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How To Use Gardener In A Sentence

  • ABC of agrobiology; the quantitative science of plant life and plant nutrition for gardeners, farmers and general readers.
  • Intendants and servitors were giving orders on all sides, frequently contradictory, and gardeners were furbishing up the alleyed walks and flower beds in readiness for _Sa Majesté Louis Royal Palaces and Parks of France
  • It's the equivalent of a course in arboriculture for the amateur gardener and landscape professional, including the history and culture of trees, suggesting the climates where you might find them growing. Books to inspire endeavors in landscape design, gardening
  • The gardener strolled off, his golden gown soon lost in the golden expanse of grass, accompanied by several small animals which capered at his feet, circled his head or hopped off and on his shoulders.
  • The gardener roared nearby on his machine, eyes rigidly averted. Somewhere East of Life
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  • As gardeners already know, all other slugs and snails (or gastropod mollusks, to the experts) sport a soft and slimy foot.
  • Gardeners regularly stroll the grounds, picking up stray pieces of trash and trimming unruly bushes.
  • As well as financial contributions, the group is urging volunteer gardeners to come forward or offer donations of gardening tools and equipment.
  • Just inside the gates, an overalled gardener with a gentle face is poking insincerely at the dripping rhododendrons with a pair of secateurs.
  • He was an extremely picturesque gardener, dressed in knickerbockers and leather gaiters, with a touch of red in his waistcoat, and a cardigan jacket and a cap on the side of his head. Just Patty
  • Oroveso to the Druidical chorus, was a muscular spinster, fierce and forty, sporting steel spectacles, a frizette of the most scrupulous honesty, and a towering comb which formed what the landscape-gardeners call "an object" in the distance. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 13, No. 80, June, 1864
  • Pensioners can have a cup of tea and a biscuit for 5p and all the gardeners roll up to dunk their digestives in the afternoon sunshine.
  • The traditional gardeners' tools of spades, forks and trowels have been replaced by sketchpads, hammers and nails.
  • Or again, he was an amazingly neat gardener, one might almost say a perfectionist.
  • I am friends with all the head gardeners and we are swapping plants. Times, Sunday Times
  • With bonfires outlawed in urban areas, gardeners must cart their refuse to a dump.
  • For the place of the weeds is among stones, where the gardener wishes no plants. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • These simple maintenance tasks keep your patio planters and window boxes looking their best throughout the growing season and help cold-climate gardeners prepare for winter.
  • However, Frank's furtive visits to strange bars frequented by men in ascots and Cathy's friendship with Raymond, a noble black gardener, set the neighbourhood gossips tittering.
  • Gardeners also use crotons, hardy bushes with a million variegations in purple, yellow and green, heliconias, for their slender stems and banana-like leaves, and also flowering trees (which often bloom later in the year).
  • They can additionally be built in tall levels to illustrate creation them preferred for those gardeners with singular mobility. Screwdriver Cordless YouTube Bosch GSR 10.8 V-LI Cordless ...
  • She is a keen gardener, bird watcher, photographer and swimmer.
  • Even this season that represents the death of the garden is a vital one for our Japanese gardener, while our western gardener sulks until spring.
  • That includes paying for the housekeeper and gardener. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was wearing a gardener's outfit and her hair appeared to be a garden of its own, with lilies, violets, roses and daisies, the base of the hair was a grassy green.
  • The discovery of a host of rare and exotic mushrooms spreading across the nation will be blamed on a new habitat created by gardeners' wood chippings, at a meeting of ecologists in the new year.
  • Mature specimens develop a thick trunk and stems with leaves and flowers at the top of the plant, often too high for the gardener to enjoy.
  • As colonial rule established itself and regions hitherto inaccessible became safe enough for plant collectors to travel in, many new bulb species found their way back to the nurseryman and then the gardener.
  • At the moment curly kale, sprouts and parsnips are being harvested in the suburban garden and the head gardener is on hand for advice. Times, Sunday Times
  • So why is it that so many gardeners are reluctant to plant trees? Times, Sunday Times
  • Organic gardeners can use fixed copper fungicides, but they are not considered as effective against late blight as chlorothalonil. - News
  • At the foot of the garden path she found her eldest sister, picking some of the flowers their gardener had allowed to grow wild there.
