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How To Use Gape In A Sentence

  • We start a three-way makeout as the entire crowd gapes at us, in shock. Get Laid or Die Trying
  • In his million-acred temple, he stood -- cold, white and useless -- leaning upon his broken staff; while timorous leadership gaped at his still majesty -- Four Years in Rebel Capitals An Inside View of Life in the Southern Confederacy from Birth to Death
  • I gaped unguardedly at the wad of bills in his hands.
  • Vicki opened the door excitedly and gaped at everything.
  • When I say the word biologic to someone like Josephine, her eyes cross a little, and her mouth gapes, and I can hear her little brain rattling around in her skull like a smooth marble. Deadly
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  • She gapes at us and her mouth works but no sound issues forth.
  • She pointed an accusing finger at the man, who gaped beerily. Not George Washington — an Autobiographical Novel
  • His shirt gapes open with a button missing.
  • Meggie gaped at the tiny thing roaming blindly round Fee's bare skin in search of more hirsute territory, then she began to weep. THE THORN BIRDS
  • Christians are urged to practice agape: love not as sexual desire, not as a devotion to something transcendent, not as friendship, but as charity.
  • Necropsy reveals adult gapeworms obstructing the lumina of the trachea, bronchi, and lungs.
  • She stood looking at Carmen with her mouth agape.
  • It is said that imitation is the sincerest flattery; and if Isabel was sometimes moved to gape at her friend aspiringly and despairingly it was not so much because she desired herself to shine as because she wished to hold up the lamp for Madame Merle. The Portrait of a Lady
  • The Elysium seas feature a large scavenger called a gaper, whose hinged jaw is easily capable of taking up a person in a single swallow. Old Mans War
  • Relena and Tamika stared at Lynn, mouths agape.
  • In the case of gapeworms (often caught from pheasants) the birds will be seen gaping after exertion and attempting to cough up the worms which are anchored in the windpipe.
  • But through a wide gape in-between the drapes, the Tokyo moon shone in, its light washing over the whole apartment and bathing it in an ivory glow.
  • As the story progresses, his conspicuous use of foreign terms - agapemone, desiderata, virgo intacta, pace, esprit fort - makes us increasingly ill-disposed to tolerate his point of view.
  • And they both just stood here with their mouths agape and wondering what had made the bucket spin like that.
  • Giant larkspurs thrust up their flower-rods, between the dentated foliage of which gaped the mouths of tawny snapdragons, while the schizanthus reared its scanty leaves and fluttering blooms, that looked like butterflies 'wings of sulphur hue splashed with soft lake. La faute de l'Abbe Mouret
  • With the dried tail of a herring sticking out of their saffron-coloured, shrivelled chops, Lord! how they gaped when I passed by, hurriedly, like A Yacht Voyage to Norway, Denmark, and Sweden 2nd edition
  • Gape go tloga go hlakile gore, ge nako e ntše e ya le tloga le itekile ka maatla gore le kwišiše merero e bothatata yeo e lego go lenaneo la NGC, le seemo sa ka gare ga naga bjale ka ge re swanetše go se sekaseka. Polelo ya go Tswalela Modiro ya Presidente wa African National Congress, Thabo Mbeki, Go Khansele Kakaret�o ya Bobedi Ya ANC Tshwane
  • A nestling's gape, or wide open beak, provides a stimulus to the parents to feed it.
  • He was left alone and agape.
  • We watched, our mouths agape in excitement.
  • He had some suggestions about that, but the main word is that there is not much that can be done about gapeworm since it is fungal.
  • A deep hole in the earth gaped before us.
  • A group of three small children sat next to me agape and giggled in awe.
  • Devon pulled me down the stairs, getting us a few stares and gapes as ‘the’ Devon was making his entrance without a shirt on.
  • Who dareth name the fiend?" croaked an awful voice, whereat Black Lewin halted, gaped and stood a-tremble, while beneath steel cap and bascinet all men's hair stirred and rose with horror; for before them was a ghastly shape, a shape that crouched in the gloom with dreadful face aflame with smouldering green fire. The Geste of Duke Jocelyn
  • With my mouth agape I shook her hand, dumbfounded.
  • Grant's book is a highly nuanced examination of much of the literature on altruism and agape, while also giving some attention to recent considerations of eros and philia.
