How To Use Gamete In A Sentence
The theory she presented for altering the genetic code in an Andorian gamete is straightforward enough.
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The gametes then fuse in a process called syngamy, or fertilization.
W.A. DiMichele has argued that free-sporing heterospory will only be favored in swamp environments, where gametes can move easily between unisexual gametophytes.
Each gametangium yields two morphologically isogamous nonflagellated gametes with anisogamous behavior.
It might also have a place in other assisted reproductive techniques such as oocyte transfer and gamete intrafallopian transfer (combining eggs and sperm outside the body, then placing them in the fallopian tubes to achieve fertilization), he said. News
The embryos of all sexually reproducing organisms develop from a single cell, formed by the fusion of a male and a female gamete at fertilization.
Such results can be related to the formation of meiotic trivalent in the hybrids leading to the production of viable aneuploid gametes and post-zygotic elimination of embryos due to chromosomal non disjunction events at meiosis.
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Once within the gonads, the germ cells differentiate as either male or female gametes.
Pratten, who now works as a journalist in Toronto, filed her lawsuit in 2008, seeking to have the Adoption Act declared unconstitutional because it discriminates against children who are born through "gamete" donors, which includes sperm and egg donors. Top Stories
Our model assumes that populations evolve with temporal variation in outcrossing rates with no genetic drift, no selection (particularly no heterotic selection), and with the random mating of outcrossing gametes.
These gametes are housed in a structure called a strobilus, or cone.
In most diplonts, mitosis occurs only in the diploid phase, i.e. gametes usually form quickly and fuse to produce diploid zygotes.
As for “life starts at conception” — two haploid gametes, themselves “alive”, certainly a product of “life”, come together to form a diploid cell which eventually becomes whatever its DNA demands: a mouse, an elephant, a human, whatever.
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Instead, species that differ in timing of gamete release tend to constitute genetically distinct clades.
Throughout development the macrogamete retains a normal pellicle which possesses numerous micropores.
In order to meet this third requirement, then, gametes must be able to find and make contact with other gametes.
In addition to IV-F, there's GIFT (gamete intrafallopian transfer), which allows egg and sperm to unite inside a woman's fallopian tubes, and ZIFT (zygote intrafallopian transfer), where doctors implant the fertilized egg.
Baby Makers Inc.
A variation of IVF, called gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT) consists of the immediate injection of the ova into the fallopian tube after combination with semen without determining whether they have been successfully fertilized.
Reproductive Technology, New (NRT).
The technique is called gamete-targeted lentiviral transgenesis - essentially, inserting genes into feline oocytes eggs before sperm fertilization.
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The gametes they produce are haploid, meaning that they contain only one of each chromosome pair.
Population Genetics
These are the new sequences, created from a hybrid of Andorian DNA as well as wholly new code intended to fill the gaps left by genetic deficiencies contained within an original gamete after fertilization.
Star Trek: Typhon Pact Paths of Disharmony
Nevertheless, with random mating among sexually produced gametes, selection on a modifier of sex is very weak.
The fitness of this ‘zygote’ is evaluated and pseudorandom numbers are used to determine whether to pass one of its ‘gametes’ to the next generation.
The male gamete could not unite with the female.
The two haploid genomes of the two gametes are then combined to constitute a new individual.
Meiosis produces 4 gametes, ie. isogamy, anisogamy and oogamy, which through mitosis develops into mature gametes.
Sea urchins, like bivalve molluscs, are cosmopolitan in their distribution and by selecting a range of species a regular supply of gametes can be obtained for laboratory testing purposes.
It can either start asexual reproduction or it can produce gametes through mitosis.
Pollination in angiosperms and gymnosperms is the process that transfers pollen grains, which contain the male gametes (sperm) to where the female gamete (s) are contained within the carpel; [1] in gymnosperms the pollen is directly applied to the ovule itself.
Meiosis is the component of gametogenesis responsible for the segregation of homologous chromosomes into haploid gametes.
The quality of maleness consists only in the size, form, and mobility of the sperm in the higher animals and of the microgamete in other cases.
