How To Use Gambrel roof In A Sentence
My husband and I are building a workshop and we want a gambrel roof to house various woodworking and craft projects.
The Warner House, a three-story building with gambrel roof and luthern windows, is as fine and substantial an exponent of the architecture of the period as you are likely to meet with anywhere in New England.
An Old Town By the Sea
A glance upward through the ceiling area reveals the huge cross timbers, and the complex joinery of the gambrel roof system.
‘I grew up in a home like this,’ she reminisced as she drove by a brick house with a gambrel rooftop.
Though homes with gambrel roofs are popularly called Dutch Colonial, there is debate over the origins of the roof style.
His five-bay building, with its glazed header Flemish bond brick facade had a gambrel roof typical of local vernacular architecture.
This one has a gambrel roof, wide shed roof dormers, and a shed roof over the porch.
Besides its unique appearance a gambrel roof also serves to maximize the usable floor space in the attic.
Between the 1760's and 1770's the gambrel roofs fell out of favor and were converted into a second story and a gable roof with or without dormers.
This barn has a gambrel roof, that is its roof has a central ridge at the top, and the upper-level area is expanded by two additional ridges, one on either side of the central ridge.
Only in later periods, when Queen Anne was superseded by Colonial Revival and Colonial Imitation, did gambrel roofs become synonymous with Dutch architecture.
If a gambrel roof home had a third floor, it was used for bedrooms and storage.
These notations offer architectural information otherwise unavailable about these early county buildings: many were 1 1/2 stories, with gambrel roofs and modest dimensions.
When you create this combination of shed roofs and gambrel roofs you get into a situation where the roofs join in a very complicated manner.
From the apex of its gambrel roof rose a tall, pointed cupola, the bell it once housed for summoning the students long gone.
For example, even the adoption of a new gambrel roof system with stud walls and a truss roof did not wholly eliminate the old heavy timber mortise-and-tenon construction system.
Michigan is known for its large barns built in the late 1800s, with gambrel roofs featuring lower, steeper slopes an upper, flatter ones on each side, he explains.
The brick and stone courthouse with gambrel roofs, built in 1903, has some venerable old jacaranda trees for shade.
From the apex of its gambrel roof rose a tall, pointed cupola, the bell it once housed for summoning the students long gone.
This ten page plan set for three different gambrel roof barn designs: 24’ wide, 30’ wide and 38’ wide.