  • Sure, it might not be a word according to Webster's Dictionary, but you'll find this definition of "gaper" in the Urban Dictionary: "A gaper is a skier or snowboarder who is completely clueless. Aspen Times - Top Stories
  • As it is not generally known that the "Agapemone" had a prototype in the celebrated _Family of Love_, some account of this "wicked sect" may not at this moment be without interest to your readers: -- Notes and Queries, Number 34, June 22, 1850 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc
  • Mo lebakeng le, NGC e ne ya dumela gore mo ditokomaneng tsa rona re tshwanetse go tlhagisa kemokgatlhanong e e siameng ya rona malebana le bobodu le go tlhagisa gape boineelo mabapi le go bo lwantsha. Polelo ya Tswalelo ya Poresidente ya Mokgatlho wa African National Congress (ANC), Thabo Mbeki, Kwa Khanseleng ya Bobedi ya Kakaretso ya Boset�haba (National General Council - NGC) ya ANC Tshwane
  • Pope Benedict has given us an initial stab at the challenge in Deus caritas est in his treatment of the relationship between eros and agape and the transformation of disordered eros into an ordered eros that provides the vitality for agape love. Pope John Paul II
  • Even the most seasoned pol has to gape in stunned disbelief that John McCain, the one-time presidential candidate, is willing to give credence to made-up claims about "death panels. Douthat: It's The Party's Fault
  • The schooner was called Le Carcajou—the Wolverine—and her figurehead was a carving of the beast, mouth agape and fangs bared, claws ready to strike. City of Glory
  • We all gasped putting our hands over our mouths as we gaped at the scene in front of us.
  • The anterior, probably downwards-orientated, part of shell has a gape from which the foot could probably emerged.
  • Once in that position his clothing was torn from his body, his arms and legs pinioned, and his bare back flogged with a "cowhide" until the blood ran from it, and the gashes made in his flesh by the cruel strokes presented a ghastly spectacle as they gaped open. Recollections of the Inhabitants, Localities, Superstitions, and KuKlux Outrages of the Carolinas. By a "Carpet-Bagger" Who Was Born and Lived There
  • He laughed at his little jest, and she gaped at him. How to Woo a Reluctant Lady
  • The UBC study involved new species found in British Columbia lakes that have evolved distinct physical traits: limnetic sticklebacks (smaller open water dwellers with narrow mouths), benthic sticklebacks (larger bottom dwellers with a wide gape) and a generalist species to represent the probable ancestor of the two species. Undefined
  • Rimbault (Edward F) on Agapemone of the sixteenth century, 50. Notes and Queries, Index of Volume 2, May-December, 1850 A Medium of Inter-Communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, Etc.
  • In the past 10 years alone, I have tried meditation groups, Buddhism, Agape, Conservative Judaism, shamanism and many more. Holly Sidell: To Return To Yourself
  • God's infinity is not formlessness but rather the beauty of a boundless agape, eternally and freely shared within the Trinity.
  • New Testament the same idea is expressed in the Greek word agape, which is variously translated as love, compassion, charity, etc. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Yes | No | Report from Dave DiBenedetto wrote 12 weeks 6 days ago rampageingapes -- Preventing gun shyness is one thing ... curing a dog who has it is a whole different ball of wax. Pro Clinic: What to do When Your Dog Will Not Retrieve
  • I know, for example, that in Greek there are three words for love: agape, philia, and eros.
  • The gape coincides with the base of the first frustum, the top of the last frustum is situated well behind the bulging oesophagus.
  • Lewis Ayres says that the distinction between eros and agape does not work for Augustine.
  • Kirstie could only gape, caught between outrage and an unnatural desire to laugh.
  • Her bluish eyes were wide with shock as her mouth gaped at the sight of me.
  • His shirt gapes open with a button missing.
  • I gaped at her, stuck between being infuriated and revolted.
  • Swifts feed on the wing, and their large gape enables them to catch insects while in flight.
  • The prized geoduck - the largest burrowing clam in the world - is occasionally found among the gaper clams in Tomales Bay.
  • It begins with what is called the gapes; that is, the fowl, being unable to breathe through its nostrils, keeps its beak open, with a kind of convulsive yawn; the eyelids then become swelled and close, and there is an offensive discharge from the nostrils. The Lady's Country Companion: or, How to Enjoy a Country Life Rationally
  • The difference between Akil, Agape, and the rest of the slaves, was that they understood d' Armano meant them no harm.
  • I do not care much now about the way the women gape at me when I walk around in the village center.
  • They have a large head, a wide, flat, hooked bill, large eyes and a large gape.