Hormones and Heredity
There are two possible methods by which this could arise: by generative reproduction via unreduced gametes or by somatic mutations.
Particularly in oogamous species, uniparental inheritance of mitochondria has been attributed to the small number of mitochondria in the male gamete.
But what is sex but the difference between ovum and spermatozoon, between megagamete and microgamete?
Hormones and Heredity
Zygotic embryogenesis in animals and plants starts with the fusion of the haploid female and male gametes, giving rise to a diploid zygote.
Orders that are characterized by oogamy (or pronounced anisogamy) and are reported to have large female gametes have the largest nuclear genomes observed regardless of their phylogenetic position.
The chance of an individual gamete which is a (d u) recombinant combining with another (d u) recombinant is (p/2) x (p/2).
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Among other things, imprinting is known to take place during gamete formation, whereas differentiation takes place in the early embryo.
Among these gametes, some will be exact copies of the parental haplotypes while others are recombinants.
When dihybrids make gametes, they produce 4 possibilities which are listed on top and on the side of the box below.
The author's view is that are two kinds of variation in evolution, one somatogenic and due to external stimuli, acting either directly on passive tissues or indirectly through function, and the other gametogenic and due to changes in the chromosomes of the gametes which are spontaneous and not in any way due to modifications of the soma.
Hormones and Heredity
The principle behind anisogamy is a division of the labour necessary for two gametes to unite and successfully develop.
When mixed, + and - gametes rapidly pair, fuse, and form a diploid cell that becomes a heavy-walled zygospore.
I assume that each new diploid individual results from the random fusion of a male and a female gamete and that its gender is independent of its autosomal genes.
Mating is achieved by pseudocopulation, a process of external fertilization in which partners maintain a close physical association before their synchronous release of gametes.
If gametic and/or zygotic selection occurs whereby certain gametes or zygotic combinations have a reduced chance of survival, progeny distributions are skewed and are said to exhibit segregation distortion.
Oomycetes are oogamous, producing large non-motile gametes called eggs, and smaller gametes called sperm.
Marriage is often actually defined as the gamete of the state. what's new online!
Gametogony and sporogony can also involve different gametes through a process known as gametogony.
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‘Oomycota’ means ‘egg fungi,’ and refers to the large round oogonia, or structures containing the female gametes, as shown in this picture of the common ‘water mold’ Saprolegnia.
For example, although Mendel's law of segregation (M) (which states that in sexually reproducing organisms each of the two alternative forms (alleles) of a gene specifying a trait at a locus in a given organism has 0.5 probability of ending up in a gamete) is widely used in models in evolutionary biology, it has a number of exceptions, such as meiotic drive.
Scientific Explanation
The formation of the female gamete (megagamete or egg cell) can be subdivided into two stages, megasporogenesis and megagametogenesis.
These intracellular stages include an asynchronous mixture of both first- and second-generation meronts and merozoites, as well as some gametocytes and gametes.
Soon after release, the originally motile female microgametes begin to settle on a surface and start to secrete a chemical signal.
In common with in vitro fertilisation, a gamete intrafallopian transfer cycle begins with superovulation to recruit multiple follicles and is followed by egg retrieval.
The transmission of genes from parent to offspring is carried out in a special process of cellular division called meiosis, which produces gamete cells containing one chromosome from each paired set.
Molecular Genetics
The technique is called gamete-targeted lentiviral transgenesis — essentially, inserting genes into feline oocytes eggs before sperm fertilization.
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He attributed variation partly to the union of gametes containing various determinants, which he termed amphimixis: this, however, would introduce nothing new.
Hormones and Heredity
The process of gamete formation involves a specialized form of cell division called meiosis, which is tightly regulated by molecular processes within the cell. - latest science and technology news stories
Some aquatic animals release large numbers of gametes into the ocean, and some wind-pollinated plants release vast numbers of male gametes.
In addition to IV-F, there's GIFT (gamete intrafallopian transfer), which allows egg and sperm to unite inside a woman's fallopian tubes, and ZIFT (zygote intrafallopian transfer), where doctors implant the fertilized egg.
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In many species with gametes of different sizes (anisogamy), sexual crosses typically produce progeny with mitochondrial DNA inherited from the larger gamete.
