How To Use Gangly In A Sentence
I put my arm through his, and waved too, and they laughed at the sight of two gangly teenagers travelling in a trolley.
He stood just an inch or two above the other boys his age and was by no means skinny or gangly.
Jonathan Johansson (Frolunda Jrs.) — It's stunning how much his overall game has developed in the last six months since we saw him as a gangly checker last April at the U-18 world championships.
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That gangly sack of shit, third from the front. He'll be first.
As the band roared on, the grass filled with fresh faced young people pogoing in cheerful, gangly fun as if at a church teen party.

Even he himself could not even begin to imagine, his gangly frame, messy unsettled jet black hair gleaming, his green eyes shining, his huge elephant skin like clothes bagging off of him.
How lovely and strange the gangly spires of trees against a thickening sky as you drive from the library humming off-key?
He's so awkward and gangly, which often leads to him being penalised.
Times, Sunday Times
Reflects Meyers: ‘Orwell's austere, dour, spartan and ascetic character as well as his tall, gangly figure was more Scottish than English.’
I even pulled some low-key gangly whiteboy moves out of the repertoire for good measure.
We were greeted at the Karelian hamlet of Vuokkiniemi by a small crowd of gangly teenage boys, who stood and stared but stayed their distance, watching these strange people unharness the huskies and mix their warm meal.
But stringing together seven straight wins, the number it takes for a Grand Slam title, on the rugged hardcourts in sweltering summer heat has made the gangly Kuerten look frail. - Guga lacks intimidation factor
He went from being a gangly beanpole to being a symbol of all the things that are right in professional sports.
We'll Take Manhattan BBC4 told the story of a baby David Bailey and his muse and mistress Jean Shrimpton – still very much the raw prawn herself – jetting off to New York in 1962 to do the rule-shattering Young Idea Goes West photoshoot for Vogue, all battered teddy bears, gritty streetscapes and the extraordinarily ordinary gangly girl next door, that would establish them for ever as icons of the 60s' cultural revolution.
TV review: We'll Take Manhattan; David Bailey: Four Beats to the Bar and No Cheating; Putin, Russia and the West
A gangly group of teen boys in Japan decide to start a synchronized swimming team.
His skin was also naturally tan like his father's and he seemed to be all lean, gangly limbs.
The most common is cannabis sativa, which is gangly, loose-branched, can reach a height of twenty feet and is productive of fibre and inferior seed oil.
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It is a confidence that came late in life after growing up gangly and flat-chested.
The Sun
No more flashbacks, no more traps, no more gangly bear trap masks?
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He is slim and slightly gangly.
The Sun
Bravely and unselfconsciously, this generous actress looks middle-aged, yet with that gangly tomboyish essence that allows her to play young without resorting to cosmetic artifice or girly-girl coyness.
He was very tall and gangly and looked different.
The Sun
By her own admission, she was a gangly, gawky youngster who hated school and struggled to do well academically.
Because it didn't matter I was tall and gangly.
Times, Sunday Times
So how did this gangly, awkward and reserved country "bumpkin" entering the stage with one purpose in mind -- saving the nation -- make it happen?
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The door creaked open slowly, and a tall, gangly boy with a madly bobbing Adam's apple made his way into the room.
In lyrical roles, most notably the adagio movement of Symphony in C, her gangly body with its penchant for rakish angles softened into willow-tree pliancy and she achieved a poignancy that seemed to arise from the music and be one with it.
Although the physical impression of schizophrenia today is often confounded by chronic exposure to neuroleptics, early workers in the predrug era described schizophrenics as physically awkward, gangly in appearance, and dyskinetic in movement.
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She reminded him of a fawn, gangly and stalky, with wet brown eyes.
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He was small and gangly for the ripe age of sixteen, unlike Christopher, who was two-years his senior and certainly looked the role of a strong handsome young man.
A few days later I was working the register in the record store when a gangly long-feathered-hair type in three quarter sleeves sauntered up.
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The bony woman waved one gangly arm at another set of double doors that Sam hadn't noticed before.
After meeting each other multiple times - first in 1996, when they're both gangly adolescents at Camp Weehawken - Adam and Emma finally let their relationship get physical.
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The imbalance gives her a rangy look, slightly adolescent, gangly rather than sleek.
If it fits and is well cut, the tailcoat can turn any man - short or gangly, fat or lanky - into an Adonis.
The Post reports that the sassy TV hostess was starry-eyed over the gangly hepcat movie star and proclaimed she was his ‘biggest fan!’
Stan trying to get to her first but he couldn't and someone yelled, Got her! and he remembers a dozen legs near the shore, a spider of legs, gangly in cloth suits, hunching over her, dripping water everywhere.
His hands were long and spidery, his limbs long and gangly.
I had the lisping problem, the asthma, braces… I was skinny and gangly with knobbly elbows and knees, and I hadn't grown into my hands or feet yet.
Looking almost as young and lean as he did a decade ago, he is astonishingly convincing as a gangly teenager who has the world on a string.
Tall and gangly, with a long nose and beady eyes, he was self-conscious about his appearance and despaired of ever being loved.
It's a lovely run, but with an entirely predictable result: on the floor, gangly legs akimbo.
Forty six interminable hours of being seated in front of eleven thin, nervous, gangly supposedly artistic men lay before Briar as he reluctantly donned his finest doublet the following morning, aided by his valet, Godric.