  • Areas exhibiting mixed sand and mud constitute a relatively stable substrate in which typical sand-living animals, such as sand gapers, lugworms, and razor shells, dwell.
  • But when evening comes I get dressed and I go to the opera, where they let me in na gape.
  • It also has a tiny beak with a large gape, surrounded by stiff feathers called rictal bristles, which help the bird catch its aerial prey.
  • This ritual blessing of bread and wine was usually performed within the context of a meal called the agape.
  • Areas exhibiting mixed sand and mud constitute a relatively stable substrate in which typical sand-living animals, such as sand gapers, lugworms, and razor shells, dwell.
  • She gaped as Jesse all but detached his jaw and inhaled half the burger in one bite.
  • Her brothers gaped at him, then bolted down the hall. How to Woo a Reluctant Lady
  • The most common worms found in pigeons today are roundworms, hair worms, stomach wall worms, gapeworms, stronglylids, and tapeworms.
  • The worst disease, however, from which the pheasant suffers is "gapes," caused by an accumulation of small red worms in the windpipe that all but suffocate the victim. Birds in the Calendar
  • I rubbed my eyes a few times before I gaped at the scene before me.
  • Birds who eat the infected earthworms may become infected with gapeworm larvae.
  • He was left alone and agape.
  • When her eyes adjusted, she gaped in awe to see tons of renaissance artworks and statues.
  • Then the herd picked up and moved on, leaving us bundled up against the cold, our mouths agape, wondering if what we witnessed was real or some sort of illusion in the arctic fog.
  • Mrs Mipchin's mouth suddenly gaped most ungenteelly open. THE DISPOSAL OF THE LIVING
  • When the climbers reached the top of the mountain, they gaped at the splendid view.
  • In large carnivores with very long canines, such as the gorgonopsians and some therocephalians, a wide gape was necessary, and so a secure attachment of the lower jaw is required.
  • The next week they toured Europe with a Bartok third quartet that had virtuoso fiddlers agape with admiration.
  • Emily gaped at her friend and covered her mouth with her hand so she wouldn't hurt her friend more by arguing with her.
  • Hope continued to gape at him with a mix of confusion and alarm. Mercy Kill
  • Die verwaarloosde oop stukke grond le daar soos gapende wonde - net soos die kaal stuk grond in die hart van ANC Daily News Briefing
  • On many occasions, Karen has observed a female hippo grooming a crocodile basking in the sun, licking the reptile's hide for up to 15 minutes, then ending the session with a huge open-mouth gape.
  • But the piranha is a short, deep-bodied fish, with a blunt face and a heavily undershot or projecting lower jaw which gapes widely. II. Up the Paraguay
  • Peter's jacket gaped at the seams.
  • Consequently the absence of an Agapè table from the Christian hypogeum may in future help in dating hypogea.
  • His mother gaped as he blabbered incoherently, dripping his own blood and vomiting bloody red raspberries onto the linoleum. Eggshell White Frigidaire
  • The birds' large gape and manoeuvrable flight help them to catch their prey.
  • They freeze and all turn to gape me at the same time. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Thablue’s Review Forum
  • And we're the schnooks who gape and give these people our grudging or not so grudging admiration.
  • The zip gaped open an inch at his waist, which was cinched in far too tightly by a fake crocodile belt.
  • All locations, irrespective of the degree of wave exposure, may be subject to numerous small, strong, precise bites by fishes with small gapes.
  • Desire is frightening to Christians who are used to saying that only agape - unconditional, self-emptying love - is truly Christian.
  • Some just stood there, their mouths agape, stunned by what the old woman had just said.
  • Her eyes were popping and her mouth was agape in horror.
  • Holes gaped in the floor where floorboards had been prised.
  • They cruise slowly through the water, cavernous mouths agape, skin covered in a foul-smelling mucous and often trailing long threads of algae from their long pectoral fins.
  • He disliked the greedy gape of the stairs and turned away as he passed it. The Empty City - Chapter 1 - Early Summer
  • Jaws gaped, dessert was quickly served, and the topic moved to something like the appropriate watering time for mums.
  • The other gaped at them dumbfounded, a cigarette falling from his open mouth.
  • He'd passed a herd of longhorns a curve-and-a-half back, along with those silly looking mini-donkeys he'd gaped at fifteen years ago.
  • God gives you agape love - deep, unconditional, fatherly love.
  • Daniel's mouth fell open in a gape of astonishment.