The complete series of events from zygote formation to gamete production constitutes the plant life cycle.
Note that migration always changes the state of the entire segment, because a gamete either does or does not migrate.
Gametes and fertilization are at least as old as animals, with many different types of external and internal fertilization and anisogamy is almost as old.
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Later, however, these germ cells undergo meiosis, to produce gametes.
The implantation into a human being of an animal gamete or embryo is banned.
Pollen is the male - gamete of seed plant, which plays an important role in sexual reproduction.
In previous discussions of the subject I have urged that the only meaning of sex was the difference between the megagamete or ovum, and the microgamete or sperm.
Hormones and Heredity
In sexually reproducing organisms two gametes fuse to form a zygote, which then develops into an adult.
Thus, we conclude that neoblasts, the totipotent stem cells in the planarians, of acquired sexuals remain ‘asexual’ and the worms require external supply of a sexualizing substance for the differentiation of sexual organs and gametes.
The sexual phase of the Plasmodium life cycle is completed with the fertilization of a macrogamete by a flagellar microgamete, and the subsequent generation of sporozoites.
The majority of evolutionists in recent years have taught that influences exerted through the soma have no effect on the determinants in the chromosomes of the gametes, that all hereditary variations are gametogenic and none somatogenic.
Hormones and Heredity
In females, the gamete is the egg, fewer and larger cells produced in an environment capable of supplying nutrition to a developing embryo.
Sexual Reproduction: Observations
Gametes are shed into the coelom and carried outside the body through the nephridia or as a result of the body wall actually rupturing.
The act also requires that no person should provide gametes for in vitro fertilisation, storage, or donation without first being given appropriate information about treatment.
This virus does not integrate into the fly chromosomes and is only vertically transmitted through male and female gametes.
Such a mutant megagamete could participate in fertilization with wild type pollens and sometimes set aberrant seeds with twin embryos.
This marine worm, first described in 1949 as an acoel flatworm and later claimed as either an early metazoan offshoot or a primitive deuterostome, has recently been affiliated with primitive bivalve molluscs, based upon a study of gamete development oogenesis and an analysis of sequence data from both 18S rRNA and mitochondrial genes.
Strange worm, Xenoturbella - The Panda's Thumb
It would not be reproductive cloning as fertilisation would involve only one set of gametes produced in this way and therefore a unique embryo would form.
In colonial hydroids, the individual polyps, or zooids, are differentiated for different functions: gastrozooids feed, dactylozoids capture prey, and gonozooids give rise to medusoids with gametes.
The sexual phase of the Plasmodium life cycle is completed with the fertilization of a macrogamete by a flagellar microgamete, and the subsequent generation of sporozoites.
Adoption Act declared unconstitutional because it discriminates against children who are born through "gamete" donors, including sperm donors. Top Stories
But what is sex but the difference between ovum and spermatozoon, between megagamete and microgamete?
Hormones and Heredity
The egg cells and antherozoids are collectively known as gametes, and the generation of the moss plant that bears them is known as a gametophyte.
One flagellum and most of the body of the penetrating microgamete had entered the macrogamete.
What gamete genotypes will the pooled products of many meioses contain, and in what proportions?
Results of the textbook meeting
There has been evolutionary growth in the technology of in vitro fertilisation and the gamete intrafallopian transfer programme.
During sexual megagametophytic development (with the embryo sac as the megagametophyte and the egg cell as megagamete), a sub-epidermal cell of the nucellus tissue differentiates into a megaspore-mother cell which undergoes meiosis I and II to form four megaspores.
The contrast is between a random sampling of gametes that leads to the fixation of selectively neutral alleles and natural selection favoring advantageous variations.
Also, brooders probably are limited by anatomical constraints (e.g., the size of the brood pouch or buccal cavity), whereas nest tenders may be less constrained in terms of how many adults can contribute gametes to a nest.
The contrast is between a random sampling of gametes that leads to the fixation of selectively neutral alleles and natural selection favoring advantageous variations.
The 47-year-old fertility specialist shot to fame in the mid'80s for pioneering a technique called GIFT (gamete intrafallopian transfer), which can help infertile couples conceive.
