How To Use Gamekeeper In A Sentence

  • After we had waved everyone goodbye, the Gamekeeper wandered in to confer about concrete.
  • It was only when I was on the second sachet and gleefully exhorting the recalcitrant bubbling cauldron to cleanse thyself, that the Gamekeeper ran in gasping and flung all the windows open. 42 entries from November 2007
  • The career path that sees the poacher turn into a gamekeeper is not unknown. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are so lovingly reared and protected by gamekeepers that they might easily mistake themselves for pets.
  • A police officer who takes to crime is likely to be more successful at it than most. The gamekeeper turned poacher has everything going for him.
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  • More than 1,200 of them including farmers, gamekeepers and riders in hunting pink warned that their action was the start of a ‘summer of discontent’ to highlight opposition in the countryside to the threatened ban.
  • The fish was taken, it's said, from Loch Ken by the gamekeeper on a peacock herl tied on a hook.
  • Built over 200 years ago, Tomsilla was originally the gamekeeper's house on the Courtown Estate and was once owned by Commandant Brennan Whitmore, aide-de-camp to Michael Collins.
  • Cumbrian gamekeepers and stalkers have embraced Government plans to scrap archaic laws stopping the sale of game all year round.
  • It is believed that the shooting party had been for the estate's gamekeepers and friends and had nothing to do with him.
  • Since his days as a militant student, he has cut his hair, put on a suit and is now the classic example of the poacher turned gamekeeper.
  • The staff, dressed in their work clothes as chefs, maids, butlers, groundsmen and gamekeepers, removed their hats as the funeral cortège slowly passed.
  • Although dressed in the buckskin of the frontiersman, he travelled in style, accompanied by a gamekeeper from his Angus estate and an Iroquois cook.
  • The little English stoat, which is destroyed by the gamekeepers, becomes the beautiful snow-white ermine in Russia and other cold countries. Masterman Ready The Wreck of the "Pacific"
  • It was before dawn on New Year's Day that they reached the cottage of Perks, a warrener or gamekeeper, who had been dismissed from Mrs Littleton's service for dishonesty. It Might Have Been The Story of the Gunpowder Plot
  • Detectives can be hard-boiled, soft-centred, scrambled - brained or gamekeepers turned poachers.
  • Findhorn, the eco-spiritual community that espouses love and respect to the earth, plants and animals, has employed a gamekeeper to shoot marauding deer on its land.
  • As the Gamekeeper (son of dgr) wanders in and slaps a dead rabbit (paunched not skinned) on the table right next to the triple-tiered cake stand I'll have hysterics and scream "take it to cook this minute" followed by an attack of the vapours. 54 entries from April 2007
  • Their relationship was that of poacher and gamekeeper; respect was tinged with old enmities. THE ENDLESS GAME
  • Down in the River Findhorn valley, below the wind farm site, the wife of the head gamekeeper on the Coignafearn estate, welcomes the campaign of resistance.
  • Obeying this order, we found, or rather I found -- for the gamekeeper was a poor hand at reading anything but print -- the following important news: Treasure Island
  • The gamekeeper, Stephane - played by Denis Lavant - is interested in trapping and taxidermy.
  • Bean is the classic gamekeeper turned poacher. Times, Sunday Times
  • The patch of wild raspberries, whose location is known only to us and to the apparitional gamekeeper, is laden with fruit.
  • A police officer who takes to crime is likely to be more successful at it than most. The gamekeeper turned poacher has everything going for him.
  • Some gamekeepers are employing increasingly desperate measures to keep their estates afloat, according to Scotland's first full-time wildlife crime police officer.
  • Except in the laird and Fergus and the gamekeeper, he had not, since fleeing from Lucky Croale's houff, seen a trace of unreasonable anger in any one he knew. Sir Gibbie
  • During my time as a gamekeeper it was essential that I knew the precise location of all these extended burrows.
  • He was fined at Elgin Sheriff Court, in Scotland, in May - but he is not the only gamekeeper whose sights are trained on this protected bird.
  • In Scotland, gamekeepers blame the buzzard, a protected bird, for the deaths of thousands of partridges, pheasants, and waders such as curlews and plovers.
  • North Lancashire's wild deer population could have been reduced by as many as 40 animals, gamekeepers have told police officers attempting to snare poachers.
  • But the shift from lampooning celebrities to flattering them was another thing entirely, a brazen case of poacher turning gamekeeper.
  • I continue to believe that foxes must be controlled and that this is best served by the practiced and experienced gamekeeper and farmer.
  • The best way of improving snaring and trapping practice is by working alongside professional gamekeepers and land managers.
  • He's a gamekeeper turned poacher. Times, Sunday Times
  • Talk about a gamekeeper turned poacher. The Sun
  • They claim it would outlaw the use of terriers to flush foxes out of their holes so they can be shot by waiting gamekeepers during the bird breeding season.
  • A suitable exit point is at School Brae to reach Gamekeepers Road.
