[ UK /ɡˈæŋɡliən/ ]
[ UK /ɡˈæŋɡliən/ ]
- an encapsulated neural structure consisting of a collection of cell bodies or neurons
How To Use ganglion In A Sentence
- It communicates with the oculomotor, the trochlear, the ophthalmic and the abducent nerves, and with the ciliary ganglion, and distributes filaments to the wall of the internal carotid artery. IX. Neurology. 7a. The Cephalic Portion of the Sympathetic System
- The importance of PIR for network oscillation was perhaps most firmly established in the lobster stomatogastric ganglion.
- Some species possess ciliated pits in front of their cerebral ganglion that are used in phototaxis (movement towards light). Platyhelminthes
- Peripheral neurectomy, peripheral and ganglionic alcohol blocks, and cryotherapy have not proven as efficacious as other procedures and, therefore, will not be discussed.
- Methods Ganglion around the celiac artery was aimed by a fine needle under the guidance of ultrasound, 1% procaine or alcohol was injected after puncture succeeded.
- However, a very key interneuron in Melibe resides in the pedal ganglion, as is the case in both of the parapodial flappers, Aplysia and Clione, but neither of the dorsal-ventral swimmers.
- They have small ganglia developed upon them, and are derived from the renal plexus, which is formed by branches from the celiac plexus, the lower and outer part of the celiac ganglion and aortic plexus, and from the lesser and lowest splanchnic nerves. XI. Splanchnology. 3b. The Urinary Organs
- The Auricular Branch (ramus auricularis; nerve of Arnold) arises from the jugular ganglion, and is joined soon after its origin by a filament from the petrous ganglion of the glossopharyngeal; it passes behind the internal jugular vein, and enters the mastoid canaliculus on the lateral wall of the jugular fossa. IX. Neurology. 5j. The Vagus Nerve
- In elegant experiments directed towards the question of the localization of the release of Ac.Ch. in the ganglion, Feldberg and Vartiainen24 were recently able to prove that it was released neither by the preganglionic fibres nor by the ganglion cells themselves, the only direct effector organ. Otto Loewi - Nobel Lecture
- For example, if a dog be deprived of one hemisphere, the eye which was supplied from it with nerve-fibres continues able to see, or to transmit impressions to the lower nerve-centre called the optic ganglion; for this eye will then mechanically follow the hand waved in front of it. Mind and Motion and Monism