  • Se se ra gore re swanetše go tloga re dumela go theo ye le gore re tsenetše mokgatlo ntle le kgapeletšo le ntle le maikemišetšo a go ikhola, bjale ka ge go bolela Keno. Polelo ya go Tswalela Modiro ya Presidente wa African National Congress, Thabo Mbeki, Go Khansele Kakaret�o ya Bobedi Ya ANC Tshwane
  • At the center stands an unapologetic Christian account of agape.
  • We missed the hammerheads, but enormous moray eels gaped at us from their rocky lairs.
  • She was holding a champagne glass, the liquid half gone, and was grasping the doorframe, her mouth in a permanent gape.
  • Kirsten gaped at her younger sister, then turned, enraged, to stalk off.
  • For those few seconds, my mouth was dropped in a gape and I stayed calm except for my heavy nervous breathing.
  • They have a large gape which allows them to feed on very large fish by chopping them in half.
  • One drug that is effective for eliminating gapeworms is fenbendazole, however, its use is not presently approved for use in birds by the Food and Drug Administration.
  • This gave the placoderms a distinctively narrow gape.
  • Nero's mouth is slightly agape and odd, gurgling noises come from within.
  • They gaped at him, their mouths slightly open, then simultaneously bolted for the basement door to the outside.
  • The four-foot long furry slug raised itself up around her shoulders and a cavernous maw gaped at me.
  • It may be brilliant political jujitsu - conceding the opposition's most damning point leaves them with mouths agape and little to say - or it may be nuts.
  • Most of the slack-jawed kids gaped through their masks and makeup, not quite knowing what to believe.
  • After being consumed by the bird, gapeworm larvae hatch in the intestine and migrate from the intestine to the trachea and lungs.
  • The kind of love I believe they mean is this agape, unconditional love.
  • The front door was missing. A hole gaped in the roof.
  • It also has a tiny beak with a large gape, surrounded by stiff feathers called rictal bristles, which help the bird catch its aerial prey.
  • The 650-grain bullet hit the steel door two inches below the window frame, blowing a half-inch-size gaper and leaving a smear of burnt steel peeling away from the actual crater. A Bob Lee Swagger eBook Boxed Set
  • Anders Nygren's typology of eros and agape gets taken up throughout.
  • Zander mouths have a smaller gape than pike, so although large fish are almost exclusively piscivorous, they take much smaller prey than a pike of similar size.
  • For in the cross, God's interruption of 'history' and the very grace by which we are given to live vulnerably in history, by way of the excess of God's agapeic love which comes ever anew from Faith and Theology
  • I gaped (or gawked or gushed, whatever way you wish to call it) when Eric appeared again.
  • I watch Chazz watch Lavie, and his mouth slowly gapes. Erik Proulx: The Tale of Two Detroits
  • The fish lay at the back of the boat, its mouth agape, its eyes staring sightlessly at us.
  • I exclaimed, my mouth agape and my finger pointing straight at the gentleman in question.
  • - hanya mudah di kalangan user yang sudah 'gape' dengan aplikasi tersebut Planet IF
  • One of us, at least, was stirred at Renard's calm assumption -- the assumption so common to artists, who, when they see a good thing at once count on its possessorship, as if the whole world, indeed, were eternally sitting, agape with impatience, awaiting the advent of some painter to sketch in its portrait. In and out of Three Normady Inns
  • Tell him the cost of a T-shirt and he would gape in disgusted wonder no matter what price you quote - even if you underquote the price 5 times.
  • It's called "gazumping" in England, the process by which someone selling a piece of property accepts an offer from one buyer, maybe even going so far as to shake hands on it, then quickly — and often surreptitiously — accepts another, higher, offer from a second buyer, leaving the first buyer with his pockets agape and his heart broken. Philocrites: One thing you don't learn in seminary.
  • Ge re ntše re tla bofelong bja mošomo wa rena, gape re bolela legatong la Khuduthamaga ya Setšhaba le leineng la ka, ke rata go leboga dikemedi ka fao di bego di ineetše go mošomo NGC. Polelo ya go Tswalela Modiro ya Presidente wa African National Congress, Thabo Mbeki, Go Khansele Kakaret�o ya Bobedi Ya ANC Tshwane
  • Delectio is the Latin word for agape in the Bible, it is a love which honours the other person; it is the love which we are enjoined to love the other person.
  • She turned around briskly, to face the gapes and open mouths of many of the new recruits to the Armed Guards, the females of whom were gripping their pictures of them.
  • Connor nodded his agreement, and I gaped at the pair of them.
  • We gaped at each other for a moment and then she snapped her phone shut.