  • We returned to our remote northern fastnesses to find that the Apparitional Gamekeeper had been busy.
  • ‘I wonder whether I’m meant to be a footman, or a groom, or a gamekeeper, or a seedsman. The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club
  • All he could produce was a stiff upper lip, while young Lady C cast meaningful looks at sturdy gamekeeper Mellors.
  • Since his days as a militant student, he has cut his hair, put on a suit and is now the classic example of the poacher turned gamekeeper.
  • Injury to the ulnar collateral ligament of the metacarpophalangeal joint trips off the tongue more agreeably as gamekeeper's thumb.
  • Bean is the classic gamekeeper turned poacher. Times, Sunday Times
  • Consequently, the woodpigeon population has boomed, to the annoyance of farmers and gamekeepers.
  • The urine is likely to be obtained from foxes kept in captivity or those that have been shot by gamekeepers to protect their stock.
  • Who better than a poacher turned gamekeeper to sort these deals out. Times, Sunday Times
  • Talk about a gamekeeper turned poacher. The Sun
  • After all, you never know when a dishy Mellors-type gamekeeper might crop up.
  • However there proved to be one or two people within call – the gamekeeper who lived at the lodge inhabited by Lord John, and the blacksmith from the clachan, who had been carrying some implement home to a distant mountain farm. Kirsteen: The Story of a Scotch Family Seventy Years Ago
  • He was allowed in, but only as a private and served under the command of his own gamekeeper until the Home Guard was disbanded.
  • A case of gamekeeper turned poacher? Times, Sunday Times
  • They are often run by former council officers who have gone from gamekeeper to poacher and now advise businesses on how to win approval for their projects. Times, Sunday Times
  • But he also points out that the researchers could not use the national minimum wage to calculate the effects on employment, but the juvenile minimum wage, as gamekeepers and estate workers are paid significantly less.
  • They were bred for gamekeepers who would use the dog to catch poachers.
  • I continue to believe that foxes must be controlled and that this is best served by the practiced and experienced gamekeeper and farmer.
  • A photograph of a wedding taken in the 1950s shows the occupations of those pictured as gamekeepers, hydro-electric workers, laundry maids, cooks and gardeners.
  • Of these, about one-third are beautiful but virtually uninhabitable except by a few sheep-farmers, hoteliers and gamekeepers.
  • A police officer who takes to crime is likely to be more successful at it than most. The gamekeeper turned poacher has everything going for him.
  • He claims the kites interact with pheasants without any problems, and many gamekeepers in the area are supportive of the birds.
  • In Scotland, gamekeepers blame the buzzard, a protected bird, for the deaths of thousands of partridges, pheasants, and waders such as curlews and plovers.
  • Whilst reporting the "shock and dismay" of many at Ratzinger's election, it expressed the hope that the "gamekeeper" would become more of a "pastor". Alcuin Reid: We are Lucky this Pope is Ecclesiastically Incorrect
  • A police officer who takes to crime is likely to be more successful at it than most. The gamekeeper turned poacher has everything going for him.
  • The "umbles" of the deer are constantly the perquisites of the gamekeeper. Notes and Queries, Number 06, December 8, 1849
  • A gamekeeper who works for a private estate in the valley said other country sports like fishing and shooting were threatened if a ban was introduced.
  • A terrified gamekeeper had a lucky escape after he managed to sprint to safety from a charging hippopotamus.
  • The gamekeeper is a man in his nineties who claims he'd been bitten by every poisonous animal except a rattlesnake. Epinions Recent Content for Home
  • He moved to Yorkshire when his father became a gamekeeper on the Newburgh estate and they lived at Oulston.
  • That point is illustrated rather vividly by this comparison between the efforts of two gamekeepers on two comparable estates; one in south-east England and one in east England.
  • Gamekeepers set illegal snares that injure and kill other animals, including foxes, rabbits, and birds of prey - even domestic pets.
  • Dave Hartnett was once described as the taxman's gamekeeper, but he may be viewed more as a poacher by tax havens trying to keep account holders 'details out of his range. The most recent articles from Accountancy Age
  • One of their neighbours, Miss Adelaide Boodle, who was given the jocose title of "gamekeeper" when she assumed charge of The Life of Mrs. Robert Louis Stevenson
  • But the Hon Sarah Hervey-Bathurst has apparently turned her back on the splendours of Eastnor Castle in Herefordshire for a country cottage in North Yorkshire where she can be close to her father's gamekeeper.
  • i love reading your adventures in england ... you have been hitting my favorite haunts in notting hill and making me very nostalgic ... when we lived there, we let a place in the countryside and I made friends with the gamekeeper from the manor up the road. Pints, more pints, and an impatient dog..
  • It offered a little excitement in avoiding the gamekeepers whilst producing some goodness in the shape of a rabbit or a hare for the hotpot along with a few cheap vegetables.