  • Henry VIII's gardener, Richard Harris, had an orchard in Teynham producing cherries, pears, and pippins (eating apples), said to have been ‘the chief mother for all the other orchards of those kind of fruits’.
  • He was also a keen angler and an enthusiastic gardener, with his dahlias and leeks becoming the envy of Hampshire. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is the time when hard-pressed gardeners and farmers are watching the sky for signs of rain as soils grow drier. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gardeners are almost always information junkies, and now, while it's wet, and there's little to do outside, it's the perfect time to kick back, mellow out and finally organise all this horticultural hoarding.
  • My advice: tell him your panocha is going to get manicured by the next hot Mexican gardener you meet, and he'll shape up pronto, because the only thing that'll motivate an hombre to do what a woman wants is the prospect of losing his gabacho to another wab. Gustavo Arellano: ¡ASK A MEXICAN!: Chivas and AIDS Tests
  • She is an enthusiastic gardener and does most of the work herself, employing help just one day a week. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps the biggest culture shock comes when newcomers from India realize that in America their personal army of cooks and cleaners, gardeners and drivers, ayahs and gofers is reduced to - I, me, myself.
  • Wise gardeners know how to plant a yard to attract birds, and Polshek has interpreted the new entrance so that it captivates people.
  • In addition to working on the sports ground he was doing odd jobs as a gardener out in the wealthy suburbs. Seminary Boy
  • The latter-day St. George yearns to rescue the daughter of an absent-minded aristocrat who lives in a castle but who fancies himself a gardener.
  • So enliven a gardener's world with a 1,000-count box of live red wiggler composting worms from Uncle Jim's Worm Farm. Avital Binshtock: Gifts That Keep on Living
  • Local malfeasant with cartoon middle name such as "the librarian", "the landscape gardener" or "the ticket inspector" botches a hit and has to get out of town for a while. 2010 – a Mourinho of a year, a special one | Kevin McKenna
  • By all accounts it was the usual huge success, with keen gardeners coming from all around to stock up on plants and gardening paraphernalia.
  • These gardeners may make note of those plants they'd like to add to their personal landscapes and seek them out at nurseries or special plant sales.
  • But might his lasting legacy to gardeners be to help invent a cleaner wellington boot? Times, Sunday Times
  • Grown-ups who worked as grooms, butlers, maids or gardeners in the surrounding plantation houses occasionally brought these home with left-over foods wrapped in them.
  • After years of gardening, the marks of the spade were impressed on the skin of the old gardener's hands.
  • the gardener talked about the proper substrate for acid-loving plants
  • The cute creatures are seen as a gardener's friend because they help control pests like slugs. The Sun
  • Those gardeners who want a real taste of the tropics could try growing plants with edible fruit. Times, Sunday Times
  • The gardener estimated that it would take him four hours to weed the garden.
  • A quirky gift for a young gardener might be a carnivorous plant.
  • The gardener dribbled water on the plant .
  • Western gardeners can still have evergreen hollies, but the evergreen choices in eastern gardens are limited to spruces and Leucothes, or boxwood and Acuba in warm-region gardens.
  • Page 166 would best answer this soil and climate, as he was thought no despisable gardener at home. Journal of a Lady of Quality; Being the Narrative of a Journey from Scotland to the West Indies, North Carolina, and Portugal, in the Years 1774 to 1776
  • After the old gardener died, the garden grew wild.
  • He masqueraded as the gardener and cook, under the alias of David Motsamayi.
  • May 17, 2008 at 12: 26 PM gardener reported on the jobs of connely, alexander and deneny. Amy Sucks (Part 60 of Gerry Sucks)
  • This barmy idea is policy of governments past and present but will put English gardeners at a disadvantage and export yet more horticulture jobs abroad. The Sun
  • He advises gardeners to place their butterfly boxes about four feet above ground and making sure they have a southern exposure in the wintertime.
  • As home gardeners get more sophisticated, retailers are now offering both hippeastrum and amaryllis in their catalogs.
