
[ UK /ɡˈæŋɡɹiːn/ ]
[ US /ˈɡænɡɹin/ ]
  1. undergo necrosis
    the tissue around the wound necrosed
  1. the localized death of living cells (as from infection or the interruption of blood supply)
  2. necrotic tissue; a mortified or gangrenous part or mass
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How To Use gangrene In A Sentence

  • To fathom the new reality it is first necessary to dismantle the drains, to lay open the gangrened ducts which compose the genitourinary system that supplies the excreta of art. Miller et matisse et moi
  • The gangrene often compelled amputation, and it has been noted in this connection that the two movable halves of the predella [base] of the altarpiece, if slid apart, make it appear as if the legs of Christ have been amputated.
  • The leg is mottled and digital gangrene is common, but pedal pulses are usually palpable.
  • It is preferable to gangrene or lockjaw, I suppose, but-" "If you will please allow me to finish my sentence, Emerson? LORD OF THE SILENT
  • A 2006 study published in Clinical Diabetes by Ingrid Kruse, DPM, and Steven Edelman, M.D., indicated that diabetic foot problems, such as ulcerations, infections and gangrene, are the most common causes of hospitalization among diabetic patients. Featured News and Stories
  • Gangrene : Localized soft - tissue death ( necrosis ) from prolonged Blood - supply Blockage.
  • In peacetime, however, by far the commonest indication is gangrene due to severe arterial disease, usually arteriosclerotic or diabetic in origin, and not infrequently from a combination of these two conditions.
  • James MacDonald, for example, assured the public that modernism was 'gangrened stuff which attracts the human blowflies of the world who thrive on putrid fare'. Archive 2009-07-01
  • The source of the affliction was a parasite on rye crops, a fungus known as ergot, which contains a series of compounds that among other characteristics causes the blood vessels to contract—hence the gangrene in the extremities. One River
  • The other two men ditch him as a liability, and he dies of gangrene caused unheroically by ill-fitting clogs. And So It Went
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