Ethics And Embryos
With inbreeding among gametes, however, an entirely different picture emerges.
Fern gametes are free-swimming and a thin film of water is required for the male gametes to travel from the antheridia into the neck of the archcgonia to fertilize the eggs.
These are distinguished from nonreproductive adults by the presence of natatory setae and an enlarged medial region for gamete storage.
The law of segregation is explained by the fact that during gametogenesis, each gamete (sex cell) receives only one of each chromosome pair from its parent organism.
Population Genetics
A pollinator is the biotic agent (vector) that moves pollen from the male anthers of a flower to the female stigma of a flower to accomplish fertilization or '' syngamy '' of the female gamete in the ovule of the flower by the male gamete from the pollen grain.
The nucleus of the female parasite moves to the surface where a small protuberance is formed and into this, penetrates the microgamete forming a zygote.
Finally, greater moisture availability would enhance transfer of motile gametes, thereby leading to more successful sporophyte development.
Fertilisation occurs when the microgamete fuses with the macrogamete to form first a zygote, then a motile ookinete.
Each of these processes becomes a male gamete termed a microgamete which is equivalent to a mammalian spermatozoon.
This lethality was incompletely penetrant in gametes and completely penetrant postfertilization.
The haploid myxamoebae act as isogametes; individuals of different mating types pair and fuse to form diploid zygotes that develop into macroscopic, diploid plasmodia after repeated mitotic cycles without cell division.
A variation of IVF, called gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT) consists of the immediate injection of the ova into the fallopian tube after combination with semen without determining whether they have been successfully fertilized.
Reproductive Technology, New (NRT).
Traditionally, many people who have gone to sperm banks have indeed wanted to take the man out of the sperm, preferring to pretend that what they're buying is just a "gamete," which came from, well, the gamete factory, not from a living, breathing man whose personality and looks they may find practically duplicated in their child.
Louise Sloan: You Can Take the Sperm Out of the Man, But Can You Take the Man Out of the Sperm?
The ascomycete fungi are haploid at all times other than when the gametes fuse to produce the zygote.
Males arise spontaneously through nondisjunction of the X chromosome during gametogenesis and the subsequent fusion with a normal gamete, yielding an XO individual.
A male is defined as the gender that produces sperm or pollen: small, mobile, multitudinous gametes.
Meiosis is the process by which diploid organisms produce haploid gametes capable of sexual reproduction.
Double reduction is a phenomenon that two sister chromatids of a chromosome sort into the same gamete.
Gamete intrafallopian transfer can be used only in women who have at least one patent fallopian tube.
This has had a tremendous impact on fungal biology, because it means that no fungus can produce motile gametes, and two organisms must therefore come into direct physical contact to effect sexual reproduction.
a sexual spore is formed after the fusion of gametes
Both individuals and gametes were unisexual, and self-fertilization was allowed.
Since anisogamy (gametes of different sizes: eggs and sperm) is what defines the sexes it is thus a prerequisite for sexual dimorphism.
GIFT (gamete intrafallopian transfer): An unfertilized egg and sperm are placed into the fallopian tube.
Ethics And Embryos
Meiosis produces 4 gametes, ie. isogamy, anisogamy and oogamy, which through mitosis develops into mature gametes.
Beyond the necessity for the gametes of two differently sexed individuals - one male and one female - to interact in procreation, human reproduction is an inherently biosocial process in many ways.
Because recombination between a normal chromosome and an inversion-bearing chromosome in the region of the inversion generates genetically inviable gametes, large inversions are known as crossover suppressors.
The two sperm cells enter the ovule - in the ovule are a diploid cell called the polar nucleus and a haploid female gamete
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In previous discussions of the subject I have urged that the only meaning of sex was the difference between the megagamete or ovum, and the microgamete or sperm.
Hormones and Heredity
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Throughout this article we assume no heteroplasmy of organelle genomes in gametes.
Some green algae produce gametes that differ from vegetative cells, and in some species, the male gamete differs in size or morphology from the female gamete anisogamy
Mutation, selection and complexity - The Panda's Thumb