race management a gargantuan task.
  • Hef you any aguaintunce off Mitster Fear?" he inquired, in return, with no expression decipherable either upon his Gargantuan face or in his heavily enfolded eyes. The Conquest of Canaan
  • It's better, but it still feels like a fragment of unfinished master plan tacked onto a gargantuan traffic interchange. Times, Sunday Times
  • These are not just paintings of big food, they are portraits of gargantuan decadency. Evelyne Politanoff: Pantagruelian and Decadent -- Mary Ellen Johnson's Paintings of Big Food
  • She had also contracted dropsy and swollen to gargantuan proportions. AN UNLIKELY COUNTESS: Lily Budge and the 13th Earl of Galloway
  • Researchers set out some simple criteria and began their gargantuan task. SPIX'S MACAW: THE RACE TO SAVE THE WORLD'S RAREST BIRD
  • She shudders at a plush crimson chair with a gargantuan back. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, for those of us for whom it also is work, it is a stamina and endurance challenge of gargantuan proportions.
  • And in the Fifth Symphony, one of those in which he called for no vocal performers, he nevertheless managed to vary and expand the conventional suite by preceding the first allegro with a march, and separating and relieving the gargantuan scherzo and rondo with an adagietto for strings alone. Musical Portraits Interpretations of Twenty Modern Composers
  • There were rudimentary stalactites and stalagmites protruding from ceiling and floor, like the teeth of some gargantuan creature's mouth.
  • The everyday challenges of the fifth decade assume gargantuan dimensions in an industry that prizes youth.
  • The last I heard she was slowly sailing her yacht around Europe, a gargantuan task taking many summers.
  • Being skinny, I have never had to worry about the side effects of such a gargantuan appetite.
  • He's at the center of a gargantuan deal that will determine how old and new media companies will evolve.
  • She had also contracted dropsy and swollen to gargantuan proportions. AN UNLIKELY COUNTESS: Lily Budge and the 13th Earl of Galloway
  • Where miners used to toil underground, drilling and blasting, the earth is now ripped open by gargantuan shovels and draglines; these machines, too, are controlled by one worker in a high glass booth.
  • They long for gargantuan TVs, pool tables and funky barka loungers to keep them happy.
  • While the gargantuan engineering firm is better known for its hydro dams in Cree country, it also makes a lot of bullets, of different calibres, specifications and killing techniques.
  • There was enough elbow room in this gargantuan aquarium for all kinds of surprises to emerge.
  • The executives' gargantuan incomes derive from their power over what has become an increasingly scarce factor of production, capital.
  • Then I had a growth in my eye, which swelled up to gargantuan proportions. Times, Sunday Times
  • Critics say Napa Valley has an ego, but what it really has is a gargantuan appetite for life.
  • The boom in mining around the world has boosted the company's exports of its gargantuan trucks and earth movers.
  • I suppose, in the end, I was a little disappointed, not because each of these wasn't a big, beefy concept with a positively gargantuan hinterland of potential consequences.
  • On the plus side, while the menu was pretty limited, it was reasonably priced and the quantities were gargantuan.
  • They therefore present what he calls a Lilliputian challenge to unguided Darwinism; if he is right, they present it with a Gargantuan challenge as well. Religion and Science
  • If Wallace is frequently overpowered by some of the league's more gargantuan pivotmen, guarding Jermaine O'Neal is Big Ben's chance to push around someone else.
  • While the gargantuan engineering firm is better known for its hydro dams in Cree country, it also makes a lot of bullets, of different calibres, specifications and killing techniques.
  • By counting each e-mail sent by a white-collar wrongdoer as a separate case of wire fraud, prosecutors can threaten him with a gargantuan sentence unless he confesses, or informs on his boss.
  • So, here we are, a species who evolved this gigantic brain becausewe are so connected to each other, while at the same time claiming our gargantuan brainsmean that we are each a universe unto ourselves. Agents of the West
  • With the introduction of quotas in 1984, reserves have shrunk from a gargantuan 1.28 million tonnes in 1986, to a laughable 16,000 tonnes this year. Archive 2007-08-01
  • Growth of such gargantuan proportions, however, invites a corresponding magnification in risk exposure.
  • The dozers have plasma cutters which rip into the trees, slashing through their gargantuan bases in a spray of fierce light and burning wood-shrapnel.
  • In reality, he is doing his damndest to avert a gargantuan cyberattack. Times, Sunday Times
  • What was especially impressive about old-school restraint was that it was coupled with the most gargantuan appetite for gossip. Times, Sunday Times
  • They all opted for hamburgers of quite gargantuan proportions. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ramirez flung the gargantuan vessel into a steep nosedive.
  • The sprawling flat features eight-foot-wide hallways, gargantuan skylights and impeccable plaster detail, all created for a long-gone shopkeeper downstairs and his ne'er-do-well brother.
  • Rather, the title relies on what Capcom calls "focus cut-scenes" -- hold down the D-Pad near an event and the camera will shift and pan picturesquely onto a gargantuan Akrid as it crawls over a building and prepares an attack. IGN PS3
  • From her gargantuan handbag, she produced five paper plates and a jar of Marmite.
  • A whole new sector with a gargantuan appetite for power was emerging.
  • His vulgar displays of vanity while in the house were truly gargantuan in proportion.
  • In the case she noticed a gargantuan broadsword, the blade about four and a half feet long.
  • The To Do List has grown to gargantuan size and I'm not even making a dent in it at the moment.
  • First off, the monoline bond insurers, the backstop for all those toxic mortgage securities, started announcing gargantuan losses. Times, Sunday Times
  • She shudders at a plush crimson chair with a gargantuan back. Times, Sunday Times
  • The building was tall and thin, and in subsequent decades it was crowded out by gargantuan neighbors.
  • Nameless is infuriated that Claverhouse, whose very name is hateful and ridiculous, is always happy, optimistic, cheerful, always laughing his annoying, Gargantuan, laugh ( "his plaguey cachinnations"). “. . .all his race rose up before him in a mighty phantasmagoria. . .”
  • We were in an alcove adjacent to one end, next to two ancient beldames who were tucking into a Gargantuan feast.
  • She's no longer "Reba McEntire," she's just "Reba" -- and, thus, the perfect candidate to be first to have her gargantuanness celebrated in Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch
  • “Charawk, chawk, chawk, chawk, chawk, chawk!” shrieked the hindmost hen, hit smartly by the watering-can Mr. Skelmersdale had thrown, and fluttered wildly over Mrs. Glue’s cottage and so into the doctor’s field, while the rest of those Gargantuan birds pursued the pullet, in possession of the child across the vicarage lawn. The Food of the Gods and how it came to Earth
  • Not merely a gargantuan egotist with boundless artistic ambition, he was a prankster on a grand scale.
  • It's a gargantuan, tightly-squeezed settlement of 16-lane roads, subway stations with 12 exits and looming, monolithic tower apartment blocks.
  • The search task has been gargantuan. Times, Sunday Times

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