  • Whereas among the Greeks the primary virtues were practical wisdom, self-restraint, justice and courage, for Paul the primary virtue was agape.
  • She continued to gape at him as if he was a runaway lunatic from a nearby mental asylum.
  • The chemist's sign, a large comic head with its mouth wide open (known as the gaper), is also subversive of confidence. A Wanderer in Holland
  • In other words, such love is still within the province of Eros, whereas, much like Spinoza's third kind of knowledge, agape is intellectual love.
  • The Frogmouths derive the name due to the extraordinarily large gape and the small grey flap on the tongue.
  • Edward -- now as heavy as a cannonball -- and pried his mouth open, staring down his gullet, staring down into * another mouth*, Frederick's mouth, which gaped open, revealing a * third* mouth, George's. Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town
  • Like him, I too often watched my mother perform a similar operation, [but] the only parasite my dear Republican mother was ever able to extract from the chick's throat was gapeworms.
  • An IV needle was planted in his forearm, and a chemotherapy port gaped in his chest; he had a urinary catheter, a colostomy, a bedsore, a surgical wound, and, for all I know, a fish bone stuck in his throat. Beginner’s Grace
  • They all gaped at us and Matt paused, staring at Samuel incredulously.
  • Several of the boards were loose and toward the north end a hole gaped where a dozen or more had been pulled up.
  • Agapemone -- which d'you think I ought to put her to -- San Diavolo or Ponte The Dark Flower
  • Ada gaped at blaze in front of her, already struggling for air in the room that was thick with smoke.
  • Cracks gaped in building walls, and chunks of plaster fell from ceilings, Italian news reports said.
  • Showing a deep-sea fish of large gape, two feather-stars on the end of long stalks, a "sea-spider" (or Pycnogon) walking on lanky legs on the treacherous ooze, likewise a brittle-star, and some deep-sea corals.] The Outline of Science, Vol. 1 (of 4) A Plain Story Simply Told
  • Tadpoles that live this way have a broad tail, a wide, rounded body, and a peculiar mouth totally unlike the familiar smiling gape of a frog.
  • Thus at least some form of agape is possible independent of Christian faith and hope.
  • Pope Benedict has given us an initial stab at the challenge in Deus caritas est in his treatment of the relationship between eros and agape and the transformation of disordered eros into an ordered eros that provides the vitality for agape love. Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog:
  • [3] Gapeworms "lodge in the hen's throat" ... nuts! The larvae of the gapeworm live and mature in the lungs, trachea and bronchi, causing a severe pneumonia in young birds. Mother Earth News Latest 10 Articles
  • [V, 1], the word gaper-block (or gapers 'block) -- a traffic jam caused by drivers gaping at an accident -- has been used by policemen reporting on Chicago traffic conditions for at least five years. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol V No 2
  • His face relaxes, his eyes squint, his jaw drops, and he suddenly becomes the everyman, a guy with an open-mouthed gape trying to figure out the world.
  • I stood there, agape, as a ball of light bloomed in Diana's chest and gradually enveloped her.
  • Blessed art thou, bald eagle in blond wood, beak agape, swoop down and clutch us now. Antiques Fair
  • Starve him, let him miss six meals, and see gape through the veneer the hungry maw of the animal beneath. The Somnambulists
  • The press just gaped with their jaws open and tongue hanging out in utter incredulity.
  • The first had just installed his bride in a house of significant breadth and pomposity, and the other, having detached himself from the parent office, was now executing a comet-like flight that set the entire town astare and agape. Under the Skylights
  • Americans think gridlock results from merging, entering and exiting traffic, or from ‘gaper blockings’ at accident sites on superhighways, and the like.
  • That morning, even the geniuses who loved to sleep in rolled out of their beds to gape at the procession. GuildWars Edge of Destiny
  • His throat gaped, his chest heaved, his eyes squeezed shut involuntarily, and then with a clamorous noise, he let loose a sneeze that put even the colossal thunder crashing in the sky above to shame.
  • Montalto, he gaped for the pretendedly unsought pontificate, and the moment he was chosen leapt upon the prancing beast, which it was thought by the amazed conclave he was not able to mount, without help of chairs and men? Clarissa Harlowe
  • The onlookers are painted in muddy greens and browns, facial features exaggerated into primitive masks, mouths agape or obliterated altogether.
  • His secretary stopped taking notes to gape at me.
  • Cracks gaped in building walls, and chunks of plaster fell from ceilings.
