How To Use Game bird In A Sentence
The rest included poaching of game birds, hare coursing and badger baiting.
Times, Sunday Times
Which was the fastest game bird in Europe - the golden plover or the grouse?
Some game bird breeders even debeak the birds or attach "peepers" or googles to their eyes to keep them attacking each other in the packed pens. (see: caged hen egg operations.)
Is your state breeding birds for Dick Cheney style hunting like Illinois?
Game bird rearers say the demand for pheasants and partridges is rising as more country estate owners and farmers cash in on the boom.
Experts on the red kite - a spectacular bird with a wingspan of up to 6ft - say it is essentially a scavenger which feeds on carrion rather than attacking sheep or game birds.
The principal game birds of Britain are grouse, partridge, pheasant, plus woodcock, pigeon, quail, and various wild duck and marsh fowl.
It's ironic that he would prefer people to eat some previously cooped up broiler chicken rather than a game bird that has experienced absolute freedom during its life because he is opposed to sport.
This is a delicious game bird, with bags of flavour and little or no fat.
When roasting lean meats and small game birds, basting is essential to maintain moisture.
They sell fresh cheeses, roasting chickens, freshly-picked herbs, ripe melons, simmering pots of choucroute, arrays of olives and spices, brilliantly-coloured stone fruits in the summer, game birds, boar and wild mushrooms in the autumn.
Some of these may be used in combination when grilling meat or game birds.
The hawk's presence in the sky encouraged game birds to remain earthbound.
The English setter is a sporting breed that finds and indicates the location of upland game birds - quail, pheasant and grouse.
A grouse (Canachites canadensis) that is dark gray barred with black, found in swampy forests of northern North America, and popular as a game bird.
Later, when he's brought to her attention for poaching game birds on her property, she devises a very unique punishment for the old reprobate.
The most beautifully feathered of all game birds, the pheasant was originally brought here from China.
Food Watch
They were also one of the most popular game birds for hawking and Henry VIII passed legislation imposing heavy fines on those caught stealing heron eggs or killing them by any means other than hawking.
Tens of thousands of the game birds will be shot over the next few weeks as the Scottish grouse shooting season gets under way on the traditional Glorious Twelfth of August.
The USFWS predicts removing the dams will improve habitat conditions for several groups of wildlife, including game birds, raptors, deer, elk, mountain lion, bighorn sheep, small mammals, even bats.
On November 1st, all the young sportsmen of the countryside with dogs, guns and bags took to the bogs and rushy fields, with hopes of good bags of game birds.
Like all other game birds, quail need to be cooked carefully to avoid overcooking, as the flesh can dry out.
Most game birds are also galliforms, including grouse, partridges, pheasants, quails, ptarmigans, and wild turkeys.
Game birds, such as grouse or pheasants, are better suited to rough moorland.
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When roasting lean meats and small game birds, basting is essential to maintain moisture.
It is one of the few game birds where the flavor does not vary substantially between the wild and farm-raised fowl.
All my work has been involved with estates where game birds were the prime consideration.
Or what about the fact that once upon a time the well-to-do liked to indulge in something called the Roti Sans Pareil, which involved playing Russian dolls with game birds – a hulking bustard on the outside, teeny tiny garden warbler at the very centre.
Food Britannia by Andrew Webb – review
Trophy hunting for markhor, ibex, snow leopard, and game birds (such as falcons) is prevalent in this ecoregion and has decimated their populations.
Karakoram-West Tibetan Plateau alpine steppe
Game birds, such as grouse or pheasants, are better suited to rough moorland.
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Particular importance is attached to black duck, mallard, gadwall, bluewinged teal, wood duck, bobwhite quail, ringnecked pheasant, American woodcock, mourning dove and recently reintroduced turkey, because of their importance as game birds and their occurrence as nesting species in the wetlands and upland fringe.
Delaware National Estuarine Research Reserve
The broader scope of the new stamps will allow the agency to generate money for programs aimed at species such as mourning doves and quail, two hugely important game birds that previous stamps didn't cover.
The most abundant and widespread of all waterfowl, the mallard is also the most hunted game bird.
In the early 1900's tinamous were raised as game birds in Europe and Canada.
These fruitwoods work well with meats like veal and pork, as well as with poultry and game birds.
Rodents, songbirds, and upland game birds also use the fruits of bitterbrush.
Ecoregions of Oregon (EPA)
But the shortage of ammunition, which allowed the game birds to grow in number, put the kibosh on shooting almost entirely, and the birds multiplied in comparative peace.
Game birds, such as grouse or pheasants, are better suited to rough moorland.
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It is one of the few game birds where the flavor does not vary substantially between the wild and farm-raised fowl.
Western ragweed provides forage for deer and the fruits are an important food source for upland game birds, wild turkeys and songbirds.
The recipes, both classic and modern, are preceded by notes on history and habitat, and helpful hints on everything from hanging and plucking game birds to catching wild fish and carving caribou and goose.
For some Americans who grew up with different cultural influences or who live in parts of the country where hunting is popular, game birds are familiar fare.
Similar accomplishments can be found in the raising of many almost-extinct species of game birds, such as wild turkey.
