[ UK /ɡˈeɪmsmənʃˌɪp/ ]
[ UK /ɡˈeɪmsmənʃˌɪp/ ]
- the use of dubious (although not technically illegal) methods to win a game
How To Use gamesmanship In A Sentence
- Players know there is a line between gamesmanship and personal and aggressive insults (sledging).
- It always seemed like a lot of PR gamesmanship from a goodly percentage of folks on both sides. The Volokh Conspiracy » Benjamin Wittes Comments on His AQ7 Letter at The New Republic
- This from a man who would stoop to any level, psychological gamesmanship included, to retain the crown jewels.
- Violence and gamesmanship are a virulent virus infecting sport.
- With Phelps and Bowman being coy about what will be on Phelps 'program in Beijing, Schubert admits some gamesmanship is involved. Phelps, Hoff set world marks in 400 IM at swim trials
- When you talk about gamesmanship and sportsmanship, we think you should expect the same from opponents. The Sun
- There is a place for gamesmanship in cricket; it's a game which is built on unique qualities of patience and concentration and focus, and as well as relaxation.
- His work is heftier and more rewarding, on the level of pure intellectual gamesmanship, than I first realized in the '80s.
- And since this weblog is the home of a legion of leftist racist fuckheads (probably all white, since the game as Sailer cleverly points out is class gamesmanship), the answer of course is completely upside down. Matthew Yglesias » What’s the Joke?
- Ha admits to spending about 20 hours a week playing the game, improving her gamesmanship and marksmanship with each successive hour.