How To Use Game warden In A Sentence
If you go to my profile (click my username) and look at photos there is a pic of a Kansas game warden holding a set of B&C whitetail antlers from a buck shot at night with a $2,000 nightscope on a BAR.
If your not going to eat it , why would you shoot a animal?
What game warden is not going to come up and check it anyway.
Tagging yourself?
The game wardens tranquillized the rhinoceros with a drugged dart.
As soon as the game warden was out of sight, the three drunks started laughing hysterically.
Game wardens were appointed to enforce hunting laws in New Hampshire.

I have an E-mail with pics titled "Why I don't swim in Florida's lakes" shows big gater with deer in mouth from above and dead gater with game warden.
A Valentine for Gun Nuts
The game wardens have to be heavily armed, since the poachers regularly use automatic weapons against both animals and the authorities trying to protect them.
If a game warden is one to three days away, if they are even four to six HOURS away and noone is injured but the bear is dead.
Be Careful in Bear Country
I always fancied being a game warden in Kenya.
Times, Sunday Times
Federal game wardens in airplanes patrolled the flock constantly looking for poachers and game wardens in four wheel drives patrolled the boundary on the ground.
What's the most illegal thing you've ever done while hunting? please share. also please include why you did it. no minuses guys.
He was a game warden; the lioness had been bothering local cattle farmers.
Times, Sunday Times
The game wardens laid several charges against the men, including possession of 25 yellow-headed parrots and having caged birds in an undersized cage.
He is chief game warden of the Masai Mara game reserve in Kenya.
Quadcopters and other drone-type devices are being put to good use by researchers, conservationists, game wardens, and wildlife biologists.
On patrol, game warden Jay Little Hawk discovers the bodies of a herd of mutilated deer.
On patrol, game warden Jay Little Hawk discovers the bodies of a herd of mutilated deer.
He stole the maid's car and was spotted by game wardens, who gave chase.
Times, Sunday Times
There is also a photo on that same page (of my photofile) of a Kansas game warden holding the antlers of a monster shot at night by a poacher using a nightscope on a Browning BAR
Alleged Father-and-Son Poachers Charged With Killing 26-Point Giant
The Game Warden suggests close seasons for a few years would be most helpful in increasing the stand of grouse.
We get out of the truck discussing whether the game warden is ready for just such a stunt? do they really care when it comes to squirrels?
Anyone got a humorous hunting story that is as of yet untold? Here's my latest.
I know my local game warden is worked to death and many times does not have the resources to investigate all of the calls that he gets.
Economy Down, Poaching and Budget Cuts Up
Editor's Note: We'd like to thank Martin Oviedo, a game warden with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department in Dallas County who partnered with Minter on the opening day of the Texas firearms deer season, for taking the photos of Minter in the field (slides 8-14 and 16-18).
31-Point Double Drop Tine Texas Buck is Kaufman County Game Warden's First With a Bow
Game wardens were appointed to enforce hunting laws in New Hampshire.
If you go to my profile (click my username) and look at photos there is a pic of a Kansas game warden holding a set of B&C whitetail antlers from a buck shot at night with a $2,000 nightscope on a BAR.
If your not going to eat it , why would you shoot a animal?