  • In Scotland, gamekeepers blame the buzzard, a protected bird, for the deaths of thousands of partridges, pheasants, and waders such as curlews and plovers.
  • He was a poacher turned gamekeeper. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the Hon Sarah Hervey-Bathurst has apparently turned her back on the splendours of Eastnor Castle in Herefordshire for a country cottage in North Yorkshire where she can be close to her father's gamekeeper.
  • He had officiously detained the whole unhappy party, on the grounds that he wanted to re-examine everybody, and was thus keeping them miserably cooped up together over a horrible Sunday; and he had put the copingstone on his offences by turning out to be an intimate friend of Lord Peter Wimsey's, and having, in consequence, to be accommodated with a bed in the gamekeeper's cottage and breakfast at the Lodge. Clouds of Witness
  • A police officer who takes to crime is likely to be more successful at it than most. The gamekeeper turned poacher has everything going for him.
  • Gamekeepers set illegal snares that injure and kill other animals, including foxes, rabbits, and birds of prey - even domestic pets.
  • Some companies turn from poacher to gamekeeper in quite dramatic fashion. Times, Sunday Times
  • Any job or activity involving repetitive action can contribute: sufferers range from factory workers to gamekeepers to office workers.
  • All he could produce was a stiff upper lip, while young Lady C cast meaningful looks at sturdy gamekeeper Mellors.
  • He was a poacher turned gamekeeper. Times, Sunday Times
  • In a carefully worded address delivered to the American Game Conference late in 1929, he defended the right of gamekeepers and farmers to protect themselves from avian predators.
  • We called on the estate gamekeeper who invited us into his cottage for a cup of tea.
  • She said Mrs Foy had acted correctly in calling the police who had a list of vets and gamekeepers who could destroy a deer humanely.
  • One leading divorce lawyer called him'a poacher turned gamekeeper '. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sportsman toils like his gamekeeper, the master of the pack takes as severe exercise as his whipper-in, the statesman or politician drudges more than the professional lawyer; and, to come to my own case, the volunteer author subjects himself to the risk of painful criticism, and the assured certainty of mental and manual labour, just as completely as his needy brother, whose necessities compel him to assume the pen. Chronicles of the Canongate
  • Like all raptors, they have also been subjected to persecution on some estates by over-zealous gamekeepers.
  • The gamekeeper, for a private shooting estate in the valley, faces 19 charges under the Wildlife Act, including 10 of killing rare peregrine falcons, goshawk and sparrowhawk.
  • He's very trustworthy, he's honest and he's much braver than I am, as a gamekeeper he has to be.
  • In the past gamekeepers declared war on creatures they called ‘vermin’ - stoats, weasels and birds of prey such as harriers and peregrines, which were thought to prey on grouse.
  • For a decade landowners and gamekeepers have been fighting for licenses to kill birds of prey in order to preserve grouse and pheasants for shooting.
  • Gamekeepers are legally able to kill animals such as foxes that feed on grouse, but they cannot disturb or kill protected species such as goshawks.
  • So having gone from poacher to gamekeeper, you have to find a way of getting the clubs onside. The Sun
  • Zorillas, Skunks, &c. They are small animals of elongated form, with short legs, commonly expressed as vermiform; where the head of a weasel will go his body will follow -- at least that was my experience in my boyish days, when I was particularly interested in vermin, and the gamekeeper was my first instructor in natural history. Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon
  • White Mason was a quiet, comfortable - looking person in a loose tweed suit, with a clean-shaved, ruddy face, a stoutish body, and powerful bandy legs adorned with gaiters, looking like a small farmer, a retired gamekeeper, or anything upon earth except a very favourable specimen of the provincial criminal officer. Chennai
  • gamekeeper" of Skerryvore, Mrs. Robert Louis Stevenson describes their life at Saranac: The Life of Mrs. Robert Louis Stevenson
  • A buzzard dropped down to watch, a heavy twin-rotor helicopter thudded over, a jet lanced through, and a gamekeeper rolled past in a 4x4, that was the traffic for the day.
  • Because the poacher has turned gamekeeper. Times, Sunday Times
  • The duke inquires contemptuously whether his gamekeeper is the equal of the Astronomer Royal; but he insists that they shall both be hanged equally if they murder him. Maxims for Revolutionists
  • It lives mainly on carrion, but farmers and gamekeepers shot, trapped and poisoned the bird because they believed it might endanger breeding grouse.
  • He had never been challenged by any of the estate gamekeepers but, in general, they were stealing and selling more game than he was and they weren't really bothered about small time poachers like him.
  • Who better than a poacher turned gamekeeper to sort these deals out. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's all real, you see – real gamekeeper's lodge, real groping around in "orchard", real flowers. Aconite Acolyte
  • All he could produce was a stiff upper lip, while young Lady C cast meaningful looks at sturdy gamekeeper Mellors.
  • Try the Gamekeeper's tea (venison, duck and pheasant pâté with toast) at this seriously good tea shop.

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