How To Use Garbage pickup In A Sentence
Next month the amount of material recycled should further increase, since charges for garbage pickup will double.
A $5.4 million grant that paid for extra street cleaning and garbage pickup is about to run out, reviving a call to bring a business improvement district to the neighborhood .
The mayor is talking about selling off everything from botanical gardens to the water system and garbage pickup.
Then the configuration, principle and power strategy of a hydraulic hybrid garbage pickup vehicle were discussed.
The mayor is talking about selling off everything from botanical gardens to the water system and garbage pickup.
By the end of the night, the detritus from all this collective munching includes thousands of used wooden chopsticks destined for tomorrow's garbage pickup.
garbage pickup is on Mondays and Thursdays
Meanwhile in Toronto, the mayor, with a strained voice, explains to irate restaurant owners why they're being double billed for garbage pickup.