-- Because when the sale of game was permitted one dealer was able to sell 1,000,000 _game birds per year in New York City_, so he himself said.
Our Vanishing Wild Life Its Extermination and Preservation
It is one of the few game birds where the flavor does not vary substantially between the wild and farm-raised fowl.
A well-made pesto is a fine companion to a grilled game bird when a simple, low-cholesterol meal is in order.
Yellowlegs, yelper, willet, marlin, dough bird, stilt, and avocet are often common, but they do not begin to be as plentiful as they are in the more fertile lands to the eastward, and the ranchmen never shoot at them or follow them as game birds.
II. Waferfowl
New Mexico: Non-toxic ammunition required for common moorhen; sora, a freshwater marsh bird; Virginia rail and snipe with shotguns, as well as dove, band-tailed pigeon, upland game or migratory game birds on all State Game Commission owned or managed areas.
Iowa in middle of lead-shot skirmish
A sliver of warm brown down the fringe and, conclusively, a shaftless little feather boa sprouting from the base identified the owner as a game bird.
Country diary
The legislation, pushed by Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, is aimed at generating funding for programs targeting game birds such as mourning doves and quail.
Pickling is a very old technique that was used to preserve game birds before refrigeration was widely available.
Game birds and waxwings eat the berries of cedars and junipers.
The most abundant and widespread of all waterfowl, the mallard is also the most hunted game bird.
Experts on the red kite - a spectacular bird with a wingspan of up to 6ft - say it is essentially a scavenger which feeds on carrion rather than attacking sheep or game birds.
Just the ticket with the likes of boeuf bourguignon and medium-weight game birds.
Times, Sunday Times
No, I'm bent over double thinking what my bag limit on woodcock, snipe, rails and other game birds would be.
But its head resembled nothing more than a game bird's, with its pallid pimply skin and pronounced proboscis, or beak.
The big cat typically preys on smaller antelope, warthogs, hares, and game birds - the very animals that range freely on the Hoedspruit property.
Burgundy's pinot noir is regularly drunk with game birds, wild fowl and boar.
Game birds and waxwings eat the berries of cedars and junipers.
Game birds are defined as wild in practice and under the law when, months before the start of the shooting season, they are able to independently move in and out of large release pens, usually situated in woodland or on farmland - not "moorland" as you stated.
The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
Game birds, such as grouse or pheasants, are better suited to rough moorland.
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Just the ticket with the likes of boeuf bourguignon and medium-weight game birds.
Times, Sunday Times
Over the years the Solins have improved brook trout habitat by installing wing deflectors in the Eau Claire River and seeded wildlife openings for deer and game birds.
This room was packed full of fishing, game and stuffed animals and game birds.
Red-leg partridge, among the many game birds used here, came steeped in a dark, tealike broth that popped with sweet onions and fresh green peas. - Latest Videos
Most game birds are also galliforms, including grouse, partridges, pheasants, quails, ptarmigans, and wild turkeys.
New Mexico: Non-toxic ammunition required for common moorhen; sora, a freshwater marsh bird; Virginia rail and snipe with shotguns, as well as dove, band-tailed pigeon, upland game or migratory game birds on all State Game Commission owned or managed areas.
Iowa in middle of lead-shot skirmish
What sets megapodes apart from these game birds is their extraordinary breeding behavior.
The 16 paintings in the British Birds in Watercolour exhibition at Nunnington were completed over the past year and feature game birds grouse, partridge and woodcock as well as kingfisher, robin, whitethroat and tawny owl.
Sage: A strongly aromatic herb with a mildly resinous flavor, sage has a particular affinity for game birds.
Game birds, mockingbirds, robins, and sparrows enjoy the juicy, sticky red fruits.
Some game bird breeders even debeak the birds or attach "peepers" or googles to their eyes to keep them attacking each other in the packed pens. (see: caged hen egg operations.)
Is your state breeding birds for Dick Cheney style hunting like Illinois?
The principal game birds of Britain are grouse, partridge, pheasant, plus woodcock, pigeon, quail, and various wild duck and marsh fowl.
Sage: A strongly aromatic herb with a mildly resinous flavor, sage has a particular affinity for game birds.
Red grouse is the most popular game bird in Scotland, where hunting on the large estates is both a cherished sport and one of great economic importance.
The 2007 AEW Pinot Noir was aged 13 months in oak giving the wine a touch of spice and it can be enjoyed with hearty stews, game birds, grilled salmon and cheeses.
30 Days of Local Wine – Day Twenty Seven: Aleksander Estate Winery, 2007 Pinot Noir (VQA) | FoodBlog
-- This group of game birds will be the first to be exterminated in North America as a _group_.
Our Vanishing Wild Life Its Extermination and Preservation
The rest included poaching of game birds, hare coursing and badger baiting.
Times, Sunday Times
Delouvrier grew up in Gascony, which is also in the south of France but far across the country, and his specialties tend toward game birds and foie gras, not tomatoes and olives. Latest Features and Articles
The fruits are red, blue, or black and are quickly consumed in late summer and early fall by finches, game birds, mockingbirds, thrushes, waxwings, and woodpeckers.
The rest included poaching of game birds, hare coursing and badger baiting.
Times, Sunday Times