  • A huge hole gaped in the roof, and a conservatory was shattered.
  • Furthermore, the gape of the animal would need to accommodate the 8 cm span of the radius and ulna and would surely cause damage to the ulna shaft that is not observed on the specimen.
  • They did get together, and soon married," Agape ex - plained. Here There Are Monsters
  • When he opened the door, he was looking at a liveried flunky, a young boy who seemed very nervous and gaped in wonder at him.
  • The few men of worth and consideration who offer you their intimacy on that score, and whose regard is really worth coveting, are too disagreeably counterweighed by the baleful swarm of creatures who keep humming round you, like so many flesh-flies; gape at you as if you were a monster, and condescend moreover, on the strength of one or two blotted sheets, to present themselves as colleagues. The Life of Friedrich Schiller Comprehending an Examination of His Works
  • I gaped at him for a moment then snapped my mouth close and looked out the window.
  • Kimberley gaped in disbelief and what looked like pure fury at the sheer bitchiness of the other girl in the room, and Clay was seeing red as I stood up.
  • In passerines, altricial nestlings possess brightly colored gapes and engage in vigorous behavioral displays directed toward a feeding parent.
  • At his slightly overwhelmed expression and agape jaw, she snorted bitterly.
  • Stan was looking round in wonder, his eyes wide and his mouth agape. THE MANANA MAN
  • When fishermen are throwing away unused bait, the pelicans will descend in noisy throngs and are very adept at catching fish morsels in mid air, mouths agape as they squawk for more!
  • Once gapeworm is confirmed it can be easily treated by Ivermectin or Panacur per your veterinarian's recommendation.
  • He watched with mouth agape.
  • She placed a hand on my shoulder, and when I gaped at her in surprise, she was looking over her right shoulder.
  • The zip gaped open an inch at his waist, which was cinched in far too tightly by a fake crocodile belt.
  • In the shade of a sycamore grove, bikers sat cross-legged on idled Harleys, heckling the gapers and high-fiving each other.
  • There is a sports centre to make the Olympians gape, two "royal" villas for the obscenely rich, immense meeting halls and plazas, six restaurants, two golf courses and, literally, dozens of swimming pools because if you pay enough you get your own. Grand ambitions: ecoluxury in Greece
  • The large gape looks ideal for hawking insects in mid-air, but paradoxically, the birds take most of their prey from the ground or from a branch.
  • This is the gapeworm of poultry, found in the trachea of chickens, turkeys, guinea fowl and many species of wild birds.
  • Hendricks, quaking with shame and fear, sat shivering before his desk with jaws agape and the forged name gashed into his soul. A Certain Rich Man
  • There were songs sang to emphasise the sad mood, then we journeyed on to my grandfather's house for the agape, which is a funeral luncheon.
  • It is an agape feast in the sense that God's love is shared, not only among the participants but also with those who eat and drink and those who are hungry in the world.
  • Middlemas was excited by the simple kindness of his master, and poured forth his thanks with the greater profusion, that he was free from the terror of the emblematical collar and chain, which a moment before seemed to glisten in the hand of his guardian, and gape to enclose his neck. The Surgeon's Daughter
  • Scinde, musk from Tibet, galbanum from Khorasan; from Afghanistan, asafetida; from Persia, sagapenum; ambergris and civet from Zanzibar, and from Zanzibar came ivory, too. Messer Marco Polo
  • In Melbourne, gapeworm is common in ravens, blackbirds and thrushes but I've never diagnosed it in any of the Psittaciformes, probably because they don't usually eat earthworms.
  • They gape when more are opened, exhibit profound depression of spirits , and are clearly knocked up.
  • In the cases of rare birds the measurements of the extreme length from tip of beak to tail -- again from inner edge of gape to vent, the bill and tail being measured separately from those points -- should be carefully taken, as also the length of culmen, carpus, and tarsus, and set down in inches and tenths, on the label, or in the note book, when the matter becomes too voluminous. Practical Taxidermy A manual of instruction to the amateur in collecting, preserving, and setting up natural history specimens of all kinds. To which is added a chapter upon the pictorial arrangement of museums. With additional instructions in modelling a
  • A common nematode of the respiratory tract is known as the gapeworm, or Syngamus trachea.
  • Adult birds bearing a few gapeworms are a serious danger to nestlings and if possible should therefore be prevented from eating infective larvae in transport hosts such as earthworms.
  • These scriptural images imply that God isn't impassive, and that his love for us is not exclusively agapeic. Warranted Christian Belief

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