[ UK /ɡˈæmbɒl/ ]
  1. play boisterously
    the gamboling lambs in the meadows
    The toddlers romped in the playroom
    The children frolicked in the garden
  1. gay or light-hearted recreational activity for diversion or amusement
    their frolic in the surf threatened to become ugly
    it was all done in play
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How To Use gambol In A Sentence

  • Rows of brick garden apartments all backed onto a massive common garden: a shared backyard for children to play, dogs to gambol, and families to eat picnics together. Day of Honey
  • The work is The Pretty Baa Lambs left, which shows a woman and baby in a field of gambolling lambs, and to modern eyes it seems remarkable that it shocked. Ford Madox Brown: Pre-Raphaelite radical who shocked the Victorians
  • Here and there a mother turned her head to call back anxiously for the bleating lambkin lost behind the white curtain; and, dim and grotesque, the awkward strayling would come gamboling into sight. Virginia: the Old Dominion
  • I would love to be the person who saw the otters "gambolling in the snow" because that would be a fantastic sight. Country diary: Yeo Valley, Somerset
  • The shore was deserted save for myself and a portly dogana-official who was playing with his little son -- trying to amuse him by elephantine gambols on the sand, regardless of his uniform and manly dignity. Old Calabria
  • Lambs were gambolling in the spring sunshine.
  • The next day I woke up and the sun was out, squirrels and rabbits were gamboling on our lawn and all was right with the world, according to Papa and according to Momma. My Sweet Audrina
  • So while my fellow geeks gamboled and romped and played in the hotel lobby - within the warm and nurturing hug of the conference's bubble of wireless broadband access - I was alone in my room doing email.
  • the gamboling lambs in the meadows
  • Another no-mates, quarantined island where they gyre and gambol long and hard and in public.
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