How To Use Gantlet In A Sentence
As we enter what is sure to be a long period of uncertainty—a gantlet of lost jobs, dwindling assets, home foreclosures and two continuing wars—the downside of stress is certainly worth exploring.
To do that, however, they must run a gantlet of seismic and magnetic sensors buried along the border.
We spun, whizzed, dashed, leaped, "cavorted;" we did whatever a birch running the gantlet of whirlpools and breakers may do, except the fatal finality of a somerset.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 10, No. 61, November, 1862
It's almost impossible to get to the end of the gantlet without being branded a criminal.
Senate Adjusts Rules, But Keeps Filibuster
I claim it has to be "gantlet," and he of course says, "yo mama!
The State of Things

Now, these folks should be fun to interview, but in order to get to them one must circumvent a gantlet of corporate shills with their characteristic high-viscosity personalities.
It's been a year since drunken naval aviators at the Tailhook convention assaulted 26 women in a "gantlet" at the Las Vegas Hilton, and no officer has been charged.
Tailhook: Throwing Down the Gantlet
At one stage in the hiring process, I went through a gantlet of nearly a full day of interviews with Sierra Club Board members and senior staff.
Michael Brune: Thanks, Carl
The elite take great pains and pride in priming their bodies and minds for the grueling six-month gantlet required of a brutal, collision sport.
Training season: Shape guru helps Bush, L.T. prime
A gantlet is a flogging ordeal, literally or figuratively.
Essential Guide to Business Style and Usage
Just to cover the story in Baghdad journalists had first to survive the five-mile trip between Baghdad International Airport and the capital, a road known as “Route Irish,” which was a gantlet of suicide bombers and rocket attacks during the first two years of the war.
The Longest War
The petunias and begonias that shoppers see in big-box retailers every spring may look garden-variety to untrained eyes, but they are special breeds that survive a grueling gantlet of field tests and focus groups to weed out their less hardy or floriferous brethren.
The Garden Gloves Come Off
To clicking shutters, the Fly Girls strut the gantlet with chests out.
Fly Girls: TV series follows flight attendants at home and in the air
The petunias and begonias that shoppers see in big-box retailers every spring may look garden-variety to untrained eyes, but they are special breeds that survive a grueling gantlet of field tests and focus groups to weed out their less hardy or floriferous brethren.
The Garden Gloves Come Off