  • Therewith up sprang the gardener lad and mounting one of the young men's mules, was absent awhile, after which he returned with a Cairene girl, as she were a sheep's tail, fat and delicate, or an ingot of pure silvern ore or a dinar on a porcelain plate or a gazelle in the wold forlore. Arabian nights. English
  • I also related my first experiment in the arboricultural line, when I cut from two thrifty rows of young cherry-trees any quantity of what I supposed to be ` suckers, 'or ` sprouts,' and was thereafter informed by my gardener that I had cut off all his grafts! '' Life of Hon. Phineas T. Barnum
  • The Cook's Garden: Seeds and plants for gourmet gardeners, with 110 pages of heirlooms, herbs and quirky vegetables such as cardoon and orange cauliflower. ScrippsNews
  • And whilst each one hent bunch in hand, the gardener brought the wine-service and setting it before them, on a tray of porcelain arabesqued with red gold, recited these two couplets, The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • My gardener has grown an unusual one called a tulip. Secrets of the Tudor Court
  • The gardener had had to spray gasoline on them to facilitate combustion, and the smell was unpleasant.
  • Jason Gardener is regaling me with tales of an invite to Buckingham Palace and a chinwag with the Queen.
  • He is particularly well placed, with a council groundsman, landscape gardener and golf greenkeeper on his playing staff.
  • The glut of perky how-to books aimed at young gardeners growing radishes on their city balconies seems to have dried up for now. Times, Sunday Times
  • With his trademark single flaxen plait snaking lazily down his jumper, Britain's leading organic gardener certainly appears to practise what he preaches.
  • Green-fingered gardeners are preparing to add a splash of colour to the Auld Grey Town this summer with their entries for the 2004 Kendal in Bloom competition.
  • Combine kiwis in a fruit salad with scrumptious strawberries (which were reputed to contain a love potion by medieval gardeners) and see what happens!
  • Mother was a very keen gardener and under her supervision we grew all our own vegetables and looked after the flower garden and shrubbery.
  • N. SWIN.EN. "an ingenious gardener and seedsman at Brentford-End," wrote The Beauties of Flora Displayed; 8vo. On the Portraits of English Authors on Gardening, with Biographical Notices of Them, 2nd edition, with considerable additions
  • She was an inspired gardener who wrote like an angel, but she was elitist to her fingernails.
  • Whilst in Ilkley Mr Titchmarsh will also carry out an informal book signing of his latest work The Royal Gardeners - for which the TV series will also start to be screened during November.
  • Many gardeners are familiar with forcing cherry, forsythia blossoms & and spring bulbs but you can add to this by sprouting wheat kernels in containers for a beautiful centerpiece.
  • Gardener could have easily become a tired spy movie retread, but director Meirelles gives it a major push above the conventions of the genre.
  • She is an enthusiastic gardener and does most of the work herself, employing help just one day a week. Times, Sunday Times
  • Are you able to keep both the gardeners on?
  • Everything was blooming and many local handymen, gardeners and maids were on the road.
  • Quitting this situation he lived for some years as gardener in several considerable families: after which he established himself in London as a seedsman; and has ever since followed that business with unremitting diligence and success. The Journal of a Mission to the Interior of Africa, in the Year 1805
  • The couple play golf twice a week, pulling their own trolleys, and are keen gardeners. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of the consolations - for gardeners - of the long, wet, dark winter evenings is to sit in front of a roaring fire with seed catalogues and plant lists, and dream of how the garden will look in the summer.
  • If anyone really cared about the welfare of slugs and other creepy-crawlies, they would make the use of poisons mandatory, and forbid gardeners to keep nematode worms in their gardens.
  • Casual gardeners may envision low shrubs with puffball blooms in shades of pink and blue, but these so-called mophead hydrangeas—technically known as Hydrangea macrophylla—are only the most common varietal out there, and in my experience, aren't reliable bloomers. Hydrangeas' Fall Flower Show
  • Good gardeners are like gold dust these days — I just can't find one to help with my garden.
  • Whether you're an experienced gardener or just getting started, there are some medicinals that are so easy to grow that they are almost guaranteed to be a success.
  • Another native grass that isn't very familiar to gardeners is little bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium), a blue foliaged plant with beautiful fall color. Grow glorious grasses in your landscape
  • His staff includes three butlers, four valets, four chefs, 10 gardeners, and more.