Sebastien Bourgon Huge (6-6) defenceman is gangly and awkward, hasn't grown into his body yet. - Red Line Report 2001 draft preview
I am far more nervous than they are and there are quite a few laughs when they see this gangly fellow mixed in with them.
He would move from that pre-pubescence to an incredibly awkward teen period — from cherub, to a gangly whippet of a young man.
Archive 2009-08-01
Gangly yet beautifully coloured with its bright indigo feathers, glossy black wings, and vivid red beak and legs, the pukeko is a member of the same family as the weka.
If a plant becomes gangly, repot it in fresh potting mix and prune it back to stubs.
One day, in comes a gangly, loud-talking hippie longhair sporting a shirt fresh off the dirty laundry pile.
She was a gawky, gangly teenager, her teeth in rail-track braces, on only her second trip to the capital.
Whirling back a decade ago, he was the shy, gangly teenager, who used to shed tears at training sessions because he was homesick.
Haas, now a gangly young adult, appears to still be acting with Amish reserve.
The light in the room shifted dramatically as the image of the boy was replaced by a thin, gangly man holding a can of cola.
One boy is tanned and shiny from the water, but most of the rest have gangly, pale, mottled bodies; they are wearing baggy underwear or ill-fitting hand-me-downs.
Tall and gangly, with a long nose and beady eyes, he was self-conscious about his appearance and despaired of ever being loved.
An awkward, gangly youth known to her peers as ‘Storky’, she made her theatrical debut in a nativity aged six and promptly devoted herself to the world of theatre.
Beside her was Jason, a tall gangly guy sporting what looked like ninety pounds of hair gel, and a good natured goofy grin.
One day, in comes a gangly, loud-talking hippie longhair sporting a shirt fresh off the dirty laundry pile.
Haas, now a gangly young adult, appears to still be acting with Amish reserve.
Bravely and unselfconsciously, this generous actress looks middle-aged, yet with that gangly tomboyish essence that allows her to play young without resorting to cosmetic artifice or girly-girl coyness.
There's a reason Mitchell, a skinny, gangly sophomore, looked like him.
He clearly thinks he's kind of gangly and ugly, but he's obviously not repulsive, because attractive women keep offering themselves up.
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He heaves a great gangly shrug and has some more cake.
Down La Canebière I stroll, heading for the glinting, faraway turquoise eyespot of the Old Port, following women dressed in ankle-length raincoats and Islamic head scarves, long-faced men in frayed djellabas and knit skullcaps, gangly youths with scruffy beards.
In his paddock he ran a hand over the mane of a gangly newborn foal.
Times, Sunday Times
Tall and gangly, he is lolling against a wall with a pipe in his mouth.
Times, Sunday Times
At the peak of their growth spurt, boys in particular can be "gangly" and perhaps less co-ordinated than normal.
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His loping gait accentuates his already considerable height, the gangly adolescent now grown up.
He was an uncoordinated boy, extremely tall and gangly with small eyes and an unusually large nose, and what he lacked in talent, he made up for in enthusiasm.
In his paddock he ran a hand over the mane of a gangly newborn foal.
Times, Sunday Times
Of course, buckets were designed to scoop dirt, not wreck structures or collect and hoist the gangly debris.
John, the guy from Brooklyn who pedals his bike over every weekend, would teach my gangly boy how to assert himself under the boards.
They hurl themselves around in hedonistic spasms, a gangly sprawl of boots, limbs and hair, clad in more skin-tight black than a roomful of rock hacks.
From gangly arm to fleshy middle, it's me: lovely, divine, and supremely perfect.
His best friend was Paul, a gangly bespectacled individual, and his best girl was the feisty Winnie, who lived over the road.
For two nights Caris sat near that tall, gangly figure bent over the fire, gazing into the embers with his spectacles throwing back the fulvous glow, watching the roads for the approach of danger or, indeed, of anyone or anything that might come upon them and spread word of their presence.
The Silicon Mage
She's this gangly Asian lady who cracks lots of jokes which are actually funny.
He was tall, slightly gangly, with sandy blonde hair that fell into his face, shading his eyes.
On style, I loved the "gangly" lawyer from Springfield reference and his reference to MLK as "a king.
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Brady looked at the tall, gangly man with the rugged, clean-shaven face.
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She pulled him behind a large tree and peered out, just in time to see three gangly looking teenagers walk past, talking loudly.
It was only a minute before the presidential vehicle was pulling up in a distant part of the airport, nestling beside a gangly four-engined plane dressed in dull military colours whose wings seemed to stretch awkwardly like those of a young crane.
The Edge of Madness
Framed by gangly palm trees, the beach curved from one distant headland to another.
Times, Sunday Times
He was a gangly man with pale skin and long, greasy black hair.
Mary admits her youngest son was a scrawny little chap who became a beanpole youngster, so gangly he needed elastic in his school trousers to make sure they stayed up.
Tugging at my neckcloth, I went to the washstand to be met in the mirror by a gangly figure in a threadbare tailcoat and homespun stockings more gray than white.
A tall gangly fellow with a toothy smile and awkward social skills, he wrote murder mysteries for a hobby.
Tugging at my neckcloth, I went to the washstand to be met in the mirror by a gangly figure in a threadbare tailcoat and homespun stockings more gray than white.
We listened politely as this gangly youth scratched through a song or two.
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