How To Use Gambling game In A Sentence
To play fast and loose now means to behave in a deceitful or irresponsible manner. shell game This old gambling game (earlier known as thimblerig), in which the operator openly places a pea under one of three walnut shells, then rapidly shifts the shells around and challenges a sucker to bet on the location of the pea, has given its name to any kind of chicanery or subterfuge.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIII No 2
Records show that even on the voyage to this country the new settlers had set up gambling games and sweepstakes to help pass the time.
Political analysts say Estrada may have angered Singson by giving businessman Charlie Ang, a presidential buddy, control over a new -- and legitimate -- gambling game called bingo 2 ball.
'A Quarrel Among Thieves'
On the north bank of the Ohio River sits Evansville, Ind. , home of David Williams, 52, and of a riverboat casino where gambling games are played.
Happy Valley were investigated, the city's five animation Dini has coin, ball back, back grading gambling game animation video game room, all kinds of illegal collection of 211 games.
So back to Sinat, as previously commented by someone, it was a gambling game too, and I suppose, just as with the VLT players, no profound strategy is required to infatuate people for hours or days if you believe you're the next great winner.
Revisal to my Sinat game
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Article directories Celibataire Urbaine
While relating the habits and customs of the Gualala, whose homes were near Fort Ross, he describes what he calls the gambling game of "_wi_ and _tep_" and says that one description with slight variations will answer for nearly all the tribes of central and southern California.
Indian Games : an historical research
Records show that even on the voyage to this country the new settlers had set up gambling games and sweepstakes to help pass the time.
Behold, says the caviller, there is no good Indian until he dies, and even his friends complain that the young men will "go back" to gambling games and horse races.
The American Missionary — Volume 50, No. 3, March, 1896
At the moment the syndicate only allows Chinese gambling games: fan-tan, dominoes and dice.
Noble House
nothing so frumpish as last year's gambling game
For one, the gambling game at the end of each stage is made more of a gamble by being able to wager the coins you've collected through a level.
In the old days the alley resounded to the click of mah-jongg tiles and fan-tan, a gambling game from which it derives its name.
Then you get it all back," he assured her; but in his heart he was wondering about God, that allowed so many suckers to be born and that did not break up the gambling game by which they were robbed from the cradle to the grave.
Chapter IX