  • But the botanist that is desirous of wiping off this aspersion should be by no means content with a list of names; he should study plants philosophically, should investigate the laws of vegetation, should examine the powers and virtues of efficacious herbs, should promote their cultivation; and graft the gardener, the planter, and the husbandman, on the phytologist. The Natural History of Selborne, Vol. 2
  • Find yourself a public garden locally where there are huge hedges or topiary and have a chat with the head gardener. Times, Sunday Times
  • Both parents used to be keen gardeners, but now they have no time or energy to spare and their plot has become an abandoned wilderness. Times, Sunday Times
  • His father worked as a gardener at the local nursery. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gardeners shopping for fertilizer face a bewildering array of choices.
  • This song for the dentally challenged was penned in 1944 by Don Gardener.
  • Fortunately ladybirds love to eat greenfly and they can help the gardener to control them without having to use chemical sprays which can also kill helpful insects.
  • The gardener pinched out the weak shoot on a plant.
  • That night, on a hunch, he returns with a flashlight, and, proving once again why he was made head gardener, manages to startle a gorging gray horde of sweet-toothed woodmice.
  • So many wildgardeners add annual seed to their meadow areas each spring, since they want to assure a full flush of annual bloom.
  • The gardener had had to spray gasoline on them to facilitate combustion, and the smell was unpleasant.
  • For Ben the Bucket, the Dale's demon gardener, the summer has been both a triumph and a tragedy.
  • It is surprising the number of novice gardeners who don't get around to planting climbers until they have been ‘at it’ for a few years.
  • Some shade trees provide their own winter show, and gardeners should count themselves lucky to have them.
  • Emperiall_, is, of all flowers, both forraigne and home-bred, the delicatest, and strangest: it hath the true shape of an imperiall crowne, and will be of divers colours, according to the art of the gardener. On the Portraits of English Authors on Gardening, with Biographical Notices of Them, 2nd edition, with considerable additions
  • At the moment curly kale, sprouts and parsnips are being harvested in the suburban garden and the head gardener is on hand for advice. Times, Sunday Times
  • The college bursar, Graham has a note on file on the day in question, based on information from Carol, gardener at the school.
  • The head gardener's house is decorated with barge boards and finials, and has been carefully restored.
  • As gardeners we must keep up with floricultural progress. The Sunny Side
  • Even if what you see is an unwelcome glimpse of grey, if you're a professional gardener, you simply have no choice but to get out of bed and get your sou'wester on.
  • Visitors can learn about the gardens and pick up tips from the head gardener. Times, Sunday Times
  • He had shown no false modesty about his ability to avoid the gardener.
  • Gardeners, cooks and veggies mix in a celebration of education, spectacle, fun and food samples.
  • The old gardener pushed his cap back on his bald head and stared at her a minute. The Secret Garden
  • Bess was a very keen gardener and flowers and plants feature in the Elizabethan needlework and tapestries in the house.
  • Gardeners can enter the largest slug and heaviest snail sections. Times, Sunday Times
  • Though color gets top billing, many spring bulbs also introduce the season's first floral fragrance, an attribute that's increasingly important to American gardeners.
  • Gardeners are near the end of their tether because of youngsters rampaging through their allotment, leaving a trail of devastation behind them.
  • She worked as a cleaner; he found a job as a gardener. Times, Sunday Times
  • It had potential, and the site was a gardener's dream: a blank slate of rolling land overlooking a park and nearby lake.
  • The diversities of their colors, textures, and shapes offer gardeners a wonderful opportunity to be creative.
  • Unfortunately, H. quercifolia is not reliable here, but H. arborescens and H. paniculata give all season interest. gloriathegardener Stop! Step away from the Hydrangeas! « Sugar Creek Gardens’ Blog
  • In areas where water restrictions can thwart a gardener's best efforts, rosarians might want to consider using a soil polymer to maintain moisture in the soil for a longer period of time.
  • He obtained employment with the Parke family of Dunally House as a gardener circa 1840 and had to anglicise his family name to Foley.
  • Hmm, nodded the others in agreement, as if they were on Gardeners Question Time and someone had just made a valid point about greenfly. What's Going On
  • This means preventing the movement of soil, transplants, and irrigation water from infested to noninfested areas, for example, by maintenance and design of irrigation systems, and by cleaning soil from tools and gardeners’ hands and feet. 5. How plants live and grow
  • Gardeners are certainly coming to realise the benefits of grafted plants. The Sun
  • He urged gardeners to avoid the use of exotic plants and not to plant alien flowers out in the wild or along hedgerows.
