
[ US /ˈɡeɪpɪŋ/ ]
[ UK /ɡˈe‍ɪpɪŋ/ ]
  1. with the mouth wide open as in wonder or awe
    with mouth agape
    we stood there agape with wonder
    the gaping audience
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How To Use gaping In A Sentence

  • The watch on deck soon came to the conclusion that "sailoring" was not particularly funny at night, for there was a good deal of gaping, and not a little impatience for the eight bells that would relieve them for Little By Little or, The Cruise of the Flyaway
  • The shed was a dark, gaping hole atop the watchtower, a screaming mouth. MINUTES TO BURN
  • Some species with large mouths and small bills, such as nighthawks, whip-poor wills, and the aptly named frogmouth owls, open their bills wide as they fly into insects, and the prey is captured in the birds’ gaping maws.
  • The stores that faced out into the streets did so with wide, gaping maws created by the shattered state of their glass windows.
  • The opening is not such a problem, it's the vast forbidding swoop of the gaping door itself. Times, Sunday Times
  • He talked about landslides in previous monsoons that had opened gaping chasms in the cliff behind the village.
  • If you're really lucky a Central Line train will already be standing there waiting with its doors gaping open.
  • If I hadn't, the two of us would've just stood there gaping at each other until Zachary finally realized what a dweeb I was being and ran away in horror.
  • All the floorboards, bannisters and doors were missing, the electricity, gas and water pipes were all gone, the ceilings had collapsed and there were two gaping holes in the roof. Life in a Victorian terrace
  • I didn't witness the circle of darkness, growing from the antisolar point like the mouth of a coal-black cosmic worm, gaping to swallow the world. Free Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror: Quarantine 1 - Greg Egan
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