  • Gardeners will find in it such flavorful varieties as the Brandywine tomato, with its balance of sweetness and acidity.
  • Of course, the idea of crocus in January tickles a Michigan gardener is very very optimistic OK, an impossible dream, but we understand and envy your warmer climate! A Calender « Fairegarden
  • There will be do-it-yourself kits for gardeners who will use genetic engineering to breed new varieties of roses and orchids. Times, Sunday Times
  • Living on top of a hill presents a particular kind of challenge to the home gardener.
  • And this means that lazy gardeners have been given extra time to transplant deciduous trees and shrubs since they are still dormant. The Sun
  • We're both obscurely addicted to odd sports (cricket, sumo), both had empires, are bellicose, mistrustful of foreigners, and are passionate gardeners.
  • b. - by consecuence 85 % are not and a huge porcentage are "autochthonous" and the others are a mix of indigenous and spanish descendants. so even if hollywood represent Mexicans like domestic servants, gardeners and delinquents is very important precise what part of this "society" belongs to. Page 2
  • Police figures show that as quickly as gardeners are filling their sheds with new lawnmowers and garden tools, thieves are emptying them and selling the goods on the black market.
  • He then found job as a gardener in a Capuchin monastery, a job he held for the rest of his life.
  • Working with prominent nurserymen and garden designers over the years, Mrs. Bancroft spent decades planting and tending both gardens, working in them each day alongside the three gardeners she kept on staff. Growing a Piece of History
  • English gardeners corrupted that into something more manageable. Times, Sunday Times
  • When the city was built, there were clearly demarcated areas for doctors, gardeners, washermen and barbers called Baidwara, Maliwara, Dhobiwara and Naiwara respectively.
  • From plant covers to scoops to bird feeders, these containers have been a gardener's friend.
  • There will be do-it-yourself kits for gardeners who will use genetic engineering to breed new varieties of roses and orchids. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of those fifteen per cent who did have some experience many had only worked as farm labourers, gardeners, station hands, dairymen or bushmen.
  • The gardeners plant a good mix of vegetables, including cucumbers, snap beans, leaf lettuce, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kohlrabi, Swiss chard, beets, onions and more.
  • On the forecourt stood a horse-drawn van on which was painted the name of a firm of landscape gardeners in flowery script.
  • The gardener has lopped all the dead branches from the tree.
  • Most clematis will require staking so the twining leaf petioles can cling and climb upward, though some gardeners choose to let the plants sprawl over the ground, over woodpiles, other plants, etc.
  • The gardener used a stake to support the uprightness of the fragile plant.
  • I wondered what on earth a self-proclaimed organic gardener was doing with a stock of resource-squandering, non-returnable containers in the first place.
  • The description implies the type of structure a gardener would refer to as a "coldframe" rather than a building a person could walk into. Latest Articles
  • I spoke to a couple of ace gardeners recently in a mad bid to investigate the best native plants for my downtown rental cottage.
  • Many gardeners find it hard to rip out a perennial flower that has taken root.
  • The gardener's therapy kit contains really good hand cream and a relaxing bath soak.
  • Gardeners serving at stately homes in Yorkshire originated the tradition of forcing rhubarb into growth.
  • Racists have always used the term "boy" to address adult black males in a servile role, waiters, drivers, gardeners, etc., the French equivalent of "garcon" for a waiter in the old days when the society was class-conscious. Rep. Davis (R-KY) Apologizes For Calling Obama "That Boy"
  • In August gardeners may see clouds of daddy-long-legs emerging from lawns in the early morning and this, as well as the listed damage, are sure signs of leatherjacket infestation.
  • As a retired flour dealer, he possessed a snug independency, and had fitted up, for himself, a small house, for the garden of which my father, early in repute as a landscape gardener, kindly drew a variety of plans. Autobiography and Other Memorials of Mrs. Gilbert, Formerly Ann Taylor
  • Landscape gardeners have begun a clearance of the overgrown ground to make way for a new park.
  • A hoe is another fine tool no garden - or gardener - should be without.
  • Secure these with a raffia, string or green gardener's twine bow, before filling with your chosen arrangement.
  • It has introduced muchneeded lightness, movement and informality, and both gardeners and designers quickly latched on to the new range of planting possibilities. Times, Sunday Times
  • I became a mountain bike rider, serial holiday-maker, gardener and travelled the world watching football. The Sun
  • Gardeners occasionally regard shade as an evil to be avoided at all costs.
  • Many gardeners consider the bearded or German iris to have the showiest late-spring flowers. Green Scene: Gardening is a natural attraction for children
  • Now Guirola employs 30 people -- cooks, gardeners, maids, a laundrywoman, a driver, office workers, sculptors and bodyguards. A SURVIVOR'S STORY
  • Through the 1970s, the archetypal gardener was over 50 and had time and money to spare: a smug matron with impeccable calceolarias, an eccentric rosarian, a spinster growing herbs.
  • He is also noted as a gardener who has grown, among other things, 100 varieties of day lilies.
  • He cast his expert eye on the gardener's work.
  • These days he is routinely referred to as a celebrity gardener. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the moment curly kale, sprouts and parsnips are being harvested in the suburban garden and the head gardener is on hand for advice. Times, Sunday Times
  • Because of the scarcity of water and succulent vegetation in the desert, rural gardeners often find everything from skunks to javelina to coyotes nibbling at their crops.
  • Kitchen gardeners are very often thought of as stuffy people, patiently planting seeds into precise rows and endlessly digging.
  • Mr Kingdom is a gardener at a local school, so he and John have a common interest and work a lot together.
  • Some gardeners swear that coffee grounds will even keep slugs away from ultra-vulnerable hosta plants.
  • Even if what you see is an unwelcome glimpse of grey, if you're a professional gardener, you simply have no choice but to get out of bed and get your sou'wester on.
  • Most gardeners propagate sagos from offsets from the mother plant, but you can sow fertilized seeds.
  • He is a hard worker and a skilled gardener.
  • It is the rare gardener who is not smitten by their array of brilliant colors and graceful forms.
  • The hullabaloo is over a program by the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, which once a month distributes biosolid compost to gardeners, school groups and homeowners for free. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • Here's one for luck, a deadly nicotine tea used for the mass destruction of aphids by guerrilla gardeners.
  • Others were seamstresses, barkeeps, gardeners, washerwomen, and confectioners.
  • The Australian native bushland is full of treasures just waiting to be discovered by keen gardeners.
  • A second commando unit stormed the house, killing a gardener and another guard. Times, Sunday Times
  • I spotted movement in the grass, looked down and there was the bane of gardeners and groundsmen everywhere, a mole.
  • He was also a keen gardener and kept the station looking its best with plants and flowers.
  • Like the fabulously deceptive creations of the great landscape gardener Capability Brown, it will speak of wild, untrammelled nature.
  • An enthusiastic gardener on the ground at each school is essential. The Sun
  • The gardeners wanted to plant a tree to commemorate my time as head gardener there, and the senior forester had said I might choose any tree I liked from the tree nursery.
  • Martin dispensed royal largess, inviting everybody up, farm-hands, a stableman, and the gardener's assistant from the hotel, the barkeeper, and the furtive hobo who slid in like a shadow and like a shadow hovered at the end of the bar. Chapter 17
  • Over three months, the gardeners pulled out the weeds by hand, dug and prepared the ground, and replanted with flowering evergreen shrubs such as hebes and mahonia, for year-round colour and low maintenance.
  • As the sun gets hotter they will become more abundant, and their larvae will do good work for gardeners by feeding on aphids. Times, Sunday Times
  • But as a trainee, or "nipper", gardener back in 1963, flowerpot man Alan almost quit to fit carpets instead. Undefined
  • There will be do-it-yourself kits for gardeners who will use genetic engineering to breed new varieties of roses and orchids. Times, Sunday Times
  • As gardeners already know, all other slugs and snails (or gastropod mollusks, to the experts) sport a soft and slimy foot.
  • This fact is used by gardeners who grow plants from cuttings. Biology Basic Facts
  • Immigrant day laborers, domestics and gardeners have built independent organizations, even without labor law protection or support from local unions.
  • It was established by a Japanese gardener at the time the house was built - when such gardens were in vogue - but over the years has become more anglicised, added to and replanted by Lady Sandberg.

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